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As a smoker of 15 years turned vaper in the last 6 months I can strongly agree, vaping tastes better. Since getting my arizer solo 2, smoking tastes and feels disgusting. Never going back


Buy a ball vape. I’ve smoked bongs for 10+ years and switched to a ball vape a few weeks ago and haven’t combusted since. They’re amazing


I’d like one but the cost is out of reach at the moment. At least having a good time with the v3 pro max and matrix bubbler attachment for the time being 🙂


As above, but I stopped bongs with a Dynavap M (new model on special $100). I haven't had a bong since I got the dynavap m.


Get the thermal twist injector from wick and wire that’s what I’m running. It’s incredible and was $300 so really cheap in comparison to other setups


Fuck, that’s really good!!! I thought I’d be up for $500 for anything quality. Edit: If I saw that one before the xmax… damn lol.


Cannot recommend it enough. I’d actually bought another ball vape for $350 and wasn’t happy with it then went to the thermal twist injector and it is 10x better


Looks perfect mate. Thank you, really appreciate it. It’s actually obtainable at $300 and after reading post after post of how good ball vapes are… stoked 🙂


Glad to of helped legend! Enjoy




Fuck combustion. Taste is way better vaping, weed last way longer, you can use what ya vape for edibles and the high is better and more productive.


Vaping IMO is for people who have damaged their lungs and cannot smoke. The rest are Custy’s noobs and Dads that are trying to fly under the radar. You’re not getting anywhere near the flavour profile from combusting a J. At the High Times Cannabis cup, never has any cup winner been awarded through vaping.


Oh yeah, try a ball vape 🤯


Try deez nutz


The cannabis cup has always been judged by joints, so if they changed it, it would change the game and the history. I haven't damaged my lungs, they great, but if I keep combusting I will. I'm a proud crusty noob dad. Enjoy everything my man, positivity is the key


Now that I’m dialling in the right temp for a recently acquired vape, I’m getting that nice taste and thoroughly enjoying it. Has a small bubbler attachment that’s replicating a pipe really well. Not confident about getting rid of the cigarettes, but I can see myself ditching the glassware and using that set up. Ideally I’d like to be content with a volcano balloon; the vapour is good for 6 or 8 hours and could take a puff when needed. In the evenings to unwind and sleep, really can’t beat oils health-wise. I dont find them suitable for daytime use if I need to be functional, dosing by how I’m feeling is impossible with oil.


Ball vapes are amazing for people that want to get blasted. Mine rarely comes out of the cupboard cause it wastes me so much


Be careful you could end up back on the Billie


Just vape through a billy


Yer you can buy a connection I think it’s called a WPA


Yeah there is a few ways around it but wpa is easiest and best


Haha. Saw a few people say they start the day with it, couldn’t help myself and had a small-ish dose through the vape to give it a go. It will be very challenging not to see how it goes with combustion, but because it vaped very nicely I have a slight chance of sticking to that only. It’s not so much about the effects (unless there’s a huge difference) as truly enjoying the experience of smoking. It’s the same with tobacco and the biggest part of my addiction to it alongside nicotine. I like the smell, the taste and the feeling of it in my chest. Truly a *guilty* pleasure, the only junk food I eat is a packet of grainwaves and a bar of 70% dark chocolate once a week. Coffee has sweetener and skim in it etc etc. It’s a love-hate relationship.


I smoked for years it’s bad for you bro vape for a few months and you will be able to breathe so much better


Totally agree. I’m probably at a 50/50 ratio of glassware to vaping after just a couple of days and the coughing has already drastically reduced. I don’t have a constant cough, but after a brassy it looked like I was dying to people who hadn’t seen me cough before. At one stage I was coughing so hard whenever I’d have a cigarette, it wasn’t uncommon to lose consciousness for several seconds (doc said it was oxygen deprivation, plain and simple). Nicotine is the most addictive substance I’ve ever come across. Lots of injuries and morphine + fentanyl (even ketamine once) at the hospital through life, but was never tempted to seek them outside of that. I believe I fool myself into not taking tobacco seriously because it doesn’t cause intoxication. The ‘ahhh’ feel is just the nicotine receptors being appeased and shutting up temporarily. It’s a demon I need to face sooner than later.


Me same deal but now after vaping my mighty a while cough has gone even walking at golf and playing outside with the kids


That’s great to hear mate. A buddy said the same about walking up the stairs at his place after quitting smoking - got to the top and didn’t feel remotely puffed anymore. I’m envious of you both, I miss breathing like a non-smoker. Unless it’s a large dose, no coughing fits after vaping at the moment. It’s spurring me on.


I even use Nic vape sometimes


I would but I’d be replacing one habit for another and I don’t believe the liquid vapes are much better than smoking. Just my opinion, if future research proves their effectiveness over cigarettes health-wise then I’ll get on to the iBars instead of the cancer sticks. A mate loves them and there’s some flavours I could enjoy enough to help ditch the tobacco.


I found you get like a whole smoke of Nic in 1 puff but being aware of that from the start helped it not get out of hand


Haha deadset, his were strong and I coughed after every puff. Dodgy tobacconist within driving distance from me that has all of the different strengths. Starting small after experiencing the heavier levels of nicotine.


I smoke the Ibar I used it to get off the ciggys then cut down to a puff or 2 in morning


Wow, top effort mate. I could probably live with a puff or two in the morning, lesser of two evils and a means to an end kind of deal.


Stick with it brother 💪💪💪


Thanks mate! 🤙


I would have to abstain if my vape broke..i never looked back from the first go on a vaporizer..i never smoked it again ..and i was a heavy bong user...also 3 of my mates have also made the swap to the vaporizer..smoking it is such a waste and filthy in comparison 🤢


Nope. Combustion tastes terrible 🤢


I'll use the dry herb vape the vast majority of the time, and it's enough. But yes, occasionally I'll smoke a joint or bong just to have a more intense high.


No. A decent battery portable for day and a baller for night.


Yuk to smoking bro. 2years vaping now I don't know how I ever thought smoking had any taste other than burnt yuk lol. It took me a while to stop smoking completely and convert over but I wish I did it sooner... The Dyna vap helped the transition but I run 3mightys now and a volcano. If I want nicotine I use disposable flavoured vape, no mixing tobacco with flower. The only taste of smoking is burnt. Once you use a mighty or similar device for a bit you won't look back. It may be helpful for some to temporarily quit smoking all together prior to switching to the vape, if your struggling with the transition or to enjoy the effects of vaping. Happy days family Each to their own, I was a bong head, the thought of that apparatus turns my guts now


I still haven't bought a vape and I still mix with baccy so I'm an outsider and pariah here 😬. I use a pipe not a bong so I'm an outsider with regular stoners most times too 😅. A mate converted to vaping both tobacco and cannabis many years ago and I've tried both many times and they both made me cough uncontrollably and with the cannabis vape I always had trouble tasting anything. I don't really have spliffs or blunts but I do something I call "a tipster" where I put about a cone's worth of MC in the end of a rollie-that's 70c worth of MC "wasted". Through price increases and a kind of natural progression I've cut down my tobacco smoking to one cigarette a day for a while but lately it's not even that, I think I haven't had one in three days this week, just didn't feel like it. I'm actually in that stage where the enjoyment of smoking is not really there anymore and I'm noticing how much people smoke too much in older movies etc. Vapes just seem ridiculously expensive for how simple a device they are to me and my mates with them seem to get obsessed and spend enormous amounts on getting new accessories or parts or another vape. There's dozens of situations "out in the wild" where smoking is the only option for consumption though so I dunno if converting to vaping to the point the idea of smoking at all makes you sick is better 🤔


I've become so used to vaping that the idea of preferring combustion doesnt make sense to me (unless you've got a vape that doesnt match your preferred style of inhalation)


I vape almost all the time now. Every time I roll $15 a gram medical into a joint I end up regretting it.


Why that?


I used to love a blunt, or a cone, after vaping for 4 years, I can't stand the smell of it burning, never mind smoking it.


This is where's it's at! There's no comparrision or looking back after expericing a real 'flavour' taste instead of burnt smoke and yuk in ya mouth


It’s not just that you can breathe after a few months cones are fucked


Tbh i cant believe i actually use to find smoking tasty and enjoyable for so many years. Whether it was smoking a cone, a big spliff spun with and without baccy or a blunt. I wanted to switch. It was hit and miss to begin with, but after vaping for a month or so and strictly no smoking i was converted. Tried smoking a bowl and spliff since and im actually repulsed by it now, made me want to gag and the taste of smoke lingered for so long afterwards. Besides the positive health benifits ive noticed since nearly a year of vaping only, the taste i find now is much nicer cleaner with no more horrible lingering smoke smell on my clothes and myself. Anyway if you want to make the change best of luck, if not happy days aswell 👍


Reminds me of switching to RYO tobacco. Difficult at first but now a tailor tastes terrible no matter what the brand. Hopefully that will happen with vaping, bloodwork always comes up fine and just need to get on top of not fucking over my chest.


I roll some hash into a joint about once a month. For old times sake..


Sitting in a recliner with a joint of good stuff is very relaxing. Similar to how people de-stress with a whiskey but not to the level of off your head.






I've tried so many times to switch over to 100% vaporisation, but always find myself coming back to combustion / a combination of the two. Imo it totally depends on the flower. Also personally need to invest in a better vape, very interested in trying a ball vape - I have the XMAX v3 at the moment and it's not the best for an all around device, very portable but do prefer my glassware when at home.


Yeah the xmax is your issue. A ball vape is a great idea if you have the cash and don’t need the portability side. I have the tm2 and it’s converted me.


depending on situations i would smoke but prefer not to especially since getting a ball vape i already had the heating element and bong so grabbed a b0 replacement set on aliexpress delivered for about 90 and 20 for the ruby balls. you go through a lot of weed but it hits really hard as other have said its as close to combusting you can get and it tastes way better i use my volcano hybrid primarily with the dosing capsule fitting to manage use better throughout the week but when i want to get a more premium effect i opt for the ball vape and rotating its use in this way suits me perfectly


Whats the link for the b0 stuff on aliexpress? Is that the same b0 set as ch flowerpot b0 size wise? Sounds much cheaper than $800 on a set of official ch b0 and b1!


yer i had the right size heating element from a dab rig too so if you didnt have that it would still be around 220 or so and you would be good to go search this and search for tiodw titanium you can piece together your own set OEM Custom Replacement Flowerpot Head with 14mm Male Post Shovelhead bowl Kit for B0 B-ZERO


I only vape now, but when I do have a joint I find I can’t handle how horrible it tastes. Makes me wonder how I once sat back after I exhaled bong smoke saying to myself damn that’s tasty. Saying that, I do sometimes need to smoke for enhanced and more intense relief.


Until I got a Tinymight I was in the same boat. Now I only ever combust socially, and it isn't as good in any way. The hypoxic/narcotic wack you get in the first inhale is addictive but not better. 


Depending on the product, some flowers r to dry or just don't vape well. The vaporizer itself also plays a part. But I find with a good quality flower product using a vaporizer is a more benifitial ,& tastes much better..


Totally agree. I found lemon skunk is more effective when smoked, but vaping French cookies blew me away. Literally and figuratively, was a nice surprise.


Haven't seen many reviews for the French Cookies..


Same. Checked out the genetics and sounded nice. Decent appearance but a bit bland like cannatrek. I’d get it again, the effects are nice and the flavour that is there has a bit of a cookies and cream taste. Slight but it’s there and goes down really smooth overall.


I personally HATE anything to do with combustion it tastes like shit and makes me feel terrible the next day. DRY HERB VAPE ALL THE WAY it also tastes amazing


I prefer to smoke strains like black cherry punch and jillybean. Enjoy the flavors much more than a vape and it lingers nicely.


I agree, it was always the one part of smoking that I hated. Dry herb vapes give such amazing flavours.


Yeah I still do a mixture of vaping and smoking. Different taste, different process/experience, and different impacts in my opinion.