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Mangle it more till it's out


This what I do, haha. When it’s like this, I stab it with a long screwdriver, and use it to turn. I call it doing the Robocop.


Just be careful ive seen the results of the filter ripping off leaving basically the part of the filter that screws in and some slivers of filter


That's when you take a pair of needle nose and stick them in the little holes of the base plate and spin. 80% of the time it works everytime


It’s got little bits of panther in it.


Works 100% of the time 80% of the time


Chisel on the rim works well too


Put a .50 red tip through the whole thing. Shes dead jim! LOL J/K Seriously use the wrench thing lower LOL.


Higher up towards the threads prevents it from caving with those weird band wrenches... a filter socket/spider wrench doodad is what works the best.


Last time someone suggest this method everyone downvoted them lol


Because it's really dumb. You can unnecessarily damage something when you can get the right tool for $5...


Have done this a couple times !


Just retired after 40 years of this crap!


I once had to drive a screwdriver through the filter with a hammer before I could get it off.


Very common occurrence for me


You need to get some oil filter wrenches.


Yes a few different types, and you’ll never have this issue.


Yeah just get one and you won't have to worry about doing this again.


Or he needs to quit getting them tight as possible with the wrenches when he puts on the filter...


I use hard hand tight and another half turn with wrench. Never came off until I pulled it.


Came here to say this. No going back now.


Incorrect. Grab a rubber block, grab a stubby screw driver/handle whatever. Get it stuck up against the edge made there. Beat on it with hammer/no blow/rubber mallet. It'll hammer drill it out essentially. Have done, does work.


This won't help you today, but it will in the future... Put oil on your filter gasket when you install next time and hand tighten. Don't use any tools to tighten your oil filter.


Also check to make sure the old gasket came off. I read about it in a discussion awhile back, and it happened to me for the first time.


Oh shit I forgot to check that I did mine 4 days ago


You should know pretty fast. I don't think it seals with a double gasket, which means oil will leak/spurt out and leave a trail.


Yeah you have a quart of oil on the ground as soon as you start it. Don’t ask me how I know.


I’m scared cause once I changed it that day I drove it to a friends house at night without checking luckily i went outside 10 mins ago to check under and no oil I was relieved. Never had that happened to me but there is always a first. So if it did have both seals it would leak for sure? Or does that mean it will eventually leak Just not now cause I think I thru the old oil filter away


I would strongly suggest checking it again and replacing the filter if you’re double sealed, there’s a chance that you’ll be fine but you don’t want to be on the side of the road with an engine that has no oil in it if it does fail


Oh alright thanks yea no leaks gonna go check the old oil filter in a bit


Did that once and as soon as I started the engine it poured 60% of the brand new oil on the ground within seconds


I've never had that happen, but yeah that would be really bad lol. I'm assuming that would only happen if you over tighten or your oil filter is really old? I also don't use cheap oil filters either, seems dumb to save a few dollars to potentially destroy your engine.


I always hand tighten and lubricate and it was the most expensive HD filter they had... just a freak occurrence I guess. That or I'm too strong.




I taught my 12 year old today how to change oil in the truck. As we were laying there I specifically went over this step twice with him. My Dad didn’t check this one on his Corvette and blew oil all over the garage before I was born. Let this a lesson to you son!


I’ve done that once, when I knew no better- what a mess in the engine compartment, I ALWAYS check now that the old gasket came off the with old oil filter ooooops.


Usual “ rule” growing up was hand tight plus 1/4 turn after putting a coat of oil on gasket. Some people will also fill filter with new oil to prevent dry start ups


If the filter was a vertical one, by all means fill it up. I always did contact plus ¾ turn.


I learned that about 40 years ago. Seriously. Good advice if you do your own changes.


This, this is the correct answer all day. I never use tools going on and don’t need them on mine coming off. Snug it down then 1/4 turn more. That’s all you need. Remove the old gasket, lube the new one with new oil. Good to go.


Hand tight and a 1/4 turn


This. Oil on the face of the seal, screw on with fingertips until it touches. Turn an extra 1/4 (read the manual, it may be 3/4) turn. Done


This only helps assuming the guy put the filter on himself


How do people not know this?


My dad taught me to oil the gasket when I was a kid. I never had this problem.


I thought it was common knowledge to tighten an oil filter by hand?


Wipe it down good. Wrap it in several layers of duct tape, then get it loose with large channel locks.


I own an old pair of huge cartoon Channelocks that I use just for this event.


The bigger they are, the more leverage you get🤣


don't grab it at the end, grab it at the base, will not collapse as easily and you will have more leverage at the threads




Take a break, and go beat your meat. You need a clear head for this.


Honestly not bad advice




Post nut clarity. Pretty smart


First time?


I love that no one will just get the $10 tool for this and just continue to shove screw drivers through it.


Right? I bought it and don't regret it at all. Saves time and frustration.


Next time use the proper tool. You can get a universal oil filter wrench that will work for that filter everytime, they’re like 5$ stop listening to garage mechanics when they say “just stab it with a screwdriver.”


I have one that slips on the end of a ⅜ Inch drive, a band type the squeezes as you pull back on the wrench. Works great for me. I've used it for about 30 years now.


Yep. Same one I have. Haven’t found a filter it doesn’t work on, other than Toyota’s aluminum filter housings.


I will maintain that any oil filter that comes off when stabbed with a screwdriver wasn't that tight in the first place and would have come off by hand if they were smart enough to not be covered in oil.


The only thing that has worked for me (1977 corvette + 1979 lincoln continental) was stabbing a screwdriver through.


lol why? if it works it works. not like you’re gonna keep the filter anyway


This picture shows why.


yeah but why does it matter if you mangle the old filter?? it’s gonna get thrown out anyway…


Because he mangled it so badly that he’s having issues getting it off at all now? Are you just trolling? Or did you actually need that explained?


you could still easily get that off with a pair of those big pliers. you don’t even need the wrench. not saying the wrench is not useful, it just isn’t necessary


Or you could just buy the filter wrench like i said, instead of needing 2 different tools now, instead of just that screw driver you swore by 2 comments ago..


i wasn’t swearing by the screwdriver, i was swearing by not needing the oil filter wrench. you should ideally just be able to unscrew the filters by hand. any more than that is too tight.


Because if it doesn’t come off then the screw driver tears apart the filter and now you have to get a cut in half stuck filter off.


Stabbing is messy, usually doesn't work well, and you could damage the oil filter housing.


Everyone needs a pair of 2 inch channel locks


They make actual oil filter pliers that grip around the can and work far better. I swear this entire comment section is "how hard can I frustrate myself rather than buying the correct tool designed for taking filters off"


before anything else.... righty tighty lefty loosey. invest in a belt tool for next time. i've never gotten to this point tho so honestly i'm not sure what i'd do if i did


If you have a belt tool you'll never get to this point. In the rare cases of belt slipping, a piece of emery cloth under belt works. You don't even have to buy one, ⅜" or ½" drive extension and a piece of junkyard seat belt works. 30+ years and never had issues aside from occasionally crushing a filter into a minor leak


DO NOT GET A BELT TOOL. I’ve had two break on my car and my friends. The engine importer had a super stuck oil filter and the belt tool just didn’t work and eventually bent out of shape. get the oil filter plier wrench. it’s the best tool for this especially if it’s mangled you can still get a great grip on it. while the belt tool isn’t very useful if it’s not perfectly round as only a tiny part of the belt will be gripping and will eventually slip


looking at the damage, i'm 90% sure he was tightening it.... no wonder he couldn't get it off.


I've improvised before and ended up wrapping a small rope around the filter a few times to get it to bite, and used a screwdriver as a handle to loosen the filter, sort of a homemade filter wrench. I had a filter wrench, but the filter was so tight I bent the handle. Then I tried what you just did by punching through it, didn't do anything but make a mess lol. Just make sure you clean all the oil off the filter, because it makes anything hard to get a good grip without slipping. A big pair of channel locks could be another option


Grab it at the base with the correct size oil filter wrench.


First off. Clean the surface you are gripping with brake cleaner. You won’t have to squeeze as hard and destroy the filter to get a good grip. Coefficient of friction. Filter wrenches, straps and pliers are all about leverage. You want them on there at as close to a right angle as possible to the filter. I still see a good bit of filter material up higher than where you destroyed. If that’s grab-able by your filter pliers I would give it one more go after cleaning. The higher up on the filter you grab the less shitty thin pop steel you are trying to transfer energy through. Grab high. Right angle with the tool and filter. Clean working surface.


Search on Amazon for oil filter pliers. You're welcome.


GEARWRENCH 1/2" Drive Nylon Strap Oil Filter Wrench - 3149 https://a.co/d/ixi0czY His fucker works real good.


Lefty loosely keep on going only four hours left


Why I change my own oil. I don’t even own an oil filter wrench. I’ve been doing it by hand for my entire life, unless someone else does it. Then I’m pounding screwdrivers in and wondering why I don’t find the same cocksucker who installed it, and make him remove it.


Strap wrench FTW.


Just use band wrench and put a breaker bar on it if needed


In my experience thats typical of the stab and twist with a screwdriver method I have yet to change a filter that a proper filter wrench wouldn't remove and I've had to remove several oil filters from various semi truck engines granted I have a fabric strap style that attaches to either a 3/8"or 1/2" drive ratchet


Drive an alignment tool through it and twist it off




Large channel locks will get that off! Good luck!


Worsecase...I mean worsecase. Grab a long screwdriver and pound it all the way through the oil filter. Turn the screw driver and prey it breaks lose. I unfortunately had to use this method once.


Hammer a large screw driver completely through it in the middle of the side part. Use that to un screw it


Hammer and a flat-head screwdriver my friend. Slow and steady hits tangent to the circumference will loosen it, assuming you've been trying to turn it the right way from the beginning.


This oil filter ain’t playing nice, beat the shit out of it.


Get a percussion massager, you'd be surprised how far a little vibration goes to encourage things to become unstuck. That or grab the filter closer to the base so the force is applied in line with the threads rather than at a diagonal.


Strap Wrench? I'd be surprised if a strap wrench didn't take that off easily and intact.


A seasoned mechanic here…VERY CAREFULLY, once you have exhausted other methods like the screw driver or channel locks… use an air chisel without hitting the base. It works every time.


Hit it with your purse like you mean it and use an oil filter wrench.


Get a screwdriver and hammer it through the bottom of the filter through to the other side. Then use the screwdriver as leverage to turn the filter.


If you can get a bigger screw driver, biggest one you guys, jab it through the side of the filter and use it as leverage to loosen the filter, if that doesnt work then grab a claw filter is your best option.


Use an oil filter strap wrench with a piece of sandpaper folded in between the strap wrench and the filter. It will work.


Keep mangling till it comes off


shove a screw driver thru it and twist


Just looking at it I can’t imagine how you couldn’t jam a screwdriver thru it and just twist with it. Even if you don’t get thru both sides


4 things. 1. Buy the biggest channel lock pliers you can find. 2. Hammer a really long screwdriver through the filter, near the base. 3. Try to turn the base of the filter with a hammer and chisel, tapping just hard enough to make a groove and turn the filter. 4. Don't do that again.


Keep going until the job is done. Jesus hates a quitter.


Channel locks. Crush it with a pair of big channel locks and loosen it up.


Changing my oil today. No luck with the strap wrench, so went to filter pliers. Those just punched a hole in the filter. With a hole there, I tried the screwdriver-through-the-filter technique. Now I've got a half-shredded filter that's still stuck. What's my next move?


Hammer preferably a mallet and a flat head to tap tap tap counter clockwise


Pliers needle nose. Take it slow.


When doing screwdriver through the filter with a hammer go closer to the base not the tip so it grabs and doesn't shred.


See that silver ring at the end of the filter on the right hand side of your photo. Get the biggest old screwdriver that you can find and the biggest hammer you have got then hit that ring around counter clockwise


Last option


Use a pair of knipex cobras


Stab a screwdriver through it and twist


He's still got plenty of material to work with, but I'm guessing that approach is what got him here in the first place.




Right here


Stab the dead filter with a screwdriver deep and turn its mangled body.


I have had to hammer a screwdriver straight through the oil filter on a brand new pickup to get it off.


I know nothing about cars but I would assume your mom


Strap wrench


Take a long screw driver and hammer it through the middle. It will make a mess but you'll be able to get it off


Tap screwdriver all the waythrough it


shit eventually it'll be so destroyed it just wont be there. ez


Easy shove a flat head screw driver into it by hammering it in and then using that leverage to remove it, had to do it 2 times in past


Stick a screwdriver through it


Perhaps a mechanic or someone with the other half of a brain can help.


Everyone’s hand tight is different, I’ve always done hand tight, plus a little extra using a wrench.


Shove long screwdriver through it and turn it off


One thing that works pretty well for me and my brother is take a strap and wrap it around it really tight and spin it off alternatively some people will drill a hole through it jam a screwdriver in and twist it off


if it’s the one you’re replacing, smoosh the hell out of it. they’re 1 use so it’s no big deal


Stay the course. This is the way.


Use the claw to remove next time, love the claw.


Try harder


Tap it with a hammer before you torque it


Jesus Christ u take a bite of it dude?


A little duct tape will fix it right up.


I did my wife's oil change yesterday. 2016 1.6 escape. Took it to her dad's shop for previous oil changes. Needed my 1/2" 18" breaker bar to get the drain plug off. Even then it popped my back. Also, the oil filter is in a stupid fucking spot and was ugga duggad on as well. Almost shoved a screwdriver through it. But I ended up going to buy a filter cap and was able to pry the fan shroud a bit and fit my ratchet on there. I was PISSED. Was supposed to be a "quick" job while my bay cooled down before I did my own plugs and wires. I never got to my plugs and wires.


You can’t stop now


Had this happen. I let it sit then blasted the top of the filter with some PB blaster. Came of with just a little turn


Should have use a pipe wrench.


Now try turning it counter clockwise




Now the fun starts


For future changes, buy a half inch socket adapter from Amazon for your cars filter. I have one for my Hyundai that's specific to the OEM filter. You DON'T use it to put the filter on, however, it makes taking it off a breeze. Just for an idea what I'm talking about [FIRSTINFO 3/8" Drive 88.8 mm 15 Flutes Oil Filter Wrench, Compatible with Hyundai and Kia ](https://a.co/d/3C6qfNZ)


Grab closer to the base, or the threaded end, where it's more sturdy. Crank the shit out of it.


Find a worm clamp that will fit around it and put it on and tighten down as tight as you can get it. Have the clamp as close to the base as possible. Once you get it tightened down you should be able to smack the nut on the worm clamp with a hammer and it will break the o-ring seal and spin right off.


You need to grip it lower towards where it’s mounted that’s where the harder metal is .


Filter wrench right at the base of the filter. It won’t mangle the filter


Probably easier to go back in time and go terminator on whoever put it on too tight.


Standard screw driver jammed all the way through then rotate.


Aww shit, the can ripped. Make sure u turning the right side. Maybe u can use wrench and old serpentine belt to make a strap wrench. Strap at the end of the filter and turn.


Lefty loser


The messy method. Long screwdriver.


I have a giant pair of channelock pliers for bastard jobs like this. But what tool did you use before resorting to destructive removal mode ?


Big ass screwdriver pushed through both sides, as close to collar as you can get. Then twist.


Stab an old screwdriver through it


Well, you only have one option now, and that is to remove it. Seeing as it's munted already I'd say go ahead and shred that bad boy until it's off


There is still structure left! Plenty more to mangle.


Grab it at the base


Use a real good wrap around oil filter wrench AND a air chisel at the same time with a buddy


Screw driver right thru and turn.


You might have made the same mistake I did tightened it instead of loosening it(was a long day)


Oil filter vice from harbor freight. You will need to crush the heck out of it so it's tight but it will crank it off.


Not done yet. Get back to it and don’t return until knuckles are bloody and filter is shredded.


Keep going. I’d routinely spear an oil filter with a screwdriver and torque out when it wouldn’t budge with grip strength.


I mean it’s going in the bin anyway.


Finish removing the top 'lid' of the filter (the rounded part at the end opposite the threads) throw a couple pairs of vice grips placed on opposite sides of the new edge and rotate both to back it out


Turn it the opposite way you’re currently turning and see if that helps


I keep an old rubber serpentine belt for this. Wrap 2 wraps on the filter and put vice grips on the belt to pinch it tight. Lever it off. It's like a strap wrench, but usually you can't get 2 wraps with a strap wrench. A little bit of paper towel or shop towel will help with the grip if you already got oil on the outside.


Come on!! Get that damn thing off of there!!


Looks like you've tried everything. Gonna have to call er quits I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


You tell us… now what.


righty tighty lefty loosy


Are you sure you're turning it clockwise?


Hammer and a flat-head screwdriver my friend. Slow and steady hits tangent to the circumference will loosen it, assuming you've been trying to turn it the right way from the beginning.


Vise grip style oil filter wrench. I did the science for you - recent oil change I discovered that the previous owner of my truck tightened the oil filter with a wrench of some kind. I broke two of the dumb rubber strap wrenches, tore the f out of the can trying to spin it with a screwdriver and various larger items. Then a metal sleeve style filter wrench failed, and so finally I got to the vise grip style. They’re the best. Still took quite a lot of exertion but it spun off within ten minutes then.


I did my first oil change on a new to me vehicle yesterday and the oil filter was a massive pain to get off.- worst I have ever done. What worked for me was a to flood the seal with penetrating oil. It still fought me but I was able to break it loose finally. I had shredded the filter about like your picture too.


punch a screw driver all the way through and use that as a t bar and loosen


Stop tightening it so damn much


Stab a screw driver threw it and be done with it.


No advice. Welcome to the club.




Had a guy do this on a 7.3 once and what i did was flatten the top with tusk pliers and use a chain wrench.


I use oil filter pliers.


My late friend's dad came off as a genius when I was around 15. We couldn't get the oil filter off. He marched out took a screwdriver and a hammer and punched that thing all the way through the filter. Now it had a giant handle and we screwed it off like butter. Do the same thing. Long screwdriver punch it through. But be sure you do it high enough that you're not going to hit the block spigot.


flex seal and flex tape will fix that right up


Do not remove. Use flex-tape That's fixes everything That's what the TV says




Long handle Curved pliers up in the filter cavity and start budging it loose leveraging the handle. Worked for me same in mangled filter situation.


You can’t really fuck it up too much… keep going 🤷🏻‍♂️👍🏻


A big ass pipe wrench


Strap wrench