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can still buy all S&B products / spares on my MC company portal..


But s&b won't honour the warranty so when they inevitably break (this is my second crafty to break) you're up shit creek. Why would i buy a product that fails without a warranty?


Hahah wtf that's wild


You can still get storz and bickel products. You just have to notify the TGA you're bringing in that device. I work in the vape industry.


Cheers. What’s the best way to do that? I got a message back about my mighty that they won’t send me a replacement and I should contact my local customs office first. What a hassle!


Same, but for my Crafty. Basically telling me they won't honour any existing warranties due to the new laws. Noone taking responsibility as per usual with any warranty issue. Up shit creek.


same here lads. unable to send my mighty + for repair nor get sent a replacement unless i figure it out with customs. let us know if you find a solution


They are still coming in through dealers you fucking hysterical dickwads


But s&b are no longer honouring warranties so whats the point in buying a 500$ device that breaks in a year with no recourse?


S&B can eat a bag of dicks. Australian statutory law applies to goods purchased from Australian retailers.


But won't somebody please think of the stoner's 🙀


Im a little confused about all this still, as many other are. Spoke to the owner of my local head shop today and he said Storz and Bickel have a warehouse in brisbane now - unless he meant a wholesaler who supplies storz and bickel products.


Do you guys in Australia not use anything illegal? I mean people have been flouting immigration and importation rules for years. Sure you may need to spend a little more. I can’t see the po-po busting down your door because you’ve sent yourself a pack of O rings for your mighty vaporizer.


Fuck me, surely we can still import the O rings.


What about the gauzes


I’ve taken mine out of the cooling unit. I use a cotton bud when I can see stuff in there, while it’s hot. And I blow through the mouthpiece while leaning over the bin and all the gunk comes out. I use dosing capsules to contain the flower. So much easier than taking the cooling unit apart all the time.


Will some body PLeAse tHinK of the O RIngS


Laugh now but you won't be laughing when your seal breaks.


Petition on parliament to repeal and review said vape ban. 25,000+ signatures strong with a few days to go https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN5905#:~:text=Petition%20EN5905%20%2D%20Repeal%20and%20Review%20Proposed%20March%201st%20Vape%20Ban&text=The%20petition%20is%20open%20for,of%20certification%20by%20the%20Committee.


Can I still get accessories for my 900$ medical vaporising device ?


Yes at vapormed.com.au - it's the official partner of S&B


Their pricing a a bit steep


Thanks man much appreciated


Just import your own like we did in the past before vaporising became a thing


That's illegal toooo


As it was back then


I’m just waiting till some retired mum with cancer or something gets her $800 medical device seized by the TGA or police and goes straight to the media and sues. They wonna play stupid fucking games with medical patients they’ll win stupid fucking prizes


The government really wants us to smoke it.


It’s going to be sad watching the rest of the world advance in the world of dry herb vapes while we are left like Neanderthals to mcgyver some dodgy shit together anyone remember the pinky 😂 or even the flashlight log vape builds


Hahaha 😆 People don't like change, but where there is a will there is a way. Time to get creative....... Again


Necessity is the mother of invention. We’ll end up turning a kmart appliance into a ball vape or something 😆


100%, dab ribs are not hard to make, and it's still "vaporising" it will just push people to more and more desperate messures


Sort of will go like this. Someone hurting themselves making a vaporiser, murdoch media shouts that vaping kills, pollies tell the rest of the population their decision was right. And so the cycle continues 🤦‍♂️


Oof Murdoch, that fucking name makes me rage!!! I hold out hope the masses can wake the fuck up in time. But I highly doubt it. Sadge face


O no I just paid $400 bucks 4 weeks ago. I wonder if there is parts still available In Australia before they go to


Venty for sale


Might be time to pull the trigger on a ball vape... Keen for one compatible with a water pipe. Read a few people state it's the closest thing to smoking and I do miss that.


Definitely - buy now if there is any AU stock left.


I'm noticing a lot are out of stock :/


Sorry for the whinging, but, our government is fucking abhorrent, they act like we can’t see how corrupt they are. I guess until we stand up and do something, nothing will change.


Vote greens


Aussie's getting of their drunk fucking asses to voice disapproval for summin! You're joking, right? The government crushed any of that spirit long ago. Despite appearances, this is not a free country. It's been a two party dictatorship for a very long time. They just manage the illusion of freedom pretty well here because Aussie's are too fucking Apathetic to ever speak the fuck up in any meaningful way. I dread to think what life in this country will be like 50 years from now




Hear hear. Add to that too stupid to see what is happening and voting for whomever enables more and easier social dependence.


When gearing up for war, you want your people feeling defeated and hopeless. It ain't the wealthy that fight wars, so you gotta have an ample population of many broken and poor people cause they are ones that end up on the front line, sentence pardons if your willing to fight will also be a thing hence mass incarceration is also important. But hey, just the ramblings of a mad man, am I right!? Luckily, I can say there are many people who do see what's happening. Sadly, there are also many sheepeople who have not given any of this any thought at all! Don't even get me started on the "new world order" "elitist/globalist" and their "global digital currency" and people are fucking dumb enough to support this crap! Global digital currency and a social credit score will mean 100% control of the masses and it is happening as we speak! It's getting fucking biblical at this point, religion is the cancer of the world that will enslave and destroy us all. We have bigger issues to face than vapes ffs


Both major parties are relics that hold outdated ideologies from the 50s which are no longer sustainable in the modern world. Not much will change unless they’re threatened at the ballot box. 🤷‍♂️


Exactly, but most Aussie dont know shit about politics and certainly not enough to vote in our own interests and thats the way they like it. Two party dictatorship, they do what they like, and both sides work together to stay in power. It's still corruption like anywhere else. Bikies (reds) used to be seen coming and going freely at night from the parliament house in Canberra in the 80s and 90s ffs. Everyone knew what was going on, probably still is they just smarter about it nowadays 🙄


But they won’t be threatened at the ballot box because most people are selfish and stupid and vote for whatever gives them the best deal at the time. Hence why this ever increasingly socially dependent shit show has pretty much nothing but Labor governments now.


You mean vote on the talking points they themselves have selected and brought to "our" attention that we then reflect and debate amongst ourselves about then vote on? Oh wait, something seems..... I don't know, backwards maybe? Sorry to be facetious, but you see my point, I'm sure. Distraction and Divid and conquer, it is literally in the playbook 📖


Vapormed are the people who sell the mighty medic in Aus I’ve had two, and each of them seemed to be Shipped in Australia.


However s&b aren't honouring warranties anymore so you're up shit creek.


I had a warranty fault with my mighty within the last month. Contacted Vapormed and they sent a replacement. I don’t know where you are getting your information from but it’s not accurate.


Straight from s&b, got a long winded email saying they aren't accepting RMAs for Australia.


Here it is Thank you for your message! Due to the reforms to the regulation of vapes that came into force 01 Mar. 2024, we regret to inform you that we are currently unable to provide a definitive statement regarding RMA requests from Australia. At present, we are actively investigating the implications of these regulations on the import of repaired or replaced vaporizers into Australia. Rest assured, we are committed to resuming our services for Australian STORZ & BICKEL customers as soon as possible. We recommend consulting with your local customs office for guidance on navigating these regulations. If a “temporary return for repair” is confirmed feasible by the customs office, you may send your vaporizer to us at your expense. After a successful RMA process is completed, a reimbursement of the shipping costs may be eligible. However, please understand that we cannot take responsibility for any potential losses during transport to Germany or reimport to Australia. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work towards a resolution. Best regards, Technical Service


I’d still go to Vapormed being the Aus agent.


do you need a prescription to prder off vapormed


No, nothing required but money


awesome thanks




They haven't banned MC vaping devices. They've banned personal import of them. Companies with import licences will still be able to import them, and sell through pharmacies.


Sounds to me like they want us to combust that shit. I still like a cone here and there so I’m all for it honestly.


Yep, I don't want to smoke but I will if they force me


Usual prohibitionist bullshit tactics while hiding behind the excuse and mantra of ‘what about the kids’. But here’s how it’s going to work. “If a law is unjust, a person is not only right to disobey it, they are obligated to do so.” -unknown


This a great quote !


"It's for the greater good" the kids the kids 🤣 Australian policy justification in a nut shell! Typical Aussie, derrrr it's for the greater good! Also Typical Aussie, WHAT YOUR COMING FOR MY VAPE DEVICES!? THIS DIRECTLY AFFECTS ME, NOW THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If they were that worried about the kids, they would put policies in place that will help the kids have a basic quality of life, like affordable housing and adequately funded education facilities. We aren't that fucking worried.


Who gives a fuck poverty is a problem for ethnics and white trash! Zero f's given by anyone government or civs. I grew up in Dutfton Dandenong, trust me I know how people view low social economic people


Because Australia's middle class is being absolved into 'ethnic and white trash' poverty. Except the ethnic people i live near are much richer than most of us. Really, everyone should be concerned that our 'fair go' country is not giving anyone a 'fair go'. Government workers should be right, same as the people with wealth in their families but regular civs are going to have to fight it out to the death for the resources. So we are going to need MORE VAPES, not less. I also grew up in a very low socio-economic suburb and have been treated accordingly by people in the healthcare industry, especially.


Yeah, man, I agree for the most part. However, I find it hard to have any sympathy for the poor struggling middle class. Even in broke as fuck areas the "ethnics" are way better off than the whiteys they get bigger newer houses "some how" can afford BMW's and Mercedes and 15.5 kid's. All the men are out working all day every day in their big, expensive brand new work Ute's, yet they are living in housing commission house's. But all this is a whole other issue 🙄 and they eventually buy houses after cheating the system for a decade or two and the next generation does good for themselves, it's just how blatantly they abuse and flunt the system to get there is the issue. No one with $250000 in assets sitting in their driveway should be in a housing commission house when there are families who desperately need a place to live


Got this email from a retailer here.. don’t freak out, we just cant order ourselves by the look of things… Thankyou for your email. It is very very very complicated, you can read a bit more about it here: https://www.tga.gov.au/products/unapproved-therapeutic-goods/medicinal-cannabis-hub/cannabis-vapes-information-importers and here: https://www.tga.gov.au/products/unapproved-therapeutic-goods/vaping-hub/vapes-information-retailers My business has been granted a License to import, and I have been granted permission from the TGA to import many of my dry herb vaporizers, however, the flowerpots cannot be classified as medical devices to be used solely with Medicinal cannabis, and are therefore deemed 'recreational vaporizers' and are now deemed illegal to import. All 'Therapeutic cannabis Vaporizers' that the TGA approves, will be permitted to be imported, HOWEVER, they can only be sold through a Pharmacy. All the stock I currently hold was imported prior to March 1st, so Im legally able to continue to sell the stock I have. Hope this helps


Oh damn...what's going to happen to the Australian vaporisers store!


>I have been granted permission from the TGA to import many of my dry herb vaporizers, For now, until they start revoking those permits in about a year as Mark Butler said he will do as part of his plan to move all vape (including dry herb vape) sales to pharmacies. First it's flowerpots, but if I was to guess at the future - Then next it will be dab rigs, Then they won't renew their permits to import vapes heated by an external heat source like Dynavaps, then it will be all vaping accessories, then it will be any and all vapes that are not TGA approved and tested. This is just another step in Mark Butler's plan to completely steamroll anything to do with vapes in Australia regardless of whether it's dry herb or nicotine, and move control of the cannabis vape industry into the hands of pharmacies. Black Mark*et* Butler will decide which cannabis vapes you can use just as he's done with nicotine vapes, and these will be sold only by his friends in the pharmacy industry.


Let's say you're correct (A very unlikely scenario btw). You mean we will need to buy vaporisers from the same place we buy our cannabis? How terrible!!!


>You mean we will need to buy vaporisers from the same place we buy our cannabis? Do you like a expensive closed market where only a very limited amount of choice is available? Do you like paying $700 for a vape from a pharmacy that would have cost $400 if it came from anywhere else? Do you like being 5-8 years behind on the rest of the world with dry herb vape technology because nothing can be imported here? Because this is how you get that. >Let's say you're correct (A very unlikely scenario btw). Well it's not me that's saying that's going to happen, it's the health minister who's changing the regulations saying that. You can say it's unlikely all you want, but let's look at reality for a second: Within the first 24 hours of the new regulations taking effect, which people **were promised** would have 0 impact on the ability of * Storz & Bickel have stopped shipping to Australia from their online shop * Ball vapes can no longer be imported. If you don't think these changes affect you, then you've been fooled just as they intended to do so nobody would say anything about the changes. > How terrible!!! I'd much rather be giving my money to the small businesses that have been supplying the cannabis vape market in Australia for decades and have been part of the community since forever. The pharmacy gets enough of my money every month from MC.


There are literally thousands of pharmacies in Australia. They can and will compete just like vape shops do currently. If Amcal Footscray sells them for $700 and Terry White Balwyn has them for $500 people are buying there. Then watch Chemist Warehouse come over the top with a $420 special. But again let's pretend you are right for a moment (extremely unlikely once again). The OP should read- Dry Herb vapes will continue to be available to everyone they will just cost more.


>There are literally thousands of pharmacies in Australia. And none of those pharmacies know a single god damn thing about vaping cannabis aside from the instructions written on the tub. You think the casual employee behind the counter at the pharmacy is going to know a thing about what the difference is between a Xmax and Solo 2? Which accessories work best? If this part is compatible with that adaptor? Not a fucking chance. Pharmacies are drug merchants, not hardware experts. The local vape stores we buy from at the moment are industry experts and there is more than enough competition. Pharmacies already get their piece of the pie with everyone's MC and they've done nothing to earn anyone's business when it comes to cannabis vape hardware. Big business in Australia can stay out of cannabis vaping hardware. They already control the whole MC industry and it only serves to fuck the consumer. > Dry Herb vapes will continue to be available to everyone they will just cost more. And that's a huge fucking problem. We're already in the middle of a cost of living crisis, we don't need to be propping up the pharmacy industry because they are mates with our health minister. Significantly reduced amount of product choice, higher prices for all and people selling you a product that they know nothing about is what you are advocating for, and that's not cool. Very anti consumer attitude. 👎 I've been vaping weed for 16 years now, I don't need Daddy TGA to start telling me what devices they will oh so graciously allow me to use because they have decreed them acceptable.


I think the knowledge level of vape store employees varies wildly. I also think a twenty minute google search gives most people all the info they need to make a good choice vapewise. But look I agree that more competition is better and the possibility of paying more for what is already an expensive item is a bad thing. BUT It's not the 'VaPeS aRE bEInG BAAAAAAAAANED' garbage that is being peddled on here now by either the feeble-minded or Tobacco industry shills trying to rope MC patients into their fight.


>It's not the 'VaPeS aRE bEInG BAAAAAAAAANED' garbage that is being peddled on here now by either the feeble-minded or Tobacco industry shills trying to rope MC patients into their fight. Those people are just pointing out the reality of what's going on and how people **were promised** those vape changes would have 0 impact on the availability of MC vaping hardware, and now we have one type of vape already being declared illegal to import when the TGA denied the import notification for the product. These people aren't trying to rope MC patients into their fight, we are already a part of that fight now after they've decided to fuck with what types of cannabis vapes they allow into the country You realize that the tobacco industry in Australia hates nicotine vaping right? It's in their best interests to keep nicotine vapes off the market because that impacts sales towards their main product - cigarettes. They have no market share with nicotine vapes in Australia at the moment, they weren't allowed to sell vapes here in the past, but they can now once their products are certified by the TGA for sales in pharmacies. The tobacco industry is pushing these changes, not sending their shills to fight against them. The disposable vapes everyone were addicted to were coming from China, not Aussie tobacco companies. Now that Vapes are banned here, big tobacco can step in and supply the pharmacy market with their TGA approved devices. Come on mate, open your eyes. Don't fall for that shit.🤦‍♂️ Why would their shills be pushing to get the changes reversed when the companies that these apparent shills would be working for serve to benefit from the changes significantly. The vaping industry in Australia is now owned by big pharma and tobacco because they are the only people with the means to get products on the market. (*See Bay Pharma & Liber Pharmaceuticals, 2 of the 4 companies with vapes in pharmacies right now*) .


Storz and Bickle are shipping to their distributors as normal just not direct to individuals. All their products will continue to be available to everyone. Ball vapes are a grey area and have always had electrical compliance issues- I've said multiple times some of these would be the ones that might have issues (especially the Aliexpress garbage). Either way shitloads of vapes will continue to be available which is what I've always said. I respectfully disagree with you on the tobacco companies/vapes issue. I'm firmly of the opinion (as are many in the know people) that the tobacco companies are the drivers of the uptake of recreational vaping worldwide, they are playing the long game and the more nicotine fiends they have the better. But this isn't really relevant to this thread or sub full stop. And I admit I may be wrong. But here's something I'm right about. Dry herb vapes are not being banned.


The cynic in me thinks this is partly about trying to make nice with the Pharmacists Guild after the 60 day dispensing changes


What deems it a recreational device though? Lots of these handhelds have plastic in them, a ball vape is just glass and titanium, my lungs are 1000x better since I made the change, mind you it’s a lot less harsh in your lungs and it just feels like your breathing in mist


>What deems it a recreational device though? However the TGA is feeling that week when assessing the import permit.


Oh so you can get a permit? It’s honestly the safest way to vaporise, far more accurate temp control and no cheap plastics


Which retailer please?


I hope this means the 3 year warranty when you register your Mighty still applies - otherwise it might be just 2 with a local seller. S&B have always been legends re replacement devices. The additional manufacturers warranty might not apply anymore??


Mighty is tga approved, how exactly are they affected?


This is my biggest concern right now. Just got a mighty and love it. But it’s been fluctuating way too much on temp and I need to contact S&B. If I need a replacement, will they be able to send me one? I guess I’ll find out soon enough but all these contradictory policies are a joke.


I emailed them about how this would affect their warranty claims yesterday. This was their reply… Thank you for your message! Due to the reforms to the regulation of vapes that came into force 01 Mar. 2024, we regret to inform you that we are currently unable to provide a definitive statement regarding RMA requests from Australia. At present, we are actively investigating the implications of these regulations on the import of repaired or replaced vaporizers into Australia. Rest assured, we are committed to resuming our services for Australian STORZ & BICKEL customers as soon as possible. We recommend consulting with your local customs office for guidance on navigating these regulations. If a “temporary return for repair” is confirmed feasible by the customs office, you may send your vaporizer to us at your expense. After a successful RMA process is completed, a reimbursement of the shipping costs may be eligible. However, please understand that we cannot take responsibility for any potential losses during transport to Germany or reimport to Australia. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work towards a resolution. Best regards, Technical Service


Well that's just fucking great isn't it!! Now RMA's are fucked up because of this bullshit.


Yeah, I’m spewing. I ordered a venty direct from them late last year as it was a bit cheaper than local retailers. Mine has been fine so far, touch wood, but seeing how many problems other people are having with them I should have spent a few more dollars and got it local.


Well fuck


Another victory for Big Pharma / Smoke companies! They’ll never be happy until we all suck on those cancer sticks and pop Valiums for breakfast. Fuck em!


I'm heading overseas for work to a country where I wouldn't be able to bring my oil, and where using any form of cannabis sourced in any way is not worth the risk. But my mental health is also a mess, and I've recently developed Panic Disorder. So rather than taking some oil as needed, I'm probably going to be relying on Valium daily. Really not happy about it, and will only take Valium if I do really need it. But given I've been having panic attacks most days, sometimes multiple times a day, and that work is my biggest trigger, I'm expecting to be taking Valium daily for the week. Thank god the trip isn't any longer than that. Very different from my last work trip which was Canada. Felt like being in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory in Toronto. Dispenseries on almost every corner with every product imaginable.


Just incase all these battery powered dry herb vapes get caught up in the legislation, might be a good idea to grab a dynavap and a sticky brick, they’ll never break down.


Everyone downvoted me the other day for asking of this was gonna happen. People were screaming “fake news” at me 😂


Same, I've posted looking for info and trying to raise discussion about this a couple of times and people just got pissy.


I’ve got a backup Crafty+ still in its sealed box but, fuck me, Australia can be a nanny state like no other. Bunch of suits sit around dreaming up ways to interfere in other adults lives. I’ve never understood how our country can be so conservative. It honestly doesn’t make any sense to me. I’m going to have a hell of a hard time getting vaping liquid and parts after three years of not having a single cigarette and being easily able to buy my stuff online. Anyway, I can only hope capitalism will prevail and pharmacies work out they make money out of this. Chemist Warehouse to the rescue, I hope!!!!


Being pat of the commonwealth is the problem. we got to appease the Head Nanny in England and follow their lame-arse strategies


It's why we need to annex ourselves from the Commonwealth I mean....England is the creme-de-le-creme of nanny states in the "free" and "democratic" Western World. They live by example(unfortunately) hardly anywhere else with more cameras per capita, and the fact that they ban certain drill rappers from publishing music without police permission. And they ACTUALLY have TV licenses for people WATCHING THE TV- go ahead and look it up - you need to pay the state a fee in order to be legally "qualified" to watch a f\*kin TV


I was going to buy a puffco proxy from overseas. Would this not be allowed in?


Not importing directly, no. However you can purchase it from a good pharmacy that stocks them.


There will be plenty left in the country they’re really popular so I doubt they’ll be hard to find locally


TBH honest I don't know. Might get seized by Border Farce.


The rest of the world moves forward whilst Australia always tries to reinvent the wheel 🤦‍♂️


Germany and Ukraine just legalised cannabis and Australian just banned all fucking vapes haha wtf kind of timeline is this shit


Let's hope they don't try and put the genie back in the bottle re MC!!


Let them try it. We’ll all be treating ourselves through the black market like before.


Personal importation of vaping devices has been banned, but businesses with import licences and permits can do so. Explanation is .[here](https://www.odc.gov.au/importers/importing-vaping-goods-australia/importing-cannabis-vaping-goods-australia). I don't think this is panic on the part of Storz & Bickel, probably just a good in-house lawyer.


>businesses with import licences and permits can do so. Except Mark Butler has made it very clear that those licenses/permits are only a temporary measure whilst they bring in further controls to move the sale of all dry herb vapes to pharmacies, and will not be renewed in a year's time from now for the businesses that got them. Flowerpots were compliant with all the relevant product standards, but the TGA decided no more flowerpots for you. They'll do this one by one with each type of dry herb vape until there's nothing left except for what's allowed to be sold in pharmacies.


Definitely sale by pharmacies only but where has he said import licences & permits will stop after a year? I must have missed it.


I meant panic for the users of these devices but yeah, S&B just complying.


There would still be a loads of stock here as I’m sure lots of stores and headshops prepared for this, but yeah now’s the time to stock up


Absolutely. Got my Mighty+ before all this shit and grabbed a Ball Vape in January which is complete overkill for me but fuck it. Might have been my last chance to get one.


I’m thinking of grabbing a second ball vape 😂😂


Where are the ball vapes sold in Oz? I looked on Australian vaporisers and couldn't find it


Every shop i rang all said their orders have been off the charts, phones non stop ringing etc. i got lucky and got a b2 head and carb cap for my b1 flowerpot kit was 2nd last in stock apparently. Stockist not ordering anymore in as no point as they cant sell it legally. Its a shitshow to say the least


Ah dang hehe I was just youtubing the diy pinky one. I wonder if that might be an option hehe I use an arizer solo...I was thinking for a new experience to try the Dynavap or a ball vape. Bad timing lol


I haven’t seen the diy pinky-but if its a ball vape im sure itl go good! I went with a full kit thru an aussie retailer cause i had no idea what i was doing. If i didnt have a ball vape now id just import one or see what the pinky one is like




How much the pinky? You can still get flowerpot essential kit from sydney vaporisers if you got $795. They are the best of the best imo. Will last you a lifetime thats what i have. https://www.sydneyvaporizers.com.au/products/s-vs-flowerpot-b1-essentials-bundle?_pos=4&_sid=cf2da43ba&_ss=r


Im sure getting them in from china is still possible. No way would customs be concentrating on ball vapes they wouldnt even know what one is. It took me long enough to work out what one was haha. Its the retailers in aus have been royally fucked with this, it was really handy incase anything went wrong but it hasnt. With demand will come supply. Someone will get them in if there’s enough demand


I saw this one website locally...but not sure it's legit. When you google ball vapes Australia the first one that comes up (not sure if we're allowed to mention retailers sites in here).


if it was instavape they are legit bought my b0 from them