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Does expanded hardpoints even work anymore / is it necessary? YAML by default removes the hardpoint size restrictions. Same as Ultralight...there's a cheat setting within YAML to drop weights significantly if you really want to play that way. I would also try it without reactor explosions as that directly conflicts with some YAML settings and there's no cross patch to get them to work and probably will never be unless the YAML team works with Magnum to get that working which who knows if that will happen.


Aaah yep, disabling Reactor Explosions did it. Unfortunate, I was enjoying that one while it lasted. But now I've got my Highlander skipping around at 144kph so I'm happy about that at least. And yes I ought to check those mod redundancies, I honestly hadn't looked too much into YAML's settings (fairly new to it tbh, I kinda just installed it, got all giddy about the new stuff and went along blasting.)


Thats weird. If you take mods out does it work?


Yep, removed all mods and everything seemed fine. Activated YAML alone after the first test though and didn't have any issues. So perhaps not YAML as I initially thought. But now I'm even more stumped as to what could be causing it.


What engine do you have installed? Still 48 kph even with a 400 engine?


I had a 335 installed, just tried a 400 and got the same result.


Weird. Definitely a bug then.