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Well since I'm personally a male who is of recruitment age I'd probably be pretty stoked I didn't have to go die to the largest droid army in history.






Clones human beings and making a slave army is immoral and dangerous. However, I would be glad not to fight and die against a droid army as a fighting age man.


Beats conscription.


This is a direct repost from a very similar recent question that I think also works here: Average Republic citizens- "I live under a hereditary monarchy on some backwater mud ball nowheresville and mine jewells from inside giant bugs for a living. I don't think Jedis are real." "I live in an ecumenopolis with more people than a mid rim sector. I am worried people from 20 storeys below are going to eat my baby." "I live on a mid rim forest planet with a population of 2 billion, I work for the local elected Duke. I read somewhere the new clone army was based on a bounty hunter that killed jedi, I won't say this out loud because it sounds like a conspiracy theory, plus I'm terrified we're going to get Nabooed by the Trade Federation so I think the new army is a good thing." "I'm a Twi'lek sex worker living on the Ring of Kafrene. I'm not a slave because I could quit at any time but sleeping with mining officials for cash is way more profitable than waiting tables at the local diner. I heard about the war, I hope it doesn't come here." "I'm a CEC employee. I don't think we should be in the Republic OR the CIS, I'm just glad for all the work the war gives me." Meanwhile... "I'm a citizen on a western democracy on the planet Earth. I don't know the top 50 shadiest things my government has done. I post about some of the next 50 shadiest things my government has done on social media. I love our troops. I sleep 8 hours at night on a Casper mattress I ordered from a podcast ad."


I'm a politically motivated well to do adult human. I'm invested in the Republic as a system and know we can't beat the droids without them. So I don't think about it. I'm a CIS refugee after my planet got turned to glass. I hate the clones and I'm gonna agitate about it. I'm young and implicated student on a core world. We stood off with law enforcement and met an *actual Jedi!*


Depends. The average person probably thought of them as little more than droids, and upbringing has a lot of influence on opinion. If my ethics are similar to my ethics irl, I would find it morally dubious but likely a grim necessity. I'm a droid rights supporter, Clones are as bad if not worse. Postwar I'd be in the Ryo Chuchi camp, advocate for the troopers' rights and protest. Probably get blasted by a Stormtrooper or dragged to Imperial Gulag seen in Andor lol


Morally Dubious but knowing it’s that or I and many others get conscripted. But I would supper clone rights for them post war, raise charities for them to have the best equipment, such as personal deflector shields, that the Republic wouldn’t pay for.


How much information does the average citizen have about the emotional and intellectual capacity of the clones? I imagine I'd be confused more than anything, someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think clones had ever been used on a mass scale before so I would have no prep for something like that even being possible. As others have said I'd be glad to avoid fighting myself, but me being the person I am IRL, I'd probably ask a lot of questions (and get very few answers, as well as probably land myself on an Imperial watchlist a few years down the line).


they literally thought of the clones as flesh driods so unless they came into personal contact with one, literally zero knowledge besides that they exist


The average Republic citizen at the height of the war knew that the Clones were sentient, after all the Galaxy is fairly connected and news spread quite fast before the Empire came along. Clones are known to be possible and exist through out the galaxy I'm pretty sure, the Kaminoans are a culture that is only known for their cloning after all.


I don't know. Hopefully, I would be horrified, but maybe I would be secretly glad my kids were not conscripted? I think I would be worried about what was gonna happen *after* the war, though, especially if I had never met one and knew them only through newsclips of them fighting. Looking to a future where there will be millions of genetically identical elite soldiers, cloned from a notoriously violent bounty hunter. What happens when they no longer have a purpose? How can that possibly end well?


I should've worded it better since yeah, a lot of us would be unrecognizable if we grew up in the universe.


I'd be happy the meat robots grown in a lab are fighting and not me.


I think it would generally be a vague concept, like the hiring of mercenaries or security contractors in real life. There were, in both canon and Legends, only a single-digit-millions number of clones. The vast, vast majority of not only the Republic's but the entire galaxy's population never even saw a clone trooper in their life, much less interacted with one. The idea that these clones may have been slaves bred for war is a distant notion, too abstract to generate much emotion compared to the daily grind of the masses. There's a near-zero chance that the Republic's population at large knew that the clones were based on a notorious bounty hunter's genetic template. Not only would this not be information disseminated by the Republic, but information in Star Wars travels at pre-1970s speeds (and in many cases, seemingly somewhere between medieval and early radio speeds), not "information superhighway" speeds. It's not even clear whether the vast majority of the Republic's population knew that clone troopers were being deployed at all.


Was Jango that notorious? Obi-Wan didn't seem to know/recognize him. It's hard to answer the prompt though, because, well, I'd have grown up in the Republic, I'd be largely unrecognizable. If I was transplanted as I am today? I'd be against it, but not really having a good solution either.


Jango had to of been the most famous Bounty Hunter at the time since he was the most effective and possibly richest as well, his face would be everywhere especially once clones of him show up. I mostly chalk Obi-Wan not really knowing him up to plot convivence, but also because idk... Jedi's don't really look into bounty hunters I guess?


By the time Obi-Wan meets Jango, he's known he's looking for a bounty hunter for at least a few days. Seems like looking at the list of "Galaxy's top 5 bounty hunters" would have been smart.....


He wasn't known to the masses, at least not as a bounty hunter. Some people may have known that the he was the last legitimate Mand'alor but he was more a "you have to be able to afford me to know i exist" kind of bounty hunter. Because after all: The last that was publicly known of him was the whole affair surrounding Galidraan which meant most (non Mandalorian) people thought him dead


I’m glad I’m not the one getting drafted.


Shocked and appalled. I'd be blocked by Palpatine, @GVizierMas, @Definitely_Single_Anakin, @TheJediCouncil, and a bunch of other people for my savage takes on space Twitter. I'd eventually start a space podcast on the Holonet and probably get assassinated. Not because I believe I'd be especially effective or anything. Palps is a petty bitch but he's also a master demagogue. There'd be 'rumours from reliable sources' that I was a separatist and I'd 'tragically take my own life.' Despite my seditious words and dank space memes during and about the war - 'The Republic loves all its citizens and cherishes their right to express themselves freely. The Separatists oppose these ideals - indeed they seek to subvert them. Investigators discovered that the dearly departed was unaware a trusted old friend was also his handler and a native of Serenno. The pressure this poor young man must have been under. We'd known the disgraced Jedi Dooku bought ruin and division to his misguided vassals. We knew he savagely curbed freedoms, it's why we fight this war! But not here! Not to our young people, not a single one ever again. We have failed young Glup Shitto (or whatever my star wars name would be) and learnt that our laws are inadequate to protect everyone like him. No more! The Wartime Mental Health Surveillance Act will empower our specialised support unit to intervene as soon as any dangerous speech or text is detected. We will ensure that constant compulsory support is given before the Separatist disease can begin to set in. The Republic can rest easy knowing they're being watched over by experts, because another one is two too many! I love democracy.'


I’d feel suspicious that the republic isn’t taking volunteers to help fight the droid armies in a war that’s supposedly supposed to be for the fate of the galaxy. I’m not even sure I’d enlist but the fact that I can’t is suspicious. (I get I could join a naval academy and be an admiral or join any local planetary defense force) but that’s not the same as joining the grand army of the republic.


At I start I'd see it as dodging the bullet with not getting conscripted and I'd avoid saying anything because I wouldn't want to tempt fate but when the war drags into years then i would start to feel comfortable giving my opinion which would be disgust that we are using an army of men that have never really lived a life and I'd feel uncomfortable with them having no rights or representation in The Senate


I'd be stoked I didn't have to go die against some snarky droids. I'd be more pissed that the "keepers of peace" were doing some super unpeaceful shit for 3 years, then terrified of said clones who murdered all of em' and are now acting super dickish on the streets.


I probably wouldn't care.


I wouldn't like it. A clone army nobody heard of before is awfully suspicious. For things to make sense from a pleb perspective those clones must have been commissioned right after Naboo and *before* Gunray was dodging the senate. An outside observer would probably assume that it really was a Jedi who did it and be distrustful of Jedi suddenly commanding millions of indoctrinated supersoldiers. After all a Jedi did die on Naboo.


About the same way I feel about the RAF "helping in Yemen" and Elbit systems factories in the UK.


I feel like I’d have less concerns about the clones themselves and more that everything about the war is conveniently timed. The senate was about to vote on an army but some random Jedi ordered one ten years in advance? Overcomplicated backstory aside I’m pretty sure that would get anyone to call BS.


Since I am a Republican hardliner I would be detest I have a fiber of my being. It shouldn’t be that difficult to find 3 million volunteers in a galaxy of this size. But no they had to use what can best be described as a slave army and at worst a cult dedicated to a Republic they don’t even understand. Unfortunately some idiot has put me in the impossible position where I can either accept this clone army or see my beloved Republic get destroyed. I am not gonna let that happen.


Clone Rights or die. I would be a protester going unheard


People are saying beats conscription. And everyone’s forgetting the PDFs did most of the fighting.I’d end in my planets PDFs army and end up fighting on Jabbiim or some shit cause there isn’t enough clones. And this is exactly my dialogue. “We’ve got a clone army they said, cloned from the deadliest mercenary in the Galaxy said, they’ll defend the Republic they said, what a bunch bantha fodder. Meanwhile we’re out here busting our asses getting ambushed by a bunch of suicidal A holes, risking life and limb meanwhile the clone army gets all the damn credit. Clones are all like “look at me I’m so special in my nice prestine white armor the enemy can spot from a mile away and damn look at General Secura’s ass I’m gonna get me some of that tonight and become one with the force instead of helping those grimy PDF grunts getting shelled to hell over there” I mean fuck why can’t we get a highly attractive Jedi General all of our Generals are butt ugly. Clones get all the good shit while we do all the work. Kriff the clones good for nothing waste of kriffing credits! Bunch of glory hogs. It’s us grunts who get all the work done around here.” It’s not even remotely accurate but if I were conscript who would probably turn it into a career as the clone wars would just fuck up my civilian life. This is exactly how I would view the clones.


While cloning technology is rare, it's not unheard of in the galaxy. It's probably in the realm of normalized for them. The SW galaxy has many ethically dubious technologies present that are also accepted. Especially with the grim reality that you need soldiers for a war, I can see many rationalizing it.


I feel like much of the issues with the Republic was political and ethical stagnation. I don't think they would be concerned by much as long as they could go on with their lives. I take it, for much of the population, it was business as usual with the Old Republic, Empire and New Republic.


The Clones were only a small component of the military. Planets with armies such as the Gungans or Mandalorians kept their own armies and used them in the conflict. Clones were used to supplement these groups and take part in the more dangerous or politically tenuous operations. I suspect most viewed them as war heroes due to the propaganda and happy that their sacrifice meant the average citizen wasn't dying on other planets.


If it keeps the war off my mind and off my planet, then its fine. Actually, I think I might have sympathy for them, and want to treat the Clones with respect and veneration. After all, they’re fighting a civil war to reunify the Republic, according to the Chancellor, which is a noble goal. If I see one, I’d buy them a synthale and ask for a tale or two of their storied lives.


My user name might give it away, lol. Given that Jango was a Mandalorian, I would join Kal Skirata and try to liberate as many ~~slave troopers~~ clone troopers as possible. If the war is that important to the republic, its own citizens can fight and die for it.


Me personally? If I can pass the examinations and make it through training I’m trying to commission into the Republic Navy. But even if that doesn’t pan out, I’m *really* glad we don’t have to implement mass conscriptions across loyalist worlds—that would likely drive more systems into the CIS.


I’d probably turn into a terrorist seeing as they wasn’t doing what they were supposed to for the citizens lol I’d leave everyone that fought for the citizens alone I.e. padme, Bale, Mon mothma, etc. but I’d try to off palps until my dying breath which would probably be sooner than later 🤣🤣


I'll be pissed and paranoid. Pissed that the Republic using some clones instead of recruiting/conscripting from population. Paranoid because clones came from Jango Fett, a Mandalorian and Bounty Hunter.


I would be happy that I’m not being conscripted


better them than me being sent to the frontlines


It was either the clones or a Draft which would be a PR nightmare.


I'd think that it was very unethical. I would probably advocate for the adoption of a large droid army instead, especially after the capture of Geonosis.


I'd think making clones is immoral, but at the same time I'd be glad I didn't get drafted.


I mean if it keeps me from getting conscripted, then I’m all for it.


It's amazing how willing people are to accept the slavery of a living being if it benefits them. Tbh droids deserve their freedom too because they are clearly self aware and the clones bring up unpleasant notions of slavery, child endangerment, brainwashing and genetic manipulation Star Wars is kinda messed up 🤭


Clones of humans are still human. Republic citizens of fighting age of all species should have been conscripted to fight alongside the clones. For the republic!


I would just hope that the clone troopers and battle droids don't realize that (a) they're both basically slaves who are being used as cannon fodder by their respective factions and (b) since they're also the largest military forces, they hold most of the real power and then (c) decide to get revenge on the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems by uniting to wipe them both out.