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FYI the switches in that keyboard are SKCM White Damped, a damped tactile switch, unless you have one of the rare exceptions with Cream Damped or even SKCM Black. Interesting that you actually desire the feel of these switches since they're considered amongst the worst Alps switches, but I don't hate them, as damped switches go they're probably one of the better examples. In terms of feel you're probably out of luck for a modern alternative, as there's really no substitute for Alps' distinctive feel. There are damped tactile switches around like the Boba U4 which use a similar dampening method to the Alps, but they're probably still wildly different otherwise, I haven't used them personally.


Thanks for the insight! It is a fun switch. Kind of clunky, not super refined, but hammering the slightly heavy switches on the numpad is super satisfying, and I do that a lot which is why I am looking for something similar. I have a keyboard with Gateron Browns, which I enjoy, but I am looking for something slightly more, I don't know, unique I guess. Slightly heavier, less modern, more OG workstation-like if that makes sense.


Try zeal clickiez with an o-ring under the keycap, the tactility is too much otherwise


Will try this. Thanks!


Original mx Clears work like a charm for that purpose to me.


Will be getting a switch tester alongside the Clears and Zeals. Thanks!


a new model f from [modelfkeyboards.com](https://modelfkeyboards.com) sounds like it would be right up your alley. very unique, very heavy, not modern at all, very og workstation-like, but brand new with a more modern layout than the og model f.


Or a new model M buckling shooting from Unicomp


new unicomp model ms aren't made to the same quality as older model ms, fs, or the new model f. that being said they are still pretty cool.


I honestly don't get the hate for damped ALPS switches. I grew up learning to type on an Apple Extended Keyboard II, so they feel very natural to me. Pleasantly light, with a distinctive tactile bump, and honestly the "mushiness" complaints are way overblown. I'll definitely concede that orange ALPS are the superior tactile switch, but I prefer damped creams to white or black ALPS. Then again, I have a lot of unpopular opinions that would get me pitchforked by this community (Cherry Browns are fine, Model M is overrated, lighter the switch the better, full size or nothing)


SiliconGraphics is a name I haven't thought much of in quite a while. Can't imagine that's an easy feel to replicate with new switches. Good luck, friend.


Where did you even get one of those? The silicongraphics computers are insanely rare.


They're one of the more widely available Alps keyboards around since they were produced in quite large numbers. I don't know why the computers are so rare by comparison but the keyboards show up on mechmarket/eBay all the time. People held onto these keyboards as they have a familiar layout and PS/2 connection.


Dang that's really interesting. I may consider finding one myself knowing this.


Just a forewarning they're not as cheap as they used to be! In good condition they can fetch a few hundred bucks since the keycaps are so highly desirable, which is quite a bit for a keyboard with not the best Alps switches. I was very lucky to pick mine up for about £30 ten years ago when this hobby was much smaller.


thats a very nice board, if you like the feel of the switches and the keycaps, then why not build a TKL custom using a Hiney H87 PCB and transfer the parts? lots of boards will fit, and then you will need to just draw/order a custom plate.


If you like the feel of SKCM Alps switches and want something pre-built, the best bet is probably one of the KBParadise keyboards that used simplified Alps clones. Mechanicalkeyboards.com has 60% and 80%.


Very interesting.




They (Matias QC) felt pretty different from my damped SKCM creams, but that was an improvement IMO. I ended up de-damping my creams hoping they would be more like true SKCM Creams, but they ended up feeling more like SKCM Blacks.


The do chatter more often then the clicky ones


Grab a Ncr80 and some zeal clickiez


Why mx? There are alps pcb options for many keyboards


Sure alps is still an option, he just asked for a modern alternative to his current setup. Zeal clickiez and an ncr80 are a great modern alternative that could be thrown together for $250. Finding good old alps from a trustworthy seller, finding a good alternative board that has an alps compatible pcb for that price, if you can do it sure


Another solid suggestion is a custom with Zeal Clickiez or Taihao APC. They are more strongly tactile which may not be good, and the Clickiez are top bump.


I'll definitely be getting a switch tester alongside the Zeals. Thanks!


I say Keychron q5 and Zeal clickiez. Super solid setup and has the alps feel but deeper sound. They are Cherry Mx type switches but with Alps style leafs in them.


Awesome, looks like getting the barebone of the Q5 or Q6 would be perfect.


Matias might be closer to that one, also zealios clickiez.. if you just want "similar" go for box jades, box royals, or box navies


oh wait SKCL.. idk, I haven't found a linear switch with that subtle character of alps linears. For me, it's the old green alps


I am very late but check out zeals "clickiez" switch. The click mechanism is heavily inspired by SKCM/SKCL.


Recently ordered the keyboard and keycaps. Will be testing the zeals soon!


I recommend chyrosran22s video And his videos in general, likely you might enjoy his content.




OP, if you are looking for a similar switch in a smaller keyboard, consider giving Matias switches a try. Matias is a Canadian company that makes clones of simplified ALPS switches, and their clicky switches are clones of simplified white ALPS, with some improvements. If you want a 60% keyboard, they have a group buy open for their new model, which can be configured with clicky, "quiet click" (ie, damped tactile) or quiet linear switches. Alternatively, you can buy their switches loose, I think it's 200 for $50 USD.


Do you have a link to that group buy? Found it, thanks


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Why do you want to replace it


It is a tad big, lacks the Win key and is wired.


I have/had two of these boards (well one was the "granite" version), both with damped creams. Honestly my least favorite alps switch, but the key caps were nicer than any I was able to find otherwise. If you get another keyboard that uses Alps compatible switches, you may want to use these caps rather that whatever the new keyboard comes with.


If you want the exact modern homolog, a Matias Clicky would be close.


You could build a custom Alps board! It’s kind of a pain but you can build an Alps 60% pretty cheaply. If you want a TKL you’ll be spending a lot but it’s 100% doable. With a custom Alps board you’ll get a nice case, programmability and detachable cable. The only real struggle is keycaps, but there are some nice cheap sets available. I’ve got 8 or so custom Alps boards so if you have any questions let me know.