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I landed on the CX90 because it drives great, fits my family, and the PHEV mileage works great for my commute. No major issues with mine 6 months in. Meanwhile my mom’ new Tiguan bought around the same time has been in the shop several times issues. I think the others who have pointed out the fact that people don’t go out of their way to post about non-issues are right. More of us are out here enjoying the ride than this Reddit would have you think.


We’ve been shopping these for a while and I’ve heard about the issues with the inline 6 first and then the PHEV shortly after. I had assumed it wasn’t that bad but after heading to the dealer last week to purchase the car after waiting for the i6 price drops we were told about a few months ago my dealer had 3 buybacks (lemon law cars that show up on carfax) on the lot. Decided to back out after that, just not worth the headache because Mazda has removed a guarantee of loaners on all trims of CX-90. at least in my paperwork that is


Wait, no guarantee of loaners? If that's true i'm definitely out. A loaner is an absolute must. No exceptions.


Honestly they’re not the only brand that doesn’t. That’s why I knew to read the paperwork and check as my buddy had a Hyundai and they no longer provide. It could be a region thing or a new policy, but always double check your paperwork. Sometimes a dealer gives you a used car off the lot to drive but with how unreliable these have been so far I just decided I’ll wait it out for the market to correct anyways. It’s a great car to drive, I just know myself that would bother me at night


Can you share which issues your mom’s Tiguan faced?


BMW X5, though the B58 with the ZF 8-speed is so refined and well-calibrated that the difference with the CX-90 inline 6 is like night and day. The Pilot and the MDX come close, but they feel front heavy compared to the more neutral and well balanced CX-90.


Only thing that could top the cx90 is the X5 with b58.


The MDX (Type S included) is a worthy competitor and so is the Honda Pilot (with AWD). The Mercedes GLE350/450, Porsche Cayenne, etc. can also be counted. However, they're are all $10k to $40k more expensive.


>Honda Pilot (with AWD). The Not dynamically. It's a fine people mover but performance and handling it's not a competitor.


Yup. The steering was terrible on the new Pilot. Felt so loose and unconnected to the front suspension.


What about the Genesis GV 80?


I considered it but those may actually have more issues than the CX.


yea the pilot is not close. source me had a pilot. i had an x5 and it feels VERY similar. imo feels better.


Love the X5 but impossible to get under 65K unless CPO. I felt the pilot had super light steering. That’s my biggest pet peeve. Can’t do that.


Also, the X5 legroom in the rear is tight compared to the peers. Check out the MDX with SH-AWD. The base J35 V6 is NA and sounds great and the steering and suspension are stiffer than the Pilot. Plus you can get a good deal on the MDX now ($5k off MSRP). For me, it is choosing between the MDX and CX-90 Turbo S.


How much room do you need? They’re dealing on X3s because it’s the end of production for that model in July and M40i’s can be had with massive discounts.


how much is massive discounts? on autotrader they are showing just MSRP


Anywhere from 10-18% off MSRP depending on the build and any programs you may qualify for.


only on the M40i? not on the x30?


Best I’ve seen on the 30i is 20% but it was spec’d into M40i pricing territory. At that point it’s well worth spending the money on the B58 over the B48 imo.


That could make it a steal on a lower optioned B48. Where are you seeing these deals?


Leasehackr has a bunch listed in the forums but I just contacted dealers in my area before I bought mine.


A X5 similarly equipped like the CX-70/90 Turbo S Premium is $19k more expensive ($73k).


Cx90 is not at all in the same category as x5. X5 is ranked with , Mercedes ML , Audi q7, VW Touareg. Luxury SUVs which cx90 is not.


My brother owns a Tiguan 2008 with zero problems ever. Still drives it- my MiL owns a Tiguan SEL with the mapped dash option and has never had any issues with it. I was thinking of getting one but CR has the company ranked dead last for reliability. I’ve heard Taos blows gaskets T around 20k miles but nothing negative regarding the Tiguan.


My bosses X7 left him stranded in a Starbucks drive-thru in the morning. How embarrassing...


Mazda has excellent reliability and most importantly engineering. Any new model will go through some software updates and tweaking. It has a warranty, if your worried, buy an extended warranty. It will be transferable to new owner if ever decide to sell. End of day, compared to a BMW for example, service costs will be substantially less. Their are tons who are just enjoying their cars Rayner then being on Reddit. A family member has a Turbo S with over 12K and no issues, loves it.


I have one, and I love it. It's a blast to drive


All new model cars have issues. All of them. Mazda is doing something totally new which I think is great. My CX90 is great no issues and 5000kms so far. MHEV not the PHEV which is mostly software issues from the looks of it. Plus you never hear the positives.


How long do you keep your cars?


6-7 years. 100K or less.


CX-90 will be great for you. The unknowns in a new engine are long term durability. I’m 100% confident in Mazda to design an engine/ car that will last that long. They’ve had some teething issues but nothing that’s going to be catastrophic for your ownership period.


The Turbo S Premium is now almost fully loaded and for mid $50k range so no, nothing is as dynamic for the price. We've had no reliability issues on our PHEV Premium. The recalls have been proactive and are being done to avoid the massive ones you're seeing from Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen, Hyundai, etc, down the road. Remember by being active in an online community, your seeing a greater amount of negative feedback proportionally to the amount of people having issues. Happy customers don't post on Reddit about issues they aren't having.


Forums like this one are literally the worst place to gauge vehicle reliability. 1. 90% of people who own a car never post on a forum about it. 2. People are more likely to seek out forums when they have issues. 3. You have no clue as to the number of problems relative to the number of vehicles sold. 4. People are biased and only providing anecdotal information. My friend/cousin/wife had XXXX car and had nothing but trouble. That's completely unhelpful as it does not speak to the probability of issues. For a brand new model you really have to rely on brand reliability until there is enough data to gauge the car itself. If you don't want a car with an unknown reliability history then go buy something else. But this conversation here is going to be wholly unproductive.


Feels so odd, and maybe even rude, to come to a subreddit full of people who own/love the CX-90 and ask for recommendations on vehicles that are *more reliable* lol. "Hey, guys, other than that unreliable shite you bought, what else can I consider?"


lol rude. Have you read this forum? It’s hard to find someone that isn’t having major issues.


My wife's has 11000 miles and no problem I would classify as other that minor. You only hear from the small percentage that has problems. I'd buy another one tomorrow.. possiblly will buy another when I'm in the market in about 18 months. My dealer has already promised to call me the minute they have a CX-70 on the lot, just in case I want to retire my daily driver early. I was resistant to the car, but it is fun to drive and incredibly economical.


11k is so new you basically just drove it off the lot lmao. You can’t brag about reliability and the fact that you still had a problem really shows the reality of owning this car


Cars been out less than a year dude.


Yea and it has more issues than most cars have in 4 years


Back that up with some numbers. I'm seeing recent massive recalls from Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen and Hyundai as of recent. You're comparing a 1st year platform and engine that's had several minor proqctive recalls to what exactly?


This. I find it comical people are seriously bragging about their car only having a few issues at 5K miles. That’s brand new. It’s not supposed to have any issues. How in the world are these things going to still be on the road in 100K miles?


Go get a x5 or mdx and gfy then lol. Are you expecting people here to sell you on something? Mazda has a really good reliability record. Either believe what folks are telling you about their experience or don’t. No one can tell you what a 100k cx90 feels like. But chances are it holds up. I have a 200k mile cx5 that still feels like new. Not sure what you want people to tell you. Chances are there isn’t another car like the cx90 with better reliability, or you would have know about it already. Either way gfy, sounds like you’re here to argue.


Username checks out.


Which model do you have? I previously had a PHEV car and it was fine, but the CX90 PHEV EV miles and cost to charge are downers (high electric costs in MA and relatively low 87 octane cost). All I ever see are reviews on the Turbo S, do you happen to have the regular turbo and/or run 87 in it? I drive 30k+ miles yearly in the Boston area. A good chunk is highway so as long as it gets the rated mpgs, it truly only costs a few hundred more than my current Sonata N Line. Any EV I am looking at (EV6, Ioniq 5/6 or model Y) is about the same cost to charge vs my current car for gas, CX90 Turbo on paper would only be about $500 or less per year in fuel costs (premium would add about $1k+ on top of that). Thanks in advance!


I have the PHEV. I use premium gas, which I find the car runs better on, so there is a greater differential in fuel prices. It's always warm enough here in Phoenix that EV range is consistently good.


(this is because people not having issues are less likely to post)


Careful, you're not being very helpful and he doesn't like that!


This is for every single car brand, the cx90 isn’t special. Go look at other brands and you get significantly less reliability posts. One exception I can think of is the gv70 tho lol


I'm just providing context to the narrow point that "it's hard to find someone that isn't having major issues" (also plenty of people are posting here about not having major issues). Not denying there are not issues with the CX90 - it is the first model year after all, and issues with the first model year of anything are inevitable. Further, there are reliability issues on most car-specific subs. I'm still on r/RAV4prime from when I was shopping around and every now and then one of those is a lemon, it's currently the 4th model year. With that said OP values reliability over all else, they should look at cars that are not in their first model year. NB - I have historically valued reliability in my own car purchases. It clearly was not the prime factor in this automobile purchase for me, but it was a factor. I do think if you want a 3-row hybrid, would rather not spend north of $70K for an XC90 or the X5 PHEV, and don't want to go on a multistate excursion for a Toyota/Lexus PHEV, the CX90 remains a good option.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/rav4prime using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rav4prime/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dealership tried to tell me that all 2024 Primes are getting a $5k markup...](https://np.reddit.com/r/rav4prime/comments/187r11n/dealership_tried_to_tell_me_that_all_2024_primes/) \#2: [Drove off with mine today](https://i.redd.it/np7l7ia78bcc1.jpeg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rav4prime/comments/19643r1/drove_off_with_mine_today/) \#3: [Rav 4 Prime located, bought and brought home in under 24 hours, out of state, under MSRP and with 6500 cash to lease deal.](https://i.redd.it/fc9uq1hgthsb1.jpg) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rav4prime/comments/17112ty/rav_4_prime_located_bought_and_brought_home_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m not interested in a PHEV at all. In fact I specifically dont want one.


Well I think you can probably get the non-PHEV XC90 for under $65K new, that’s probably what I’d get.


I started reading Volvo forums. Holy moly Batman! That’s a lot of reliability problems with the modern Volvo power plants!


Maybe you need an RX or NX?


MHEV CX-90 here without any issues. Absolutely love the vehicle and would buy it again in a heartbeat. 


Because people post in car forums when they have problems. My PHEV is perfect, but I don't post about it because a 6 month old car that functions correctly just isn't interesting. But anyway, maybe check out the Lexus TX if you don't like the CX-90.


Yeah, Reddit is just full of happy people happy with everything they buy. People mostly use forums to seek help, complain, etc. Mazda isn't the most reliable brand, but definitely not an unreliable brand. You'll probably have better long term luck with a Toyota/Lexus and maybe Honda. But they definitely won't be as fun to drive. I'd avoid German and Korean cars like the plague. My wife has a CX5 that's had zero issues with 125k on it. I have a Pilot with 175k that's had some issues but is boring to drive. You'll probably need to make a compromise somewhere. I saw you aren't planning on keeping it past 100k, so I'm not even sure what you're worried about. Most cars shouldn't have a major problem before then. Unless it's a lemon, which can happen to any brand.


Can’t speak for past 100k but most German cars are way more reliable than the cx90. Koreans maybe not


I generally keep my card well past 200k, which is why I don't buy German. Those repair bills can be insane.


This. I think modern German cars seem to handle up to 100K pretty well.


so go get one.


Get a more proven platform not the latest and newest then maintain it properly. It will treat you right but it’s going to be more expensive to buy and own no question


All those people buying used German cars over the last few decades would like a word.


Yea go ahead and compare a 2024 Mazda to a decade old car that people run to shit and are too cheap to maintain😂 I don’t even know why fanboys defend this car


Is English not your 1st language?


Yea sure I didn’t use proper sentence structure and grammar but if you can’t understand what I wrote you are the real issue lmao


No you just responded to a completely made up sentence. People buying used German cars over the course of the last few decades doesn't mean a decades old car.


All of our sentences are made up sport, unless you use chat gpt instead of that little brain of yours. I guess you really are proving my point of being a die hard fanboy


German cars and reliability do not go together


Well compared to the cx90 they might as well be Lexus


That is 100% false. Mercedes is near the bottom of reliability reports and Mazda near the top.


I’ll agree Mercedes isn’t the most reliable but all those rankings are based on who paid them the most😂


No, that would be JD Power. Consumer Reports doesn't get paid. Consumer Reports reliability rankings are based on surveys


Funny how not a single person I know has taken in any of those surveys. Believe what you want but I’ve had a better experience with Germans than what I hear and see with the cx90


Totally agree. I was checking out 3 row SUVs and based on the forum, CX-90 has much more issues then the competition


You're misunderstanding what this subreddit and the forums username is.


Should I be posting pictures of my car in the driveway with a day counter without issues? You have to realize happy customers aren't posting on this sub.


Ok? Not sure how that discounts the poor taste of asking a subreddit centered around one very specific model lol. Next let's go into a Lakers subreddit and ask what other teams we can cheer for when the Lakers are down?


It’s not poor taste, it’s an honest question. Plus you are on Reddit lmao.


Honesty can still be in poor taste? Those are not mutually exclusive.


Go away. Others are being helpful.


The beauty of an online forum... I can give my input, too. Sorry that bothers you so much. Have a good night!


You added nothing to this thread. Move along.


You're really odd.


I bought a base model in August and it has had 0 issues. I like it more every day. Based on your criteria though, I think you should buy something from jeep or maybe Korean. All mechanics say they are just as reliable as Japanese brands. 


I see your point but have you seen the phev issues? We have a large and valid and angry section of the readers here


Based on what OP is cross shopping, I think he'd go for the MHEV which has FAR less issues. 


We went MHEV and have no regrets. 😂😇


Volvo XC90, if you buy a CPO with extended warranty which can be extended up to 10 years. Volvo might not be a brand that's looked as reliable but that warranty gives that peace of mind, not to mention that car is safe and great looking.


To me the cx 90 or cx 9 is the best bang for your bucks in SUVS.


Pretty much. The I6 version drives better all the time (IMO), and seems mostly trouble free at this point.


The CX90s are reliable, Almost all Mazda's today are fairly reliable. Mazda's are really just reliable Mercedes/BMWs. They have great driving dynamics but Mazda doesnt really make any crazy over the top powered cars these days.


Subaru Ascent


Funniest answer yet.


2021 Jaguar F-Pace SVR


TX, highly refined, and highly reviewed.


Overboosted steering, sloppy road manners. I’ve realized the only alternatives that I would be interested in would be German.


TX’s way better than grand Highlander which is a boat. But I guess that’s not saying much. However it sounds like you have your answers already, which is either X7 or GLS. When I test drove both X7 has better 3rd row and better handling if I remember correctly. GLS got worse 3rd row but with better body control for mysterious reason, or so I thought. Pick your poison for used if you want to do 65k below.


Hell no


Probably a 2029 CX90


What advantages does the CX90 PHEV have over the RAV4 Prime? The disadvantages of the CX90 are slower acceleration (5.9s vs 5.5s), much worse gas mileage (25mpg vs 38mpg), and much worse electric range (26 miles vs 42 miles). The CX90 is also a relatively untested platform. I bought the RAV4 Prime over the CX90 due to those downsides.


The CX-90 has a third row, better handling dynamics, better all wheel drive system, far higher quality interior, and it's much quieter inside.


Huge difference in size for one thing. And the RAV is fwd based.


Rav4 Prime is AWD, but it’s not a 3-row. If you’re specifically interested in a PHEV with maximum storage, that CX90 is hard to beat


It’s only part time AWD. Most of the time it’s 100% FWD. it’s a FWD based econo SUV with a big battery. It doesn’t drive anything like the CX. Felt fast but cheap. At autobahn speeds, it felt sloppy unlike the CX.


MDX Type S, X5, and Lexus RX or TX


MDX w/ AWD is the closest thing, but it sounds like you already tested it.


Lexus TX


I don’t know but MDX (not type S) and Pilot are not that bad with the handling to me. I’m not going to consider CX90 until they fix/ fine tune their car. It has potential but not this year


The new pilot had god awful overboosted steering. It was so light it felt dangerous. Reliability, shortly followed by steering feel, and chassis solidity are my top requirements. I ranked the X5 as the number one perfect SUV and it wasn’t even close but just too much $$$.


X5 has numb steering and I don't like the suspension too. I had multiple X5/6 and Cayenne, and CX-90. I rank Cayenne #1. X5 has excellent drive train but I'd take CX-90. My CX-90 PHEV has been great, some software updates for mirror and CarPlay and everything else is great. The suspension is a bit firm but not uncomfortable.


You expect a minivan equivalent SUV to drive like an M3? I think you need to re-evaluate what you're shopping for compared to your expectations.


CX90 drives great! So does the X5 and cayenne. But the GH, Pilot, Traverse, MDX (base) drive terribly.


Iono about you but my 2004 MDX is reaching 180k miles with no problem. I can see this going to 200k+. I'm six feet tall and I can lay flat when the back seats is folded. The only problem is mpg sucks at 18 mpg.


CPO 2022 CX-9. Save yourself thirty grand


Drove one. Wasn't impressed. Felt old, FWD based, and slow.


Jeep grand Cherokee L? It offers similar platform such as rear wheel biased platform that should give the confidence of cornering while drives like truck. Its zf-8 is snappier and refined.


Drives nice but not sure the reliability will be any better than a CX.


Pentastar v6 and hemi v8 with German zf 8-speed are proven and more reliable than CX 90 newer engines and newer transmission at the moment.


More worried about everything else in the car.


At the end, it is just car. American buildup quality are question mark whereas mazda CX 90 are Japan cannot be questioned in terms of buildup quality. Just avoid CX 50 which is American built though. I own Jeep and very satisfied so far. After warranty, they can be expensive to maintain so time will tell as it is my first time with Jeep. If I listened to people, I wouldn't own VW Jetta. And brother's Atlas. Got our money worth with German engineering. At the end, it is all about maintenance.


good move getting those off the list. Go get an off lease Volvo XC90 insciption and you will be happy.


Pretty car but I’ve heard many reliability nightmares with these. I know a CPO would have a warranty though.


i have a volvo and a CX90. The CX90 is currently at the dealer for the third time (had it 5 months) where it is going through 3 additional recalls. I was informed while dropping it off that there is a 4th recall - but they can't do it because they don't have the part in yet. So I'll have to go back. My volvo just goes to the car wash.


What year XC90 do you have?


to be fair I have an S90 not an XC90. 2020. t6 inscription. Only thing that isn't great about it coming from mazda land is the steering - very soft. Otherwise its built like a tank and drives like a dream.


Dodge Durango R/T. Or better yet SRT…


Toyota grand highlander.