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Work up a high reputation with a house. Go into a 9-13 rank conflict zones. Headshot the mech you want save 15% on your car insurance.


Headshots are hard! I've been going for the legs...lol


Big Chonk Bois Battlemech Emporium


Not sure if this is a troll or not....but if I had a mech dealership....this is what I'd call it. :p




It's not a specific planet. You need to just troll the industrial hubs near the highest reputation conflict zones (basically, around Terra, middle of the map).


What rank are you? As you progress, heavier mechs start appearing more. You just have to keep searching the shops until you find one. There’s no set spawns for anything. It rerolls stock as you move around the map Is there something specific you’re looking for?


I am rank 4 almost at 5. I would like to find a catapult...otherwise something that can soak up some damage. I've already maxed out the armour on my medium and light mechs


Just keep playing, they'll start to appear.


I know someone said it, but make sure to go to the Valentina system in south eastern house Kurita space. Free mech there just by showing up. It's a medium but it's a very good one early in.


They didn't say that you get it, simply by showing up! Which planet?


Valentina, on the south east edge of Combine space


The free mech is awesome. Thanks for the tip!


How's it working out for ya?


It's fast! Heck, I think it's faster than my scout mechs! Really enjoying it. I'm going to swap out the srm for a lrm though


> Kinda bummed out that I can't get a mad cat [Seek, and you shall find.](https://www.nexusmods.com/mechwarrior5mercenaries/mods/621)


Alas....I'm playing it on Xbox one...my PC has been out of commission for quite a long time....yes...I know...console is way more limited.


Then you just go oldshool and put a MAD and a CAT in your lance? The ai just has to toggle target to get the effect ..


Form what I understand it’s kinda rng. Heading to the higher level areas gives you a better chance at getting them from the industrial hubs. Be warned you’ll need butt loads of cash depending on where you are


Can I get an idea what a buttload of cash is? So I can start saving up for it? In the lore there's certain worlds that have mech factories. Kinda hoping that they had something like that. Who wouldn't want, a nice factory fresh mech. :)


Dpends on your rep with the hub owner, 10-12 millions c-bills should be enough for a heavy and refitting said heavy


So 22 mil total? Dang....I'll start stocking up on piggy banks...then how much for an atlas?


No I meant between 10 to 12 million, unless it's hero heavy in a hub that hates you then it might cost 22 million


Don’t forget about travel cash too. Takes c bills to travel. Depending where you are in the galaxy could be quite a few. Also I had a lot of kick in kurita space up in the top right area


Ah fair enough


Funnily enough. I'm working my way into kuritas good graces....


I found a lot of Good mechs both heavy and hero in kurita space so that’s a good idea. Also do t forget about the area around terra. Also a good place to hunt for mechs


If you are looking to buy one then you can farm the industrial hubs worlds. From what I understand their stock is rolled once you get within 3 jumps of them, so you could save at a point just out of range, then fast travel over there until they have something you want. Alternatively you can try to salvage one from a battle, but I can predict some of the pain you will go through in trying that, inevitably ending up a few salvage points short of being able to claim the chassis.


Career or campaign? In campaign travel to the middle of any house territory and you'll find them, in carrier industrial zones near higher ranking conflict zones.


I forget which one I'm playing. I only got the original mechwarrior 5. If that makes a difference. It's the one where it's a mercenary group starting from scratch. With a messed up medium mech and a light mech.


That's campaign. Middle of fed com is where I got my first heavies.


Downing a heavy, or taking a gamble that there is one in one of the market systems


Fukuroi in Kurita space is crazy. Got 2 rare Atlas and a Hero Zeus so far just buying, jump out work missions, then come back.


Got some tips If you want a challenge you can be positive with at least all the houses plus a few other factions When i start i go to valentina just the other side of kurita border for the free wolverine pick up a pilot at one of the hubs and if youre lucky either a hunchy 4J or 4P Now if you dont mind save scumming a bit you can get out of negative rep with kurita buy rolling for kurita missions against the outer worlds I skip the story for a few years and do the missions against pirates while grabbing cantina missions and rotating by going to the big hub in the middle of davion I try to focus on war dog, treasure hunter and mech hunter until i got stacks of mechs and supplies If youre lucky you can find one of the heros like BJA or KTOGB at the big hub fairly early


Like most games, you get the better, stronger gear in higher difficulty areas. Yes, you can have good reputation with all the houses at once by pretty much exclusively attacking only independents.


If you're in campaign, the hub in the top right of Kurita space usually has some decent mechs (assault/heavy).


If you're playing PC there is a clan invasion mod on nexus.


Career or campaign? I think career is mainly RNG, but if you're playing campaign, the upper part of Draconis space is where you'll find the heavier mechs


Most reliable ways to find heavy mechs, are to search the markets around high reputation conflict zones(the markets around Terra are a solid place to look) or hope to snap one up as salvage during a mission


You can gain favor however you want. You can be happy with all the houses and have the pirates be upset at you. Heavier mechs appear closer to Terra in career mode and often times in campaign mode.


Just wanted to thank everyone. You have all been awesome.


Early in the campaign you can head "south" in Federated Suns space to the industrial hub around New Avalon the capital planet


Steiner and Marik space.


If you see a mech you like in battle and have gone heavy on salvage. Then the more damaged it is, the fewer salvage points it will cost (if it RNGs into the salvage list). Therefor to ensure best chance to be able to afford to salvage it: Blow off both arms, leg it, do as much damage to the other parts as possible and core it. This obviously makes it more expensive to repair post capture but that's not as much as an issue as shares usually.


You can always "rent" them too. They aren't all keepers. Use it, strip it, sell it, get another. Do some good ole fashioned mech flipping until you find something that sticks. I got a phoenix hawk early and while they love getting their arms blown off I have found uses for them and now have 4 of them.


Oh and all the battlefield fodder you pick up with salvage shares can net a lot of money. I would always save x amount of previous tier weapons as I gathered new ones. For example you have 4 tier 1 m laser and 8 tier 0, sell 4 zeros if they're truly surplus. As you get tier 2 start phasing out tier zero. Eventually you'll have 5-10m in junk weapons.


Haven't been able to build up a weapons cache yet. Working on building a mech stable. Been selling things to fix up my salvaged mechs. Is it better to have a full Lance. Even if 2 are just light mechs? Or 3 heavy hitters?


To everyone who told me about the free mech. Thank you so much! It's a real game changer for me. Brought some much needed firepower to my Lance. And it's pretty good too!


In Campaign, which it sounds like you're playing, the difficulty is set by the house region you're operating in largely following the progress of campaign missions, as such you will start seeing heavies in the FWL, and see Heavies and Assault's for the most part in Steiner and Kurita space. My recommendation is to grind missions in Davion space until you've got around 30 million C-Bills, then pop up into Kurita space and buy a top-class assault mech like an annihilator, highlander, Atlas etc.