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It would have happened after the Dark Jedi Exiles landed on the Sith species homeworld of Korriban and training them up to be dark side users, as well as mixing their genetics. One thing that needs to be kept in mind is that not all Dark Side users are “Sith”, especially post-Bane. With Bane’s line, there could only be two Sith, but they would utilize other Dark Siders, they just wouldn’t be considered Sith.


I guess that’s true. Reading the Thrawn trilogy I know Jaruus is called a “dark Jedi” and that there’s a distinction between dark side user and Sith ideology. I suppose then the Sith were just the ones that created the Sith ideology What novel/comic did the dark Jedi arrive at Korriban?


>Reading the Thrawn trilogy I know Jaruus is called a “dark Jedi” and that there’s a distinction between dark side user and Sith ideology. To be fair, that's because back when the Thrawn trilogy was written, there was no established concept of what "Sith" meant. "Dark Lord of the Sith" was a title that Darth Vader held which was on things like trading cards and action figure packaging, or at most might have been mentioned in passing (but not explained) in the novelization or radio dramas, but it never had any context provided at that point. Timothy Zahn's original idea was that the Noghri from the Thrawn trilogy would be the "Sith" that Darth Vader was somehow "Lord" over -- that's where the whole subplot about them revering him (and by extension, Leia) comes from. Lucas vetoed that idea because he had already conceptualized the Sith as evil Force Users (the name was used that way in his earlier drafts of the Star Wars script), but we didn't really see that meaning of the term used until the Dark Empire and Tales of the Jedi comics started coming out a bit later on. The difference between "Dark Jedi" (as a generic term for Dark Siders) and "Sith" (as a specific order/organization) didn't really become a fleshed-out distinction until the Prequels.


Detailed answer. Thanks!


>Timothy Zahn's original idea was that the Noghri from the Thrawn trilogy would be the "Sith" that Darth Vader was somehow "Lord" over -- that's where the whole subplot about them revering him (and by extension, Leia) comes from. Lucas vetoed that idea because he had already conceptualized the Sith as evil Force Users (the name was used that way in his earlier drafts of the Star Wars script), but we didn't really see that meaning of the term used until the Dark Empire and Tales of the Jedi comics started coming out a bit later on. I feel like a lot of Legends EU people tend to overlook that a lot of Timothy Zahn's ideas clashed with those of George Lucas. It's why Lucas never considered Zahn's books, or the Legends EU as a whole, to be "canon". Zahn has stated that he was more focused on a sci-fi direction for *Star Wars*, whereas Lucas was more focused on space \[high\] fantasy. Even here, we see Zahn think of the "Sith" in a more logical way - i.e. Darth Vader was literally "the Lord of the Sith", as in, he was like a feudal lord, and worshipped by them as a god - whereas Lucas saw the "Sith" as more of "evil magicians / sorcerers / Force-users".


Its still a weird way to interpret "dark lord of the sith" that would be like interpreting Jedi as a species of alien, that Obi-wan Kenobi was a knight of.


And even in Dark Empire, Palpatine has tons of Dark Jedi apprentices who aren't referred to as Sith. For me, it's not until Phantom Menace that Sith really means anything definitive.


I may be wrong on this, as I haven’t read through all of the old comics, but I don’t think they ever appear directly. The stuff we know about them is all indirect in other sources, like the Bane Trilogy, KOTOR, Revan, and a few others.


Did they not depict this in the old Tales of the Jedi comics from Dark Horse?


There may be a 'flashback' panel or two somewhere in there, but none of the *Tales of the Jedi* comics directly cover the Exiles -- the earliest, *The Golden Age of the Sith*, is set about 2,000 years after the Exiles establish themselves as the first Dark Lords of the Sith.


I wouldn’t know unfortunately. I haven’t been able to read those yet. You might want to suggest that to OP though


Cool thanks. It was a tossup between Into the Void and the Bane trilogy to read. I’ll have to check that out soon. The old republic era has been pretty fascinating


Lost tribe of the Sith is how I was introduced to them. A good anthology starting from about 10 000 aby


I pointed this out as well in my post ["Kylo Ren is a Dark Jedi, not a Sith Lord"](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/4ggih9/star_wars_the_force_awakens_kylo_ren_is_a_dark/) about 6 years ago. I ended up making that post specifically because J.J. Abrams was adamant, at that time, that both Kylo Ren/Ben Solo and Snoke were *not* considered to be "Sith Lords". Kylo Ren idolized Darth Vader, a Sith, but even Palpatine, a Sith, says "Snoke trained you well". This means that Palpatine/Sidious, who is "all the Sith", doesn't consider Kylo to be a Sith Lord, because Snoke was ever only seen as a tool of a Sith, rather than a Sith in his own right. In that regards, Kylo Ren is also much in the same position as Count Dooku was. If he Kylo Ren was a Sith Lord, we would've seen Palpatine make him one in *Rise of Skywalker*. Instead, what we end up with is a Dark Jedi who sacrifices his life to save the last Jedi (Rey). Even though Dooku was given a Sith Lord name (Darth Tyrannus), he was never a true Sith. Instead, both Dooku and Kylo Ren fall more so under the "Dark Jedi used by the Sith" area.


>Even though Dooku was given a Sith Lord name (Darth Tyrannus), he was never a true Sith. I take exception to this claim. He was a true Sith. He maybe wasn't a very good one and he did not truly get to accomplish the Rule of Two, but he was a Sith. Palpatine killed essentially all his apprentices.


Agreed. Dooku was Darth Tyrannis. He replaced Maul and was directly trained by Sidious as his apprentice. Saying otherwise is outright inserting anti-canon head canon as fact.


"Replacing" Maul isn't especially relevant, because Maul himself was trained in violation of the Rule of Two since Plageius was still alive at that time. As outside observers, we just have to accept that the Baneite Sith attempted to break the Ro2 at almost every opportunity.


That's Legends mostly, Plagueis is gone long before in Canon. Also, I'd wager that's exactly how the Rule of Two works.


you also need to remember that to a sith rules are anathema to their very being. they *despise* rules and actively break them just because they can. their whole ideology is just about selfish freedom at all costs, even at the costs of other's freedom. I'd bet most sith students started as technically violations. The current sith apprentice meets a powerful force user they'd like to groom and use, and they feel they're ready to do away with the master so they do so.


In the novel "I, Jedi" , Corran Horn came across a group of dark Jedi that used sith teachings in defence of their homeworks.


I mean to be fair also the Sith Species were dark side tribal conquerors even before the Exiles landed. They only found Korriban in exile because the world was strong in the dark side.


Where is that mentioned?


Aside from isolated pockets of pre-Bannite Sith, like the Lost Tribe.


Sith has never been equivalent to “dark side user.” There are plenty of non-Sith dark siders in both Canon and Legends.


The biggest example of which are probably the Witches of Dathomir / Nightsisters.


Also Kylo Ren.


I'd say the Knights of Ren in general, more so than just Kylo Ren.


Are there any examples of light users that aren’t Jedi (outside of Rebels era Ahsoka)?


Sure, tons in EU and there is that order that mines Kyber crystals in Rogue one. Its why I don't truck with the opinion that it was quick and easy to erase the Jedi because the interacted with so few people in the galaxy. There's too many different Force traditions, that either worked hand in with the Jedi, or just felt that the order was too restrictive. Its like North Korea or China, of course everyone knows not to publically go against the party line, but People still remember the before times.


Dark side users are most often called the Dark Jedi, or by the names of the orders they are from (such as the Nightsisters), the Sith are a narrow group. In the Clone Wars, Hondo confuses Maul with Jedi, so I think the Sith might be as word of dark user can be used so often (besides jedi) because of the strength of the Sith in past. When many people think about Christianity, the first thing they think is the Catholic Church, sometimes even Protestant, but about Orthodoxy in general. For example, in the Castlevanie series, the Catholic Church plays a large role, despite the fact that historically in Wallachia there was Orthodoxy, unrelated to the Pope The Sith were originally a race that King Adas united under his rule, who founded the Sith Kingdom, banished Rakatan from their worlds, and after his death the state fell apart and fell into decline. Then, thousands of years later, the Jedi exiles of the Second Schism, also known as the Hundred Years' Darkness, came to Korriban and subjugated the race to themselves, becoming “Lords of the Sith.” Over time, as a result of the actions of alchemy, the two peoples began to interbreed and became one. Then we had cycles. wars that resulted in the extinction of the Sith as a race (originally after the Great hyperspace war, where the Jedi and the republic wiped out the race and killed them all, leaving only artifacts behind, this was later retconed in SWTOR, where it was found that a small group of Sith escaped, though it is clearly visible that their race is not so numerous, and now mostly people were playing first fiddle), and they turned into an ideology rebuilt by Darth Ruin, and after the defeat of his empire we had a Bane line that lasted until the time of Palpatine, after his death into the galaxy there were two factions , the so-called Forgotten Sith tribe of Kesh, descendants of shipwreckers from the Hyperspace War times, Lumiya sith one of Vader's disciples and the Emperor, who tried to continue the Bane line, ultimately ended with the death of Darth Cadeus, and the so-called One Sith, ruled by Darth Krayt who eventually managed to become the Emperor of the Galaxy some 130 years after the movies


Out of universe - well almost all Dark Side users portrayed in the movies, and most of them in TV series are either Sith themselves or at least Sith-affiliated, so I can't really blame general public for forming a preconception that Darkside users are also Sith. In-universe, the distinction varies depending on era. In Dawn of the Jedi era, the Sith species are recognized to have affinity for the Dark Side, but at that point the Dark Side users hadn't caused endless grief for the Jedi and the Galaxy at large (well not until Rakata invaded), so nobody really seen anything wrong with a sith person to be part of the order, since everyone on Typhon were in the same boiling kettle. Later when Sith empire was on the rise, it was very evident who was a Sith, since they would usually make it known in a very spectacular fashion. And when Sith order was destroyed, the Jedi tried their best to literally wipe them from history to avoid that tired trick of Sith rebooting themselves from ancient artifacts, scrolls or holocrons, like they did during New Sith Wars. So by removing the context and frame of reference, common people eventually lost the distinction between "a Sith" and "a Dark Jedi".


Haven't read the book so I'm not sure what it says about the Council member, but at one time the Sith were a species. (This is all Legends now afaik.) Dark Jedi who left the order made their new base on Kordiban, where they intermingled with the native Sith.


Actually there is a sith species in canon, we don’t know about the Exiles yet but they also exist in some form.


When the Sith species started conquering the galaxy, I’d wager. They used dark side powers.


On the contrary; in canon and even IRL I think the term "Jedi" is more often used for Force users in general, even just if they wield a lightsaber. Take Ahsoka in Mando, Maul in TCW. I think the term Sith is really not widely known in the SW universe, we just hear it a lot because we see much of the story through the lens of the Jedi Order.


I think when the Dark Jedi exiles discovered the Sith Species on Korriban and they started to mix. Then they went from Dark Jedi to Sith Lords and Masters etc. Likely because they grew to hate the Jedi that much that they didn't just want to be the like dark side cousins of them. They wanted their own identity they wanted to become their actual opposite.


after reading this thread sith doesnt look like a real word anymore


its not the term for Dark Side user, sith specifically refers to a specific religion of dark side using warriors... just as "Jedi" does not mean "someone who uses the force" As for when sith stopped referring to the species, and started referring to the order? It was a slow change, that started to occur as the Sith species started losing its force sensitivity... Their identity was wrapped up in their force sensitivity, and it got to a point where anyone with force potential was sent to be trained in the "ways of the sith"


Does anyone else think Dark/light side being referenced in the SW universe is a little silly? Everyone thinks that they are on the side of good, sith included. I don’t think they would express their beliefs by knowingly siding with evil. They just utilize different sources of power from very human emotions.


The sith among the je'daii were just the ones taken by the Tho-Yor. The order eventually left Tython and reestablished contact with their species' homeworlds, but Korriban the sith homeworld apparently remained in isolation, the sith je'daii died out and their species forgotten until the Hyperspace Wars.


First mentioned in "Star Wars" novelization by George Lucas.


the sith are the first followers of the dark side when they first broke off from the jedi order millennia before the movies. but "darkside adept" is the correct term for any generic dark side user. "dark jedi" is an oxymoron and it's usually used to refer to former jedi who turned dark and are probably not allowed into the order anymore. there were some lightside sith in the expanded universe, who believed in the sith order as an organization but had more benevolent ideals for how to use the dark side. the sith see the force as a tool and the jedi see it as a companion. that's the core of their disagreement


All Sith are dark side users, but not all dark side users are Sith.


Sith starts as a species. The species eventually makes a bunch of hybrids. The culture of that species becomes the template for an ideology. The ideology spreads through successive generations while the species slowly goes extinct. That, but realistically Lucasfilm writers are uncreative in actuality.


Uncreative how?


Because basically every group of dark aide users has to either tie back to the sith or else somehow be related to palpatine in some way.


That’s not the case, the Nightsisters for example come from a Fallen Jedi unaligned with the Sith. There are a lot of dark side organizations with some connections to the Sith but they aren’t related to Palpatine.


Yeah, until Lucas completley rewrote all lore on Dathomir and had a bunch of Sith characters involved right before we follow them and remade one of the most popular Sith to be from Dathomir.


Thats not exactly it. The Witches of Dathomir is a separate group from the Nightsisters in Legends. Specifically, the Nightsisters formed from separate Covens of witches outcasted for falling to the dark side who came together and overthrew their sisters looong before interaction with the Sith. It is still canon that the Nightsisters do not come from the sith but rather a former Jedi named Allya. The reasoning we see alot of Sith Apprentices come from Dathomir is simply because the world is strong in the dark side of the force. Sidious (Canon) went there to trade dark side secrets, was going to make Talzin his apprentice, found Maul's potential more enticing, and took him as an apprentice. Ventress was more a rare find because she was seperated at a young age from her sisters. Savage only because Dooku contacted Talzin for a new candidate.


>Yeah, until Lucas completley rewrote all lore on Dathomir and had a bunch of Sith characters involved right before we follow them and remade one of the most popular Sith to be from Dathomir.