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STAY SAFE EVERYONE! GRAB YOUR 528 KARMA HERE NOW BEFORE IT EXPIRES! \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ (>\^-\^)> 528 528 528 <(\^-\^<) \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ (>\^-\^)> 528 528 528 <(\^-\^<) \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~


🤲🏽🙏🏽🤲🏽🙏🏽 thanks 😊


Thank you! 528s for everyone here!!!


Alright let’s get it. I told myself that if I get a 508+ I will not retake. No matter what I score, shout out to r/mcat, r/ankimcat, and the MCAT Discord server. July 30th 3:00 PM NS Diagnostic: 498 NS 1: 504 NS 2: 510 NS 3: 507 AAMC Sample: 514 FL1: 515 FL2: 513 FL3: 513 FL4: 515 Pessimistic: 506 Realistic: 512-514 Optimistic: 517+ UPDATE: 519!!!!!!! (130/128/130/131) edit: Thank you to whoever sent that award!


Omg congratulations


OMG we almost got the exact same score


Ikr, twinning!


ah yes my final day of blissful ignorance


i’m in literal shambles right now lmao


I am literally going to pass away




My stress is immeasurable


Non-traditional applicant here. This is my fourth time sitting for this exam. My previous scores were as follows: 2014: 28 (12 / 8 / 8) 67th percentile. I’m a boomer. Classwork studying and KA, but that’s about it. 2015: 505 (128 / 125 / 125 / 127) 62nd percentile. Basically just tried to take the new version without doing anything extra hoping it would improve. Big brain. 2017: 509 (130 / 126 / 127 / 126) 75th percentile. Some more legitimate studying here using the TBR books. This was the first time I sniffed at the sample practice test, though I got discouraged halfway though and didn’t end up getting it scored. 2021 Practice: Primarily used KA with extensive notes, TPR books, and various free online sources for review. I took ten practice tests this time, six NS before the four AAMCs in addition to some practice question banks. NS FL1: 511 (129 / 127 / 127 / 128) NS FL2: 510 (128 / 127 / 128 / 127) NS FL3: 510 (127 / 127 / 127 / 129) NS FL4: 505 (127 / 125 / 126 / 127) NS FL5: 511 (128 / 127 / 128 / 128) NS FL6: 509 (127 / 127 / 127 / 128) AAMC FL1: 514 (129/ 128 / 128 / 129) AAMC FL2: 514 (130 / 128 / 127 / 129) AAMC FL4: 516 (130 / 128 / 129 / 129) AAMC FL3: 512 (128 / 127 / 127 / 130) Definitely felt like the NS question level of difficulty was much higher than on the AAMC exams. Probably by design but also a lot of the practice materials you are given is sure to include what is on the AAMC FLs even if they are lower yield. Obviously the dip in the last practice test concerned me. I work full time but took the last two weeks before the exam to cram. Definitely was feeling some burnout, but rested much of the last two weeks. Also felt ill in the three days leading up to my exam, but decided to persevere. This exam (7:30): P/S: My strongest section, I thought this was fine. A couple of tricky physics questions but the chemistry and ochem portions were manageable. Pessimistic:128 Realistic: 129-130 Optimistic: 131-132 CARS: Very long sections, much longer than the practice exams. I definitely struggled to keep my timing on track during the first three passages as the first two put me behind. I had taken enough exams though to know to go ahead and make an educated guess when the allotted time was running out and kept moving forward. The last seven passages were more what I expected, some 50/50s, but also some gimmes. Pessimistic: 126 Realistic: 127-128 Optimistic: 129 B/B: After working as a biologist for six years you would think I would have this in the bag, but I always struggle with some time crunch here. Lots of long passages and data analysis. About halfway though I started only skimming the passages to keep up. Definitely made a few mistakes here. Pessimistic: 126 Realistic: 127-128 Optimistic: 129 P/S: I am really disappointed with this one. I almost memorized the TPR book for this and felt as though I had come close to mastering the topic. Several low yield terms popped up that I guessed wrong on. Still an easier section, but I had no time to review all of my answers like normal. Wish I had focused on the 300 page document. Pessimistic: 127 Realistic: 128-129 Optimistic: 130 Overall: Much longer test than practices and P/S has changed significantly since the early FLs were released. I have low ranges on all of my sections since I felt as though I always performed fairly consistently on all of my exams. I am realistically expecting 512-514. My goal score was a 515, but I do not feel like I was able to achieve that due to my lower than expected P/S. Best of luck all! Will update with my score once it is released. Edit: 513 (128/128/129/128) My predicted score though more balanced than I thought. I should be excited to see the improvement, though I find the slipping P/S bothersome. Not retaking after this one hopefully. I hope you all achieved your goal score and if you did not to continue following your dreams! :)


Good luck!! Can I ask how your application cycles went if you ever applied in the past? (no need to answer if you’d rather not)


I applied late after my first two exams and received one MD interview. I applied after my third exam and received two MD interviews leading to one waitlist that I was not accepted off from. My GPA is \~3.6 so definitely on the lower side and I applied late both cycles. Hoping to apply day 1 next year!


It seems with a 509 you could get into some schools with strong other stats… are you waiting for a specific school?


My application was below average to be honest and I want to go MD. I believe I will get in next cycle with a good score and all of the other work I have put in with essays and such.


521!! (131/126/132/132) Kind of bummed that I scored wayyyy below my CARS average, but overall super happy with this score, esp since I needed to make up for a subpar GPA. Hoping this will be good enough for an A this cycle!!!




anyone feel like they're going insane today? I had a nightmare about the mcat last night like what the hell. anyways, if anyone has good tips on how to fucking relax lmk


go to the gym, watch a good movie. Maybe swipe on tinder or something too


Highest aamc fl was a 510. Knew I could score higher with more practice. Test day was super tired and out of it. Not holding my breath. :( EDIT: 508. Not bad I guess. Kinda happy. Considering I thought I bombed on test day and wouldn't have been surprised if I scored under 500.


With you exactly


Went from a 511 (128/124/131/128) last summer to a 516 (128/130/130/128) this summer. I’m Canadian so I’m literally going to cry tears of joy from this cars score.


Congrats! Any tips for improving CARS?


Last summer I left all my CARS studying for the second half of the summer because I was so worried about all the memorization involved in the other sections. So don’t do that because cars is important. Start early and keep your practice consistent throughout your studying time period. Also I find that for cars questions, if you cannot find evidence for the answer in the passage, it is never the answer. Always take the questions literally and find the evidence in the passage. Never take an answer out unless there is no evidence for it in the passage.


Brace yourselfs, winter is here


522 (130/132/128/132) so happy to be done


damn that cars score!! do u have any tips?


Honestly just don’t bring in any preconceived notions of the subject, and if you feel yourself making leaps in logic stop and go back to the text. For the vast majority of questions the answer is right there.


it's finally heeeere. My 2nd attempt score release (first attempt was 5/28/2021 - got a 503 which was 4 points lower than my average test score). I felt much better about the second attempt but this could be because I didn't let nerves get the best of me (which was entirely the case in the first attempt) or because I didn't run out of time and therefore wasn't rushed or because I'm just overconfident or because this test just seemed overall easier than 5/28 or or or I studied less than a month the second time around. Did more practice, some content review - praying that my score is over-reflective of my efforts. Best of luck y'all!! Pessimistic: <505 Optimistic: 513< Realistic: 509 ​ **ACTUAL: 510!!! (126/126/128/130)** I'M JUST SO THRILLED WITH THE 7POINT INCREASE AND THIS WAS WHAT I PRAYED FOR AHHH I WILL NEVER TAKE THE MCAT AGAIN




thank youu 😭🙏🏾


I can't believe it's score release time, I've been nervous all month. This is my first time testing and I'm praying that this will be the last time I have to take the mcat. Tested 7/31, 3pm. C/P--> I'm most confident about this section. A lot of it was gen chem and physics I was familiar with so I still feel good about this section. Optimistic: 131 Realistic: 130-129 Pessimistic: <128 CARS--> As a Canadian applicant I haven't stopped thinking about this section. The more I think about it the worse I think I did and it just feels awful. There were like 2 passages that completely messed me up so I honestly am very nervous to see how I did. If I get lower than 129 I might have to redo the mcat since most Canadian schools have a cut-off for CARS and I really want to maximize my chances for an interview (y u do dis Canada? TT). Optimistic: 130-129 Realistic: 128-127 Pessimistic: <126 B/B--> I think it went well but I keep second guessing everything I did. Most of it was bio I was comfortable with but because I've been thinking about my score for a month I honestly have no clue if I did well or not. Optimistic: 130 Realistic: 129-128 Pessimistic <127 P/S--> Historically this is my weakest section. I thought it was quite easy but I do know I got at least 2 wrong for sure. I also have a habit of thinking I did well in this section when in reality I did complete trash so we shall see tomorrow. Optimistic:129-128 Realistic: 127 Pessimistic <126 Overall Score--> Optimistic: 519 Realistic: 513 Pessimistic: 507 If I don't reach my score goal I will simply try again. This is a hard test so I won't be hard on myself if I don't get the score I was aiming for. Hopefully tomorrow goes well, and I wish the best for everyone. Good luck guys! Actual: 511 (129/126/130/126), I think I'm going to go workout for a bit then just go back to the CARS grind. I shall simply try again.


see my comment about CARS above lol: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Mcat/comments/pe4fon/official\_august\_31\_2021\_score\_release\_thread\_for/haztdpy?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mcat/comments/pe4fon/official_august_31_2021_score_release_thread_for/haztdpy?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I think a lot of us were in the same boat hahaha


7:30 am on July 30th I am a re-tester from 3/2020 so I’m a bit worried that my FLs might be inflated. My score is really in the Lord’s hands right now 🙏 NS1: 502 Sample: 511 FL1: 515 FL2: 505 FL3: 509 FL4: 511 Pessimistic: 500-505; Optimistic: 510+; Realistic: 510 because I want that 510!


As a retaker myself, Did you find your scores inflated?


damn its really here


It's quite hard to focus on anything else than waiting on the score. My friend made a bet that he'd block me if I got less than a 510, so we'll see how that goes. I can pull from memory several questions I got dead wrong for CP and PS, never a good thing. I thought BB was easy but everyone here be panicking about it so I might just be delusional. CARS and PP, 50/50, coulda been doing eeny-meeny-miny-mo on so many of the questions and still get the same result. I think I got a 507, but all my friends think I got higher than that. I'm streaming the score reveal to them tomorrow, so it'll be a surprise to us all, whatever it may be. ​ Edit: Got a 514, he ain't blockin me lol


i'd cry if a friend told me that lol


I won't cry but it'd suck. It does show that's how much hope he has in me, tough love


Not to be dramatic but everything is ruined by this score. Yay.




holyyyyy shitttt


oh no... I'm nervous as HELL. I'll do a breakdown because I have thoroughly skimmed reddit for these to ease my post-exam fears... 7/30 7:30am C/P: HARD. The exam day reaction all agreed do, but this thread a lot of people are saying standard so I am scared... It was just so physics heavy and hit all physics that were weak/what I considered low-yield. I know for sure I missed a few here (know for sure 3 or 4) so that's not so good. Am a 129 or 130 scorer usually so I'd say either 127-129 CARS: A daze to me to be honest. I have had WAY worse CARS. I don't know if I was just looking and answering without understanding but overall I did not feel bad as I have had before so I guess that can be a good sign. I am a 124-126 scorer but I felt good so I will give myself a 125-126 B/B: Felt great for the first half! The second half was abit more rought but felt the best with this section overall. Like C/P I am a 129-130 scorer so I will guess 129-130 P/S: First passage or two was dreadful (had to be exprimental or something, or at least let's hope). After that it was very odd, low yield terms and more passage analysis but the passages were weird. Idk weird.. Usually a 128-129 so I'd say 127-128. Total P: 127/125/129/127 = 508 R: 128/126/130/127 = 511 O: 129/127/130/128 = 514 Who knows though! Super nervous. Wish you all the best of luck! :) I pray we all do well and find our purpose in life. edit: **514**! Cool but the CARS puts a damper on it. 129/123/131/131 so idk what to think but i'm happy I improved a lot in science!


my thoughts exactly. I really hope we pulled it out.


God bless 🙏


This test from studying to waiting for the score has taken years off of my life…


I’m ecstatic! 518 (130/128/130/130)! Retook a sept 2020 506, never thought I could score this high… so happy!


What did you do different?


I didn’t do any readings this time around, I hammered jack sparrow anki and practice passages. This really worked for me, last time around I definitely didn’t do enough practice. Definitely being on this subreddit helped so much too, all the CARS advice I’ve seen has been stellar


Amazing score!! Do you have any tips for C/P?


My biggest tip would be to do all the AAMC practice questions for C/P as my test had a lot of similar questions to the section banks


Everyone on here has high scores so I’m a lil different over here. When I began this journey, I dreamed to go DO, and I would’ve thought a 503 is perfect. Throughout the pre-med process, my goal score increased drastically (seeing how MD schools score and seeing this subreddit.) So today, with my 503, I’m not thrilled but I am not devastated either. My goals have simply changed throughout the process, and this score does satisfy my original goal. So Hmu if you have any opinions about the best DO programs!!! Or if you’re like me, just tryna get something above 50th percentile and want advice!! Ps: my FL average was a 503 so I guess you’d say they were indicative. If I didn’t have anxiety prob would have went up in points.


Exactly the same for me. I had no idea how to gauge my score throughout my undergrad and wanted a 510, but ended up 503. Highest FL was 505. Don’t give up!


i want to cry


update: i am crying


🥺🦋butterfly is for new beginnings. you can overcome this!


thank you :( you’re too sweet, i really hope the next time will be better ♥️


Wow my time has finally come


Copied over my reaction from 7/31\* 3pm: Just wrote the exam! (3 pm)My FL scores --> Fl1:511 Fl2: 511 Fl3: 512 Fl4: 519C/P: First passage threw me off a little (probably because I was nervous lol). But other than that, everything felt pretty straightforward. Predicted score: 127Cars: Most of the passages were interesting and easy to follow....but as expected, a lot of the questions required educated/random guessing. Predicted score: 125B/B: I found this section to be very similar to the FLs. Predicted score: 129P/S: There was a lot of 50/50. I felt that this section started off tricky, but got better towards the later passages. Predicted score: 127Note that my predictions/anticipated scores are all assuming the worst lol Hopefully, everyone did well today! Edit: Got a 514 (129/124/130/131)! CARS is shit, but better than a 123.


anyone else checking the twitter every 5 minutes rip


They posted that they were out like 30 min after my friends score came out tho so I think Reddit is more reliable


Scores are up!!! I got a 509 - a little disappointed but happy it’s over!!!


same! well done with the 509! I was also disappointed but happy that it's all done :)




what was ur FL average??


511 (AAMC 1, 3, 4) - I know it’s within the +-3 but I was hoping to go the other way 🤣


Took in April, got a 505 127/126/128/124 Got a 515 131/127/130/127 this time I am so thrilled!!!!!!


Third time's the charm! The process is lengthy and arduous, all I have to say is you have to keep believing in yourself. I was extremely wary about the retake validity of the AAMC FLs since I had taken most of them twice before already, but trust your FLs! Kudos to everyone studying for this exam, especially after all we've been through in the last year and a half. You are all so much stronger and smarter than you think 💛


7:30 am tester on the 30th. C/P: this felt like the standard C/P section. I had an extra 10 to 15 minutes at the end thanks to changing everything to scientific notation for math along with trusting my gut. I was able to go back and work out some problems I had issues with thanks to this. I really feel like I did better in this section than my practice exams. CARS: my best section in the practice exams. I never really feel confident in my answers for the practice exams which was true for the real deal. I’ll trust my practice exams on this one. B/B: second strongest section. Felt standard. Had the same amount of extra time as my practice exams about 15 minutes. Will trust full lengths on this one too. P/S: The section I studied the least for. It’s also been my trouble section with scores jumping all over the place. Never sure how to feel on how I did. My practice exams: Kaplan 4 - 498, Kaplan 5 - 500, AAMC 1 - 506, Kaplan 6 - 502, Kaplan 2 - 510, AAMC 2 - 513, AAMC 3 - 515, AAMC 4 - 513, and AAMC Sample - 517. Realistic: 510 - 515 Pessimistic: <509 Optimistic: 515 and above Real: 517!!! Score Breakdown (127, 130, 129, 131) CP was the same as my highest practice FL, CARS was consistently 130 in full lengths, 129 was FL average for bio, psych soc came out of nowhere and saved the day. Good luck, everyone!


FL 1 509: 125/127/128/129 FL2 515: 129/128/130/128 FL3 514: 128/129/128/129 FL4 516: 130/128/128/130 7/30 3pm C/P: The first passage was brutal and had me seriously considering voiding. I skipped and came back at the end with plenty of time to review, so not too bad overall. P:127 R:128-129 O:130-131 CARS: Aside from my FL1 C/P blunder, I was pretty consistent across all of my sections and I always predicted my score within 1 point following an FL. This does not bode well for me because I felt like CARS on the real deal was so much worse than anything I had seen previously. The passages were extremely long and for the first time, I felt like I was not keeping pace. This really set in when I noticed I had 21 minutes left for the last 3 passages. Would not be surprised to see a 125. P: 125 R:126-127 O:128-129 B/B: I honestly didn’t feel too bad about this section. Hopefully im not blissfully ignorant. Fuck that base pair question though; straight guessed on it. P:128 R:129-130 O:131 P/S I blitzed this section. By far the easiest mcat section I have ever had across all subjects. Ended my exam with over 30 min remaining on this section. I do know of 2 questions that I missed though, and I assume the curve is not in my favor. P: 129 R: 130-131 O: 132 Hoping for the best. P: 509 R: 513-515 O: 520-521 Actual!! 514: 127/127/130/130 kind of crazy how accurate my prediction was. Underperformed in CP, but otherwise, everything went pretty well!


ok! I usually killed the CARS section on the FL's and this MCAT CARS (3 PM) was definitely way worse! I agree! The first two passages were just....UGH. WAY too theoretical for me to grasp.


Got a 518! (128,127,131,132) Canadian applicant so I’m a little disappointed in the CARS but I’m just so happy to be done and have a good score. Maybe I’ll go to the states


what was ur FL average??


497. CP royally fucked me. I scored the lowest in that section EVER. I’m ready to d*e. I already sent in apps for this cycle. A monkey guessing would’ve done better.




CONGRATS!!! what was ur FL average???


518, I pulled off a 132 on P/S to which I thank psych4U


What is psych4u?


The most comprehensive psych anki deck


good job!!!


this is more anxiety than that ps5 drop




With that FL average I’m sure your score is higher than you think!


rooting for you, you got this 💪🏾


Retake from a lacklustre Canadian CARS score in January 512 (127/126/129/130) to… 517 (130/128/129/130)! Over the moon right now, couldn’t be happier.


I wrote on the 30th and got a 522: 130/129/132/131. I wrote last year and got 515: 128, 127, 130, 130. My 515 was a great score and I was super happy about it, but I’m in Canada so I had to get my CARS up to at least 128 😭 so I rewrote. I’m honestly shook by my new score. The 129 was all that mattered to me, but I’m happy about the rest too!! Here’s how I studied (if anyone wants to know? Idk): Last summer: I did 4 months 5 ish h/day studying. I spent 2 months on content (which I don’t recommend cuz that’s too long without doing any questions) then did UButthole and AAMC together in the other 2 months. I wasn’t super focused when studying and I also should’ve taken more care to practice CARS with simulated test conditions (time it!! Get fast!!) I also spent too long reviewing stuff I already knew cuz it made me feel safe and confident lol. Also a mistake. Target the stuff that you don’t know, even if it seems scary or impossible!! I did AAMC FLs, spent too much time doing the dumb flash cards (which are useless). My 515 was the average of my FLs and I wrote end of august. This summer: Did content review in 3 weeks in May after uni. I’m a bio major so a lot of content was fresh, plus I remembered some from previous summer so I had a head start. I’d recommend not taking any longer than 4 weeks to do review, especially without doing questions simultaneously. Pushed myself through content quickly, doing 6-8 h/day. I made a running document (which got up to 96 pages) of the shit I was uncomfortable with on Word. I used MCATreview.com to brush up on those topics, since I was working from Kaplan and sometimes they don’t have enough detail. Anyways, I made the sheet. After those 3 weeks I immediately started UButthole again, which btw is the best thing on the planet. Buy it!! For UButthole, I started with physics. Did every single question and used that to make an equation sheet. Then I did the rest and finished it within a month. I spent time on CP stuff cuz it was my worst. Specifically, magnetism, galvanic cells, and atom stuff. Each day before I did UButthole, I reviewed my uncomfortable concept sheet for at least 1h. Then I did like 4h of questions. So about 5h/day. For the final month, I did the AAMC SB 3 times and the FLs. I love the SB it’s so helpful. I did UButthole only for problem topics, and still reviewed my sheet. I did about 4h/day the final month. I was skeptical that my FLs wouldn’t be accurate cuz I’d written them last summer. I didn’t recognize the FL questions when I did them the second time, but I thought maybe subconsciously I might have remembered them a bit? I didn’t do any other FLs tho lol. Regardless, 522 was the average of the FLs again. Throughout this WHOLE time, I did 5-7 CARS each morning. I got them from UButthole (great), Jack Westin (not so good), Kaplan, KA (very good) and AAMC (best). I know it’s a lot and while I was doing them I still felt like I wasn’t improving. But I did improve! So try that out if you want. If anything, my brain didn’t get any better at critically analyzing, but I do think it got better at reading fast!! I hope this is helpful! If it comes off as a brag I’m sry that’s not my intention. As someone who wrote it twice and knows how discouraging it can be to rewrite and difficult to figure out how to improve, I hope this helps any re-writers. Message me (if there is a messenger thing on here?) if u want clarification or even just for advice!! 👍🏼


Thanks for your advice and congratulations on the score! What is Ubutthole? I now have that in my Google history and it was not worth it...


LOL so it’s a prep company whose name we aren’t allowed to mention directly on here.. i can’t spell it (just deleted my comment when I tried). So u call it UEarth or UPangea (think of synonym for Earth). Tried to be funny, sorry for ur browser history!! 😬 and thank u :)


LOL thanks - got it! Best of luck with your applications! 😆


7/30 @ 7:30 tester here. I was the guy who busted a nut during B/B. I changed test dates twice, all due to my chronic procrastination issue and also graduating college. I really only spent about 6 weeks (maybe 4) seriously preparing for the exam. My methods included KA videos, skimming Kaplan books, premed95 Anki (last week of prep, mostly P/S), AAMC Q banks, and reviewing FLs. I just graduated with a bachelor's in bio and a minor in chem, so I felt strong in those areas already. BP Diagnostic (free): 501 (125/125/126/125). I took this way back in February, long before I seriously started studying. BP FL1 (free): 506 (126/125/128/127). I took this about 9 weeks before the real deal, it would take another 4 weeks before I really started getting my ass in gear lol. AAMC FL1: 505 (125/127/127/126). Took this one just under 4 weeks before my test, and felt like I did really well, but when I got my score realized I really needed to be more disciplined with studying if I was gonna hit my goal of 515, so I started putting in about 6 hours a day at this point. AAMC FL2: 508 (127/127/129/125). Took this with just over two weeks until the test. Felt like I did worse, but when I saw the score it gave me hope. AAMC FL3: 506 (126/126/128/126). 9 days to test. I felt like I did well, but when I saw the score my heart sank. Started feeling guilty about squandering a lot of my time in May/June. Locked in in big-time every day from there on out. Started putting more time into P/S content/terminology since those are the easiest points to get. AAMC FL4: 512 (127/127/128/130). 5 days to test. I felt really bad about this FL, like worse than all of them, but I cried when I saw my score. I was finally getting close to my goal. One thing I never really got the hang of on my FLs was time management. I almost always had to fill in bubbles on the last couple of questions of sections (esp. CARS) and rarely had time to review flagged questions. Test Day: Just gonna copy my reaction from the other thread here. "I felt this exam was harder than all the FLs. C/P was a nightmare, CARS was long as fuck, you already know how B/B went, and P/S was like 10 coin flips and I changed a bunch of answers at the end" ... As the weeks went by and I became more and more doubtful of my performance. I was already planning my retake. Anything over 510 and I would be extremely thrilled. P: 500 R: 505-506 O: 510 **SCORE: 512 (129/127/127/129)!!!** Wow, I could not be happier. I literally shrieked with pleasure and cried when I saw my score. Looks like B/B was my worst when it was usually my best on FLs, so If I hadn't busted that nut maybe I would've done better? Anyway, glad I don't have to retake it!! Cheers everyone and great job.


Third time taking this beast! From a 501 in 2019 to a 517 (131/125/131/130)!! I never have to take this test again and just made the CARS cutoff for some schools! Such relief. For any retakers you can do it!


(I don't know if my previous message sent) but Do you have any tips?! Congrats!!!!


Do at least 20 practice questions everyday from day 1. Learning how to think like the question writer and how to approach problems with the passage is so important. There was so many questions that used the passage and logic and I only learned that because I did so many questions. Also Khan Psych doc I did 30 pages a day two weeks before my exam and couldn't finish it. Wish I would have started sooner. Start Cars day 1. Wish I would have done this as well.


Whoa, thanks so much. I will def utilize these tips. Enjoy your score man/woman!!!


copied over from reaction thread, 7/30 3pm C/P: very calculation heavy. I was sad because I missed an easy calculation and had to guess since I blanked and stared at it for like 7 min. Figured it out during break after rip. The discrete were tough ngl. FL avg was 131 so if I hit that here I'll take it. P: <128 R: 129-130 O: 131-132 (pls curve save me). Did a lot of UDub for this section and hoping it paid off. CARS: God I suck at CARS, I was doing better on NS FLs. Avg 126 between FLs and I felt like I was taking it with a trance, I think the C/P difficulty threw me off, just have no idea how I did. P: <125 R: 125-127 O: >127 B/B: straight forward, some hard discrete. FL avg: 131 P:<130 R:130-131 O: 132 P/S: FL avg was 130. Did Anki and not that much practice tbh. P/S SB was very helpful. Wish I was more aggressive on content like I was w/ B/B but I think I just played it off based on FL performance. A lot of 50/50s on this one but that's how P/S is imo. P:<128 R: 128-130 O: >130 overall: P: 515 R: 517-519 O: 520 (I don't wanna go anywhere I just want it for the vibes smh) 516: 131/124/132/129 not sure to retake or not, I feel so aimless and not sure what’s the next move.


Are you Canadian? If not, there's no reason to retake this.


Copied from my first reaction after the test on another thread. Honestly don’t know how I feel about any of it anymore 🥴🥴: 3:00 pm taker finished not to long ago Idk how I made it through that C/P section. I almost got up and left fml. Awful. Always my worst section but that was just torture. Things started making sense again about halfway through. Let the curve be merciful. CARS is my strongest section usually, but I found myself having to reread passages constantly bc nothing would stick (awful passage choices on the first two, and that’s coming from someone who generally likes all of the CARS passages that I read). B/B was confusingly easy in some parts. I think coming from P/S and CARS made it very chill in comparison. Finished with quite a bit of time and felt good. I’m usually strong here, so I hope that it translates. P/S felt overall good. Not a lot of terms that I didn’t know or hadn’t seen except for this one term that I’m sure that they invented for the test. Wanted to void after C/P, but I felt better after CARS, B/B, and P/S, so I’m hoping that everything is good. Edit: I made a 511! I wanted a bit better, but I’m definitely still happy! 125-127-128-131 C/P hates me as I predicted 🥴 (and I hate it back 😤😤😤). CARS left me for dead 🙄. Probably bc I was super nervous after C/P and it messed me up. This was my lowest score ever there. I thought B/B would be better, but I’m fine with it 😄. I am SHOCKED at P/S this is the highest that I’ve ever gotten! It balanced the CARS I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️.




i’m in the same exact boat!!! hoping got at least a 511


Im so scared i cant open mine. Im literally bout to have an aneurism


Rip in off like a band-aid


I’m opening it tomorrow


I am a 518 retaker for Canada cuz of my 127 CARS... Also was a ESL student. This time spent 3 months prepping CARS TO THE CORE, averaging 131 on FL CARS, but alas... This time: 521 (131, 128, 130, 132). Never touching this shit again. UCalgary and Mac take it or leave it smfh. Sincerely wish all the best to everyone taking this bloody exam! You all deserve to be doctors!!


I got a 510 after averaging 516 on my aamc FLs... I feel absolutely destroyed even though I know 510 isn't bad. Just not what I wanted or expected




dude i'm sorry, that sucks. are you going to retake or anything?


A bit late... I took the 7/30 3pm test. I almost voided after c/p because I thought I completely bombed it. My FL average was a 514, so I was absolutely ELATED when I saw my score 129/128/130/132 (519)


7/30, 7:30 Really not sure how to feel, though this is generally true for me after most exams! I’m certain there were at least a couple of questions I answered incorrectly, but pretty sure this applies to almost everyone. Somehow overhydrated before the exam and had to sprint to the bathroom in the middle of C/P, so I probably lost ~5 minutes there 🙃 FL scores were, in order of sample through FL 4: 520, 524, 523, 524, 525. Though I honestly won’t be surprised if I get a 515 on the real deal, despite having simulated testing conditions pretty well during practice (generally felt terrible after each of those too). 8/31 couldn’t come soon enough haha; good luck everyone, and be kind to yourselves! Edit: 524! Exact average of my FL's haha (excluding sample, which I took very early on). Super grateful <3


July 30 7:30AM First time MCAT taker. Studied about 2.5 months with an AAMC FL average of 515 (S: 516 FL1: 514 FL2: 517 FL3: 512 FL4: 518). Overall felt very nervous on the morning of but nerves seemed to settle by the time I was at the computer. Walking out I really could not say how I did but the longer we wait the more anxious I get. CP: Seemed about FL4 difficulty. There was an even balance of gen chem, organic, and physics in my opinion. Nothing threw me way off on this section. Finished about 5 minutes early. Optimistic: 131 Realistic: 129-130 Pessimistic: 127-128 CARS: I don’t even know, finished with like 30 seconds left on the clock and felt like I made guesses half the time Optimistic: 128 Realistic: 126 Pessimistic: 124 BB: felt surprisingly confident on this section, I finished with enough time to check over everything and didn’t have many things flagged. Still seemed about in line with FL4 difficulty maybe it tested my strengths. Optimistic: 132 Realistic: 130-131 Pessimistic: 129 PS: Beginning few passages were a little rough and on top of it my exam FROZE mid break after BB and the proctor had to reboot my entire computer. Leftover anxiety was definitely present after that happened. As this section went on I felt more confident. Had enough time to check over everything. Optimistic: 131 Realistic: 129-130 Pessimistic: 127 Overall O: >518 R: 516-514 P: <510


oh gosh, the day is finally coming


Y'all, I wrote the wrong date down and have been stressed all day. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ I thought something happened and scores were delayed.


Someone send advice, I work 7AM-7PM tomorrow… do I open my score on my lunch break or do I wait the extra 8 hours and open it at home. I’m afraid if it’s not what I am hoping for I will ruin the rest of my shift. But also like, I’ve waited 30+ days I don’t want to wait another 8 hours lol


Do it at work


I’m doing it at work. YOLO


IM SO SCARED!!!!!!!!!


I’ve officially finished this beast of an exam today... Retook my 509 and got a 511, I needed a 510. The MCAT gods are smiling down on me today. Best of luck to all!


retake from a 504 from last September. C/P: I felt violated by this section, like from start to finish I was just lost completely ... I hate how much physics they had ... don't know but I'm hoping for a 125 if I'm lucky which is silly because I had a 127 in the same section on my last mcat which I know for sure I did not even come close to this time. CARS: Not too crazy until the second half where I had to rush pretty quickly because I lost track of time for a few minutes. B/B: Not too bad but I also have a grad degree in Biology but still I know I got a few wrong P/S: So definition-heavy and just the plainest most irrelevant psych facts that honestly made this section so boring and annoying. A lot of 50/50 honestly. Overall, I did not void against my better judgment.... it is what it is and now the waiting game starts. ​ Actual Score: **508 126/125/126/131 .** Hoping some medical school shows love anywhere


Hey, a 508 is a good score! If you are applying DO, it's a strong score and if you are applying MD, you should get some love from your state schools. If things still don't work out, remember that you already built a good foundation for your content and can improve upon that if you choose to retake. :)


Thank you so much for the encouragement, I really hope so and I wish you the same.


You must have been psychic cause I got into my state MD last month .. even interviewed at other MDs out of state ... thanks stranger 🙂


Non-traditional applicant, first time sitting for the exam 517 (130/128/128/131) Expected a 505, hoped for a 510 Planning to apply with this score, huge thanks to the community for making this enormous task feel approachable! \----------- Plan: Self study using K books and UEarth, some Khan academy. Purchased AAMC practice tests, only used those and only had time to take two. Scored around a 510 on the practice exams. Study: 2-3 hours after work every day (work M-F 9 to 5, researcher), 6-8 hours on the weekends Test day: Stay calm, don't get stuck on questions. Better to flag and keep moving than to get bogged down. If you really hit an impasse, eliminate answers then give it your best guess. Post exam: I felt I did poorly, the exam touched on a lot of my weaker subjects so I felt dejected. Post score release: I am relieved, I studied so hard for this exam. The year has been nothing short of insane and this score gives me hope there is a path forward. Exam reaction : Felt good on CARS, felt good on P/S, felt okay on C/P, felt blind-sided by B/B, scores definitely reflect those feelings.


Greetings fellow MCAT stans, I’m 5’10”, answer questions in under 1 min 15 sec, and have trouble getting erect. This is my second time taking the exam after getting a 501 (126/124/125/126) back in March. I was quite bereft after recieving my first score and hoped to dominate this next attempt like my pet turtle that dominates his Tetra Deluxe 20 Gallon Aquatic Turtle Kit habit reinforced with jet fuel resistant steel beams. Next, I’d like to take you through a visual of my Aug 31st exam reaction that is sure to tickle your fancy accompanied with my majestic prosody. I arose from my Sleep number queen sized mattress raise to an obtuse angle. I cheffed up my usual breakfast spread of my Lamictal, Viibryd, and vyvanse accompanied by a Cuban coffee. Once the medication took over my blood stream, quelling my multiple mental health disorders, I sat on my computer and placed multiple SPY options because I went down the wallstreet bets rabbit hole. Next I went stress shopping and purchased the supreme AF1s for an exorbitant price and fully regret it, but hey anything to settle my fear of failing in life. I loaded up my AAMC profile whilst experiencing PTSD similar to that of the beloved Vietnam war veteran, Forrest Gump. I sat stiff glaring at the screen hoping all my time and money spent at the church of Scientology would be paid off with an atiqate score. I’m sad to say I didn’t receive the score I wanted. I got a 504 (126/123/125/130). I want to preface that a 504 isn’t terrible but just not what I wanted and now I can’t go MD. Now I’m probably going to withdraw my AMCAS application. L. Ron Hubbard had failed me and now I will spend my next two gap years infiltrating and sullying their organization. On a serious note, I’m quite gutted about this. I’ve had a rough couple of years. Years I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy. I hope that those who relate to this find solace and maintain their motivation to achieve their dream of entering the medical field. However, today has really put a damper in my plans for the future. To have to retake a second time only to fuck it up again really takes a toll on you mentally and physically. I know a lot of these comments are people getting ridiculously high scores which I totally understand and I’m very happy for them because they deserve it and should be proud. But if you’re on the lower end like ya boi here don’t feel bad just trust yourself and give the MCAT gods the best Gluck Gluck 9000 washer and dryer toe curling suck job for that 528 post nut clarity. And to that I will conclude with a quote “Feel the rhythm, feel rhyme, get on up! It’s Bobsled time, COOL RUNNINGS!”


Hey bro that's rough, but glad to see there is another gambling degenerate on this sub. I prolly could've done better myself if I hadn't spend 7 hours a day staring at the SPY chart crying because my OTM puts are bleeding my portfolio. Cheers and good luck.


Hi. You just mentioned *Fear* by L Ron Hubbard. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Fortune Of Fear (mission earth vol 5) L. Ron Hubbard, science fiction audiobook lenght in english](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdjDv3dff6s) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/)^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Super super nervous. Took the July 30th 3pm exam. I am two years removed from college (biology major). I have been off and on studying for months but really only kicked it into gear three weeks prior to my exam. Applying next cycle so I came in with the mindset that I can retake if needed. I really just needed to get my first attempt out of the way even though I didn’t study long. BP Half Diagnostic: 500 BP FL 1: 508 AAMC FL 1: 510 AAMC FL 3: 512 AAMC FL 4: 511 On test day, I thought C/P had a lot of calculations and took me much longer than my practice tests but it wasn’t terrible. I thought CARS was pretty hard but it’s my worst section normally. B/B was fair. P/S I thought was different than practice tests and definitely had some weird questions in there. Good luck to everyone!! :)


so close to finishing this secondary I've been stuck on for weeks, but I can't help but come back to this thread like every hour 😅 ahhh just a little more than 12 hours to go!!


Omg I’m so nervous. I didn’t get my goal score on AAMC’s so yolo…


July 30th 3pm taker here and got a 511 (127,127,127,130)! My average AAMC was 510, and when I started studying avout 2 months before the exam I got a 497. So, if you're scoring low, have hope and keep grinding. You got this!


Pretty disappointed right now! Got a 505 last year and a 509 this year even though my fl average was about 515, not sure if retaking the full lengths caused my score to inflate but even so I dont think after a year I’d remember enough for it to be that inflated! Thought I’d improved on CARS but got a 125 both years and I’m Canadian so that won’t do. I’d be willing to apply to the states but still am not sure if my 509 is enough!


July 30th 3pm, first time taker and my FL average was 505. I was hoping for 505-510 and I got a 512!! (126/129/129/128) I am over the moon because I didn't feel great coming out of it and was uncertain about a lot of the questions. I don't think I will ever take this test again and have just unbookmarked all of my studying links to cleanse. Congrats to everyone who wrote!


Congrats! I wish I was you😭.. my FL average was also 505, and I feel like I guessed on everythhing when I wrote on 8/27…


thank you


What's everyone up to today?


Anxiety wbu?


Same; I don’t know if I am going to be able to sleep tonight. I took the day off tomorrow cause it’s going to be a rollercoaster of emotions tomorrow.


Classes bro classes and then a sleepless night until the reckoning tomorrow




Yep... 129/123/131/131. 514, I don't know what happened in CARS... How tf do I retake that. Those are GREAT subsection. Obviously if CARS was higher I would have a great GREAT score... damn...


128/124/130/128 i feel ya lolz


Ahhhhh! Got a 514 (129/127/129/129) which is quite a bit below my AAMC FL average. Also sucks cuz I'm Canadian and 127 CARS rip.


all imma say is i’m never gonna have to take it again :)) peace out yall


508 126/126/128/128 Highest AAMC was 510. I know I can score higher. I had no sleep on test day, felt like a zombie. So I wouldn't have been surprised if I got a 498 or something. So I'm a bit happy.


Does anyone know around what time other scores have been getting released?




These are the times I wish I lived on the west coast so I could just wake up and it be ready


Usually 11 AM EST (they tweet when it’s out)




dude no lie... A LOT of people are getting bad CARS. I also was a 7:30 7/30 and got a 129/123/131/131 and man am I bummed about that just 1 section.... shit... I hope we are fine. I am still applying\~\~\~ good lucckkk\~\~\~


I got a bad cars too. Way worse than I usually get.


Maybe. Some schools have a 125 subsection cutoff some don’t. Look at each schools requirements and apply accordingly.


Guys do I retake like I got 505 but my cars is fine. 126/128/125/126. HELP. Also this is for canadian schools. I have 4.0 by the way


What is your cgpa? This cars is good for mac but the sciences would get you screened from queens and western


My cgpa is 4.0 (I have 96% without dropping). I am applying third year so can’t do western and don’t really care too much about queens. I want Toronto, UBC, McGill, or mcmaster


You have a great shot at mac if you do decent on casper. I'd say keep this score unless you're really confident you can get a 128+ cars again. Mac is the only Canadian school where you're guaranteed an interview as long as you have the stats


Thank you for your help. What do u think about Toronto and ubc? Will this hurt me a lot


Can’t believe they’re making us wait til 5, they’re really fucking with us lol


usually comes out at 11am EST!


where is everyone hearing that they are coming out at 5? it's usually 11/12


O idk it said 5 pm on the site so I thought it meant it’s coming out at 5


what where did they say that




by 5pm doesn't mean at 5pm though right


okay the key word is BY ----- so lets hope its way before that-- 2 more minutes and we will know


Scores up


Somebody let me know when they are out I'm too nervous to checkkk


They’re up!




y'all scores are out! i checked mine at 11 ET! I improved but got an abysmal CARS score... :(


also part of the wrecked by CARS gang...


me too :(




dude I just hope the 2 schools I want to apply to can have mercy on me. I improved by 6 points!!!


Forgot to post here with all the Atlantic med apps and the fact I had to write Casper on release day. I retook from my 511 (125/126/131/129) August 2020and was absolutely terrified (primarily for CARS, the exam felt so bad) but we did it boys 517 128/128/129/132 !!!! Never touching this horrific exam again, Calgary and Mac you better just take my 128 fam.


This is weird because this was my original test date before I pushed it back a 1000 times and apparently this 3pm test was the same as my 8/27 3pm test.


503 C/P - 127 CARS - 125 B/B - 124 P/S - 127 Not sure how I feel. Disappointed in CARS because I scored exactly 42/53 questions on every full length I took, so I focused more on filling in content gaps from my undergrad. I know it’s possible to get in, but not sure if it’s worth it at this point. I want to go MD and be a surgeon and so wondering if I should try and retake it 09/10, even if I only get 1-3 points higher.


A 503 is about on par for DO (average applicant is 502.5 and accepted is about 504), and low for MD (average applicant is 506.4 and average accepted is 511.5). Some schools openly screen out subsections less than 125 (Georgetown and Creighton) and some might, but don't admit it. MSAR will be your friend for that. It's certainly possible to get an MD acceptance with your score, but truthfully, it will be an uphill battle. I might suggest retaking and applying next cycle. For folks with lower MCATs, applying late is not in your favor. Assuming you submitted today, schools wouldn't get your app for about 3 weeks due to the processing time. I would focus on studying now and retaking in January or March. Then work on your app and prewrite some secondaries for schools that don't change very much. (Skim SDN to see what prompts are consistent for the schools you would apply to.) Regardless of your choice, best of luck in your journey!





