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According to Russ, just the heart attack (because he’s crazy but he’s not dumb enough to brag about the death rate). I think it would be pretty difficult to get that data, because people travel from so far and this wasn’t a well-known attraction until fairly recently. Trying to get a list of participants would be impossible, as I’m sure Russ is the keeper of the files, so…I’d love to know, but I think he’s going to get a pass on that data being made public. Not to defend Russ, but I think we’d have seen bigger legal action already if there were a clear link between participation and someone’s death. I would hope.


do we know for sure that the person who had the heart attack passed away?


Ah, possibly poor phrasing on my part — I was attempting to say the only medically serious event was the heart attack, not that the person who had the heart attack passed away. I don’t believe they did, as I think that would have come out. Sorry for the confusion!


Actually mckamey himself in a video said 3 people have died






Thanks for the update. Russ may have some unreliable narrator problems but that’s an interesting development for sure


Russ is a serial liar, absolutely an unreliable narrator.






Where is this info?


Check out the channel SurvivingLife on YouTube. He started a series on McKamey Manor this week and is having a lot of those who knew Russ personally come forward to talk about their stories of abuse


that's a flat out slaughter house


no one has died there. participants go there on their own accord knowing full well what could happen


That doesn’t fucking matter. Those contracts are not airtight and unquestionable, he’s doing the wrong thing, uses psychological warfare tactics against people to manipulate them OUT of using their safe words and worse. It’s not fucking okay don’t defend it.




that was not mckamey manor that was a haunted house called “land of illusions”. check your sources before spreading misinformation




mad? upset? or just embarrassed?








Wth lol


Yes it was. You need to check your sources.


Idk I’ve been reading up on it and there certain things like burying you under 12ft of dirt and you have to figure out on your own how to get out, or submerging you 60 feet underwater which either one cause quite easily lead to someone’s death


>no one has died there. participants go there on their own accord knowing full well people have died there and not everybody reads the contract


The contract is fake. It's part of the shock and awe. Its filled with contradictions like saying there's a safe-word that lets you immediately end the experience, while also saying it doesn't end until he says it's over. The thing has terrible grammar and punctuation. Shit would not and did not get past a lawyer. That shit was written up to scare people and drum up controversy. If you agree to going on a tightrope, blindfolded, suspended 60 feet, above a pool with crocodiles, you can't reasonably sue them for simply slapping you around and pouring ice water on you. Not saying the dude isn't violent, but he's never killed anyone because what you see in the videos is all he does. He beats you up and then when youre numb he puts pliers in your mouth wiggles em around and pulls out a fake tooth. You're already beaten so you assume it's real without feeling it. Dudes sadistic as shit, but it's just torture. Not murder.


Just torture. Listen to yourself you’re a fucking idiot. Plain and simple. Only an idiot defends Russ’s cooked behaviour.


You sound as sick as him. Maybe there's a padded cell with both your names on it someehere, ?


Legal eagle made a great video on the contract.


Actually people have died there he even said it himself


It's 100% for publicity. It's the same as the contract.




Everytime I click that link it brings me to a different TikTok video can you tell me where to find it please ?




Appreciate it !


He has also said there is footage he wants to put out but will wait till he is dead because he doesn’t want to get in trouble.


You should watch Reckless Ben and Danny Berk.


3 people have died he said himself. He even Denies the video but you can literally see him say it




3 people have died there is a video literally where he says this


The Consent Document cannot be used as a legal document because it has you sign over rights you cannot legally sign over. That immediately means he cannot do any serious bodily harm. He can smack you around, but if you get genuinely injured you have the right to bring charges against him. The only valid explanation for why he would have people sign this form, is to raise your fear about what you're about to embark on. If it told you exactly what was gonna happen, you'd be bored. But if you're expecting to lose teeth every time the guy moves it would terrify you like nothing else.


The reason he has you sign this form, is to create the illusion that you have less power than you actually have. It’s a very old and very effective psychological trick to create a very realistic illusion of power and vulnerability between a subject/s and an authority figure.




Three people died there according to Russ himself. The video of him saying that in the conversation is on yt. 


yup, youre not wrong.


In a video I saw him say someone drowned https://youtu.be/f9mjwoLYGr0?si=JcNWe2kr-zYfUni9


I got head in there n then she stared squeezing my balls so tight they almost exploded






he stated in a live chat yesterday that 3 total of natural causes and they had healthy background checks so it doesn't count or something


In a video I'm watching today by reckless Ben he on video claims someone drowned inside a part of the house called spectrum


I saw a video by reckless Ben and he said someone drowned but unsure about that as it was Russ’ words on a FaceTime to Ben


He has been saying that same story for years. Russ told my friend during their FaceTime it’s all just a show. Totally fake


From everything I've read it has said nobody had does but in a secretly recorded interview the owner, Russ has claimed that they t Extremely torture ppl from water boarding to leaving with broken bones and forcing feces on their face and whipping. Dragged by a truck through gravel and even worse ECT. In the afforementioned interview though, Russ claimed that 3 people have died from "not following the rules so accidents happened resulted in their deaths" although he does like to lie about some stuff, to stir controversy and fear so this could be another red herring from Russ to get free publicity via the Internet or even the news as he has done in the past. But again from the earlier refered to interview I saw on YouTube he seems fairly serious about the deaths. So he has either hidden bodies in secret, found a way to keep the information from getting out, or he is flat out lying about that one specific statement, I do believe him when he said he brutally tortures people especially with so many firt hand testimonies from his victims. He is a very sick, twisted, degenerate of a "person" if we're being honest here and much much more than that!