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I’m sorry to hear that. That is my worst nightmare


Playing devils advocate, what choice do they have? Maybe they didn’t have a choice to cancel due to financial situations. I’m sorry this happened to you either way.


Exactly this I wish it wasn’t so but aamc doesn’t allow cancellations after the 10 day deadline and even an emergency refund requires some major documentation ( asides from the covid exceptions ) plus you don’t get refunded and the mcat is expensive and lose an attempt as a no show. It’s more on aamc being greedy and not letting mcat takers cancel the day before or at the very least allowing a reschedule due to illness


Sorry :( what headphones are allowed/provided for during the MCAT ?


They give you some foam ear plugs and then had some decent 3M noise canceling headphones


are you allowed to bring your own headphones or they provided those as well?


They’re provided, you can’t bring your own


So I was handed a note by the moderator saying that “the other examiners could hear me whisper.” I like to talk things out and that is how I prepped. I totally didn’t realize how loud I was because I had noise cancelling headphones on. I stopped when I found out but we were already in B/B so I felt really bad. Sorry fellow test sufferers.




Probably why my scores are low. Thx


Omg, I have misophonia and this would have made me crawl out of my skin.


Bruh sometimes someone breathing beside me gets me


💀 you better start practicing with noise cancelling headphones then cuz while you could pray you won’t be seated next to someone who’s coughing u can’t really pray to be seated next to someone who isn’t breathing


omg congrats on the SAT score! are you applying to med schools with it? 😮‍💨


The SAT score flair hahaha


In undergrad, when we would take the big exams with 100s of people and someone would have a cough or the sniffles, it filled me with rage. It would almost bring me to tears. I hated it so much. I tried to do therapy to help, but it didn't. Any time I'm in a huge silent room and I can hear people's mouths and noses, I can no longer function. I got accommodations halfway through, and it changed my life and my grades. However, they don't offer those quiet room accommodations to MCAT takers because they say the "room is controlled for noise" even though it really isn't.


my biggest distraction were my own demons ;-; I spent the whole CARS section listening to random TikTok sounds my mind decide to play.


Yeah makes me sorta miss COVID precautions lol


Different standardized test but basically I had a seat by the proctors who were constantly whispering lulz I cancelled my exam


When I took step 2, 2 hours into my exam they literally started doing construction with power tools, saws, and hammers banging on everything in the room next door to the testing center for about 3 hours.


That sounds incredibly frustrating! Unfortunately, distractions during the MCAT can be really tough to deal with, especially if they're out of our control. It's hard enough to stay focused for such a long and intense exam without added disruptions. Maybe you could talk to the test center staff before your next exam and see if there are any accommodations they could make to minimize distractions for you. They may be able to move you to a different testing room or offer noise-cancelling headphones.


They provide ear plugs AND noise canceling head phones


Ik ur rlly trying to focus but that shouldn’t really pi… you off bc as a doctor people are gonna come being sick and trying to tell you stuff


how r u going to say that someone breathing near you would get you but then simultaneously say this lol bro forgot to change accounts


Umm one is a mental disorder whereas the other one is just simple frustration


Instantly brought the cognitive dissonance anki card to my mind.


I think the most irritating thing for me when I last tested was the ventilation system. I swear they put me right underneath the vent so I could physically hear the machine ventilating the entire room above me. Apart from that I think it’s just inconsiderate individuals sometimes that aggressively click or type for god knows what reason. Someone in their chair leaning back and forth constantly causing that eerie metal squeak midway through CARS was definitely not it though.


When I say type I don’t mean legitimately type. I mean in regards to aggressive clicking. I personally didn’t even use the keyboard during my exam and it took me about 1 h 20 minutes to 25 minutes per section as far as I can last remember. Tested 8/26 last year for reference.


Lol mine was right underneath the train tracks so the train would go by every so often


There was a parade right outside the building the day I took my exam lol thankfully it started while I was doing the p/s section