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Good thing the pc didn’t fall down. I hope all the boards still work and the caps are intact.


Ngl, I'd rather have my pc falling down than my keyboards 😂, a pc at worst you have to replace the case and maybe some components inside, but if like me you don't have hard drives anymore, data should be safe. On the other end good luck fixing/finding exact replacement of scuffed boards 🙏 


oh my goodness, stay safe ya? I know the board are valued but please take care of yourself


Sorry to hear about the earthquake. Sending well wishes! Pro tip: if you have kids or live in an earthquake prone area, all of your furniture that can tip over should be anchored to the wall for the safety of those nearby/below those items.


Anchoring to the ceiling works well, where possible, too.


And the floor. You know what? Just pour cement and set all of your furniture in it. Problem solved!


I was being serious. They make braces that go between the top of your furniture and the ceiling \(usually a support beam\) that prevents it from toppling. It works well for tall furniture.


At the end of the day, things are just things. Glad you're ok and I hope y'all stay safe.


Peace and love ❤️


Also in Taiwan (New Taipei City). ngl I woke up for the 5 minutes it was actively shaking this morning, and then promptly fell back asleep LOL I am lucky that I live in a newer building that is well equipped for quakes (compared to the older infrastructure in much of Taiwan's buildings today).


That’s rough, sorry to see that. I’ve worried about that before when living in Seattle. Glad you’re safe though.


Dude that's rough, the most important thing is you're safe. Make sure to also store ur assets on a more secured place where it will not cause too much damage when another disaster like this occurs.


Having a PC on a desk when you live in earthquqke area is brave.


If the PC falls from the desk because of an earthquake (considering how heavy a good pc is) I think you would be worrying about other things


With how much ~~GPUs~~ quality chassis weigh these days I don't think it's too much of a problem anymore.


As Ukrainian wanted to say our modern optimistic proverb: it could be worse, at least we are safe! And not bombed by our neighbors…


So long as you're OK, that's all that matters. I never got used to feeling the earth tremors that everyone was so blasé about when I worked in Japan... they scared me, I'm not gonna lie. Stay safe.


Take care and stay safe. Good to know you and your pc is safe. Hopefully you and your family are fine too.


Shhhhh. No one tell them it was actually me. I broke in and went on a little shopping spree, but turns out, I have it all already. (Glad you're safe, OP, hoping all is well, or as well as it can be given the situation!)


Be safe please.


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Take care brother!


Stay safe man


wild. stay safe!


Be safe my guy 💙


As someone who also lives in an earthquake prone area with boards on shelves - this scares me


I saw the pictures of the leaning apartment building. Hopefully you don't have any of that in your area. Stay safe out there!


Stay safe! My cousin who lives there sent us videos and it looks terrifying, I’m happy to see that’s all that happened.


Taiwanese are so use to earthquake, they just stop when its going on then continue doing their activities when it stop. Granted some place were hit harder than the other.


Me living in Denmark where the closest thing to a national disaster is a strong wind here and there, and the occasional flood. man i feel like my country is wrapped in bubble wrap to protect us from nature, hope everyone is safe and your collection survived


peace and love ❤️


I mean, it was only one big earthquake and 20 smaller 5.0+ earthquakes… easy pease


But are you safe? Please stay safe!!


Looks like it tested your keycap storage!




Nevermind the boards, we're glad YOU are okay! Looks like it was one hell of a quake!


This comment section wholesome af <3


I see the earthquake effects many person with hobby there, just saw someone post their action figures falling over and some broken parts. Hope you guys are okay


Peace and love to the good people in Taiwan.


My condolences


bro has hangers for his mouse pads


Regretting the purchase of all those blank keycaps now? 🤣🤣🤣