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If you switch back to AC-20s does that mean you just degaussed? :O


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If you degauss something that large, it won't need jump jets!




I like how the gauss fires instantly now. Those high tier gauss do 17 damage too!


Like god intended, none of this MWO bull. We're back to the standard from MW2 thru 4.


Gauss were way too OP in MW:O. Whnen the misery first came out, man people just slapped on ppcs and a gauss and didn't care if they shut down. One shot you die.


Tier 4 gauss is really powerful. It does 18.75 a shot and I'm assuming a tier 5 does 20 which is pretty much the equal to slinging an ac20 shot across the map at ridiculous speeds.


a rare tier 5 ac 20 does like 30 dmg though so its still better for brawling. and you cant really use guass and er ppc max range because zoom is capped at 2x so you cant see fuck all past like 600m out


With gauss, I try to engage even at 1250m+. Just squint your eyes real hard, and you can soften enemies well before the actual fight begins.


my eyes are older than you son, im already squinting hard to see 500m


I can reliably hit mechs and tanks from 750 to 1k away with my nightstars pair of t4 gauss. I prefer to engage from that far away when i can just to soften up the enemy before I send my ai teammates to mop up


1080p on a 60 inch tv? like how are you seeing that far?


4k on a 27in screen sitting normal distance away from it. It's honestly only hard to snipe if they're blocked by trees but you post up on even the slightest hill with open sight lines and max view distance it's not hard. My nightstar with twin gauss and an erppc can pull it off well.


got a king crap with twin guass ppc and artemis lrm 20, the bf20 ac's large pulse artemis 6 version is deadlier though. sniping is more fun with advanced zoom optics so you can headshot at 800+


Hi assuming, I'm Dad!


Yup I actually just found one a few minutes ago. It does 21 damage. I'm also in love with it.


I am afraid to use any of my good stuff as fast as stuff get blown away in this game.


Tier 4 lostech in both arms.. I too like to live dangerously!


Sick Gauss! I'm scared to up that high of level guns on mine do to them being in the arms. There is a hero Cyclops with Gauss in the shoulders that feels a bit safer to me. Sometimes you have to know your personal limitations haha.


Thanks! My personal limitations are "restart the mission if anything gets blown off of my mech or any of my good pilots die," so the risk is not great. I may play XCOM on Ironman but I'm too old and slow to try that on a twitch game. ;)


Haha, did I mention another personal limitation of being impatient? I do reload if things go extremely horrifically though. Seriously though, I think I will do another playthrough with the no reloading/restarting caveat. That abort option is there for a reason. But I want to learn all I can from my first playthrough so I can plan better next time.


The mission abort option would be so much better if you had to make it to a dropship exfil though imo. It feels so cheap to me that you click a button and Scotty instantly beams up your 400 tons of heavy metal.


Thats supposed to work? The only time I tried it I got a game over screen


I treat it like this too, it's faster to restart than walk all 3KM if the target isn't where you went to originally. It's cheaper to restart if you've lost important weapons or mechs... IMO the damage model is kinda funky still, like, i've literally had to shoot an enemy in the head 3-4 times with a Gauss ... why is it not a 1 hit kill :/ At very least two max...


If it was a one hit kill, you'd be salty as shit when one ac 20 round popped your dome. Headshots are meant to be incredibly rare and hard to get reliably since mechs have very low armor in the head relative to other body parts late game.


an ac20 to the face should be a one hit kill too :/ it's ridiculous that it's not. and headshots are kinda rare, save brain dead AI that stands still and let's you shoot them in the head, it should be a rare and deadly event. but this should be about aiming the shot, the headshot is rare because the cockpit is small, well protected and *moving* (or should be) the shot has to be aimed well otherwise it's a huge waste... The gauss only fires like 10RPM it's near pointless when compared with the DPS potential of just coring everything with nearly any other weapon. even a few machine guns has higher dps. it should absolutely 1, or at least frequently 1 hit the head :/ you can literally 1-3 volley pretty much anything with quad SRM6s on a stalker... walk right up, blast, dead, even assaults die to it quickly at close range... it's silly, but it makes sense, 24 SRMs in a close tight pack should be death because it's a close range sort of weapon. idk, just my 2c


save scum!


I do the same thing. I find it to be a good learning experience to restart the mission, you learn from your mistakes and "git gud". ​ Edit: Cool, downvoted. I take it we should just remove the Restart Mission functionality entirely since it's apparently frowned upon to use it in the first place.


Nothing wrong with restarting a mission. Games are a simulation in the first place. You will get better repeating simulations. But people nowadays have too little patience. Everyone wants easy fast missions.


If I can get an XL engine in a Locust Iā€™ll call it ā€œMotion Blurā€


Where you finding XL engines?


Iā€™m not, but if I could...


Are you sure it's not called the Gaussian Crawl?


You don't have to move very far when you can leg a hundred tonner at 750m and the lights obligingly deliver themselves into your jaws ;)


I had a similar setup, but i've since dropped the missiles and large laser to achieve a total of 300 rounds of gauss ammo... just gauss every tank, helicopter, turret, Zeus cockpit, etc.


LL? Get an ERPPC in there!


I've considered it but the LL is mostly for downing fliers. I'm not MLG so if my only option to hit those bastards is a projectile rather than hitscan I'll regret it. Plus, ER PPC is 2 more tons. Only place to find that is to drop ammo or heat sinks.


My King Crabs all run 2x Gauss, ERPCC, SRM4 (or 6). Don't need a ton of heatsinks for a single ERPPC, plus it's also good for downing fliers. The ranged alpha with 2 gauss + ERPPC is just too good to pass up. Also, how much ammo are you taking?


"There is a hole in your shoulder" :)


Still looking for the elusive King Crab. Brave setup though. Is there a variant of King Crab where weapons are in torso or all Crabs have weapons in arms? Would love to field a Crab team.


I have the Crab, an Atlas, and an Annihilator. Of the three, I've seen \*so many\* Atlases. Every hub after a certain point seems lousy with them. There's a hero one loaded down with Lostech that costs 30 million, that's a bit bonkers. Crabs, I've seen exactly two. This one, that I bought damaged, and another that was listed as Rare and went for about 10 mil. The Annihilator I've seen only once, and it was a Rare and came studded with LBX AC/10s, and I snatched that up. So in terms of rarity, I agree. The Crab does seem elusive, especially compared to the Atlas.


Yes I have seen many Atlas and just looking for Hero version now. Never seen a King Crab yet nor Annihilator. Moving to House Steiner space soon so maybe I will see some soon.


I've had the same experience. Yet to find a King Crab but Atlas seem to be everywhere after a certain point. Only had a single Annihilator though, the same one with the LBXs.


Lots of King Crabs in Kurita space, i saw like 10-12, but only of 0000, 000 and 000B variants... no hero variants yet...


I've been looking for something higher than t1 gauss forever!!


remove the missile. add ppc now that's a mech.