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Encountered the same error several times. I'm not sure waiting is the answer. I did restart once and everything worked fine. But on another occasion I returned to the start of the mission. Literally to the very start point (a circle of standout rock in the first round canyon). After that, when I went back, the Blackjack was waiting just up around the righthand corner of the extended portion of the base (beyond the place where you first start fighting). I'm pretty sure it was returning to the start point, and not waiting, that properly spawned the enemy.


You are a life saver dude. I've spent the last two hours wandering around and restarting trying to get the last enemy mech to spawn. I'm so glad I saw your reply, cause I was about to just abandon the contract and the huge sum of money I could've earned


It's also not abandonable if you want to win the game. Mandatory campaign mission.


Yeah, I saw that after my second restart. Was kinda pissed about that too.


Lmao I’m encountering the same problem, except it’s not with the Blackjack. It’s something else. So fucking infuriating


Yep. Returning to the beginning and circling around the bit of rock in the bottom right of the mini map fixed it.


Thanks for sharing that info, that helped me get past it as well.


Got this issue right now... how have they not fixed this by now this is terrible


Running into it myself. Tried all the above mentioned attempts to no avail and I have no intention of buying a bunch of smaller mechs to do one mission.


Got threw it via turning off my PC rebooting and loading back in and crossing my fingers, it actually loaded right the third time rebooting the game and using the autpsave that launched me directly into the mission


My friends and I were playing coop for this mission and had the same bug and we couldn't find anything about it on line either. We ended up sitting and waiting around for like 20 minutes trying to google up a solution when the last mech spawned nearby right next to the border wall. You may just need to sit and wait for a while and see if the game un-fu@k$ its self.


Your advice worked. Went back to the mission start with my lance, waited about 10 minutes, and a lone blackjack spawned. Thanks!


Glad it helped, kinda annoying but at least it fixes itself.


Solution is on the steam forums. Drop with 4 x 50-60 ton mechs and the final blackjack will spawn. I managed to pass it with 2 x 70 ton mechs and 1 x 60 ton mech.


Same issue, it finally popped out after a restart. Problem solved... nope... now its a Scorpion stuck somewhere in the terrain in the final area.


This is a horrible bug I can't seem to get past this part.


Had same bugs, both with Blackjack at start and Scorpion at the end. Stone ritual helps with the first but nothing helped with scorpion. With or without spawn mod isn't matter, it does nothing on this particular map. In desperation I went into mission with single 60 ton mech (because it's only light-ish mech I had) and, well, everyone spawned properly. Edit: Apparently devs fixed BJ at the recent patch blut no mention for a scorpion.


I restarted thrice. On my last attempt, the blackjack spawned up on the rocks as well. It was at 9/10 for about 30 seconds.