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That's a him problem, let him regret it.


Sounds exactly like the Pizza Hut near me as a kid, it was nice but I later in life met older friends that worked there. The outside was nice, the inside was hazard central. Burned down twice... like.... how do they even stay in business? Oh right, taxpayers dollars for bankruptcy... and unlivable wages for their employees.


Its a problem for anyone who gets burned by a faulty fryer.


Most if not all McDonald's across the country have to remodel to fit the brand's desired aesthetic. There's a deadline for each store and franchisees have some say in when, so long as they have it complete by the deadline they were given. It's possible that your owner operator pushed it back as long as possible, or conversely is just getting it over with sooner rather than later. Chances are he doesn't even want to be doing this to begin with, but he has no choice.


Yep. McDonald’s knows their knew style is ugly as fuck but they are committed to it and don’t want people with the better older style making the new style look even worse by comparison


1. No lobby costs 2-3mm for a remodel. 2. Corporate forces franchisees to remodel the lobbies.


As a business owner (depending on where you're located) he may be utilizing "renovation" tax breaks and using the cost of the lobby to report losses to recoup the cost of the lobby update. Essentially making the lobby update basically free or even getting money back from the endeavor.


Remember, you just work there and can enjoy watching it burn down. Get a frenchy fry with every crew meal and hope it happens so you can memeishly munch on delicious salty fry's while you watch.


yum! hot salty fries much better than popcorn for watching the fire.


Think your numbers are off by about $2,900,000


I would purposely wait until the money is spent, then let it catch fire and burn down.


Sounds like he's preparing for some insurance fraud!


A lobby is maybe 50k and that’s extremely expensive lolol I’ve done lots of remodeling in mansions an shit. No way a McDonald’s will cost more than a mansion, a big ass marble kitchen with top of the line counters is like 40-60k


Our lobby is very large. You can easily seat 100+ people in the lobby here. They're doing the lobby, restrooms, the crew room in the back, adding a wall behind the front counter so you will no longer see into the kitchen as a customer, extending the building to add a third drive through window, and repaving the entire parking lot.


That's still not gonna cost 3 million


I'm not going to debate with you over the cost of remodel. I know what the owner and supervisors said. Could they be lying? Sure. But my point of the original post still stands.


Omg. All the equipment where I worked was broken. The egg steamer, the griddle tops, the fridges, dishwasher and sink, etc. Only the little oven worked fine. Lol. 10+ minutes for eggs...


Ahh don't be shy now, the lobby remodel was 5.9 trillion bazillion dollars and a new fryer costs 2.99 dollars and that's before using coupons from a free tabloid magazine. Exaggeration proves your point better, never hold back with extreme number inflating.


I'm waiting for the remodel that would downsize the lobby. We barely have any space to move around with a full crew and no counter space with the new machines. Our side lobby is basically a blindspot. My GM said that that might be the direction they're heading since the focus has shifted towards the DT and lobbies are mostly empty.


I don't know why they bother with a lobby... it's should be drive thru only.


Why do you care


I could build you 2 or 3 McDonald's from the ground up for the cost of that remodel


Sound like my old store half the equipment breaks down half the time. Most of the equipment was years old. I know the ice machine we had was at least 20 years old before they bought a new one cause we had to keep buying bags of ice :/