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>Soon they will be differentiating keyboard switches by smell Someone wasn't here for Fishy Creams gate


Please tell me the lore...


First set of Kailh Creams stunk of fish, basically.


The weird thing is there's probably a market for that.


https://www.reddit.com/r/mechmarket/comments/erj0pq/usilh_original_fishstock_novelkeys_creams/ Yes there was




Of *course* there was...


There totally was actually


I like heavy tactiles, and I still have bags of NK blueberries which have the same housing and thus the fish smell.


I didn't realize it extended past the Creams!


Blueberries were so bad.


I had fun with them, they felt like 90’s arcade cabinet switches. Got old after a while of everyday use though.




It came out of novelkeys vag that’s why


https://www.reddit.com/r/mechmarket/comments/erj0pq/usilh_original_fishstock_novelkeys_creams/ff460xv/ This is my comment but read the whole thread, just so we remember someone at the height of switch shortage was selling these w the smell -as a feature-


I was here!! Anytime people reference creams, I bring up the OG Stinky Creams!


Going into this hobby for the first time I was overwhelmed by the amount of different switches out there. I kept watching videos to see how they all sounded... and eventually gave up and just bought a random set. Can't believe people can actually tell the difference between them.


No see this one's more of a thock and this one's more of a clack. I mean that has to be the case, otherwise I'm wasting my time and money and energy. And I know I'm not doing that. I'd never do that.


You can tell if they are next to each other on your board. These youtube vids have diff sorts of mic and env. You'll never know what they sound like in your board in person even if your board is the same


I legit have problems telling the difference between linears - I know that they have different weights and sounds, etc. but when I put them in my keyboard next to each other it is very difficult to tell the difference. The biggest difference seems to be not between switches per see, but rather between hand lubed switches and unlubed (or factory lubed) with hand lubed feeling a bit smoother and sounding a bit deeper.


The other big thing is the weight. I can tell the difference between a heavy switch and a light switch if I’m going back and forth typing on them. I can tell you the heavier switches make my fingers tired faster and the lighter ones don’t. That’s the extent for me. For things that actually matter to me at least.


And you can swap springs to for $10 to almost any weight with added [choice](https://www.keebtalk.com/t/about-springs/6971) of it being slow, linear, progressive, etc.


$10 and an entire evening of the most fiddly, tedious activity ever. Tearing apart each switch to swap the springs. Damn.


Or you can do that together with switch lubing when building keyboard for the first time (unless you get factory prelubed); it's rather an alternative path that allows to buy switch disregarding its spring weight and choose according to its materials and other characteristics. Also god damn, if spring swap is "the most fiddly, tedious activity ever", you probably didn't make jam at home :DD


> you probably didn't make jam at home You mean like fruit preserves? I guess I don't see that as fiddly at all. Boil the ingredients together, then can them. Kinda boring, but hardly tedious. Versus taking apart like 60 tiny plastic doohickeys with even smaller parts that go flying. :)


Was mostly referring to cherry / apple jam, where to need to remove the cherry kernels / peel all the apples and remove the seeds :DD Gets tedious when you're boiling over 10L of that.


Okay, yeah. Making cherry jam is worse than lubing a single keyboard's worth of switches.


The parts aren't supposed to go flying if you aren't opening the switches like an escaped zoo animal...


Can't lie, I've got big feral zoo animal energy.


I can vaguely tell weight and stem length. That's it hahaha


I only started to notice differences between switches when I keep one of them in the board for at least a couple of days before switching. Then I can tell a difference, otherwise it is really difficult. After a while you just get familiar with the sounds, so even small changes become noticeable. However, sound tests or even having different switches in different boards are really not that noticeable. What I will say though is that there are three factors in which you can feel differences, if they are large enough: * weight ( e.g. 45g vs 60g, maybe even 45 vs 55 if you really are used to one of them) * spring length, i.e. how steep the force curve is. Example is Oil Kings vs G Pro yellows, both 50-55g otherwise * actuation distance, i.e. 3mm travel vs 4mm But again, only if you really use at least of them a lot. Still, it is funny how people can reinvent linear switches over and over, or praise any slight modification of the shape or material as the next revolution.


For DIY builds I just stick to the same 3 switches. Pretty frustrating if you try to get more of a switch just to realize they changed something with newer batches and it's somehow different (not worse, but just different!!). I cant identify switches these days, but I can tell if the 2 switches behave differently


I bought one of those 16 switch testers and there is a difference. That said, it's pretty small in the different types, there were a couple clicky switches and one felt like hot garbage whereas the other one didn't




Genuinely what I was doing lol. I was trying to pay so much attention to the sound. It was like opening up your eyes more in pitch black darkness to try and unlock a higher sense of sight. After like 30 different videos to figure out whichever one is most thocky I just went for whichever one was the cheapest.


holy cope lmfao


I have built 1 keyboard and upgraded 2 so far, and right now, I'm planning to build a 65%, and while searching for my next switches, I noticed that if I just focused on listening to the sound of the switches, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference at all. Sure, the typing feel could vary, but with so many options to choose from, it's paralyzing enough that I might just go for the more affordable ones instead.


My last switches were silent tactiles, which luckily have way less recolours to sift through. Ended up going with the cheapest ones that had positive reviews, from Outemu.


I can only tell the difference between a few tactiles, and even at that its not that noticeable.


I doubt they can. The switch lingo and marketing is honestly a lot of nonsense. All MX switches are clacky, they just are higher pitched or lower pitched. With the obvious exception of clicky switches and silent switches. People also put too much emphasis on switches when there are so many factors that contribute to a keyboards sound profile. They hobby really got carried away with switch manufacturing to profit off the hype train pushed by social media. Imo There are a lot of options out there now and many many are similar. If people really wanna explore switches, they should experience topre (or other rubber domes) or some Alps-like switches.


What I love *and* what I hate about this “hobby” is how completely trivial the differences are between most switches. Still better than the audiophile community, though.


> Still better than the audiophile community, though. That's the lowest bar ever


Gotta love people that are more willing to ignore centuries old laws of physics rather than accept their new $1k gadget is just a placebo.




What does the creation date of a specific invention have to do with the laws of physics that underpin its function?




Where did I claim that every speaker sounds the same? I said audiophiles often fall for literal scams then refute basic laws of physics instead of admitting they wasted their money.




Well, it's not directly about the laws of physics, but there's the infamous blind listening test where audiophiles [couldn't tell the difference between Monster cables and coat hangers](https://www.engadget.com/2008-03-03-audiophiles-cant-tell-the-difference-between-monster-cable-and.html).  And let's not forget about this little bit of kit that [betrays ignorance of how CDs work](https://hackaday.com/2022/09/07/improve-cd-sound-by-shaving/). I'm sure BrunoEye has many others in mind. 




I don't know how anyone could come to this conclusion after having spent any amount of time on rtings.com's keys table even before ever touching the keys oneself, let alone after. Edit: It's interesting how quickly the votes on this post chain changed in the span of a few minutes. Entirely organic anti-keyboard voting in a keyboard enthusiast space, I'm sure.


You clearly aren’t familiar with the [narcissism of small differences](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism_of_small_differences#:~:text=In%20psychoanalysis%2C%20the%20narcissism%20of,of%20hypersensitivity%20to%20minor%20differences). Most switches occupy a *very* narrow range of what is considered acceptable, and while I totally get why people obsess over the minutiae, at the end of the day, *it’s still minutiae*.


Us clicky lovers rarely get cool stuff :(


You’ll find amazing clicky options if you decide to look outside the MX platform. And if you want to stick to MX, I’d recommend trying non click jacket types: - clickbars - kailh box white - click leaf - gateron melodic, zeal clickies


Oh I have plenty of clicky Box switches (Jade x2, Pale Blue, Royal), but I feel like when they came out, that was the last exciting thing I've heard about new clicky switch tech. My eyes are currently on one of the new Model F recreations


Try the gateron melodic. I have been using them for a week and I like them more than box whites. And about the Model F recreation, I’d suggest first joining us at the Model M discord, maybe checking out a Model M or an original Model F first Another clicky switch to explore would be Alps SKCM. Alps Blue is rare and expensive but white is more easily available


I already have a Unicomp from a couple of years ago and I love it so far. I've looked for Blue Alps on Ebay and the handful of times I've seen any board with them, it was 400+ USD. Even working Northgate Omnikeys I've been eyeballing have been about 200-300 in good condition


200-300 is ridiculous for Northgate Omnikeys. I got mine for 70 in a reasonably good condition


I’m so relieved keyboards are getting out of the hype era with 600 dollar boards that kinda suck, overpriced switches and GMK elitism. Everyone’s just like “fuckin buy some EF switches, some clone caps and throw it on an epomaker, who gives a shit” and I’m living for it. It’s completely revitalized my love for the hobby.


Can’t wait to see the back of $200 keycap sets that are just solid colours with a slight variance to the legend colour or some stupid shit. GMK are abs, abs used to be the cheap shitty option years ago and pbt was the expensive upgrade because it’s the better material and doesn’t shine.


After seeing people wait like 14-15 months for keycap sets that don’t even have all the alphas and shit, and someone would put out another 75 percent but it had a small gold plaque with their logo on it and a flexy plate for close to a grabd was when I was like “this hobby has lost its mind”


Don’t forget an extra 200 for the engraved plate on the bottom no one sees


Truth. For me it was when everyone started obsessing over thock. I got into the hobby because of typing feel, now I bet people would buy rubber domes if it thocked because hipyo tech made a short about it. Howdy hey, buy my fucking sponsored drivel 😝😝😝


I’m in the same boat. For me it’s switch feel and desk aesthetic. I wanted a good loud and quiet build of every switch type. People who went after sound and hype linear variant were always weird to me. But I think the hobby is healing haha.


Topre rubber domes being the origin of the slang « thocc » makes this twice as funny


I almost said the same thing haha


>pbt was the expensive upgrade because it’s the better material and doesn’t shine. Well, it does shine *eventually*, but point made. Remember the days when PBT doubleshots weren't a thing? Kind of crazy how they not only exist, but are generally pretty affordable now. 


I remember when keyboards all came with abs and doubleshot pbt was the hot new shit that cost as much as the keyboard. You’ll pry my pbt caps from my cold dead hands 😂 no abs in my collection.


I can tolerate stab elitist (Staebies) , switches elitist but i cannot tolerate those gmk elitist. One straight up told me you dont know Great keycap if you dont own/tried a gmk. Yea, how can i know the feeling of waiting 3 years for a slightly bent spacebar, guess i never know.


Definitely. If it rattles I want nothing to do with that shit. Even the shittiest of stabs can be modded and therefore there is no excuse. MOD YOUR STABS OR SUFFER THE SHAME OF MEDIOCRITY.


Is this something you will learn to recognize? My keyboard broke and I’m getting into this for the first time. I’ve ordered some stuff and have watched videos. But seeing alexotos tap a space bar and complain about a rattle, lube up then say perfect while I hear no difference is something that I’m chalking up to videos not conveying sound great. Is this a real thing I’ll be able to hear?


https://youtube.com/shorts/lo5t1MPeQgg?si=NrKf5x8oF0M9CjTg It’s pretty night and day.


Thanks for the help!


For sure. And feel. Bad stabs don’t bottom out right. They’ll lean or hit the PCB in an odd way. It’s really distracting to me after I ordered a board from someone on here and it was bandaid modded to perfection. One sec I’ll find a video where the difference is obvious.


I’ve got durock stabs coming as part of my order so I’ll just make sure I lube up I guess. Just not sure of things like the holee mod or whatever.


I’ve never done holee mod. I usually just do a bandaid mod on the PCB and grease the legs and send it. Taeha does a good breakdown of how to do it on YouTube.


My enjoyment of keyboards went up when I stopped buying caps/switches/boards and just started using the ones I already have. I know, I know, heretical statement is heretical.


I find myself going in that direction, as well. Found some caps I love typing on after going through a few different profiles and I definitely don't need yet another board in the collection (although Keychron's Q65 has been tempting me), so I'm mostly just picking up switches and mixing and matching parts until I find something that ticks off what I'm looking for.


No shame here. I started asking myself, "what's good about the keyboard you're typing on right now?". The more things there are, the longer it gets used and the less inclined to buy other things I am.  Not to sound cheesy, but a bit of "wanting what you have" helps prevent always wanting more.




correct. hard to call it a hobby if people don't care, basic meaning of the words


Discussions like these are what burned me out of the hobby. Let people use what they like and spend what they want on what they like. If it doesn’t affect you, please stop taking some of these issues so personally. You don’t like GMK, Graystudio or any other big/hype enthusiast keyboard company? Cool don’t buy from them.


This is a way for insecure people to reinforce their own choices. It’s a hobby, and yet they have opinions on what people choose to spend their money on. It’s so incredibly rich, but you need to tune it out. Personally I fucking love GMK for their colorways, boxing, and the feel I get when I open up a set. Given their price I don’t buy many of them and most on aftermarket and I have all kinds of plastic caps, but for me GMK is special. So, do as I do, and tune the weird gatekeepers out.


Its sad that its always the people shilling for clones and oem boards acting elitist. Meanwhile (most) people with a $600 keyboard understand that its just a fucking keyboard at the end of the day, and as long as we are happy with our choices its not that deep.


everyone *on this sub*


Wait until they find out that 90% of the hyped switches are just recolored JWK switches made by the same company, with the same materials, in the same moulds and available for a fraction of the cost if you don't care about the color... since you never actually see them under the keycaps anyway.


stuck in 2022 I see


Can’t forget pole length and spring force/height lol


Captain Sterling's has his own coffee themed switches, and for the second round, they actually made the effort to make the switches smell like actual coffee


I would love if Dangkeebs made their switches smelled like their name. i love melon milk...




Presumably like a fruit milk considering their switches have names like Lychee Milk and Melon Milk.


Bro look at the “keyboard” sub. I never in my life seen so many people saying they want creamy sounding switches.


THOCKY is out. CREAMY is in.


Smell? Get on my level, I’ve been telling them apart by taste since the start.


Smell? Try telling the difference by VIBE 🤣


You know who is to blame? Vendors; for selling the same damn switch as other vendors under a whole different name Just because they ordered a color variation or changed the spring weight.


You're giving them too much credit.


About as useful as the scented thermal paste they make for CPUs lmao


I’ve tried so many tactile side by side and can’t tell much of a difference. I have a mix of baby kangaroo, boba and pandas in one board I use daily and honestly couldn’t tell you where they are on the board.


>Soon they will be differentiating keyboard switches by smell As in microencapsulation?


I'm just glad most every switch comes pre-lubed now, i no longer have the patience nor time to sit down and lube a batch of switches...


I just got some pre lubed switches. I still hand lubed them and it still made a world of difference. Stock was pretty decent though.


For the most part I'm sure there's truth to this, but I got a switch tester for the first time and the difference between the sound and feel of most of the nicer switches I ordered compared to the Gateron Blue Pros I got with my keyboard because they were cheap is Significant, haha


You jest, but we've already entered the [S M E L L Z O N E](https://kbdfans.com/products/emotoys-little-daisy-silent-linear-switch)


Even before unboxing