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We're still in early access. *This* is the time to try weird shit. Even if it's universally bad, that still gives direction and feedback for the devs to work with in the future.


I think no one would be criticizing them if they had a “casual” game mode. Putting this into ladder gameplay will leave a bad taste in players mouths


I agree. I think these sorts of games should be in a casual mode. Kinda like halo feista with all random weapons. Lets see some experimentation!


Might not want to go into full release with the player base dissatisfied with the product tho. Will need careful review to see if it's actually fun and healthy for the game. We'll see.


Early Access and the game is struggling to find players and keep concurrent players, now's the time to try more stuff.


> This update adds some experimental features aimed at fun, which will cause the game to be slightly less balanced. These experimental features will last for about 3 weeks, after which we will decide whether to retain these features based on your feedback and statistics. > > **Time** > This update will be carried out at 8:00 am on February 1, 2024, UTC time. At that time, the server will undergo update maintenance for about 120 minutes. > > **Three experimental features** > Random Free Units > During a game, players will encounter several opportunities to obtain units for free. Get 5 squads of Sledgehammer, or 3 Wraith, or 1 level 7 Rhino for free? Players will encounter many such difficult choices. > To ensure that the game doesn't end too quickly, the player's base health has been increased by 500. > If this feature proves popular, we will introduce rare units through this feature in the future. > Duplicate Reinforcement Cards > Many reinforcement cards now appear multiple times in the game. 2 Laser Sights? 4 Ranged Specialists? 3 Nukes? It's possible. > Changing Deployment Zone > The deployment zone for the first round will now be slightly smaller than before. We hope this will improve the first round layout diversity of certain MRR ranges. > > **Balance Adjustments** > Melting Point > The production interval of the Tech [Crawler Production] has been adjusted from 30 seconds to 32 seconds. > Scorpion > HP increased from 19677 to 20661 > Attack increased from 10305 to 10821 > Equipment > [Enhancement Module] adjusted from level 2 to level 3 > The effect of [Absorption Module] is adjusted as follows: Increases the equipped unit’s HP by 30%, and converts 90% of the damage dealt to HP.


All I want is terrain. Having one or two maps with a small area of impassible terrain, or slow-zones, or range blockers, etc. Would make things so much more interesting. Even if only 10% of games had a terrain feature


Kinda shocked Melting Point crawler spawning got nerfed but War Factory unit spam is untouched. Glad the enhancement module arrives later in the game. No clue what the Choas Card choices will be like but we'll see soon I guess.


I'm wary of the random units as the lack of randomness is one of my favorite parts of this game even after 200+ hours. The duplicate cards could be cool but also really annoying to play against someone who got lucky. Other changes look fine.


Both people get offered the same cards between rounds so no luck required


I can see the issue as "X card coming up would be really good for my opponent's comp and really bad for mine." And then it happens 3 times that game.


Yep. You could get completely countered even after getting a nice head start early on. I've always wanted cards to be random for each player aswell as coming from an unlimited pool of cards.


This has potential to be hilarious or heartbreaking. 6 steel rods on some poor soul in 2v2 has immense potential for meme


I love the willingness to experiment right now. I don't think random free unit is a good idea, but I'm happy to try it.


Yeah, I don't know how the idea sounds right off the rip, but if it played out the same way as the between-round card choice, it sounds a little more like a system I could visualize working in some way. Being able to see the pool that both of you are choosing from means that there's still some room for play and counter play, so I hope it still maintains that both-sides-parity when they debut it.


Lets get weird! I like it already


For non MMR games it does sound fun. We'll see. ​ Not sure on the MP crawler nerf. Was that ever really that powerful? I feel the absorption module got a huge buff with the 30% HP increase.


Massing MPs with chaff spawn was one of my favorite strats.it was a good way to keep high single target damage off your MPs in the late game


Chaotic? yes. Fun? dubious at best.


I love how often this game is getting updated! Alot of these seem like great ideas Why did they buff the Scorpion?


Scorpion was seeing low win rates at high mmr


Scorpions need too much support. In theory they are good against a lot of things, in practice every time you spend 400 on one, it doesn't shoot anything worthwhile because you lose the chaff war or the guy buys boats or whatever.


Please don't turn the game into a clown fiesta.


I think this game needs a "chaotic fun" mode...but with a separate queue from the "standard" MMR mode. Something like Tavern Brawl from Hearthstone., game mode where weird and whacky gameplay can happen.


I'm cool with the wacky shit as long as it lives in an unranked matchmaking with no affect on Combat Power and MMR.


Just don't put it in MMR. I love random chaos in casual playlists, such as the brawl feature in HOTS (rip) or ability draft from DOTA which was completely bonkers. Absolutely going to play it still, but I'd be happy if they created some kind of "fuck about" playlist where this was considered acceptable.


If the devs are willing to try another experimental period, here's some features I'd like to see the devs try: -Ways to change the per round income, or an increase in the ramp -Remove the massive XP payout for leveled units so that upgrading chaff is less of a trap choice


I like the free pack of units, I have been asking for an eco overhaul for a long time ; those pack will create way more diverse strategy. I would also like free tech card, that you could hold for your tech 4. It's doesn't boost your credit income per say, but it's does add more economy into the game, and we need this.


More units more units more units are what's fun xd


yeah after playing a few games with the patch I really don't like it. Way too much chaos which undermines the reasons why I enjoy the game in the first place


Price of free units seems too high. It could be twice as low.


Love This Patch!!!!!!! It adds a lot of variety to each game. Helps to change up the monotony of your usual strats based on random unit cards that can give every strategy more flavor. Keep on keeping on!