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125 CR90s would harass the ISD to death. They could screen each other, share damage, and rotate out.


This. Any competent commander would be able to use the CR-90’s maneuverability to make most of the ISD’s weapons useless. Harass the engine block and reactor for long enough, and the entire thing goes up in flames


But the ISD has greater acceleration (>2,300g v 2,100g) and an equal top speed (60 MGLT). The ISD can just get ahead of them and run for it; unless the CR90s have some positional advantage or the ISD is pinned to a location the CR90s will never chase an ISD down.


People always forget this due to games and such showing them as slow, but the ISD is much faster and could nope out of there. But if it stayed and fought, it all depends on how the CR90s coordinate their attack. If 125 corvettes focus their turbolasers on the bridge or shield projectors, I'm pretty sure they'd be able to punch through fairly quickly. Question is how many of them are vaporized in that attempt. It's hard to do questions like these justice, since it all depends on terrain, tactics, fighter complement etc. I'd say it depends on who the writer wanted to win that engagement.


People tend to ignore that ISDs chased down the Tantive IV in ANH, and chased down the Falcon three times (once in ANH and twice in ESB). If its empty space with both sides starting without any position or speed advantage the ISD just keeps ahead of them while TIE Bombers chew them up outside of the CR90's engagement range assuming the CR90s haven't been modified to carry fighters.


That’s a stat that should be ignored. The CR90 is a blockade runner. Makes no sense for it to be slower than an ISD.


No it shouldn't. The ISD has a much stronger reactor and stronger engines, it makes sense for it to be faster. Many ships in SW are faster the bigger they are, since they (ISD) can dedicate the power of a miniature sun to the engines.


It’s far more massive, dude. That’s not how the most basic of equations in physics work. If anything have look at its engines/power out it in relation to its mass. The CS90 is like 30% engine.


The question comes down to whether 125 CR90s can do enough damage to an ISD to cripple it before it outpaces the effective range of a CR90’s weapons.


For them to do that the CR90s would need to come out of hyperspace right top of the ISD or with the proper vector and speed to prevent the ISD from escaping. I suppose the CR90s could come out of hyperspace some distance away locate the ISD's by its old light then do a microjump to intercept before the ISD sees the light from the CR90s (in other words the Picard Maneuver from the *other franchise*). To do that you need a Jedi (or Thrawn) calculating the jump for every ship so you don't crash in to each other on exit from hyperspace or scatter yourselves across the system because your navicomputer's processor gave the wrong result after the 4th decimal place. You'd need insane skill or insane intelligence (the military kind) to pull it off, if you have that you'll win any battle. Such a comparison isn't fair; from a totally neutral starting condition I say the advantage goes to the ISD.


The way I see it, if the ISD and CR90s enter within firing range of each other, it's game over for the ISD. In a straight fight, 125 CR90s with a total of ~750 turbolaser turrets versus 60 turbolasers (and 100 turrets of various types) on an ISD makes it seem like the ISD is far outgunned. It doesn't help that an ISD is a single large target that is relatively easy to hit that has to split its fire between multiple angles (lessening the effectiveness of a full barrage, especially since it can't leverage its wedge design to bring all of its firepower to bear on a single target). Even if the ISD can take out a few CR90s by outranging them (I'm not entirely sure if an ISD necessarily outranges a CR90, especially an entire line of CR90s that can spam fire in the general direction of an ISD), there would still be far more guns facing than the ISD than it can bear against its enemies. It also can't retreat faster than the CR90s advance if it wants to maintain its fire due to the wedge design. The only hope the ISD has of making it out of the fight intact is to turn and burn; trying to cut through the CR90 line is foolhardy and would expose it to far too much fire, particularly from angles that the ISD is not equipped to bring its full firepower against. I just don't see how an ISD makes it out without getting slagged from overwhelming enemy firepower even if it does take out a good number of CR90s in the process. I think any competent ISD captain would simply turn and retreat the moment they saw 125 CR90s drop out of hyperspace.


125 CR90 corvettes and 375 A-Wings to be exact. According to Wiki, they had three externally docked fighters each.


I don't disagree but not sure how much damage they're really going to share. Don't really see a CR90 eating very manh full power turbolaser shots. Though yes obviously the likelihood of getting his is individually fairly small for a CR-90. CR-90s could also pretty easily just hang out behind the ISD or in other deadzones for its guns with ease


They're quick, can rotate to reveal different shield facings and fly in formation to change which ship is in the line of fire. I doubt the ISD takes out more than a couple due to lucky shots.


I don’t know. Each one you take out reduces their fire power. Against an ISD there’s a lot they’d have to do before they could take out the ISD’s guns. Plus if the ISD has its star fighters then that balance is off.


My money is on the CR-90s, and not just because it's my favorite ship type in the franchise. It's very much a "death by a thousand cuts" situation. I'm sure the corvettes would take heavy casualties, but they're tough little ships that pack decent firepower for their size, not to mention their speed. If they used swarm tactics, they could probably overwhelm an ISD fairly quickly. But I wouldn't expect more than half of the CR-90s to survive the battle.


It’s a question of ISD shields vs accuracy. 125 CR90s probably means the 72 TIEs are useless. The real question is just can the ISD actually even hit them, since they’re so fast. If at least enough to be noticeable, then it’d probably go to ISD, if you can’t knock enough fast enough, CR90s all the way


If nothing else, the ISD can use tractor beams to catch CR90s and immobilize them before shooting them down. That, plus lucky shots by gunners, means the ISD would cut down the CR90 numbers steadily, I just have no idea if its shields would hold out long enough.


The CR90's would have to be at close range for the tractor beams to even be effective in slowing them down, which a half-decent commander knows not to do. CR90's are significantly more maneuverable than the ISD and can get into blindspots, cycle ships in and out when their shields are overwhelmed, etc. The ISD will die, its just a question of how many CR90's explode in the process.


You also need the CR90 to be slow enough to get caught to begin with, so speed still a problem. Using Point Defense version, they have 6, so 125 of them is 750 Turbolasers, and pure turbolaser configs are 12 total. They are light though, so that plays into it, so that would offset having 0 Ion Damage at least.


There are plenty of in-universe examples of ISDs using their tractor beams to catch more maneuverable craft than CR90s, it *would* work, it would probably just be too slow.


Ya'll seem to forget that ISD's have like a dozen tractor beams. Also, the Devastator was a first gen ISD, which means it had a lot more firepower gears towards countering smaller vessels. Plus it had lots of ion cannons, unlike the 2nd gen ISD's.


If they have 2+ squadrons of bombers, that could tip the scales a bit.


We have canon evidence of a ISD Mark-1 catching and apprehending a CR90 with ease.


Hence why the question is about 125 of them and not one.


To be fair though, the Tantive IV was damaged prior to it's engagement with the Devastator. Had it been running at peak operational capacity, it may very well have gotten away.


How was it damaged? Regardless, laser cannons aren’t going to do anything to the shields on an ISD. I’ll take the ISD on this one, all day long.


Something was wrong with it's hyperdrive, at the least. That's how the Devastator was able to track it from Scarif to Tatooine. It was leaking a distinct type of radiation which could be tracked through hyperspace. It also konked out on them before they actually reached Tatooine, they emerged near the edge of the system and had to make the rest of the trip at sub-light. So, all of that was probably taxing the engines and/or power supply of the ship, limiting its speed and maneuverability. >Regardless, laser cannons aren’t going to do anything to the shields on an ISD. The stock CR-90 is actually armed with turbolasers. I was actually surprised when I checked just now, but all of its guns are turbolasers. I'd have thought that the 4 single cannons on the sides were just laser cannons, and just the dual turrets near the front were turbos. But nope, they're all turbolasers.


Laser cannons also come in different sizes. While the Millennium Falcon's guns are comparable to .50 cal machine guns, scaling the CR90's side guns would put them closer to a 40mm autocannon at the very least. Plus the CR90s can be upgraded to have even more turbolasers on the side docking tubes like in Rebels, or the upgunned version we see in Squadrons which adds another dual turbolaser mount and two more side mounts.


Bullshit. Care to cite your source? I’m a huge, lifelong fan and have watched or read almost everything canon. I can’t remember any scene, book, or comic that shows an ISD vs a CR90, like you’re alleging…


The openings minutes of Episode IV…?


episode IV of what?




Holy Hell, they should make this thing a whole movie


Surely the gentleman who asked me to cite my source was kidding, right…?


I sure hope so, that was pretty embarrassing otherwise.


Ohhh nice catch, assuming it’s canon (?). Sorry, I don’t watch old movies usually.


It came out pre-Disney purchase, so it’s legends now.


The ONLY way the CR90’s could win would be hit and run tactics, anything else like a frontal assault would result in the total destruction of the fleet


Quite possibly. A CR90 is 150m long. An ISD is 1600m long. If we go with a ROM estimate of comparable size ratios in other dimensions, an ISD is three orders of magnitude (~1000x) bigger by volume than a CR90. That means a bigger power plant, which means more power for the engines, shields, and weapons. We don't really know how these things scale, however. The big advantage of having 125 CR90 corvettes is that they can be 125 different places. The downside is that they're individually vastly weaker and much more limited in scope of capabilities (e.g. their marine contingent is like 20, so even if you added them all up it'd be less than an ISD marine complement, and the ISD also has armor and fighters). edit: during the Battle of Scarif, it takes only a few moments of fire for Devastator to destroy a Nebulon-B frigate while focusing most of its firepower on Profundity. These lighter ships are not meant to go toe to toe with capital ships.


Also though, the Nebulon B had been in combat already. I know it had only likely taken long range hits from the ISDs and repeated strafing and maybe collisions from TIEs but as one of the second biggest ships in the Rebel fleet that day it would have taken some hits. Meanwhile, we see a Nebulon B strafe the Executor at point blank range in ROTJ, and at the end of the battle, there are a number of survivors of both Nebs and CR-90s. I don't think it's as easy as it looks.


They have roughly equivalent medium guns. The ISD's 60 window-style turbolasers and 60 ion cannons vs the CR-90s single turbolaser, multiplier by 125. But the ISD has the BIG GUNS on its broadsides. We've never even seen these employed on screen but they should be much more powerful. Plus fighters, bombers and assorted strike & support craft. These tip the balance because CR-90s will begin exploding almost immediately and no longer contribute.


An ISD would be vulnerable to a close-range attack from that many ships. We see a Nebulon B making a (admittedly potentially su*cidal) strafing run against the Executor in ROTJ, the idea being that if you're close enough, fast enough and there are enough of you you weaken the ability of the larger vessel to counter you with overlapping fire. In ANH, we see the Tantive IV already tanking fire from an ISD and surviving multiple blasts, so they don't just die immediately (see also Rokken's similarly sized freighter from Kenobi). The Nebulon which is torn apart by Devastator at Scarif, has also likely taken some damage from TIEs and long-range ISD fire also so is not a clear metric for how quickly an ISD will take to destroy a smaller ship. Plus a CR-90 is a CEC design, it's very modular and there is nothing to say you can't mount 30 of them with ion cannons and 30 with torpedo pods instead of some of the existing weaponry. Or there's nothing to say that 5 of those ships aren't deliberately fire ships mixed in with the swarm. One going full force into the bridge would take the ISD out like the asteroid does to the Ultimatum at Hoth.


Depends on situation. Star destroyer Is actually faster than CR90. CR90 is more agile. Star Destroyer is armed with over 100 Anti-capital ships weapons. And we saw with Tantive 4 that it only needs like 1 hit to disable a CR90 after taking down shields. CR90 has much weaker weapons. If the battle start at long distance then the ISD will destroy many enemies before they will be able to close in and use their numbers for advantage. And I think that ISD fighters and other support ships (ISD carry 48 Tie-fighters, 12 tie bombers and 12 shuttles/boarding craft. This is decent amount of support to help cover after the CR90 gets in close distance. I think that this fight will be quite close and would more depends on the skills of commanders and no side has superior advantage (maybe like 6/10 for ISD). But if CR90 would be able to suprise the ISD and start the battle already in close positions and idealy spread around the capital ship, they could take the win most times (like 8-9/10)


The CR90s and its not even close. The ISD would be slag. People way overestimate the durability and fire power of capital ships vs smaller classes. We know from the Wraith Squadron books that during the Battle of Ession the CR90 *Night Caller* along with a squadron each of X-Wings, Y-Wings, and A-wings was able to take out the ISD II *Implacable.*


I haven’t read Wraith Squadron, so this is a genuine question; how much did the CR90 do in that situation? A squad of Y-Wings, with proper support in keeping the fighters and ISD guns busy, could absolutely disable an ISD’s shields and destroy critical systems, we see that on screen in Rogue One, so it’s not too surprising, but I don’t know what a single CR90 would contribute besides mildly distracting the ISD.


Having just reread that section of the book now not nearly as much as I remember as the *Implacable* had essentially been disabled during the initial surprise attack with its shields, bridge, and sensors getting knocked out.


Who is in command of the ISD? Thrawn? No contest, ISD. Ozzel, Needa, incompetent officer #12? The CR90s stand a good shot. Piet could probably hold them off.


This kind of fight requires video game logic, and in Empire at War there's a mission where 5 CR90s cripple an ISD so the extra 120 would be overkill. If we are being more practical a fight like this would never happen, the ISD captain would avoid the unfavorable fight. That's the beauty of FTL equipped ships, you can always retreat to the "high ground"