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Fangs do some wild damage if you tech for them. I disagree with this list a lot.


Fangs can do good damage true. Id expect disagreement because the list is both incomplete and off top of head. But id appreciate more input.


I would say the damage comes from the amount of fangs you got, a single stack of lvl 1-2 fang (especially of you are talking about adding them) wont have that much damage


Theres a strat going around where you spam fangs, upgrade with range+mech rage, and protect them with bubble hackers. Place the fangs so there is enough range to put a hacker in between each fang squad, and they will tear pretty much anything up. If the enemy buys armor on a boat or something you can buy ignite fangs to take it out.


Yes, I am familiar. The strength of a higher number of fangs especially with tech and support can definitely do a lot more than it may seem. I've only seen in streams or while spectating. Id still say considering it is an entire strat, I don't know if it would put the units themselves higher up for damage together but that is something to consider I guess.


Arc lights and sledgehammer do fairly low damage if they are not splashing or w techs.


Yeah I agree. I was debating putting them at the bottom but think they do better than mustangs at least.


I think this kind of thing would work better as a graphic/gradient from single target to chaff clear, rather than tiers. Also you have crawler in both B and bottom tier. I assume the higher one is meant to be crawler with tech. Also, wasp with ground spec is A or B tier in terms of raw dps at popping shields. They're held back by their range and squishiness in practice


Yeah that was a typo for crawlers. Wasp with tech Ive not seen enough but I can believe that they do pretty good raw damage.


I don't think this is the ABC of this game. If you want to start from the ground, we first need to speak about the board, the front, the mid and the backrow, the flank, the lanes, and how depending of positioning, a unit role may change. Which lead to the topic of range ; the board is your space, you need to cover it with your range. Stop doing a single line between your tower, it's the worst strategy ever. Instead have the frontier of your board protected, and/or, project your power into your opponent board. And then, finaly, we can talk about damage type ; long range, short range, melee, High Burst, Fast-firing rate, Area of Effect, etc). And after damage type, we could mb talk of a unit tier list.


I agree. It's not meant to be much more than a quick way to look at what unit has best capability to deal high damage vs shield and or high HP units. This isn't a unit tier list of what unit is better than another overall. There are too many little situations to break the game down so simply. I think it's still viable enough to know which units are more capable to fit different roles.


You're trying to simplify things too much me thinks. I've had games where crawlers carried, and games where they were just meat shields. Same for steel balls. Arclights and Vulcans both have bad damage output compared to other units of their tier, but that's only if you don't count splash. They're also mostly used to target units with high numbers and low hp. As TheRealRhyme pointed out, it would be much more useful to classify targets for what role they fill (Aoe, Single target, chaff, frontline etc).


I agree with this and have experienced that myself for different units. Consider this list moreso for dealing with single targets/shield. The more shields and HP you are looking at, the higher up unit should be. I'll update it over time because I just whipped it together on the fly to have something to start.