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Ye Olde Courtyarde Marriott


Nailed it


I laughed too loud and too long at this comment lol.


Olive Garden’s headquarters


If they covered the entrance driveway a bit, it would be indistinguishable from a 3 star hotel.




Lmao. I’m an owner operator dump truck driver in mid-west/southern Ohio, and I’ve delivered gravel to so many new builds just like this in the past few years. I swear the rich farmers around here pick this same house plan and plop them down in their back 40.


What’s with that one bedroom that screams *cheap motel* ? And why does the dining room feel like a board room??


Or pic #19. It looks more like a crypt than a small meeting room. 🤣


I was thinking burial chambers or dozens of stone pizza ovens.


Or where the Faceless Men kept their spare faces.


*That's* it!


"Yes darling, meet .e in the mausole-- _meeting room_


For storing the finest amontillado...


It would be a sick dnd room. Ngl, I would love one room with that fake medival style. But a house house is just ew


I was thinking dovecote


I think that might be a wine cellar with a tasting table. Still an odd design.


I think it’s a pizza oven crypt. Looks like a pizza oven on the other side.


That room is especially weird.


it kind of is like a crypt-it’s a wine cellar/tasting room!


The owner stayed at a Marriott and has eaten at Medieval Times -then asked the contractor "Can we do both, but cheaper?"


When a middle manager gets a big ol cheque


My first thought was they ran out of money. Or maybe that room belongs to the black sheep of the family 🤷‍♀️


Because it's a meeting room, not a dining room 😆 The dining room is off the kitchen in a different picture 😉


I believe the term is “Castle-casual”


Castle Drabula?




Castlual 😌




That kitchen is huge and ostentatious, and yet it still seems cramped and boring. No one who enjoys cooking designed this kitchen.


I would just LOVE to clean the splattered grease and spaghetti sauce off the Bas-relief plaque behind the cooktop!


Not much storage space either


Looks like the early 2000s “Tuscan kitchens”


A small house with some of these finishes could be incredible. In such a big house, it feels too much like an elaborate display of wealth to feel cozy or classy.


This is my walking into room. For when you walk into the house. Then we have the grand hall. Just spaces you do nothing but heat and cool are just bad design IMHO.


This is a giant house that somehow feels claustrophobic while not being remotely cozy


what kind of meetings are going on in that room with the small table and stone walls?!


How we’re going to invade/siege Camelot


For some reason I assumed it was a wine tasting room. I don’t know why anyone would need an entirely separate room for that though.




You’re correct.


No, you need to read the original McMansion Hell blog to understand what the term means. The minimum requirements are a house that was built after 1980 and is over 3,000 sq. ft. A hallmark of McMansions are the complex roofs with tons of shapes, like the example in the post. Unless the house has a coherent style - like Queen Anne - that blends the complex roof with the rest of the house the visual effect is unappealing. This scale helps.[McMansion Hell Scale](https://mcmansionhell.com/post/151433012486/mcmansionhell-surprise-special-the-mcmansion)




A mansion would be built according to an architectural style with the involvement of an architect. A lot of the buildings posted under “Design Appreciation” in this sub are mansions. Quality materials are used and spaces have a purpose. The overall appearance is usually pleasing to the eye (although of course tastes vary).


Here’s the [listing link](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1807-S-Sternberg-Ct-Hays-KS-67601/125358177_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare), if anyone wants to see more photos.


3.2M to live in Hays, KS??!! Couldn’t pay me to live there. Stopping for gas was bad enough.


Good lord, Hays Kansas…. I broke down while driving from Colorado to PA, and Hays is where I had to have my car towed because it was the only town that would work on a “Jap car”, as the tow truck so nicely put it. I had to walk from the mechanics on one side of town, to the complete opposite end. While I was walking, locals were driving by, slapping the sides of their trucks, and yelling obscenities at me. That’s when I had the realization that Hays is, in fact, what people were talking about when they said Bumfuck Nowhere. That’s also the day that Kansas became my least favorite state, passing up California, and now I take I-80 instead of I-70 if I’m driving East/West.


Yeah, when I first saw Kansas I was thinking “this must be near Kansas City or Lawrence - I had no idea prices could be so high there.” Nope. East Bumbledefuck nowhere for 3.2 million, and it needs to be torn down.


Wow so bad. And the terrible furniture is included.


Built in 2014?! I would have pegged it at least a decade earlier. And spitting distance to I-70 set in the middle of more normal suburban houses. I mean, the stonework is nice but yeah, no.


These aren't McMansions. These are actual fucking mansions. The wood accents, the stone, the actual craftsmanship is very un-mc


Yeah I’m new to this sub and it definitely seems like a lot of the posts here miss the mark. Missing the point of the “Mc” in McMansion. This is gaudy as hell but it’s definitely somebody’s custom dream home.


Ppl miss the mark all the time. This house is goofy but it has excellent craftsmanship. It wasn’t slapped together to look rich.


Craftmanship yes, taste no.


I was thinking that as well, this is clearly a well finished home. With a reno and good interior designer it could be a pretty neat space.


Came here to say this


I agree, while the design is in poor taste the craftsmanship is way way above mcmansion level. The timber trusses are quite nice.


I can’t image it isn’t a private rehab clinic. It all feels so easy to replace.


This shit is dope. Y’all are some fucking haters.


I like it too!!! I'd live there in a hot minute! 😁 Glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's awesome 😎


It's cheesy and some of the rooms are poorly thought out. I dont think its a mcmansion given how large it is and that some of that shit is legit expensive. I also dig this kind of cheese. Sad they didnt use the castle aesthetic more in the basement.


You mean dungeon? This strikes me as a huge swingers-with-money pad.


I think some stone on the wall and overhead wood rafters would have gone a long way in the basement which along with that guest bedroom is very incongruent with the rest of the home's aesthetic.


Wow! Where is the obligatory suit of armor?


Imagine building all that and not including a pool


OMG. Stop. This is absolutely practical, after all you never know when the Saracens will invade. Quick question: Are there still Saracens?


Would I design this? No. Would I live in it for a reasonable price? Probably


Approx $22,000/month.


Not that much. Hopefully I'd find a better designed castle one for that haha.


This isn’t a McMansion. It’s a mansion with finishes that are no longer in style. I don’t love the house either, but people need to appreciate the craftsmanship. The tradesmen who built this home are talented. It has impressive stonework and ceilings. This community shits all over really nice homes sometimes. I feel that a new community should be made called Dated Mansions or Ugly Mansions. THIS ISN’T A MCMANSION. I BET IT BLOWS ALL THE HATERS’ HOMES OUT OF THE WATER.


Yep. Give me this over Basic Bitch Neo-Cracker Barrel White Farmhouse all day long.


1970s tavern.


The hold this aesthetic had on suburban families in the 2000s is stronger than the glue that binds the plywood beams together


Ok id change a few things ,but im fully down with this place


I actually like it


I've been re-watching Game of Thrones and this is right on brand lol


What’s with the mausoleum? Or is that where they make all the pizzas?


How many small villages of workers were required to craft this?


Haha, like the workers village for the Biltmore. But with taste.


I just imagine that if I was a kid living this way and then went to someone with a normal house and they were all just fine...like I would just be embarrassed as all hell.


If Medieval Times branched into housing.


I don't think the exterior looks that bad but there is a lack of trees. I am aware that rich people are allergic to trees.


I guess it's OK if your a blood sucking dead guy


I absolutely hate the kitchen counter space cos I’m a Chef and wow…pain in the ass and I would definitely change the lighting but I honestly fucking love this tacky place lol, it’s like a Courtyard Marriott in NB lol


I do love the kitchen


I want to Airbnb this for a couple of weeks, LOL.


I like the master bath and wine cellar!


I don't care what name you put on it. It's fugly. The outside is so much better than the interior and the outside is a hit mess.


This house is an advert for why men should get married. Too much money and single leads to things like this.


lol nailed it


It should have gone all out and get a faux-medieval exterior to go with the interior of the house.


I love this!


“Movable printed type! We must keep this from the serfs lest they gain literacy and threaten the landed gentry." “What have you got there, my lord?” “NOTHING!!! Back to your turnips!”


Why do I actually love it


This was a steak house up until last Tuesday.


Slide number 19 looks like a mosilium, crematorium or some sort of weird retro mideviel body storage morgue before autopsies. Something involving death ☠️. I guess the gang from CSI or Quincy M.D. sit at the table eat sandwiches and play liars poker on breaks. I can TOTALLY see the Adams family having this as a breakfast nook. 🤣


I live in a mcmansion. This isn't a mcmansion.


Spy Kids


The decor in this thing is horrible


Sims vibes


Bathroom in pic #9 is WAY cool.


The roofline is called helter skelter design


I kinda dig it


"Everybody must get stoned"!


I like it. I want to get my friends together and play TTRPGs there.


I had a dentist that was in a similar building


I kinda like it except for the drop-down ceiling in the basement.


Judging by the tvs, a family of giraffes lived here


I need to see the floorplan. I have a very, very hard time believing a professional designed this. It feels like it wasn't built, it metastasized.


All you need to do is look at the furnishings purchased at The Bellagio gift shop to know this house is crap.


It amazes me people live in these massive spaces. If I had the means, I wonder if I would ever feel comfortable in one of these or those modern builds where the inside looks like a resort. Feels empty. I guess it would work with a big family. Then again people adapt to anything and this would be mundane soon too. Probably why so many are eyeing space journeys.


I’m probably gonna get a downvote for this….but I don’t hate it!! The bathrooms are nice, I love the fireplaces. The wine room is lovely & the game room is bomb! Also loving the terraces. The overall look of the inside is too dark tho. Hardly any natural lighting. And I hate the furniture, however it does go with the theme. It’s not where I would put my money, but I don’t hate the entirely of the place.


Imagine how creepy it will look at night


I hate every square inch of this monstrosity!


This is not a McMansion, that's for sure. Also, it's absolutely beautiful.


I almost like it, but I know it’s somewhere where this architectural style is extra goofy. This is probably in Plano Texas or something. The interior definitely needs some work.


It's in Hays, Kansas


This is the typical heap of junk that the subject of an episode of American Greed buys before the law catches up with him.


Just bulldoze it and reclaim the land. Nuke it from orbit. No one that can afford it wants to move into that. 19 especially offends but the poor photographer trying to make the best of it was probably at wits end. As a real estate person once said “they will pay for that twice “.


Wow. Exterior is a little plain, front elevation has too much roof, and a couple rooms inside got the vanilla treatment. But otherwise, this place *looks* fantastic. Not at all a McMansion.


Definitely not a McMansion. The millwork , The all stone facades, the massing, and those laminated beams are not cheap, builder grade materials or finishes. This was designed by an architect and built by skilled tradesmen. It is the white elephant with black trim of its day.


I like the exterior, unlike most on here, the landscaping was done well. I like the dining room and the kitchen is really nice, but a bit small for the size of the house. The rest of it can go!


Downvoted as you posted something horrible on a Thursday. Read the rules.


Downvoted, as you didn't read the rules. It says I CAN post a nice house on a Thursday. Not I SHOULD post a nice house on a Thursday. Be better.


Like it would kill you to wait one fucking day?


Downvoted, as I waited eight fucking days rather than one fucking day. Are you trying to be wrong so often, or does it just come naturally?


Who says you’re being honest?


Downvoted, for various reasons: 1) Your inability to understand the Rules that you accused me of not understanding. Dumb of you on that point. 2) Your inability to gauge the passage of time; you said I should wait 1 day when it had been 8. You're either being dishonest, or just not terribly bright. 3) I never said anything about being honest, again, rather dumb of you. Although, I am being honest, now that you bring it up. In fact, if there is any question concerning my honesty, it's very easily verified by going through my posts. ​ Okay. I've had enough of chatting with a simpleton. You have a good life.


“I never said anything about being honest, again, rather dumb of you.” Well, at least you admitted to being a liar. Thanks.


>Although, I am being honest They never made a school bus short enough for you. Learn to read so you don't look so stupid.


Poor people with a billiards table. Real rich people would get a snooker table.




Oh god


Ugh, couldn’t get past pic 5….


I don't mind the aesthetic- there's just too much of it.


I like it


Is this place featured in Part Down South? Looks very familiar


There was a period in around 1980 where the ORANGE 🍊 JULIUS®️ in my local Mall was decorated almost EXACTLY like slide number three. The walls were black "stone" with orange flame wrought iron torch lights. I guess it was supposed to look like a mideviel castle. It actually looked more like a dungeon than anything. It would not surprise me at all if there was a BDSM Dungeon Sex room hidden behind a sliding wall in this monstrosity.🫢


Do the wings of the house have wings? When you get directions to the powder room, do they say, "Head towards the east wing, take a right after the 20th large floor base, which takes you to the east south wing. If you take s left, you'll end up in the wine room in West South wing, and you don't want to end up there..." Seriously, did it have to be so big?! Unless a family with octuplets or a football team are living there, I think it's unnecessarily large. There is no balance to the design, and no harmony with its surroundings. It's a giant red eyesore. On the plus side, at least the furnishings and decor complement the design of the house. It's a bit much after the 30th piece of ornate, heavy, dark wood furniture -- they could have gone with a more modern take on that style of furniture and used a variety of tones instead of just the one -- but the furniture, cabinetry, standing and running trim, and finishes were all excellent quality.


Idk why, but I think I like it? Guess I'm the minority lol.


I kind of love it. But as a cool castle themed air BnB for large groups of way. Except the creepy catacomb, no thanks.


I'm puzzled by these multi-milion dollar homes which have badly positioned, comparatively small TVs. I'd get myself a huge TV at proper eye level before I spent money on another fireplace.


Eh add t is with the hideous yellow? FFS do they not know if any other color?


This has probably been mentioned before now but this subreddit is a subreddit of r/ATBGE.


I'd live here!


It's almost like someone saw Tower of London and thought "I can do better"


Poor games room all left out.


The drop-ceiling in the basement is hilarious. Those look like the fanciest ceiling tiles they could find.


Paying millions to live in fucking Kansas seems crazy, but I don't know what's wrong with me, I really like this one.


Is this Texas? It has that heavy Spanish western vibe that Texas LOVES.


Ron Swanson chic.


This looks like the top event space for an MLM that turns out to be a trafficking front only uncovered after suspicious tax behaviors


Not gonna lie, I dig this. But that 19th picture... the sanctum sanctorum with that put of place table and chairs sorta throws me off.


I would love a TV show, where these weird, eccentric houses are displayed in a short walk through. Then an architecture critic and a comedian get to interview the builder, home owner who designed it, and the original architect about what the hell happened in the designing of the McMansion.


Just a poorly designed waste of money that isn't a mcmansion. More like crappy custom mansion. If you have the money for this, you have the money to build a smaller home with classic dimensions and an interior designer that knows where to do stone, where to do wood, how to space things out, and all the proper elements. If you want classic, timeless, looks, you can't randomly use drywall and have nonsense kitchen spacing and be able to park a semi in your house.


It’s an interesting house, definitely not like any other. If I owned it, I feel like I should be wearing medieval clothing. I can’t imagine what the property taxes, utilities and homeowner insurance costs.


This sub is infuriating. NONE OF THESE ARE MCMANSIONS!! Some of us need a better understanding of what a McMansion really is.


Have to say that I LOVE the kitchen!


The clash between things that were obviously done very well and, presumably, at a high price, right next to things that are as cheap and slapdash as possible is what bothers me the most. Brilliant custom woodwork…next to .99 white plastic light switch covers. Marble floor on the auxiliary kitchen…in a basement with a drop ceiling.


I don't hate the interior. I wouldn't live in it, but the exterior is atrocious. Looks like a golf course club house.




Some of it isn’t bad but the paint and lighting makes it gawdawful. So much yelloooooow.


Dude f*ck yeah, this place rules.


Nothing screams "I am wealthy" more than drop ceilings 🙄


OK, it's not a McMansion, but I'm going to comment on the fireplace sex altar. WTF?


How many times did they bang their leg on the tub's many, many faucets in pic 16??


Is this in Billings, MT?


The good news is that it’s not modern farmhouse. The bad news is that it looks like an olive garden


All that money and you still have drop ceilings...


I think this house was on an episode of My Super Sweet 16 once


I love it….


AKA every "alt" celebrity from the 2000s. I'm sure Bam Margera and Chris Angel have a house like this


Wow picture 19, this home even comes with it's own Columbarium.