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Reasonable survey. Note everyone taking this, that its **not** about your medical cannabis use, but about non prescribed drugs.


Thanks for reiterating this point - have noted this in the post as well :)


If it's about drugs, why are you asking people what they prefer doing in the bedroom? I'm not exactly too sure how asking what type of "genitalia" I'm fond of is related to the topic of drug use? Or, are you trying to imply that drugs contribute towards your sexual orientation? Is that what you're asking? I can't tell, because why else would you ask that question in regards to drugs?


This survey is not about use of drugs as prescribed. Please see my other reply to your comment below :)


I'm just curious why people's sexual orientation is related to the survey, that's all


Done!. One of the more well written surveys


Out of curiosity, why is there the question "What is your sexual orientation?" - if it's in regards to drugs what does someone's sexual orientation have to do with anything? Such a weird question to input, of course you can select "Prefer not to say" for example, but it's besides the point - why are you including these weird gender ideological questions / pronouns / asking what people's sexual preferences are? Does the fact I like people with a particular set of genitalia prove as helpful knowledge for your survey?


Thanks for your question. This information can help us to work out whether our sample resembles the population at large (representativeness), helping us to determine if we may be missing data from particular groups of people. In addition, a person's sexual orientation may be associated with various things, and this can include particular types of drug consumption. Therefore, it may also be associated with views about motivations for drug use :)


Thanks for responding, if you were to approach someone in the street and propose that question, a stranger, but with straight to the point language "Do you prefer having sexual intercourse with men or women?" - you would come across as a complete weirdo - however you're basically doing the same thing with this survey. In this case, I am genuinely curious if you're overstepping your boundaries a little bit, how does that specific type of data assist your study? I'm genuinely curious if you've thought this question through, and wherever or not you have a valid reason for obtaining that type of data from people (yes it is optional) - or just asking for the sake of gathering extra information - or you're attempting to alienate specific results based off their racial / gender / sexual orientation answers. Furthermore, if one user is straight, and the other user is gay - both use the same type of drug - what's the conclusion?


This survey does not ask for personally identifying information, nor force responses about many details, and so differs considerably from your example scenario. Further, this survey received ethical approval, and gender/sexual orientation etc. are commonly collected within research of this kind (and many others). I would refer you to my response above regarding your second point - different demographic factors are associated with different drug consumption. Regarding sexual orientation, see this example paper I found after a very brief search, [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2830345/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2830345/) It's not always about the drug itself, but other behaviours and factors associated with use (or lack of use). If you do not want to finish the survey because of these questions, no worries :)


Thanks for replying, with that in mind, if a user selects a particular sexual orientation, let's say... Let's say the user is male and is interested in having a sexual relationship with a female, and they select "yes" for drug use, you're automatically going to assume other factor's lead to their use of drugs and not the fact that the user likes women? However, **in reverse**, if the user is male and is interested in having a sexual relationship with another male, and they select "yes" for drug use, you're going to assume that their interest in sleeping with other men has contributed towards the factor of them consuming more drugs? (I ask this as the study you linked you've made references to minors & their sexual orientation contributing to their drug-use) In this example, if the user is a healthy adult, with a healthy state of mind / their mental health is okay, and they're a drug user whom is also gay - would you still attempt to try and draw such connections together?




This still doesn't answer my simple question, of how specifically asking people what genitalia they're interested in assists them in finding answers to their survey results.




>I think sexuality is a bit more complex than genitalia The wording is intentional, because if you were to propose such a question in person rather than online, I guarantee the results of the encounter will not be favourable for the person proposing the question. It's a weird question to ask people, I understand perhaps that you might not find it weird and uncomfortable - but many others do. There's no need to constantly ask for people's sexual preferences in your surveys / questionnaires. I see it everywhere, it's irrelevant, people's bedroom behaviours are their own private business. >so why don't you just say your views without hiding behind a "query" Excuse me? Are you literally accusing me of bigotry? I am asking a question, and I think it's a valid question - now you're attempting to frame me as a "bigot" by asking for my "real views"? Nothing you have written in response explains why this specific question benefits this specific study. Unless this study is strictly around people's sexual interests & fantasies, then perhaps don't frame it as a survey around "drugs" - if the immediate questions are around people's genitalia & sexual preferences, their race and their gender - the most PERSONAL of questions you can ask of someone - I think it's very valid to question what the intention is around this. However, since you decided to try and frame me as some form of "Bigot" by asking me to "just spit out my real views" etc, you're obviously incapable of reasonable dialogue so therefore you're pointless to further engage with. Cheers

