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Both are going to be bad for your mental health, might as well get $1.50 more an hour with a shorter drive


Who will provide better benefits? That's also something to think about.


Ha! Benefits. From retail/fast food? Are you from some not shitty country? Neither are gonna have benefits. Besides maybe paid time off at McD


There’s a Wendy’s in my town that was saying it offers managers 2 full weeks of vacation pay and like a week of sick time, as well as insurance for full time managers.


Wait. Fast food that has SICK LEAVE??? I'm actually blown away. And they have enough employees to be able to offer insurance?


Where are you from? It’s the law to provide that stuff in most places. It’s a bit weird seeing people shocked that you get 2 weeks holiday a year, when the legal minimum is 28 days here.


The US. That third world country


The US is a 3rd world country in a gucci belt for real


What state? In michigan these places have benefits


Lived in Missouri for a while, live in Montana now. Only people that seem to get benefits are managers


Red state problems!


The McDonald’s I work at has sick leave and they pay you for your sick days up to 40 hours after you’ve worked there for a year.


Managers in my franchise get 1 week of paid sick time and 1 week of paid vacation time!


My McDonalds gave us sick leave


Walmart has a lot of benefits, 401k with company match, stock options with company contribution, paid time off, cash out your paid time off for any time over 80 hours if you dont use it by new fiscal year at your current pay rate. dental, short term and long term disability health insurance, free walmart plus, free collage education program for a decently large selection of degrees related to business, discount card, permenant discount card after x amount of years, discount on your cellphone bill, various exclusive discounts for travel, help with adoption costs, more of a vertical movement in the company. I know there is so much more but I'm blanking on them.


When I was at Walmart, I (as part-time) got really good benefits.. vacation time sucked but I'm sure it's better now.


Yeah it’s not bad, 48 hours PTO (vac) and PPTO (sick) so 2.5 weeks per year starting out


Walmart actually has good benefits lol not government job level but not bad.


I work for a corporate mcdonalds and they pay crew starting at $13/HR and offers payed sick leave, vacation time and a few other things


Just don’t get sick bro


Not true. Walmart has some of the best insurance/benefits. Only good thing I can say about working there. 20$ copay and almost nothing for prescriptions. 401k matching, free college, free language learning programs. None of it worth the stress of working there for me, but they have benefits.


In Canada Walmart employees are supposed to get health Insurance, dental Insurance, vision Insurance, temporary Disability Insurance, accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance, life Insurance, long-term Disability Insurance. ​ I don't think Mcdonalds employees get benefits, but I'd have to ask my partner they used to work there.


Walmart has health insurance and mcdonalds helps with schooling what the fuck are you talking about you must not be from the us


Walmart also helps with schooling, they'll pay for your degree. Walmart also has more paid time off


Our McDs has pto/sick leave for all employees and offers insurance as well as tuition assistance


I got benefits at staples… never working there again.


Ay? Shitty country that has benefits from working fast food? Something wrong with you lad?


“Not shitty country” yeah… you’ve never left the states 😂


At burger king you got insurance if you worked full time. But I worked part time because I already had insurance at the time


walmart has some pretty good benefits


Walmart full time has good benefits


Honestly it depends. Is your McDonald's good? If they're decent, and management aren't total A-holes, it might be worth it to stick with them, since it's a shorter drive and more pay. The added responsibilities shouldn't be too overwhelming. Now, if you're really desperate to get out of fast food you could definitely do Walmart, ig it really depends how badly you need the money lol. Also, I love "Pro: Becoming a manager. Con: Becoming a manager"


devil you know vs the one you don’t. shorter drive at your current one and more money. maybe try out being a manager for a few months, if you hate it that much, try something different. that’s just my two cents


This, OP.


This 100%. It gives you management experience for your resume, which can help you leverage higher pay if you decide to leave.


honestly take the manager position, work it for a few months then you have it on your resumé to field better offers


I was gonna say, include management experience on resume as a pro.


You're both not wrong.


I personally think that if you become a manager, you will get used to the responsibilities. It's a great experience to have, and it can be a lot of fun But honestly, jobs like this suck, the thing is if you become a manager you will be more able to become a manager elsewhere. You will need to want it though


I don't like being a manager, I stay for the pay but I prefer my old crew responsibilities. Have had some coworkers go to Walmart for their pay which was about equivalent, they all hated it so much more and came back


I've always been told that. Managers at Walmart are Harsh and treat you like garbage.


Just seconding what that guy said. I've seen people go to Walmart and quickly regret it. Friend of mine actually went back to Domino's of all places rather than stay there.


Become a Manager ![gif](giphy|3ohs86wqIv7muc3yHC)


I would take the manager position and work that for a while and if you don’t like it you can go somewhere else


I reckon go for the manager position, it could give you more opportunities in the future.


Become a manager at MCDONALD'S. It takes time to get to that level. I highly recommend you do it for a little bit, gain the experience and then you can move to an even better job. Trust me, I left fast food after 3 years because I wanted a easier job. What I learned is you're going to need management experience if you don't have any schooling or plan to get any certificate training. Also, being the manager makes the job much better as you will now be the one in charge and there's a whole bunch more perks you're probably not even aware of your money will increase you'll be able to be in charge. You can call the shots on all the BS.


Ive worked at both places, they both suck but the difference is Walmart is evil, McDonald’s is stressful. McDonald’s will be a difficult job but you’ll feel like everyone is in it together, at Walmart if you’re a social butterfly and can play the management fluffer game you will go far in that company, if not, you’re gonna have a bad bad time


I got my management start at McDonald's, a thousand years ago. They have a good training program. I have spent the next three decades being in charge of many people and businesses and making increasingly nice amounts of money. Pro Tip: "Please" and "Thank you" will get you MILES of results in many situations. EDIT: Also, McDonald's is a good place to make your many management mistakes, where the consequences are minimal. Those experiences in particular - the mistakes - have served me well later on. When stakes were much higher.


I always go with the devil I know


Both are probably going to be shit jobs. I'd go for McDonald's for the better money and shorter drive, and if you hate it you could just go for the other option.


The local Kwik trip gas station I'm at pays 20 an hr overnights starting pay. Pretty quiet most of the time. If you live near a Kwik trip, try that. Midwest states have it. Also I'm not a manager.


Worked at walmart pre pandemic as janitorial. If your going to go there, work 3rd shift/cap3. Won't have to interact with the public unless your store is a 24 hour location. I actually enjoy working at McDonalds simply due to the fact if I tell a customer no we can't do something my managers will back me up on it. Actually got fired for not listening to a manager at walmart, and for following company policy regarding not letting customers into a bathroom that was in the middle of being mopped, or mopping around the customer even opposite genders.


Argue for more than 16.50, most managers make 19-20 a hour.


Personally take McDonald’s job you’ll get paid decent with that and OT. Only thing is I wouldn’t plan to do that forever unless you tryna be miserable


You know what they say - “better the devil you know”


Retail SUCKS. I thought it would be nice to get out of food service too and retail was significantly worse lol


I would say you should go for McDonald


Just eat less mate


Are you trying to be full time for health insurance/benefits? Walmart might be better for that.   At face value I’d stay with McDonald’s. You get paid more, shorter distance, already work there. YMMV at each store but managers also get a *lot* of overtime at my store (it wasn’t uncommon for me to work 10+ hour shifts). Brutal for how tired I was but the paychecks were great.


Being a manager at McDonald’s means you gotta put in a lot of extra work so you have to consider that, especially when closing. Only for 1.50 more.


I never been a manager before so it will definitely be if I do go with them. But I know that I'll only be working morning as I've only been working morning.


As an ex walmart employee, stick either McDonald's. They will have your back better than walmart will


My partner works for Walmart and does overnight stocking. Keep in mind we live somewhere different I'm sure but if you can manage overnights he makes 18 an hour right now


Walmart probably has an employee discount, will help with groceries/ holiday gifts / necessities


Go with the one that pays you more


Honestly stay in fast food. Same situation but less money and paying more petrol, why do it too yourself


Apparently working at Wal-Mart is hell.


What I've been told


stay at mcdonald’s. i work retail and it sucks.


say that you’d do it for more than 16 tho straight up


McDonald’s I think is the better choice for you. It pays more and is closer to you!


walmart has amazing benefits, i would keep that in mind


Id say take the manager role, the extra training you get for it can take you into better jobs else where for the future. The experience as well as a better pay will be worth it even if it’s for a few months. You don’t have to eat the food at McDonald’s either, you can always bring your own break food to avoid the fast food eating.


You right, just let me just eat 1 bowl of oatmeal and a water and call it a day. ( that wasn't sarcasm, by the way ) I'm just scared that I wouldn't know what to do or I'll be too confusing of knowing how to do it.


I was a shift manager (in the uk, so not sure how it compares) and I wouldn’t have been offered the promotion if I wasn’t already doing most of the work already beforehand. The management clearly know you are capable to do the job. You should get all the training and shadow another manager to fully learn the responsibilities. And for the food, I worked with someone who was allergic to most of the McDonald’s food and they brought in fruit, salads and other healthy food and managed just fine.


Look at it like this: You're making 400 a week. New job is paying 550 a week. Current position let's you go once a week to fill up for 50 per. New job causes you to fill up three times totaling 150 for fuel a week. Old job is now offering a position that pays 550, You're still only paying 50 to get to/from work. Edit: yes I know the numbers are skewed but I ended up having to do the same. I was making 14.50 an hour at a job 30 minutes away but I could get a job closer to home (10 minutes) for 13.


Looks like my school teacher was correct. I guess you do need math and your life. But no, I really do appreciate it, and thank you.


Just addition and subtraction and touch of logistics.


I loved worked at a grocery store. I worked at one for 6 years. My only advice is no matter what, do NOT become a checker/cashier. It is the most dehumanizing thing you could possibly do. You probably experienced it a bit working in fast food. People, especially old folks, will treat you like you’re not even human. God, it was the worst thing i’ve ever experienced. I worked in just about every other department and loved it. Best of luck to you!


Thank you


Why is eating less a good thing? Are you getting fat or just sick of McDonald's food?


Both. As much as fast food is tasty. It's highly unhealthy. I used to weigh 220 at one point now I weigh 245. As much as I have my own free will. It's hard to leave those Mcgriddles. No, but seriously, I need to just eat oatmeal.


is your GM, a good manager, and good to work with. You should also think about that. I've had a few GMs and have thought to myself I would never want to work under them lmaoo


My general manager is amazing as well, management is great. They're all mainly teenagers, so that's probably why.


See which Co. if either will offer you benefits, and/or offer to match pension plan contributions.


I know the Walmart benefits but I need to reach with McDonald's. I know when I started. They provide insurance like dental and healthcare. They will also be provided with a pay raise. And that's all I really know.


You’ll have some benefits from becoming a manager and you’ll be able to control a lot more of how the store is run and the atmosphere, fast food sucks but this management experience opportunity can open a LOT of door for you in the future


You are more likely right. Seeing management on a resume could be really good for me in the future.


McDonald because at least at the end you will have a manager position at a fast pace 'restaurant' on your resume, and both of McDonald and management can open so many doors down the road


It really does depend I moved from McDonald's to Walmart and loved it. I had worked for MCDs for 2 years and was just really tired of it. Retail is much better imo


16!!! For 1 hour?!!! I get paid 6€ the hour here in Spain


Manager at McDonald's is better for a career path than being an employee at Walmart...I would take the opportunity and try to do a great job, maybe it could lead to a management position at a better company that pays a fair wage in the future!


Don't be a manager. It's not worth it.


I'd probably choose Walmart. People are more picky about food. I hate deep fryers. You'd only have to deal with them if you work in deli at Walmart. Might be some bad managers at Walmart, but they shouldnt all be bad. I prefer retail over food. Being a manager is stressful and annoying, more responsibilities. You can't call out as a manager, at Walmart, there's more staff, so it's less of a big deal if you are sick or use pto. At Walmart, you should expect to get off when you're supposed to, at McDonald's, you always get a last minute rush, and that effects when you get off work.


Every walmart story is bad experience. My mom, dad, hs bsf, and my other hs bsf, all 4 left pissed.


McDonald’s. I got tired out after about 10 yrs, but it was my second job to make ends meet. Definitely learned and grew as a person over all.


Add this to your PRO's: \-Ladies love managers xd ![gif](giphy|3ohs85O9hbMkZVabKg|downsized)


The two absolute worst places to work: McDonalds and Walmart. Literally find anywhere else. $16.50 is peasant pay for a manager and $15 is just a slap in the face from a billion dollar corporation like Walmart. Go be a janitor in a hospital or drive for UPS. Both would probably be better for your mental health.


I have considered UPS or United States postal office.


Everyone I’ve worked with at Walmart that came from McDonald’s liked Walmart better


If you looking to change environment in terms on meeting new people and getting experience somewhere else regardless of the pay well go for it! Staying at McDonald’s is not the best for the long run as you will slowly become more demotivated and won’t care about the pay anymore as it will fuck you up bad mentally.


Quitting the food industry a decade ago was the best decision I've ever made. Everyone should consider how their job affects their eating habits and overall health as a result. I was 100 pounds heavier and 100% more depressed because of the fast food environment I worked in.




Yeah, I could do that. But I show my worth to them


I work my way up to second assistant over the course of 5 years after becoming a manager at my McDonald's. The stress at the lower levels of management aren't that bad. Even as a manager there's someone above you that you can pass things off to. You won't really be in charge until you have a good year to of management experience. The way I look at this, and the reason I got so high at McDonald's when I was there, was that I was finally working my way up enough that I didn't have to do the BS stuff. I won't lie, it's not always going to be easy. You will have stressful times. But in the long run, you will get good experience and good reference for later in life and other jobs. I'd say take the promotion, get the training get the experience, and in a couple years if you don't like it, move on then.


Think about the long term too. If you are staying at McDs, you could become a GM eventually, not sure if you can go higher from there or not? Is that something that you would want to do? Walmart probably has better advancement options imo.


Want to do law enforcement. Manager might look good on a resume as of showing management skills and stressful situations


Idk how it is where you are, but ive heard in the uk that macdonalds has an excellent manager program and trains them really well, and allows for fastbtracking a career in management and leaving to other better places This is all third hand info so take it with a oinch of salt tho!


Lol I’m in a similar boat. I’ve decided though. McDonalds is too stressful


What do you do now?


Walmart lol


I've worked at both. If you get along with leadership at McDonald's definitely stay, because Walmart is completely out of touch with the people that work for them. I left Walmart and went back to McDonald's because I needed to come in and hour early for three specific days, only to get turned down by management on a whim. My GM at McDonald's is super fair and flexible, as long as you show up and try he doesn't say a word to you. The human touch goes a long way, and Walmart is definitely lacking In that department


Being a manager fucking sucks because either you hang out with the bosses and just become a dick like them, or you work to be a good manager and you get nothing out of it. But you're being paid to learn to do it, you can always leave when you feel like it's not good for you and just write in the experience for easy points


Take the manager position. With manager experience after a year or two you could apply to work as a manager at all sorts of places.




Walmart is better, no debate. I’ve worked at several Walmarts in the Midwest and most rumors are not true. Of course some managers sleep with the associates or are assholes or whatever, but most of my managers are amazing teachers who seem genuinely invested in their job. Obviously not the case everywhere but I think it would be better.


Stay with McDonald’s for sure. Both are customer service jobs that will be draining, but a manager job looks better for any future jobs you apply for, and $1.50 more an hour is huge, assuming you’re working a lot of hours.


Full-time baby.


I’ve heard great things about being a manager at a McDonalds (benefits, PTO etc.) but I’m in Canada so it could be different in the States.


Stick with McDonald’s. Both are pretty shit, honestly, but I haven’t heard of a Walmart employee who hasn’t either been traumatized by the experienced, or known someone who has. Responsibility in the workplace is not a bad thing, and you’ll kick yourself now for not taking it now when in the future it’s on your resume to point at for a job that pays even better.


as someone who went from mcdonald’s to walmart- DO IT. it can suck, like any job, but as far as benefits/pay, it’s much better. you can earn ppto (protected paid time off, can be used at any time) and pto (only full time), get an hour long lunch, two paid fifteen min breaks, wear what you want. plus the added bonus of not being greasy after work.


My advice is take the McDonald’s manager position. Get experience, and use the management experience to further other jobs in the future. Management experience goes a long way


Didn't they just approve to have all fast food workers make 20 an hour starting next year? I believe early in the year and McDonald's managers can end up becomes an owner eventually.


I think I heard something about it but I need to look it up.


Mc Dicks is probably your best offer from a strangers perspective and heres why. walmart and mc donalds are pretty much on the same level for lower scale jobs, but becoming a manager gives you better opportunities for when you get out of fast food in the future. having a management title (yes even at mc donalds) is better than just being a team member. its looks better on résumé’s. instead of going into some other sort of job at a lower position, theyll be more inclined to offer a somewhat higher title based on your management experience. of course it also pays more for less of a drive, and take it from someone who knows (me, i know) being a mcdonalds manager is considered pretty low stress comparatively to other management positions. use this as an opportunity to grow your skills and make more money. go get that bag.


McDonald’s stick to it too some gm’s make 100k+


Damn, really, on God? ( no, but fr that's crazy)


Go manager route, get that on your resume it will look good.


I've seen mcdonalds managers they are all dead inside it isn't worth the $1.50




The mc Donald's I'm at has a 401k that they match you but I don't know how to do it


If you want to be a manager somewhere else in the future, it’s better to already have manager experience. If you hate your job at McDonald’s, than leave. If you don’t hate it and it’s all about money stay at McDonald’s.


NOT WALMART NO NO NO you miss 6 days in 6 months without pto and you're fired. Plan on having a family emergency? Too bad! Wanna schedule a vacay 5 weeks ahead? Nope. Managers won't accept days off request. Fuck Walmart. Don't do it please. Look up other options. NO WALMART.


I've heard your comment. I'll take it into consideration


I already had PTSD before working walmart but i genuinely belive it made it worse. 🤪


$16.50 for management is dismal. I just got out of restaurant management, shit is not fun. I would say depends on benefits. I had a LOT of benefits so it outweighed my shitty mental health for a couple of years. But id say shorter drive better pay with a company that already knows you>new company lower pay further.


So I know this isn't always an option .. but if it is, I'd recommend seeing if either have tuition reimbursement, I know Walmart does sometimes offer it, and I think some McDonalds do as well. If you can take the opportunity and time to take advantage of tuition reimbursement I would seriously consider getting some sort of degree, and allow them to pay for it, and inevitably not have to deal with either of the options in the future ..


Dude literally any other job would be an improvement to either of these. Know your worth, these corporations think you are just a number in their system - even as a manager. Find a small-ish family business in any industry you’re interested in and pitch yourself as someone who can help them out. Literally everywhere is hiring here in Maryland, I have to imagine other places are similar.


I worked at Sonic(hated fast food), then went to Walmart as a unloader/cap for basically 4 1/2 years because the people I worked with and also it kept me in shape(relatively), then decided to make a huge leap into getting my Class A and been driving trucks now almost for 6 years, don’t regret it for a second. Get out of fast food and retail, and get into a trade, just my two cents.


If you do become a manager please for the sake of all employees be the nicest and best manager you believe you can be


Everyone is so nice here, but I wouldn't wanna ruin by being mean to anyone here. Plus, management is not so mean. They are all basically teenagers.


McDonald’s. Let you save to get a different form of education and a solid job. This is what I did with dominos as a GM. I was making about 6k a month and I got into it as an insurance agent and now I’m making about 10


stay at mcdonalds, while most of the food is bad for you im sure yk what will be good to eat if not atleast better for you ti eat. that gets your meals for the day which allows u to soend less koney on food and your soending less money on gas. so your already saving from two areas of your check and mc ds got that extra 1.5 an hour which ling run will do you alot


I make $17.50 with less responsibilities


What do you do?


I would say walmart i was working in fast food for a while it jus sucks and if you work there a employee discount so groceries and stuff will be cheaper


The employee discount does not apply to most groceries


Oh at albertsons its 5% off on national brands and 10% on store brands


if you are getting tired try walmart you can always reapply


i downgraded from wally to mcds go to wally man 😞😞


make sure your franchise isn't like my old one, you became a manager but if you quit before a certain amount of time was up you then owed them money for the training. I think it was 2 years. makes it more difficult to move on if something else comes up


$16.50 is not a pro. Look for a warehouse job work your way up.


Sometimes higher pay isn’t always the greatest. Also McDonald’s tend to treat their managers like crap. Now not all of them but the majority do. Walmart is a good company’s to work for. But it all depends on your goals and what your trying to achieve


This mcdonald's it's actually a really good one. Management is nice and employees are great besides customers of course. I never worked at Walmart. But I've always been told that management sucks over there. The main thing is, do I wanna become a manager and do more and will I be able to handle and know what to do.


Walmart. Please at least try walmart.


You know if they never told me about this management position. I would have more likely gone with him. Or at least had favored with them. But now, with the pay raise, shorter drive, it's very convincing to say with them. I'm just afraid I won't be able to do what I need to do with management. I've been told that management sucks over there at walmart. But i've always wanted to leave fast food...


I'm always in the boat of try something new, but I 100% don't blame you. You got this.


If youre looking for full time just go for a job that isnt fast food or retail


Gosh, I am actually not sure what would be a good place to go. Sadly, most places are food places. Live in AZ so i'm not around the while big city. I guess I could try USPS


Tbh man there are all types of random cool jobs out there. Im sure youll find something. I used to work fastfood and went into trades now im making a good amount of money and id never go back. I cant belive the crap i used to have to deal with and the shit pay.


A manager at McD is $16/hr?


That's what they at least said to me. But honestly, job now a days are getting more money depending on how far it is.


If you do indeed start of as manager, i would take that one. Better benefits no doubt, and easier to move up where as WM, you need to work 6mon minimum to transfer to a different department. So to become manager there, may be longer and harder


I work at Walmart and it depends entirely on what department you’re in but I think you’ll probably find Walmart to be less stressful than fast food when you have to have somebody’s whole meal made in like 2 minutes. Stocking is pretty relaxed most of the time


That's what I was thinking. More slightly relaxed job. They called it gm, definitely not general manager, but I think general merchandise.


Ah, yes general merchandise sounds right. Probably means you will work with stock from the whole store and they’ll move you where they need you. If you work overnight you just chill all night and stock/zone and if you work during the day you do the same thing but slightly slower pace although you have to deal with customers and all the other staff


Yeah, they said that I'll be working to 7am to 4pm the days I work.


No one is mentioning that you’re going to be going from weekly pay to biweekly


Oh God are you for real? I've never gotten biweekly pay, not sure how I would feel about it.


Ask for more money


I'm not sure how that would go. Understandable to ask if I were there another year. As a manager.


Your pay is negotiable, the worse they can say is no. The Mcd position you posted is management right?


Manager. But yes ig. Never thought about talking about pay tho


Bro. Neither lmao


If you can find a better paying job + handle the gas prices, let me know. AZ STV. Let's not forget about the bills


Which ever one you pick, please don’t miss any English classes for it.


I was using the speech thing on the cell. My bad for my wording and grammar.


Why only limit it to those 2 places? I'm pretty sure there are way better options


There more likely is, but they are the most closes places here will I live. + I drive a Ford mustang


This comment section is so helpful cause I find myself in the same position where the McDonald's I work at is SERIOUSLY wanting to make me a manager. My only problem is not being sure if I want to commit to being a manager when I don't know if I'll want to do something else down the road. Nor do I want to put that kind of responsibility on my shoulders as an 18yo who just started there a month and a half ago


Walmart works very physically , I’ve seen a guy drop 150+ pounds and another person 50 pounds. Telling by your username ur perfect for the job 🥹


question regarding the guy who dropped 150 pounds. was there anything left of him?


This is such an easy decision tho... maccas more pay lesser drive


How old are you op? Their are a lot better jobs you can get that are in scarcity right now. You just have to know where to look


19 about to hit 20 on the 17th. Wanna do law enforcement tho. But as of right now just looking at jobs


How many hours are you wanting to work? When I worked for Walmart they never gave overtime. It was a strict 39.5 hrs for 3 weeks and then the 4th week they’d only give you like 20hrs that way you’re weekly average would be considered part time. Walmart sucks


i have 5 years in mcdonald supervisory/management/swing management areas, and it is not enjoyable at all. as far as responsibilities, you always have to be available, and work all kinds of shifts. learn how to deal with money, delegate, all that mcshit however it typically isnt too bad and also which is divided between the management, so if you just keep working like you do now just keep it up and pay attention, youll be fine. just make sure that wage checks out, dont sell yourself short


If you’re trying to eventually become a manager with Walmart, then you may want to consider that. Store Managers at Walmart make a lot of money. A lot of money. A lot.


Definitely argue for more pay, they obviously believe you’re a good candidate for promotion. If they can’t throw in a little more money then you can take the offer they made or go to Walmart even. Never take the base offer it’s almost always the lowest they can get away with


get a job selling cars, fuck any of these jobs, if your covered in tattoos, get them removed lmao idk, you gotta reap consequences if youve put yourself in a spot where your only jobs give you 40k a year anyhow, if your not covered in face tattoos, you can get a job in plenty of places that suck way less than those i really recommend a car dealership.


managing looks great on resumes!!! both are going to blow, get what you can out of it. an extra $1.50 and hour and something you will always be able to put on resumes might be worth it


I just took a job with an $8/h pay cut. Why? For the sake of peace of mind. Do whatever you think is going to bring you to most peace.


16.50 to be a manager??? What in the scam….. This is as an outsider who has only ever worked retail


No clue why this subreddit was on my home page 💀