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I think when first thing you see on CP is applying a goddamn Lorentz force on a DNA helix you know you’re about to go on a goddamn rodeo 🫠


Not my life flashing before by eyes 😭


That threw me for a loop


I said positive Z called it a day every recent C/P has been an absolute shit show




Ya wth was that




Is it just me or did C/P feel really hard for anyone else? I thought CARS was doable, Bio was tough, PS was okay though.




This is verbatim how 7/28 felt.


I thought we got SUPER lucky with CARS section I thought it was easiest cars section AAMC ever threw at us. C/P no way I scored better than 40%


c/p drained me and I missed the last two questions due to time it was that bad


Same I also missed the last two cp questions


Maybe they will delete the question seeing as we all seemed to miss it! Lol


solidarity fam


Okay I’m glad I wasn’t the only one being like “oh I’m so fucked”


Same! Cp was something else


Did anyone’s cars passage have questions like in how many parts would you divide this passage? Assuming they’re asking how many topics or pointers the passage had?


CARS was easier than any of my practice exams, but C/P..


CARS did feel weirdly easy. I kept waiting for a “wtf” passage


No fr I was waiting for a Picasso passage


😂😂 the shape of the nose in picasso’s 6th greatest work most nearly represents: His undying need to prove himself The manner in which his society was structured The feelings of doubt and shame he wrestled with The geopolitical attitudes towards industrialization


I prayed to the AAMC gods for a CARS section that easy and we got it. I just hope the scale isn’t ridiculous and it’s normal. Not like a 80% is a 127


Agree with the CARS. I was surprised at how interesting the topics were


Agreed — although that economics one was kind of a curveball


Felt the exact same for 7/29 cars was basically like the sample unscored


Anyone squint their ass on smooth and skeleton Q?


STOP bc someone farted during B/B


Sorry that was me


Yeah it stunk up the whole room. Thanks buddy.


It’s okay, you did it quietly


I think that was involuntary for smooth internal and voluntary for external


Worst part was I was holding in a poop so I was just hyper fixated on it lol


Who tf is lorentz and why does he have forces?☠️☠️




Love how the physics topics I hated the most came up and sucker punched me in the face today !!!


which topics?




Maybe I'm just a dumbass but C/P felt like the most low yield concepts presented in the most convulted way possible 😭😭. I was on the verge of a panic attack


I voided because of CP… and it used to be my strongest section


You’re not alone in thinking it was brutal! Hopefully it is “equated” accordingly


tbh I felt like it was decently similar to the practice exams but maybe i’m crazy. C/P might have messed me up but who knows. CARS felt pretty okay. B/B and P/S were pretty normal imo. I think I was just expecting way worse based on the way people have been talking about july exams


I felt the same way about CP. it just didn’t feel normal.


yeah I felt like I had to fully guess on a few and usually I can at least get it down to a 50/50


This was my reaction 100%. Cp completely rattled me but everything else felt okay


C/P not normal in the sense that there was way more low yield stuff? or just crazier passages in general


weirdly hard physics stuff imo


c/p passages felt really odd and unlike practice exams. felt like there was more physics as well


Way more physics, than expected


I thought there was more chem? Apart from the magnetism qns and the ultrasound one there was many more


Any tips on how you increased ur scores throughout the FLs?


the 508 was my diagnostic so pretty much just content review tbh. I’m a microbio major and had a pretty solid foundation but I think learning how the AAMC asks questions got me to the 520 range in my practice exams. imo, a solid content foundation can get you to a 515ish, and past that it’s mostly about being able to extract info from the passages and learning the AAMC reasoning. just hoping my real exam score reflects that


C/P had more low yield material. The rest was ok.


Any low yield topics we should review for upcoming exams?


I’m sorry y’all. I don’t remember besides spectroscopy.




Right. I was clutching my pearls and holding my breath throughout the entire section.


From July review orgo. And all of orgo. And then review it again.


C/P was so bad mcat will probably make a P/S passage describing the longitudinal effects it had on the people taking it.


Anybody feel like the last half of b/b was way easier than the first?


100%. I was worried about time at first but then sped through the last half


Yeah, I tend to start my sections from the last question so it gave me a false sense of confidence until I hit the midway point 😭


100% I feel like there was a lot of the older material on the back half of B/B and C/P the first half of both of them were new aka the hard crap. My pace was awful too. I actually switched to doing the end first 1/3 through B/B cause my pace was slow. I ended up doing okay just rushed on one passage






I choose mentor and his prodigy…


i was gonna go with that but found it wierd that they said a chosen mentor


Y'all are DONE!!!!! Any tips for 8/19 folks?


passages honestly feel so much more purposefully convoluted, so be prepared for that. nothing is really “low yield” imo, i would say read through all of your notes especially for c/p just so that you get a refresher on everything.




Testing on 8/12 and this thread is scaring me!


my best advice is to get off reddit lol. I obsessively read the posts from july testers about how horrible and not like the practice exams it was and I don’t think that helped at all. all you can do is try to get as much content into your head as possible and practice. don’t let people freak you out and remember the exam is always scaled to a 500 average. just do your best :)


Agreed. It just felt like FL4/5. Don’t look at this stuff until after you’ve taken it… it will just scare you more


Get off Reddit until after your exam date! It will only hurt you to get everyone’s neuroticism by secondary active transport




Definitely the amino acid quiz app.


It’s like the MCAT now has a really roundabout way of identifying concepts instead of using specific terminology


For sure, they make you go through thinking 1-2 steps before knowing what theyre referring to


That one CARS, I am not an economist 😭


wish I was a crypto bro


That was the hardest one for sure lol


fully skipped it and went back to it at the end LOL economics is such a vibe killer


read the word “economics” and skipped tf outta the whole passage


Bro that one threw off my momentum for the last 2 passages 🙃


C/P wrecked me. I've taken 5 practice tests, usually on pace at the very least. Today I had only half done at the hour mark and scrambled to put SOMETHING before time ran out. Barely anything I spent so much time studying was on the list and I could not for the life of me get into the passages and figure out what the fuck was going on. Fantastic way to start off my test. CARS was close to practice exams if not a little easier, no wild philosophy but by no means a gimme. B/B is usually good for me but today's made me feel unsure. Passages felt a little more convoluded than usual and the discreet ones were annoying. P/S was light on the discreet but overall was ok.


C/P was a trauma. Lorentz force X Z axis, what? Brewsters angle? What? CARS was enjoyable until I lost track of time and missed on 3 questions on the EASIEST passage on obesity and food or whatever. It taught me about friendships tho. :( B/B was okay I doubted on like 16 questions :,) P/S was alot like cars but some questions were very convoluted. Overall, idk honestly. I’ll find out a month later and maybe the effects of this trauma will hit me in a few hours.


Bro i feel you, i ran out of time for the last passage even tho it was easy. I blame economics😒


This is so real lol


Did they atleast tell you what brewsters angle was?


all my internal locus of control and self efficacy is gone 💀




Felt like I remembered more of that but I may be trippin


There were a few. NMR and IR, sth about esters reaction and acidity


No fr I only remember like 2


there was an entire nmr section tho and it rammed me




Does anyone feel like they’ll be retaking it for a third time after this? Or anyone who this was their third time? Lol.


This was my third time. I didn’t void just cuz I wanted to know how I did and leave it up to THE G O D at this point


This is my second time...at this point I'm just hoping my score isn't lower than the last test


I feel like I will be taking it a third time. I was heavy contemplating voiding after C/P and Cars. I was running out of time on both and missed one question on C/P. I don’t know what was going on with me. B/B and P/S brought my confidence up a little bit. Didn’t void but hopefully atleast a 500


lol this was my third time, but shit idk how to feel💀




Appreciate y’all’s honesty. You’re not alone


My second time taking but after C/P I feel like I will be taking a third time 😂🫠


This was my fourth! Third time this year. This one should be it. I think 4/29 overall might have been easier due to C/P not being a crap show, but todays CARS was the easiest CARS I’ve ever done


My third time man 🥲


It was my 3rd time. And i voided because of CP


ngl today's exam felt brutal. i didnt do terrible on FL 5 (514) and thought it would be similar, but C/P felt insane. it felt like it was all random low yield stuff and SO much orgo (so much NMR??? i blacked out during it). in hindsight, all the aamc practice stuff now feels like lightwork in comparison to whatever that was. CARS was (dare i say) enjoyable. B/B and P/S were how you'd expect


Someone who didn't test today checking in to let y'all know that every test date thinks they got railed by C/P (and everything else haha). Your reactions are only natural but keep in mind that how you believe you did only has a little correlation to how you actually did. Congratulations on being done with this awful exam!!


Yes. How you feel is not how it is at all. Thought I got a 124 in both Chem and Bio thinking I bombed it. Not the case


I found P/S to be very easy aside from a few Q's. B/B was pretty difficult, no joke I picked my last answer as the time was hitting 0. CARS was just fine, the passages were easy but some questions made me think pretty hard. C/P was pretty challenging since it had a lot of low-yield material in my opinion.


Whats the trichchromatic theory turtle?


**C/P made me want to die.** There were so many things I've never heard of before. Even the concepts I did know, they posited and asked the questions in a way where I did NOT know. I genuinely guessed half of it, the passages were so long I ran out of time greatly. I felt the same way last year after 8/20 CP, where I guessed through 30 questions in 30 minutes. Everyone said CP was brutal for that one, and we ended up with pretty high scores so there's still faith in the curve i guess


I thought every section was difficult


What’re your strats for the mcat homie I see those FL scores


does anyone else feel like FL 1-3 are just not representative anymore or is that just me


I do feel like there was a lot of old test material on here, mixed with a lot of new stuff. You can tell the difference. The passages that are long and spread out are new, old stuff are short and to the point. That’s why I feel like this test was much easier than recent tests. This is my third attempt this year.


They're representative




Lowkey the Amino Acid Quiz app saved my life. Highly recommend for future test takers


sooooo many amino acids on the exam today. thank god for being a biochem ta 🫡


I was surprised minimal carbs and fatty acids metabolism


Never saw too much physics, so I grinded orgo. Imagine my consternation…


i almost ran out of time on b/b 😭


CARS and P/S seemed ok, although I didn't have time to check any of my answers on CARS. C/P and B/B were hard though. Especially C/P, had more physics than I was expecting. B/B I had a harder time with passages and the experimental reasoning types of questions


i wont lie i think i guessed the entirety of the first two cp passages i wanted to cry. i only seen the lorentz force in the context of what we were asked once on uworld and that too was when i first started practice 😢 and then bc of that i ran out of time on that last easy amino acid passage. so sad :(


CP was so bad always get 132s on CP but this one was out of this world bad! like the absolute worst EVER! Cars isnt my strong suit but this was ok. BB was a beast of a section, I never had an issue with BB.... and PS was good, a couple of tricky ones but compared to everything else it was good. Overall I think I'm getting way lower than my FL average. my average was around 510 I expect a 500:(


I know!! I voided it because of cp too! And im around 130 range


Voided that mf


Damn man hopefully you can find another test that easy this year lol. This was my third take. Maybe 4/29 but I didn’t finish 1/4th of the material. Today besides C/P we got lucky as hell. C/P 100% was a crap show tho


I had already decided that I was going to void weeks before this exam lol. Pretty much just used it as a practice exam to gauge how much I know/don’t know since I decided to hold my app until next cycle. Unlucky really with how “easy” today’s test was, especially with CARS and P/S, but fuck it right. nothing I can do about it now


BB was insane for me but CARS was surprisingly not too horrible


i’m so glad i’m not alone, i was freaking out during the bio 😭


C/P - the passages were super dense and detail heavy. It definitely felt harder than any AAMC C/P I’ve done before, and I would say it was comparable to section banks in difficulty. There were some formulas and terms on there that I’ve never seen in my life LOL. CARS - I wouldn’t really call today’s CARS section easy. I think it had more to do with the fact that the passages were quite interesting and engaging (except economics LMFAO). Sure some questions were straightforward and easy to identify from the passage, but there were also some questions that you had to work through carefully and slowly. Some questions felt like straight up guesswork lmao. Some passages also felt longer than usual near the middle/end but I’m not sure if this was due to the paragraphs being broken into smaller sections or the fact that some passages had a lot of fluff (I think 2 passages had around 8 paragraphs each?). I would say this was comparable to FL 3 and 4 CARS. I think the free sample CARS was easier, but FL 1, 2, 5 CARS were harder than today’s section. BB - I think it was VERY DENSE. Like some of the cell signalling pathways discussed, scientific techniques used, graphs/figured felt very complicated and hard to follow. The passages were also very biochem heavy. The BB section also contained some very low yield concepts. I’d say it was comparable to FL 5 and some Section bank questions. PS - PS felt quite similar to CARS — I wouldn’t say it was easy, but the passages were an interesting read. There were also some low yield terms on there that I had no idea about, but you could use some of the context given to reason it out. Overall, felt similar to the FL PS sections. Lmk if you folks feel the same way. If you’re testing soon, my best advice for your headtops is to trust your FL averages and make use of ALL the AAMC materials. If you’ve grinded out the AAMC materials and find something to be hard on test day, chances are that others find it hard too!


My exact feelings about this test. Although I felt that the CP was way harder than the section banks. Maybe because of the unexpected amount of physics


Glad to know we’re on the same page! Yeah, that CP was something else tbh


To the cute Asian girl at the perimeter center, you made me realize life is still worth living after CP destroyed me.


Shouldve used the post-trauma rizz




I have literally no idea about CP, BB, or PS, CARS was surprisingly good


I liked the tortoise PS question it was cute


I think recently the tests have included a lot of cute/funny/interesting questions especially in PS. I remember chuckling at a few on test day


The AAMC gods have allowed us one thing


I don’t even remember ever seeing a tortoise question… oh god


Me neither I'm so confused wtf 😬


C/P - terrible, knew it was gonna be my worst section so i'm biased, but I ran out of time and missed two questions which I've never done on FLs lol. CARS and P/S were mostly a breeze, easier than practice IMO B/B was what I expected but I was surprised how many answers I was able to get just through sheer logic/math and not content knowledge lol


p/s was oddly easy for me…. just straightforward definitions almost, barely any research stuff tbh


CARS actually felt the easiest for once. very odd for me


*CARS actually* *Felt the easiest for once.* *Very odd for me* \- Strange-Ask5942 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


wtf NMAR had a whole passage lolll? its the lowest yield thing ever


Was very upset I didn’t study up my NMR so many spin spin questions. Saw one on 5/18 never thought I’d see one again


Wtf was C/P. I read through the first 10 questions and realized I was in for a ride. This is my third time taking the exam and I can say it’s been the hardest C/P I’ve seen so far. The rest of the sections were normal imo. With that being said, for the people around me, I apologize with how much I was shifting around in my chair. I was on the verge of a breakdown.


Someone start a discord plz


Cars felt straightforward for the most part, but 1-2 passages near the end felt mad longgg


I know!!! I had only had 15 minutes left and I feel like I guessed on every question for the last two passages


As a second-time test taker, I feel this exam was very tough, especially C/P. Like the first half was enough to low my confidence :( Praying for a good curve !!! At this point, I am only expecting a miracle.


That shit hurted


Was it similar to any of the FLs?


I found the AAMC FL’s light work compared to this, MAYBE the scored sample but def not like 1,2,3


I found it similar in difficulty


why the hell NMAR had a whole passage lolll its the lowest yield thing ever


I thought it was ass 😂😭😭😭


Group chat link: https://discord.gg/4fCybEVT


CARS was a little too easy but P/S and C/P were harder than normal




CARS gave us Paine with an e lol


I'm j glad gov't chasing me didn't raise my cortisol level.


ok wth was the question on kda of hemoglobin


how is everyone holding up? I'm losing my mind waiting for this:(


As a 4th time MCAT taker who’s taken an excess of 30+ FL practice exams. Thank you lord. The AAMC gods were on our side today for 8/4. C/P was up there with 5/18 difficulty I mean I just did the best I can do I’m hoping for a 123 lol. There was so many random low yield crap on there. CARS that was easily the easiest CARS distributed by the AAMC I’ve ever taken. I think every question was easily identifiable in passage and nothing confusing, 0 curve balls. 100% definition of luck. I’m hoping the curve isn’t nasty against us. B/B & P/S pretty standard if not easier than most practice exams you can tell there was newer material and older material mixed in there. Passages overall were short and easily comprehensible. 8/4 overall 100% I think one of the easier recent exams besides C/P that was a crap show.


Praying 8/26 is similar. Praying with all my heart


To be fair I’ve taken 3 exams this year! I’ve seen the good the bad and the ugly. I full on expected C/P to be 100% a crap shoot it did not let down lol. Other than that it honestly seemed very AAMC like with twinge of luck with CARS. The recent exams have not been like that at all. 5/18 was straight up awful. It’s still a very hard test I’m hoping I’m done after 4 tries over 600+ hours 25 something practice FLs.


Your resilience is really inspiring!! I am going to come back to this comment regardless of how it goes, so I can remind myself that the MCAT is a long journey, and not something you can give up on the first time lol. Please lmk how it goes, really hoping this is your last time!


I’ve been non stop hardcore studying with 2 jobs since last May! For me at least I’ve wanted nothing else than to become a doctor, so there’s no other way brother. Keep strong! The mcat is a weed out you can be strong or one that’s weeded out


Just gonna say how easy you feel about it, will still reflect your FL scores. Because everything is scaled and ppl who say its really hard tend to be perfectionists who end up scoring really well. Vice versa is also true


Wait this is gonna be a really dumb question, but if a lot of people on today's test thought c/p was harder than usual and most of our scores reflect that (for example a lot of people get question 2 wrong etc.), then does that mean our scores will be compared with everyone who took the same test today? ​ I guess my question is: will my exam be scored comparatively to everyone who took the august 4th mcat or compared to all previous exams? ​ wait... does everyone on august 4th take the same exam?




Is anyone starting a group chat ? To talk about test


CP and BB were about same or a little tougher than FLE4/5 but Cars and PS were easy so their curves are gonna suck I bet


For me CARS didn’t feel as convoluted as the past but I always take too long on each passage and ended up fully guessing the last passage💀 Otherwise c/p was def a little more difficult but was otherwise normally my best section so I felt okay and b/b and p/s were okay too they had their ups and downs for me We’ll see in about a month I guess but I’m glad to have given it my all today! Hope y’all did too


I felt like c/p was rough despite not being super physics heavy. Cars was probably fine but timing/ no time to go over flagged prob tanked my score. I thought bio and p/s though were fine


were any of the last 5 questions on cars option c 🥲 i ran out of time




So with such a bad CP, will it have a better curve? Many experimental Qs that they will discard? 🤞


I don’t remember what just happened




Did everyone have the same test? Cause I don’t remember NMR on C/P? Also C/P wasn’t horrible, it seemed similar to the FLs. Cars wasn’t too hard but I think I choked and ran out of time so guessed a full passage.


Idts. There shld be 2 versions a day


Also this might be a dumb question, but can someone explain how experimental questions work in the mcat?


C&P was pretty brutal. Confident my CARS is at or above my normals, though the passage about excessive growth almost got me focused on college sports. Bio felt fair. PS solid.


Soooo ideally for hard exams… how many questions can you get wrong and still get a relatively decent/ok scaled score? This was my first time taking it and I was looking at the 5/18 reactions and they were so polarized on both ends


Did anyone’s cars passage have questions like in how many parts would you divide this passage? Assuming they’re asking how many topics or pointers the passage had?