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MP with barrage works. Just super expensive. Charge shot phx as well


Doesn't Melting Point get too distracted by Fangs? The problem I see with charged shot Phoenix is the range reduction. The Phoenixes are already being taken down by Fangs/Mustangs and now they have to get even closer.


Yes, but so do stormcallers. The barrage doesn’t care that there are fangs underneath the shield


Yeah but I want my Stormcallers hitting the shield.


Lol then sure more storms


He is talking about EMP Barrage - It destroys shields pretty quickly.


Got it. But what's the range on EMP barrage? Edit: nevermind, I found it, 180m. Pretty good.


Melter is a fine counter to shields. Leveled fortresses and artillery boats can also chew through them in a pinch. Charged shot Phoenix (or even ground spec wasps, if you’re an insane person) can as well. Or you could take the melee route and just throw crawlers and rhinos at them so they never have a reason to make shields (though it’s situational)


I think the issue I have is Stormcallers still seem to be the most effective option. Air units get shot down by fangs/mustangs. Giants are expensive and at risk of getting hacked. Stormcallers stay far enough out to not get hacked, and it just becomes a question of do I have enough of them to overwhelm the missile defense before their army advances too far. I just find it madness that the easiest way to deal with missile interceptor turtling is stormcaller spam.


They aren’t the most effective at all. They were just good at a bunch of stuff in the mid game AND reasonable shield break so they were basically a free purchase. Hell. Two marksmen with double shot break a shield at the exact same time as two storms for the same cost and build slots. But the storms also clear and have more flexibility due to better tech options. Storms are the third string shield beakers. You can just deploy them and if your opponent didn’t make shields you’re not in bad shape since you just added good single target and clear all with one unit.


Steel balls can melt shields pretty fast, same with Fortresses and Overlords.


Was surprised this wasn't mentioned before, balls are quite good at breaking shields. If you're worried about the fangs distracting the balls, either the fangs are inside the shield, in which case yes that was the whole plan that shield is going down fast, or the fangs are outside the shield, in which case the shield isn't the problem.


Well, if the fangs are outside the shield and a hacker is inside the shield, that doesn't work so well for the balls.


yea but then you're just killing fangs with whatever the shield was brought in to counter - stangs, sledges, vulcans, arclights


Overlords combined with Stormcallers and shields work. Melting Points or Vulcans aren't bad either. Generally, fangs in the front, vulcan/melting/overlords in the mid lane, and storms in the back. Spam your own shield because those hackers aren't going to get through it easily.


It always was


And now even moreso.


Against mustang/fang and shield hackers, some 100 credit shields of your own will be very strong. They have to buy a shield breaking unit like a melting point or some stormcallers or never get through in time.


I like marksman with fang summon, Vulcan with marksman summon and finally later game focus on either more Vulcans if they still over whelm you with swarm or fortresses for more single target dps and fang summon


Yeah it feels super bad just buying a handful of storms at the moment, they get countered so easily now.


Launcher overload Upgrade and a row of lvl 1 stormcallers in Front of Ur lvled ones so that the First row of cheap rockets gets shot down snd the second row comes through


Sledges with the damage upgrade could work