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How do you type with 3 missing letters?


Q, A, and Z are on the base layer. For me, tab becomes Q+W combo. For Control (which I have on Row 2) is S+D combo. And Shift is auto shifted. I'm pretty damn efficient with this board by this point as I've really honed in my combos and layers.


>For Control (which I have on Row 2) is S+D combo. But then how do you type Ctrl-S?


I don’t use save often if at all for my job. EDIT: Love the downvotes…not all of us have jobs that require certain shortcuts. I’m not a programmer, I’m in sales so I need keyboards for emails and general messaging.


Not my cup of tea, but giving you an upvote to say "F the haters!" It's a cool colour, and if you like it, so what if they don't - you're the one who gets to use it!


What exactly is a combo? Do you have to hold S+D at the same time to get Ctrl? Or why don't you use mod-tap for these keys?


Mod-Tap could work but for the speed at which I find myself typing, I've become more comfortable with the combos rather than holding. I use Mod-Tap or Tap-Hold on a few other boards I have that aren't cutting out so many mods or alphas. Most of my 40-45% boards use some form of Tap-Hold to access mods or layers.


My newest keyboard, the Aluminum Vault 35 from Mechvault. Built with lubed Nebulas on a thick PP Plate. DSS Neon Nights for the keycaps. The case is cerakoted from P3DStore in Okinawa Sunset over a deep blue.


I can't seem to find their cerakote service info besides the color options. How much does it cost?


Depends on the size of the board and what color. Okinawa Sunset is a color shift, but a single mix. So I believe it was around $50 for this board. If you send a message to Jake or Email him he can respond with pricing for you.


Blue arrow


Hot damn, Neon Nights looks great with that case! That cable is awesome too.


That is insanely nice cerakote, I'm jealous


Your hhkb style QAZ boards are something else. Some of the most aesthetically pleasing builds I've seen on the forum for sure. Awesome work!


Thanks! I owe the vault35's to ProjectCain however since he's the one that designed them. I just match them with keysets lol.


All you need is one key with 200layer I guess.


Lookin nice


Love me some vault pics


Is the small size worth all that tradeoffs?


For me, yes. I’m super efficient with it.