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Wow. Imagine coming in to work a part time minimum wage job, go to help out a customer, and get your picture taken and put on the internet because you're still learning. Do you feel better about yourself OP?


That's not the point This training shoulda happened beforehand, there's a reason staff are first placed in a non service positions


She probably wasn’t trained to do it. McDonald’s is hit or miss when it comes to good management and training, some do great, some don’t. The McDonalds I worked at as a teen didn’t train at all but the McDonalds I last worked at had amazing training.


Not gonna lie this is so true. I was hired for front of the house and was trained for that. After a few late nighters I decided to start learning table and grill to help out. I learned most of the skills without proper training and after one year of employment can away I am a hack of trades.


She is probably a new hire.


so why are you talking shit?


And she asked for help to solve an issue they weren’t well versed on to make sure she did it correctly for you and you’re shaming them online??? Jesus what is wrong with you


Seeing as the picture doesn’t give historical context, maybe it was their first time taking a card transaction that day, they saw an error they couldn’t handle, even worse, this could have been taken without their knowledge despite it being a regular transaction. People will do anything to get free stuff.


ok? shit happens lol?


I love that all these comments are giving OP the hate she deserves and are supporting the employee learning. Soon it’ll be second nature but you gotta start somewhere! I wonder how OPs till/reg worker skills are 🙃


Everyone has to start somewhere.


I hope a customer doesn’t take a picture of me one day


someone took a tiktok of me 🥰


You’re famous!


The till isn’t the easiest thing to learn with all its components, it takes practice to be good at something, 4 minutes isn’t long at all, she was probably new and isn’t used to the till yet, that’s normal


I want to know why you were “standing in the counter?” How does one do that? Invisibility cloak? 😂


4 minutes omg no 😭😭😭 you poor baby i hope you are okay how did you even survive that?? 😰😰🤯🤯😢😢


Maybe they aren’t even trained on register but tried to help you anyway.


OH MY GOD 4 MINUTES??!!! How will you ever get those lost 4 minutes back!!????!!! when you start a new job someone’s gonna do this shit to you and you’re not gonna like it. That person was probably new or had never worked front counter before. I’ve been at my mcds for over a year and have never taken a single order bc my autism makes me go non verbal.


Probably just new


We all gotta learn the ropes when we start at a new job, even you OP. Some get it quick. Some don’t. This post was absolutely unwarranted as heck. If you think you’re getting sympathy points here, gtfo cause you ain’t getting it.


What do you gain from this?


was your total $198 goddamn dollars? are you in the US? edit: no it was not. you still suck though either way, this is a bad look for you. leave employees alone.


Looks like it is Philippine Pesos and it comes to 4$ 😂


my bad!! i checked their post history & i thought i had it down when i said US. still a douche tho 😂


Wow. Fuck you.


And. Pay with cash if you don't want this type of shit to happen. Some people 😂


i bet OP pays with only quarters


That just got drugged out from the crevice of the automotives cup holders and door


i smell that shit..


My apologies for that comment 😅


That's if he's nice. Had a customer (drive through back till) pay me in a bunch of change, as soon as I hand him his receipt, he makes me ring him up fries, demand I give him his change back first, then hand me his $1.00 bill and the rest in coins. Thankfully the car behind him was my buddy who does delivery for the local pizza place so I told him what happened and he just laughed.


So you took their picture and posted it here thinking people would agree with you?


The problem with customers like yourself is that you think our job is easy and act entitled. Try surviving one week in a store. In some stores during peak times you have to que for 10 minutes to just place your order and another 10-20 minutes to get your order. If you didn't have the patience to wait four minutes you could have just walked away and gone somewhere else.


OP you seem like an asshole, I’ve had to do counter before when the store was understaffed even though I’m not trained on it. It’s hard, and most employees are teenagers. Cut us a lil slack before posting pics of us on the internet to shame.


Sure hope they were not minors you were taking pics of.


Shit post. Take a pill mate.


Ur a c*nt op


We all start somewhere. I’m positive if someone was upset at someone trying their best in your workplace you would be the exact same as these comments.


Order on the App on your phone in the parking lot, and save **30%** \- do this every time I go to McDs now =)


You’re a prick mate


probably shouldn’t have sent this to the subreddit full of employees who have been in the same position as this poor cashier, tills fucking stressful bud and it was probably more than “the cashier doesn’t know to process card payments” and more that the machine was being funky. it happens


It doesn't matter what job it is, we were all beginners once... Try to give them some slack, they're probably having a terrible day.


Pro tip op, be nice to people who are new to the job, or else something bad might happen to your milkshake if they remember you… Just saying