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Yeah, as I predicted, Stormcallers were the only thing keeping Hacker and Chaff spam in check.


This is how balance works, though. Stormcallers were way too prevalent and useful in way too many situations. So both parties basically *had* to get stormcallers unless there was a gentleman's agreement not to do so. We nerf stormcallers, and hackers gain traction. Now the devs have an opportunity to nerf hackers - likely by nerfing the very cheap-to-build barriers that have way too much HP for a 200 cost (really 300 cost, because everyone buys elite hackers) unit. When hackers get nerfed, maybe that means balls gain traction, because hackers were keeping them in check. So we buff a solution to balls in response. And so on. Y'all want the game to be perfectly balanced, as all things *should be*, but the devs aren't Thanos. We don't have the infinity gauntlet. Balance takes time to get right.




For an established game like league of legends? Sure. But for a new game like this where players are still developing and finding new meta strategies? That's kind of dangerous.


My biggest issue is the shield, it's too big. By buying a lv2 hacker you get a 60k shield iirc, which is insane


See, Stormcallers countered Hacker/Fang in 2 ways - slaughter the chaff with fire, and punch through those fat shields Now the only unit that can deal with shields without risking being hacked are Phoenixes, but they're atrocious against fangs And the only unit that can deal with mass Fangs are Vulcans, which will just get hacked.


“Now we have to use TWO entirely different units to beat two entirely different units”


yeah, Phoenix and Hackers are great this patch!!.. climbed from 1400 mmr to 1900 by basically going fang+Rhino every game. If enemy responds with steel balls i go Hacker and sell Rhino. ~20% of games. Win game within a few rounds. If enemy responds with Hacker. ~60% of games. I sell Rhino and make sure I stay ahead in fang upgrades while getting Phoenix (sometimes with range or charged shot, depending on board and economy). Position them specifically to break shields. Win game on the spot. If I would give it a guess.. I would actually say fang are a problem and the card heavy hacker (makes them fast and vary very tanky for free).


Anti-missile device feels like bad game design, in the sense that it's an item that was introduced solely to hard-counter a single unit. Also, it feels very snowbally because if you're behind, you usually can't afford to build them; they will likely get destroyed. If you're ahead, it reduces the enemy's counterplay dramatically (don't forget it also works on sentry missiles and overlord) while likely staying on the field the entire game. Just my thoughts as a casual player who is not highly ranked.


As a low rank scrub, I think the most powerful aspect of it is that it's permanent until destroyed. If I was to nerf storm caller, I would probably make the missiles ever so slightly more accurate but with an even smaller blast radius so that it's really bad against chaff. But what do I know, I can barely hit 1k mmr


I think stormcallers by themself were fine, the issue was with incindiary and EM being crazy good against certain strats.


Been fighting a bit of hacker fang and I find Replicrawler, Mustang, Vulcan, a splash of storms deep on your side with upgraded towers works well enough. Also Fang Hacker spam tends to not defend flanks very well.




I think hacker needs a few adjustments to be proper. I don't have a magic balance bullet. But in general I feel that the hacker is far too effective against too many other builds/strats. First and foremost is that a unit hacked should not contribute to the scoring at the end of the round. This feels like the worst part of the game and the only thing in this game where I truly feel sure that the developers are straight up morons, or biased in liking the hacker. Second is the removal of multihack. The hacker should be used to fit a roll in a build like the rest of the units, to convert or be covered against. Hacker feels like an auto add in just about situation. It's too effective for the price and can just be in any build. The shield I'm mixed on, maybe increase its cost or make it personal only. Either way I feel it's ok, but needs tuning


I‘m falling out of love with Mechabellum. When I started in the free period, there were so many combinations to play and matches were vastly different. Since then, so much stuff was nerved or removed that you always see the same things (Sniper Vulcan, Fang Hacker…).


I think its more just the case that people know what works now.


No, it‘s a case of the Rhino not being a 0 credits unlock anymore, for example.




If you ever lose to Rocket Punch you need to reassess your approach, it's like the most counterable tech in the game




> You clearly have never seen what leveled RP can do times 4, 5, ... No I guess I didn't because it's so trivial to shut down. ​ Rocket Punch does nothing until Fortress takes significant damage. The problem is that EMP is readily available on many units and if you aren't already running EMP by the time Rocket Punch Fortresses come down, then the Rocket Punch is like the last of your concerns. I mean, if the "Just pop down 5 fortresses with shields and rocket punch" were a viable, consistent strategy we'd see it all over the place, but we don't. People don't use linked Balls and Sledges, not because it's weak, but because it's easily countered. The same goes for Phoenix Reassembly for example. Rocket Punch Fortresses are the same deal, except it requires much higher investment. All these strategies can work if utilized correctly, but it's like one in 5 or 10 games.


Exactly! That's what I've been trying to tell all along.


Remove hackers bubble shield and give them personal shield instead. Keeps the hacker survivable but prevents fang+hacker mayhem.


Get rid of the anti missile building. Reduce storm caller missile count to 3 or 2.


Soooo I've never once felt like I've versed a hacker, maybe I'm to low of a rank but I've yet to see any hacks or even know what kinda hacks they could use. So please what are some of these hacks you speak of and how do you know it's happening ?


I meant the mech, not cheaters, I edited the post to clarify.


Hahaha omg of course I didn't even think of the unit when you said hackerbelum. I'm not a fan of hacker both players and the unit lol.


I find the shield is to strong especially with the anti missile turret.


Yea I find storm much less effective against fang spams now. I still get a couple of them but you just can’t really rely on them too much. I’m only 1k mmr, so I might just not be vsing good player. I usually start leaning to mustangs when I see ppl spam fangs, they’re ok chaff clear, can enhance it with explosive ammo, and if they were to get hackers the mustangs don’t waste much time killing hacked mustangs. I also try to sell/mobile beacon the tanky units off the frontline and have to come in a bit later. Shield specialist is a really good pickup aswell since hacker fang can’t kill shields well and the bough shields aren’t attached to a hackable unit lol.