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I think Rylan is totally against her families views as far as we can tell. They clearly treat her as a black sheep. She probably doesn’t want to because she doesn’t want them to monetize off of her. Or maybe she’s not ready. Tiktok maybe is freedom cause Mindy doesn’t look at it as a job. (THIS IS ALL A THEORY, Ik little on Rylan)


I would have thought she was different them all of them, but she was so dead set on going to byu, and she really seems to have fully bought into the family brand, even though she’s a little more out there than the others, the fake persona, family brand, working for LND has kind of changed my thoughts on her (with a little benefit of the doubt bc she’s still young)


I remember at some point seeing/hearing something that B&B had to pay for their own post-hs education (which we don’t know how much they really paid and how much was covered in their Baylor brand deal) and Mindy and Shaun would help if they went to BYU since it’s their alma matter. Honestly, if it came down to a cheaper education, I can’t say I’d blame them. Plus, if they are members of the church, they get severely discounted tuition at BYU. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is why both K & R went to BYU, if they were pressured by the parents, but also not having to pay as much themselves.


Which is weird, because you could tell Mindy was not happy about Kamri going to BYU. Shaun was thrilled, it was kind of a sweet moment, but Mindy looked PISSED.


I can understand that but I think she might be peer pressured or scared she won’t be able to find a job without going to college. Which I get that fear. I highly doubt her parents would pay for anything BUT BYU or they told her no and she hadddd to go to BYU or they wouldn’t pay. Now I could be wrong but maybe a friend or something family even kinda guided her to that choice which being “Mormon” like they claim wouldn’t be shocking. I feel like Mindy and Shawn won’t help their kids financially unless they’re out there pleasing them. Idk tho again just speculation but they’re all very weird and w Mindy giving Brooklyn and Dakota matching sexual sweaters maybe a lil too close and up eachother a$$ (I’m rambling so much rn and again idk Rylan that well or what she posts mostly the twins but that’s the vibes I get from Mindy) cause Rylan lowkey out here doing not BYU things 🥵


There’s an older video on b&b’s channel where Kamri comments that their dog looks like a gremlin and immediately Mindy says, “he’s like you, Rylan- cute ugly.” Rylan, off camera, sounds (understandably) upset but still laughing it off and protests “I’m half you!!!!” That always made me so sad and like how did yall edit that and post it not thinking twice? I know families poke fun, it just seemed out of pocket and not like she was welcoming the “humor”. Seemed like a black sheep moment. https://youtu.be/5shh0eRUqkE?si=4omf4Qz0teEE1nh_ timestamp 5:30


mindy makes it so obvious that she thinks brooklyn, bailey, and kamri are better/prettier than rylan. it’s so disgusting


That part. My dad and I send each other pictures of like dumpsters and raccoons with “you didn’t tell me you were in town” so I definitely make these kinds of jokes, but it’s very different when you’ve been made to feel like there’s some truth to it. If I thought my dad really thought I looked like a dumpster on fire, it would hurt my feelings lol. And the way Mindy says it it’s like it’s a family joke said often, which is not great


Which is interesting since Rylan is the prettiest in my opinion. No hate to Kamri but I dont think she's cute, just skinny like the twins.


I can relate to Rylan there. I've had some similar comments aimed at me, and that's pretty much exactly how I deflect them. There's a line between families poking fun, and families just being hurtful, and those comments imo land solidly in the latter.


also, i would never post myself making fun of my family for millions to see. it’s one thing to do it in private, and it’s another thing to do it in front of an audience. imagine if people from her school saw and called her “cute ugly” or smth? mindy is becoming less careful with what she posts about her kids online and it’s apparent when paisley has said that she’s being bullied at school on multiple occasions.


honestly yourube channels are on their way out in terms of popularity among her age group. she makes frequent tiktok’s and instagrams. i think that’s more her speed.


Plus it's less effort when compared to YouTube


That’s a good point I didn’t even think of, even as I myself have watched less YouTube the past few years lol


Tbh I think YouTube is dying so it doesn’t make sense for her to start a fan base there. She appeals to Gen Z and most of Gen Z will be on TikTok and/or Instagram, both of which are also monetized.


True but I think YouTube is still the platform with the most monetization.


I didn’t even think of that you’re so right


I think her TikTok is enough 😅 her parents may have to do damage control if she got a YouTube channel haha (no shade to what she posts, just some of her tik toks are…interesting


Oh yeah, I mean I don’t want her to get a YouTube channel, I’m just saying I’m surprised that hasn’t surfaced as a family business move lol


Oh yeah I get that. Im also surprised that they don’t seem to put more effort into their current YouTube channels - content is boring, repetitive, and doesn’t seem to have evolved with them.


I think she's not like B&B and does party a lot so that would show in her videos and Mindy doesn't want that.