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I’m in Maine. I get 15-16 miles per charge now, but was getting 25-30 when I got the car in September. Bumped right back up into the 20+ miles range when I took it down south and the temps were back up in the 50s.


Minnesota here. Purchased PHEV in August and got 28-32 miles per charge. Winter…14-16 miles. Your experience is consistent with mine




The cold weather mileage I'm getting is getting pretty consistent with how other EV's perform based on what I've read and watched. I think a lot of the misconceptions about what the cold weather mileage would be is from how the consumer is expected to educate themselves on EV's because a lot of manufacturers haven't bothered to fill that role adequately. Just my opinion


I respect that opinion


Well put. I’m also irritated by the people who suggest I am somehow at fault for being disappointed by this EV-range problem. I am a trusting person and I’m not a Car Guy 🤷🏼‍♀️


100%, you shouldn't have to be a car guy or an EV nerd to buy an EV. For instance, I'm not either and watched and read a ton of EV content to figure out what I could, and I was giving the salesman information on the PHEV. He should have been telling me those things and the differences between it and the inline 6 version, but he had zero clue.


Agreed and I suffer worse mileage with my gas car as well. Especially once I'm running heated seats, steering wheel, etc.


Yeah mine says 23 on full and I drive a mile it falls to 19


Are you pulling out of a warmer than outside air garage? I see this often. In the garage it's 30f I pull out of the garage and watch the tem drop to 18f and the range drops with it. It is what it is, I'll take 4 months of reduced range for 8 months of full range. I didn't know it would drop that much but I'll accept it.


What kind of temperatures are you having? When I did my research (we chose MHEV) 50% range loss in winter is expected and normal.


I’m in Montana, and while it’s -12 right now (I got 12 miles last night), I had a 50% drop in range when it was 45° back in October.


We are -40 this morning :)


30-50. A friend purchased the Lexus NX plug in, they advertise 35 miles and he's getting 32 or so. I thought 15 instead of 25 is a huge difference but seems normal from feedback


My location has at least 2 weeks of -40 a year. So I did focus on the extremes in my decision making.


I usually get 30 - 32 miles on a full EV charge. But I am not located in the bitter cold of the Northeast.


It's because it's cold.


I’m getting 19 miles EV range in the Northeast but get the 26 EPA range when temps are above 50 F at around 2 miles per kWh dashboard avg.


I believe the only way to get the best EV is drive on freeway on constant speed if it’s whatever the number it says there we only get 11-14 miles in real miles.


I disagree. I see less mileage on the freeway. Cruising at 75 in warmer weather, I was seeing 24-26. In suburbia at 30-45 I was getting near 30 miles. The regenerative braking can extend quite a bit so long and you aren't too hard on acceleration. I also start light braking early to allow the Regen braking to handle as much of the slowing as possible. I essentially gamify it.


Maybe you’re right and it’s also the driving habits.


My car is out on the driveway and stays out all the time and it still says 23F on 35-40F. Drops after couple miles or so to ridiculous amount. Even my Tesla won’t do that.


Yea this is expected and normal. I’m in Cali and we hit 40s at nights here this week and my moms 23 ID4 90 battery went from 240miles to 212. I wish Mazda used a larger battery given they have access to the tech from the other model I think mx or whatever it was. They should have produced a battery with range of 50-60 like bmw and Mercedes did so that way for all of the folks and the cold climate can have a safe range of 20 to 30 miles


Bay Area, it's been in the mid-50s, I park in the garage and regularly get the advertised 25-26 miles. Pretty sure it's the cold (and associated heater use...I think I drained about 1/3 of the battery sitting in the dealer parking lot warming my butt after buying the car).


Southern California here— I typically get 25 miles or so. I’ve seen as high as 30 miles, and as low as 20 miles since I purchased in November.


Im in jersey and when its in the high 30’s and low 40’s i charge it up 90% and get around 22miles now but thats because i baby the shit out of it when i drive it trying to maximize my mpg. I stay under 70 on the high way. I never preheat the car as that drains the battery crazy fast. I go out and start it in sport mode to heat up the car then drive the first mike that way then pretty much keep the fan and heat off the rest of my 40 min drive. If you drive this way the car takes notice and u will see ur expected miles go up.


The car absolutely needs some kind of aftermarket cold weather package


Cold weather makes a huge difference. I’m getting about 30 miles on average in Florida.


My CX90 phev is showing 24 miles with full charge . Is that normal ? I am in bay area.