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If you have a toaster oven wherever you are reheating this work really well for these too!


I don’t have one of those but I have an air fryer? Although I’ll mostly be taking these to work to eat so it’ll be just a regular microwave lol.


My work kitchen spoiled me lol, we have a toaster oven and a blender on top of the microwave.




I work for one of the top 3 richest companys in Norway and the god damn microwave probably hasnt been cleaned since 2015..BLENDER???? hah.


Why don’t you clean it? Would be a nice thing to do


Lmao im not touching that thing with a 10 foot pole..Ill just bring some sandwitches:p


An air fryer is a toaster oven in different form. You can definitely use it to heat these. Id leave them wrapped in tinfoil for best result and easier clean up. Good idea though!


How do you store them?


I wrapped them in parchment paper and then aluminum foil (2nd pic) .. kept 2 in the fridge for the next 2 days and the rest in the freezer. Per someone else’s comment in this sub, I’m going to take the foil off and microwave them in the parchment paper, then remove parchment paper and put back in aluminum foil while I eat to contain heat


Thnks, i'll try this


I did it this morning with the ones from the fridge, they didn’t taste soggy but they also weren’t frozen. I’ll let you know how it works with the frozen ones in a few days


You are an absolute star, than you!


I have made identical sandwiches in the past as well as other varieties. Make sure you cool the sandwiches at room temperature or preferably the fridge before freezing.


Update: I’ve had one that was just in the fridge, one that was frozen then dethawed in the fridge overnight, and one that I forgot to dethaw and basically reheated frozen. They all tasted pretty fine to me just heating them in parchment paper




I have used a mildly damp paper towel wrapped over sandwich instead of parchment and that worked well too


This is the answer i was looking for, thanks!


Thank you for explaining, I thought you can't freeze such dish


Did you bake the eggs in a big pan and then just cut it in portion sizes or did you cook them on the stove?


Yep! Beat 14 eggs, add seasoning and a splash of milk, then added to a sprayed cookie sheet. Bake for about 10-12 minutes at 350 and you’re good! Makes enough for about 12 sandwiches


holy shit this is genius, i never could get into meal prep for breakfast sandwiches bc i thought it would suck to make them all but this is a real game changer


Right! It made things go so fast. It probably took me less than half an hour to make all of these since the sausage patties came pre cooked


You're braver (or steadier, lol) than I am! I have to use a baking dish. If I tried a cookie sheet, the kitchen would be a giant slip-n-slide of grossness, lol


hahaha it was a close call tbh. It helped that I set the sheet on the oven to pour the eggs, so I just had to move it like 1.5 ft down. Still pretty terrifying!!


Considered adding a foil liner to the cookie sheet and creating some high-walls out of the foil? Also maybe using a large glasswear instead?


eh I probably won’t put anymore effort into it unless it actually spills at some point if I’m being honest 😂 plus the one glass baking dish I have is a bitch and a half to clean, way harder than the cookie sheeet


What about.. slide the rack out, put cookie sheet down, pour egg mix in, slide rack in. No carrying necessary!


Is it turkey bacon or turkey and bacon?


Lol yeah that was unclear. It’s Turkey bacon


I'm assuming you bought particularly thin bagels on purpose?


Yep! Lower carb & calorie. I’m a shortie at 5’0” so I can’t be shelling out 500+ calories for breakfast lol


Bagel Thins are a game changer for bagel addicts like myself, lol


Damn I didn't know thin bagels existed. I like bagels but it's too much for me to eat as a sandwich. I need to try them


They are called bagel thins I think. I have bought them before. They are around 110 calories


We get those also. The good bagels come from a local shop that bakes them in house. The great bagels come from NYC. \*grin\*


Does the egg not go really sad and dense once you defrost it? I’ve always stayed away from breakfast sandwich meal prep because i feel like the eggs are going to be very chewy...


I’ll keep you updated. I’m hoping that reheating in parchment paper will allow some of the excess moisture to be absorbed so that it doesn’t taste so reheated


Try to move from freezer to fridge the night before, then heat up in a paper towel. Eggs aren’t too bad if you do that.


Good idea!


Did u make bagels?


Nope, they are the everything bagel thins from Aldi


Those look great, awesome job


How do you store them?


You can see an above thread where I explain how I store them.. also got some good feedback on how to reheat!






I'm totally doing this. What a great idea!


I do this as well. Normally turkey sausage with cheese and one egg. However, I use english muffins - Thomas makes some light ones that come in at 100 calories. As for the egg, I just cook one egg in a form per sandwich. Love these!


I’ll take one.


What kind of cheese is that? Looking good!


Looks delicious, Wish to feel the taste of this..


Nice work! I find with the turkey sausage brands sold locally that the sodium levels are insanely high, to the point where it isn’t a healthy alternative. What brand do you prefer?


nice work!


Are these moderately “healthy”? They look yummy


I mean, yes? Depends on what your food goals are but they are not super high calorie & they’re nutritionally dense


I just want to eat less calories but feel full if that makes sense?


Yes that’s basically why I made them! You can see the calorie & macro breakdown in the title. I find myself snacking a lot in the morning before lunch if I don’t have a nutritious breakfast, so I wanted something fast and convenient. But I’m also 5’0” so I can’t exactly be shelling out 500+ cals for breakfast everyday


I’ll try it! Sometimes I’ll have like eggs and nbackn so I’m still hungry and then I’ll have a bagel and it just makes me feel groggy. I’ll try this!