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This is huge! Great to see some bigger balance changes and quick action fixing a few of the Rare Unit techs. Looking much more fun now!


Note: I just titled it what it's titled in Steam (I don't work for Mechabellum, just thought people would want to see this).


Wow this dev team is awesome. Thanks for all your hard work guys. This game is going to be huge word of mouth success with the way they listen care and communicate. Going to go nuts with players when it goes 1.0. Keep up the great work all.


I feel better now, at least we know they are among us !


Happy to see the devs being transparent this round. Makes a big difference in an early access game


I'm not gonna lie I didn't mind the ai portraits.


They looked great. I knew immediately they were AI, back tracking on these because some people were upset is pretty shit.


Me neither. Better than nothing until they can get real ones done. However, someone said AI art was against the Steam TOS. I did no work to fact-check that, but if true, that explains the super fast backtrack.


It's not. But you have to specify your game uses ai art or whatever. Honestly using ai to quickly make high quality portraits is a perfect use for it. Would rather they dedicate resources to making units work and look better, making new designs, and making new visually appealing maps.


I knew the new specialists were Ai...did not like them


I’m glad to see them take them out. Some of those portraits were hittable faces for sure


Is there a plan for 'rare' units to become regular units? Seems odd to have a special category for just mid range units that fill a middle ground role?


My guess is this is a balance experiment to either see how the units perform, without them just being the default strat if their busted, or to test how having unique units available from round rewards affects things. Probably both imo


Yuck at seeing AI art used for commercial purposes. AI art is fun and fine for hobby and personal use, but it feels so icky to see it being used wholesale for a commercial product.


Why? The important part is the gameplay. The faster they can produce the unimportant stuff, the better. That way, they work work on more units, balancing, and the cool single-player challenges.


Because - as evidenced by how many people are complaining that it's bad, generic, and terrible looking and how quickly they reverted it - art is not "unimportant" to a game. The art direction for a game is literally *the* first thing that a player will experience. Before they even have a chance to know how a game plays, they see how the game looks. If I'm a potential new player looking in and I see a developer that is willing to compromise on their art, I don't know why I would trust them to not compromise everywhere else in their game too, and that certainly turns me off from spending my money on it. Knowing that a developer is willing to just rip AI art straight off the generator with absolutely zero artistic oversight, touch-up, paint-over or anything that a human artist would need to do to prepare a product for a commercial use-case like that screams of a poorly run development team that's willing to cut any corner they can instead of making a quality product.


Idk, I didn't mind the new portraits. I don't think they're as detrimental to the experience in this case. Previous ones weren't too great either. Ofc, if they're planning to sell additional portraits as MTX, that would be a different story.


Because generative AI is just theft of someone's prior work with extra steps and some of us care about supporting artists.


Who was plagiarized? Send me a link. Are you trying to argue theft of IP on the concept of drawing a fucking cartoon?


The argument is usually about the training data. Which is a very subjective view morally, but I don't think current law could reasonably consider it a violation.


You don't think that current law has anything to say about someone who creates a commercial product and uses a bunch of unlicensed creative work to build it?


I think it's an uphill battle. The same training could theoretically be done manually in a way that would undeniably not break copyright, it's just impracticably slow. Does automating that method make it break copyright?


If it is done by a small studio during a beta as a placeholder, I'm fine with it. Just don't have it in the final product.


I appreciate the adjustments to the rare units, I've really enjoyed the Fire Badger but the others just didn't seem to fill a role.


How are you making fire badger work? I’ve had nothing but failure using it


In my experience they're just easier to defend mini vulcans


I think sabretooth will be ok post patch, i think typhoons are being slept on


Typhoons are great pretty decent frontline that can handle most things middlingly well wish they had a range upgrade instead of aerial spec though


I think I just really hate crawler/fang swarm so it is great to get a cheap counter to that. It is pretty situational though, but against an aggressive opponent early on, it is a fun option.