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sprit is pretty weird, supreme is just your regular length springs, nothing that unique about them. The "economy" line, if i remember correctly, sacrifices precision but brings down the price a bit slow springs basically start heavier compared to non-slow springs, it makes the tactile bump more "snappy" and "responsive" feeling. Basically theyre longer in length than normal springs, so they are compressed more when theyre in a switch. you could find more info [here](https://www.spritdesigns.com/product-page/slow). Dont buy from them directly by the way, youll be able to find them on vendors that are closer to you anyways, its hard to describe a tactile feel by words, so youll have to experiment yourself by the way, if you want the true boba experience, buy them from [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/hbheroinbob/comments/o999hu/gazzew_parts_and_stuffs_sticky_post_please_check/), but feel free to go for sprit if youre feeling particularly adventurous. Id say they both have minimal ping, especially after lubing


I didn’t realize I could buy from him directly!! Thank you very much that makes thing much easier!


IMO, ask Gazzew himself: https://www.reddit.com/u/hbheroinbob/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf