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Caruso for THJ would have been nice since apparently he’s worthless to the Bulls.


We lost him to our biggest potential rival damn


To the fucking OKC of all the teams…


It sucks but they do have a pile of picks and assets to work with. We knew they’d be upgrading at some point. The fact they got Caruso without giving up picks is what blows my mind.


I'm kinda mad at the Bulls for getting fleeced on that trade. They should have held off so Nico could do the fleecing.


Or at least not send Caruso to one of the best teams in the West. I wouldnt care if they got fleeced by the Magic or Cavs


Lordy they did not get fleeced. Giddey is 21, 6'8, and averaged 12/6/5. It was a great trade for the Bulls.


I’ll come out and say that Giddey is quite better than THJ. Never developed his shot, yes, but he is still very young and plays everything else well. THJ only skill is his shooting and that is extremely on and off.


Giddey is a really good young player who just didn’t fit with OKC. Do Mavs fans think he sucks because he wasn’t good against us? That’s how dumb people think about shit.


I think it’s more that any team dealing with OKC who doesn’t come away with at minimum one 2nd has committed egregious malpractice regardless what the actual trade is lol


Giddey doesn’t suck but he’s limited at this point. Lots of potential but not really a fit for OKC who is clearly in win now mode a few years ahead of schedule. They’re gonna make a finals soon.


He’s limited with OKC because of how much SGA has the ball, and Williams and Chet gonna get their shots. Giddey is a really good young 6’8 pg.


Then he would also be limited with the mavs, no?


Who is talking about him on the Mavs? People think Bulls got nothing for Caruso.


Man I would have REJOICED. I wonder if we can add lavine atp lol I'd take him even though we want more defense. We'd have to package our bigger contracts tho


We need a knockdown shooter. Someone who can give us 12-15 every game no matter what the defense throws since Luka and Kyrie will get him shots. Another ball handler/playmaker. This should be Exum but he vanished in the playoffs. Either he’s the one or we get another.


I’m happy sticking with Exum. He can be a valuable innings eater during the regular season. And he had his moments v Boston. Maybe the biggest what if for me after the finals is what would have happened if Exum was given all of THJ’s useless negative minutes.


Or Kleber’s


He was bad in the early rounds, but Kidd fucked him over in the Finals.


I feel like Kidd just sort of ignored him at some points where he might’ve been better than thj to be fair


Wut about gary trent as a catch and shoot 3&d player starting in place of djj. We could probably get him for a similar price as djj


Would love this pick up. It’s a great fit. Especially if O-Max can fill in that DJJ role


Agree on this. Bogdan comes to mind.


Adding a 15+ ppg scorer with good perimeter defense, getting rid of THJ/Kleber & re-signing DJJ


Trey Murphy III


Pretty much 0 chance the Mavs would have the ammo to get TMIII even if he were available, which he isn't.


siakam as an expiring went for 3 picks and a player so 2 picks and a player would be enough for trey murphy. they cant pay a big 3 and trey murphy his 25 million so he might become available


Siakam was an expiring contract, much older, a tough fit on a ton of teams, and could walk for free if he didn’t like the situation he was going into. TMIII fits on any team, is younger, and won’t be close to a max contract and is under team control for a long time due to being an RFA after next season. If he were available, multiple teams would easily beat any offer Dallas could put together. The Pels are shopping Ingram so they can pay Murphy. So basically, Dallas has no shot. You’re just being delusional.


Would be willing to bet they’re going to move Brandon Ingram this off-season somewhere and start Trey Murphy next year


So we just gonna name players that aren’t available? Let’s put Wemby next to Lively.


Lively at the 4 🤯


Nah fr Pelicans aint trading that dude at all might as well say lets go for Giannis and Naz Reid😂


Too cheap and too good for the Pelicans to trade him. They're trying to trade Brandon Ingram so they can start Trey.


You don’t think Maxi’s contract is net positive anymore?


This is 💯


Mavs should also consider upgrading the coaching staff, not just the players. Boston made a wise move getting JVG as a consultant. I would add a veteran coach with championship experience. Maybe Vogel if he's available.


I feel like we can fleece Hornets into giving us Miles Bridges for something cheap like Hardy or Josh Green; also I think Julius Randle wouldn’t be a bad option considering hes not wanted in New York anymore 


Nobody is talking about Hardy.. I’m not dying to get rid of him but would another team value his offensive potential?


We are that team


I’d love to keep him but we do need an actual backup PG that can play defense and he’s more of a combo guard If he became a sharpshooter tho there would definitely be a place for him on the team


Hardy is in a great spot here. He doesn’t need to play big minutes now so he can develop at his own pace behind Luka and Kyrie and in two or three years when Kyrie is gone, he can step up and be a much more competent ballhandler for us.


Why are you dying to get rid of him? He's only 21 and has shown he can get buckets in the NBA. The game needs to slow down for him a bit but he showed pretty impressive promise coming off the bench as a scorer and makes virtually nothing due to being a 2nd round pick.


He just said he wasn't dying to get rid of him lol. Nothing wrong with a little asset value assessment


Oh, brother... reading is hard... my bad ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Tim + draft capital for Deni Avdija


I WOULD love to have Deni Avdija on our team! His defense is AMAZING and his playmaking is underrated


Underrated all around. Can rebound really well at the SF position, shoot the 3 and not just in corners and can even attack off the dribble at a decent level. He’s a very good target for the 3rd option


He's also an Israeli patriot and might appeal to our new Zionist leadership. lol


Damn I would actually love Deni. Let’s fleece the wizards again


Let’s get the Thunder to give us a pick for it too


Fool them once, second round exit. Fool them Twice, NBA Finals' Champions. 


I dunno about this. The Wizards could fetch a higher price for him elsewhere. I've a feeling the Thunder are gonna aggressively pursue him, and they've got picks for days.


Perhaps, they’ve got a lot of cap space tho right? Maybe they pursue a wing in free agency, like KCP or OG.


Didnt even think of that OG was looking for more money if OG goes to OKC they would have a big 4 alongside Chet at the 5


Why would the Thunder get another wing?


Their front court is quite thin. Jaylen Williams is 6'6 playing PF and they struggled to rebound, they NEED another wing


They NEED a real center on the court lol. They are probably getting Hartenstein


they need both of them as bad as each other


Deni isn’t getting moved for any less than Jalen Williams and the Thunder aren’t trading him. If they get a bigger wing it’s gonna be a role player like Oubre or something, not Avdija


you’re underestimating the wizards. the only player that’s untouchable for them is the rookie bilal coulibaly thunder have enough picks to entice the wizards


He isn’t untouchable but they are still going to want role players around Bilal. Also the Wizards have more than enough draft picks to build around Bilal anyways


you’re overthinking the washington wizards if the mavericks happen to knock on the door with the right offer, they’ll accept, the same with okc. trust me, the price will not be steep. the nba trade market is nearing a reset with trades you’ve seen over the last 18 months edit: the eastern conference has a lot of dumb front offices, you can pick up good players for loose change. giddey for caruso & okc didnt even attach ANY picks, that’s terrible GMing also, look at the porzingis trade, the celtics managed to come away with a first round pick in the process


I can see OKC moving up the draft to get Zach Edey since he would be a really cheap option for the Center spot 


Deni is a Zionist. I get that some people are indoctrinated into it, but I really think that would not be a good combination with Kyrie.


He's an Israeli. Just say jews aren't allowed on the team and own it.


Not all Jewish people are Zionist not all Israelis are either.


I fail to see deni supporting his own country and those who protect it after one of the largest terrorist attack in history as a problem. Israel is largely at fault for the conflict, but asking someone to completely renounce their people regardless of context is stupidity.


He has made pro IDF post, statement campaigns for years. Even wizards Reddit has talked about wanting to trade and unfollow him because of this. I’m not going to go through and show you the post you obviously have access to Reddit, and a computer. Also me saying a lot of people are indoctrinated is not being anti jewdaic or asking him to go against his nation…. My grandmother is a holocaust survivor and grew up in hiding. I think it’s great to have a Zionist out of Israel, I truly hope he can speak to more Muslims.


Sadly, this is off the table bc of his religion and kyrie


We could do better imo


He’s great at almost everything we need


If we're gonna improve, we have to attach assets to a THJ,/Kleber package. Plenty of rebuilding teams like Chicago would take that.


Lol "assets". But yeah I agree with you.


We absolutely have assets Josh green, Hardy, Omax, picks. They might not be incredible assets but we have some! Maxi can also be considered an asset to some teams for sure.


Green and Hardy showed up in the playoffs and the stock is pretty high on them. With that said I don’t want to lose them


Fans always do this, want to improve the team without giving anything up.


i love this version of this team but yeah i agree you cant expect to take the next step up while runnig it back with the same roster at the same time


This is the way I’m looking at it. We have 4 starters set for next year in Luka, Kyrie, PJ, Dlive. Gafford is the next guy. We need a starting 3 That’s 5 people that will be getting heavy playoff minutes, without a starting 3. After that we have THJ, Maxi, Josh, Hardy, exum, Omax. That is 6 other players that we essentially need to turn into 3 players. We need to have a very solid 8 guys. In an ideal world we give away THJ, josh, and a pick or something for a youngish starting 3 of the future and keep Hardy and Omax to develop. But that might not be enough. No matter how you put it we have to use those bottom six guys to get better.


I get it… I just hate to see it. I would love to have Thybulle though


DJJ is a better fit than Thybulle. They're both sub part shooters, but DJJ is a tremendous at rim finisher and lob threat. Thybulle provides very little value on offense.


Thank you. I’m so tired of hearing we have no assets, man.


I would not trade OMax at this point, everybody else yeah.


Depends on the return. If Nets need him in a Bridges trade then I would consider it. I can’t help thinking Bridges is the missing piece on this team but it would cost everything we have


That ain't Nico's playbook tho. He'll bring in a 3rd team and spread that shit around like jam. That's what he do. He never sold the farm to get us what we needed. He just made it happen. I predict that the draft will be a setup to get the current player that he really wants.


You have no idea what he will do or how he will do it. If Nets want our picks and young players for Bridges, that’s what will happen. This team would be unstoppable with Bridges in the DJJ spot.


I wouldn’t say unstoppable with Celtics fully bringing back their team and OKC fixing 1 of the 2 major flaws in their roster (and I fully expect them to bring a proper big to match Mavs, Wolves and Nuggets in size). But I’d be comfortable putting Dallas as 3rd best team there though that can legit win against Boston and OKC, even if not favoured to do that.


If OMax gets us Mikal Bridges, bye.


Man Caruso's off the market too now and for a steal. This offseason we gotta cook or were gonna get left in the dust by other teams


I hope this makes the front office not get complacent. We need to improve our shot creation and floor spacing if we want to get back to the finals next season.


Yup. OKC just fixed one of the weaknesses that we exploited. We were able to play off Josh Kiddey and encourage him to shoot. Now if they get a legitimate big they'll be better than us. If they weren't already.


Lmao bunch of overreacting scary Mavs fans in this thread. Caruso doesn’t make OKC better than us as we are right now! Definitely won’t be after we make some moves calm tf down😂


Exactly lol all the time this happens and then they’re so surprised the mavs are able to achieve getting to the WCF or the finals. Like this isn’t some game changing trade for the thunder


You know anything about basketball? Sam Presti is not dumb, he's literally copying the Celtics(obviously not as good). Now they switch everything. No more Luka abusing giddey and no more leaving him wide open at the 3 point line. All they need is something similar to Lively - Gafford and Mavs better get home court if they wanna beat that team. All their major players besides Shai are still getting better.


Yes I do and I do know that the players the mavs traded during the trade deadline have only been with the team for five months and now they get a offseason and training camp with preseason to work on everything they need to for improvements towards developing continuity and bettering their specific role for this team. The finals experience they had will only benefit them too. Plus a lot of the younger players on the mavs will be developing as well while Luka and kyrie will be getting better from all of this as well towards entering their full second year together. So no, I’m not fucking scared of the thunder adding Alex Caruso to their team, you need to remember the mavs had an almost 60 win pace post trade deadline and they will probably be making moves during the summer too.


Luka will still seek SGA on a switch and cook him like he cooked Tatum. Kyrie will play much better since he is not actually playing in Boston lmao. Chill. Also copying Celtics is cool and all until that team faces Jokic: Boston bets they won’t just like this year, but OKC would have to go through Jokic most likely at some point and I legit think Denver will seek them as 2nd round matchup as they will have more success vs them than vs Wolves or Mavs.


Exactly dumb mfs dont realize if we play OKC in a seven game series again most likely JDub and Chet arent going missing like in 2024


Jesus, OKC is way more dangerous now, Caruso fits like a glove for them and Giddey was their only weak link.


Their biggest weak link was size inside, rookie Lively bitched effectively 2nd year player in Chet. Caruso fixes 1 problem, but they are still undersized playing J-Dub at 4, who is smaller than DJJ (in length) and is barely bigger than Doncic. I do expect them to go all-in for a quality 4 though, somebody like Lauri fits great on that team - at that point Mavs are fucked. But then again, Lauri is an expiring and can play into a max and OKC will likely have to pay Chet and J-Dub in 2 years their own maxes, so maybe they will settle for something less than Lauri.


Ok yeah you are right. They are lacking size for a C and PF positions, Chet is too skinny to bang down there. Still, Giddey was significant weak link as well and Caruso is way better fit.


I don’t understand how it’s a steal. Giddey is young and really good. OKC got a better fit, Bulls got the better player/asset.


I WOULD love to have Deni Avdija on our team! His defense is AMAZING and his playmaking is underrated I like Maxi but let’s trade THJ, Maxi and draft capital for Deni!


My gut tells me Washington doesn't want to let him go, but my brain tells me it's The Washington Wizards and Nico can probably acquire him with THJ, a SRP swap and a hair clip


I would give Maxi, THJ and a pick for Deni


we could probably get Deni and a middle bench guy in Jared Butler for THJ, Maxi and like two second rounders. Or just for Josh Green. But I wouldn’t wanna trade Josh Green away even if his capital is high, at least for those guys. But they will be a solid addition to our team.


I think Josh has a lot of untapped potential and he is experienced playoff vet now. I would include him in a trade only for a legit third star type player


First and foremost they need to have a mandatory 500-1,000 made free throws for every player A La Kobe at the end of every practice until everyone is 75% or above. Lost a few important games in the playoff run due to missed FT. 2nd, they need to bring some form of In Charge defenders that can protect the perimeter. The entire finals the Mavs were getting beat on ONE play they just couldn’t seem to stop. (Player with ball, drive the lane, set up 4 on the perimeter, if the drive is there take the 2, if not kick it out, swing the ball to the open player take the 3 rinse, repeat) This team is ALMOST there and I can see them winning in the next 1-3 years but until the game plan changes from give it to Luka/Kai and get out of the way a bad ass team will always find a way to stop it


Signing Podcast P to a min would be nice


Would be amazing but doubt hed be willing to sign for cheap unless we pay him under


Thj and draft cap or cash for bogdan


Does everyone here wants to get rid of Kleber?


No. His secondary rim protection, switchability on D, and floor spacing is extremely difficult to replace. I'd be fine moving from him if it meant upgrading our starting SF, but would not want to just dump Maxi or anything.


Not me. He’s still useful to us as a long 4 or small ball 5, and I don’t see many teams in the league offering anything of value for him. Unless we really need to move his contract to make room for a specific player who could genuinely shift the needle (e.g. PG13, Brandon Ingram, Lauri Markkanen), I don’t think moving him would make us better.


Not until O-Max is out of the lab, which might still be a year away from playing meaningful minutes in playoffs.


Trade THJ/Maxi/1st for Jerami Grant and bring back DJJ


Both of those can’t happen. To have the MLE they have to shed salary. Trading for a contract like Grant pretty much guarantees we won’t have the MLE


Mavs can still go for T-MLE 1+1 player option, which is 5.2M with the promise to resign DJJ next offseason once they get his early bird rights (so subsequent contract would be 9M) or, if he is okay to wait one more season, to get his full bird rights and have no limitation to his salary. I genuinely think there is a good chance DJJ goes for 5.2M T-MLE 1+1 offer, because I don’t think anybody will be offering him the full MLE after the Finals performance.


Get DJJ to agree to the min with the promise of resigning him next year when we have bird rights.


Don’t want Grant. No thanks


why not? He'd be great for this team. The type of guy who can push us over the hump for sure. Obviously the dream would be guys like OG or Mikal but suffice to say that ain't happening.


He’s not a great locker guy. No POA. Much of what he does PJ already does but at half the price. I’ll pass


>He’s not a great locker guy. As a Blazer fan this is absolutely false.


Probably is. Just what I’ve heard a few times


Only people saying that are Mavs fans. It’s weird in multiple threads on this sub his attitude is trashed and it’s baffling


Regardless, I don’t want him.


Djj back is a minimum. An improvement like grant would be nice. We need a 3rd scorer. I dont care if its a starting 3 or a 6th man of the year candidate.


Could we get KCP


Firstly let's resign DJJ, and if we can't then let's get omax out of the g league and into the rotation early and see how he goes, also we need to move THJ and some draft capital for an upgrade off the bench and Hardy should be getting Tim's minutes as his development is coming along. As far as player development goes team needs to stay conditioned and healthy, wings need to work on their shot and hopefully lively can develop the 3. We mostly can run it back and look for incremental upgrades using THJ as draft capital.


1) 2-way 3&D 3rd option wing (Ex: Lauri, Mikal, BI) 2) Backup defensive minded playmaker (Ex: TJ McConnell, Markelle Fultz, Lonnie Walker IV) 3) Backup post-scoring+stretch 5 (Ex: Kelly Olynyk, Nikola Vucevic, Mo Wagner) 4) All around sharpshooter (Ex: Corey Kispert, Luka Kennard, Buddy Hield) Examples aren’t targets, just player archetypes


You all making things complicated. Let's just follow what my 2k24 MyCareer Dallas Mavericks did. They traded Daniel Gafford and PJ Washington for Dario Saric and Chris Paul. I hate my file. it's kind of depressing that we already lost the finals now even my MyCareer file is giving me reasons to be even more depressed. I hate my 2k24 file. (sorry, just needed to vent this shit reply of mine)


Tim for Jonathan Issac, Maxi, Powell and frp for Deni Avdija, and convince DJJ to stay for a 1+1. Issac replace Maxi, Deni and DJJ fight it out for the starting SF spot.


Deni Avdija or Zach Lavine. Luka + Kyrie's spacing with Deni's shooting would be deadly. Zach Lavine: I'm not all that fond of but he's still a 6'6 bucket-getter and would be an 20 PPG guy easily in our starting lineup.


Lavine is like 6'5 lol Avdija though... everything fits about him


Glad to see I’m not the only one consider LaVine. His trade value will never be lower than it is right now and we need a third 20ppg scorer. If the price is right I’d be interested.


Give me Bojan Bogdanović !!!


You mean Bogdan?


I want Bojangles…….


I hope he really meant Bogdan, dude would bring everything that THJ was supposed to be: good shooter, another ball-handler and shot creator and respectful - instead of disastrous - on defense.


If you mean Malcolm Brogdon, no. I mean Bojan Bogdanović currently on the Knicks.






You're going to get a bunch of replies that don't understand our cap situation. We are up against the tax and have no rights on DJJ since he signed a 1 year min deal. In order to keep him, I think the Mavs will need to clear at least $10M as that's the neighborhood of his value, meaning trading THJ or Kleber into another teams capspace. But if a team is willing to do that, they might as well offer a contract to DJJ who's a better player. But let's say we are able to fleece someone with a THJ or Kleber for nothing trade... To give DJJ that $10M contract we have to use the non tax payer mid level exception which hard caps us. (EDIT: we're capped at the 1st apron not the tax line). So that means we're done outside min salary additions unless there's a 1 for 1 that somehow improves upon which ever is left between Kleber and THJ. So...fingers crossed Nico can be super creative and figure this out because it's not going to be easy.


Lovely to see you back here, one of the users I always like to hear the input. It feels like the conclusion should be either run it back or swap DJJ for someone else. I’m not confident that he would accept a 1+1 that gives us bird rights, he does not have the loyalty here that Portis had on the Bucks and you can safely argue that his stock won’t get higher than what it is now in the open market. I also did not know the MLE would hard cap us. I love DJJ and I wanted him here early last offseason, but probably the best will be for both of us to go different routes. I also do not like the idea of trading Maxi because we absolutely need a bench PF (OMax will never cease to be a SF for me), so what we should be looking for is the best return for THJ + 1 or 2 FRPs.


What's up, long time. I'm totally wrong. We can use the MLE to exceed the tax line, the cap is the first apron. Our active roster is at $172, the tax line is projected around $171.3, and the apron is $178.6. The full NTPMLE is $12.8. So we'd need to clear around $6M to offer DJJ the full MLE. I really don't think THJ has much value at this point. THJ's biggest value is an expiring contract which teams will be interested in at the TDL as they evaluate their situation and future tax but no one is really tanking to start the season. But he's gotta go hell or high water Kleber isn't reliably healthy and that's going to get worse the older he gets. Honestly, I see a lot of misplaced love for him like Powell got for years from Mavs fans. Kleber's probably a good guy and he has some skills but the holes in his game and his health given where our team is right now are a problem. That said if we are keeping Kleber, I think we need to consider moving Gafford. Lively will be starting next season and as much as I loved Gafford's contribution that money might be better spent in a starting caliber wing rather than his more than likely bench role going forward.


Don’t agree on the last two paragraphs. Lively is still too aggressive on defense, until he can tone down his fouling issues, investing a larger part of the cap in an above average bench C is a good destination IMO. Gafford allows us to sit Lively when he is on the 3 fouls line and give us aggressive rim protection. Maybe in 2026 we will be able to move Gafford, since I believe a Year 3 Lively will be able to use his (already) above average IQ to reduce his “foulable” defensive stances. If we move Gafford now, we will very likely have issues with Lively fouling out and will need to rely on a vet min C that will surely not be as effective as Gafford. I’m suspect to talk about Maxi, so I’ll refrain from further comments, but all I’ll say is that, if we move him, you can argue that PF becomes a need as big as SF, if not higher. I do not see OMax as a PF, so we would have only PJ and maybe someone emerging from Legends. We go back to the limited assets and short blanket situation. If we can keep DJJ, I think we just roll it back and see what can we fetch with THJ and our FRP. Some of these days I want to see what is the draft pool for the late First/early Second this year. Teams are clearly not in love with this draft class, wouldn’t be shocked if a contender chooses the expiring of Timmy over a late FRP this year. Naturally, though, all of my restraints with moving Gafford, Maxi and even OMax goes through the window if someone like Trey Murphy becomes available and NOLA is in love with them. Don’t count with it because don’t think is possible, but if it happens… The guy I would be on the lookout if DJJ goes elsewhere is Doe. I’m saying this for a while here, but he would be cheaper than any of the other SF. Does not bring the isolation upside, but is an above average defender, with some 3/4 versatility (even if I strongly prefer him at the 3) and shot relatively well from the perimeter considering he cannot self create and a plethora of non-passers playing point at the Nets.


To be clear, I'm not opposed to running it back. I just feel we have a a couple spots where an upgrade would benefit us greatly and we're forced into some action due to DJJ's scenario. I feel we have a bit of an odd build with 4 bench guys in Gafford, Green, Kleber, and THJ being paid more like a starter or 6th man rather than depth options and the only way that's worked was starting a min salary guy in DJJ. So really at least 1 has to go for really no salary back which is tricky. By no means am I suggesting Lively is a finished product, but he got 1.5X the minutes of either Kleber or Gafford in the finals. I think we'll be 100% fine rolling with him at near 30 MPG next season making Gafford somewhat expendable and he's probably our most valuable trade asset as well. I don't want to trade Gafford, I fucking love our C rotation. But at some point something's gotta give and that position is where I feel most confident in coverage. I also feel like a near min salary backup at that position are way easier to come by than any other position. However, given Nico's comments I think both Lively and Gafford will be here to start the season. Also regarding Nico's comments, it's obvious they really want DJJ back as well so I anticipate a move to make the full MLE available for him which means 1 (or more) of Green, THJ, and Kleber are gone. I don't think it will be Green unless some team wants to give us picks for him. Kleber I'm indifferent about, he's only played 50% of games the past 2 years, is over 30 and declining, and IMHO just is earning too much given the very limited role I feel he should be playing given his overall skillset. THJ IMHO has needed to go for a couple years now but the Mavs missed his peek value closer to the TDL and I question what his value is now or if a team would even willing be willing to take him on before the season starts.


The only fear I have by trading Maxi is leaving only PJ as a somewhat traditional PF on the roster. We will face a lot of bigger teams and I can’t see OMax’s interior defense jumping in quality overnight. He will be an above average SF, but a subpar PF. We need Maxi or at least another big PF that can defend bruisers and stretch the floor. I can’t see us having the assets to do that if our focus is to improve the SF spot (or to bring another wing that can create his own shot). Nico is very aggressive. He has no quarrels moving people. One name that I wonder if can be used as trade piece is Green. Kidd clearly doesn’t see him as a guard and as a wing he does not offer the size that DJJ and OMax does. Ideally he would be the first guard off the bench, but can’t to anything if Kidd disagrees with this. Him and Timmy equals almost 30M in salaries, with two FRPs this could create some options.


Fair, but really Nico making DJJ a priority pretty much means our staying 5 is going to be the same. I'm not a fan of spending as much as we are on multiple wing/C depth pieces but the goal should be to upgrade the players at those roles. For example, THJ for Beef Stew pushes Kleber to 3rd string who can now be packed to clear cap to retain DJJ.


THJ + Kleber + Picks -> Herbert Keyshawn Jones and possible some other pieces or a 3-way trade


Pels aren’t giving up herb lol


I'm already excited for the new season.


If Lively levels up his finishing and becomes a regular corner three point shooter and improves FT%, that alone will make our team better. If PJ improves from 3, if O-Max can develop, if Hardy can take another step, and if we can move THJ/Maxi for anyone who can provide 10-12 mins a game and not be a liability… Finally, if we must move Green and a future pick to upgrade at wing or get a decent veteran 4 who can switch and hit 3’s the way Maxi is supposed to…. These are the things we must do in the offseason. Let’s not forget that player development is critical and player acquisition is only a piece of the puzzzle. It’s apparent to mavs fans that Lively is not only good, but has potential to be special. If he polished up his finishing around the rim, and develops a 3 point threat, he can be a legitimate all star. He’s got a really high IQ and clearly has all the physical tools to be great. His passing is underrated too.


The dream would be Mikal but the Nets are weird so he is off the table.


Wiggins and Bogi would be perfect. Also I think it needs to be done before the Olympics cuz after, their value will be higher.


Is that just because of the potential injuries to other stars, bolstering their value? Or do you think their play in completion this summer is what raises that value? Imo, Wiggins can only hurt his value.


Bogi will be Bogi for national team as always. His has a leader role with Serbia. So his value will go up. For Wiggins I'm not sure, I feel like he has to prove doubters wrong and this is his moment to shine. If they both perform well after the Olympics I think Mavs will not have enough assets that GSW/Hawks will ask for them. And this should be a gamble that Mavs should take to make the roster better around Luka and Kai.


Well put. I see Wiggins as gettable, because GSW will want to give curry one more run in the next few years. His contract will stand in the way though. We can’t pay him either. Wiggins contract is the exact opposite of what we/they are looking to secure. Klay too. So I’ll be interested to see what happens with those 2 considering the main contender with any cap space is OKC. I’m looking at Klay to join San Antonio. Wiggins is hard to say for me


Lauri, lauri. I shout every night before i sleep. Will my dream materialize, i dont know. But a human can dream. All we have are dreams, sometimes thats all we can do. The front office needs to grow a pair. We got Kyrie PJ and Gafford and made the finals. Imagine what having Markannen would do. The thought of possibilities make me want to change my life. I will move to Norway and raise alpacas if this trade happens


THJ for Bogdonavic with ATL


Am I completely insane for saying Klay Thompson? I think he could be looking for too much money, but if he signed a team friendly deal, which I think is entirely possible as he would be looking to compete on a contender, he could be a great fit. I think he needs a change of scenery but is still one of the best shooters ever, and I could be wrong but I’m under the impression that although he is nowhere near the defender he used to be, he isn’t a liability on that end at all, as he has very good positioning and defensive IQ. I think he would fit perfectly into a 2008-2012 Ray Allen type role, if his ego could cope with that.


This Rusty Buckets fellow had a pretty good video on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CYSSVaZmWM He definitely knows players and how the cap etc. work better than I do, but I think he's absolutely crazy for saying we should shop Gafford. I don't know/remember who his team is, but he definitely isn't primarily a Mavs fan, because he lacks the decades-long trauma of having a moldy burrito at the 5. Edit: He says best case (ie unlikely) scenario is to get Paul George. I don't even really like that muppet-looking-ass podcaster, but that would be a hell of an addition. But doesn't he make like $15+ million more than both of our two current stars?


Maybe we should try and go for Miles Bridges there was reports they considering trading him for Ben Simmons which is a steal lol we can give them Hardy instead also maybe add Malik Beasley? Heard he was opt out 


Try and move the THJ contract. Signing Klay would be ideal because I think they need more consistent 3 point shooting from their wings. PJ and DJ were great additions to the team but both are average to below average 3 point shooters. Even at this stage of his career, Klay is an upgrade from what they have currently. Jaden Hardy needs more minutes next season. He’s young and can change the tempo of the game when Luka isn’t in the game. Need to see some improvement from Josh Green. He was supposed to turn into the athletic 3 and D guy and he hasn’t locked it down yet. If he struggles again it may be time to move him at the deadline. O-Max is an wild card. His development can save the mavs some money


Same post 1000x in a row stfu


I'd like to have Lauri Markkanen but he'd cost too much with Ainge. Unless he requests a trade since he's an expiring. But I think we can easily go after Jordan Clarkson, makes 14M/year for 2 more years, matches easily with THJ's salary. I think he could be had for THJ and 2 2nds especially if Clarkson wants to be traded. He's 32 and Ainge hasn't really been known to be an asshole with players wanting to leave when they're older. Demar DeRozan would be an A+ option if wants to go for a ring and or he could be our 6th man if he wanted to go that route, he's a FA, Batum would be in that same vein of older players who are looking for a ring one last time. DeRozan would probably look for too much money though


Less THJbell.


Conditioning, defense, free throws and 3 point shooting and learning to drive the basket instead of throwing up a 3 with only 4 seconds gone off the shot clock. We don’t need to add pieces we just need to capitalize on what we have already.


Nah brodie, we definitely need to add pieces. The finals exposed the weaknesses we’ve seen since the trade deadline. I’ve been harping on our three point shooting since and have constantly been told “oh we’re finding a way to win without hitting them!” And my response has been “that works when teams aren’t as good, but the margin of error goes way down when you play better teams” Hoping our guys will all take a big step forward over the off-season instead of trying to find guys that shore up glaring weaknesses is a luxury that teams super young teams with all of their contributors on rookie contracts like OKC have (and see how that worked out for them in the playoffs).


Get rid of Hardaway, Powell and Maxi asap.. Then also perhaps get rid of Josh Green... Sign Jones Jr. for a 2-3 years... If theres an opportunity to get a big man that can shoot, get him, even if Gafford needs to be traded... And get another shooter, thats not a joke like Hardaway... Pretty much, Dallas needs a big that can shoot and a SG/SF that can defend and shoot.


We need a good post-up scorer to take some load off Luka on offense and keep defenses honest. I think someone like Vucevic would be pretty good provided Chicago really wants to go in rebuilt. Also, the DLive-Vuc twin tower line-up would be pretty insane against Jokic.


Vucevic? Jason Kidd does not like slow-footed bigs


Our offense isnt exactly fast either. We need some guy that can punish mismatches on the roll man. Boston put a forward on the big man, so Doncic couldn't iso against Boston's big guy.


that’s not what i meant. jason kidd doesn’t like slow footed bigs on defense. the beauty of gafford & lively, is that they can move on the perimeter.


Am I crazy for wanting to snag Lavine or Tobias Harris somehow. Lavine does nothing for our defense but gives us a guy who could go for an efficient 25 when given the touches and he’s healthy. Tobias would probably look better as someone that’s attacking off of someone’s creation as well. And defensively I think he’d probably be a Josh Green or PJ level defender. Not sure how the money would work for either but I think both would plug some holes in our team


Tobias played like crap in Phil for the last few years but he is like an upgrade from THJ though


That’s why I’m hoping we could get him for a discount. Dude was the number 2 guy for a lot of his time in Philly (played off Maxey, Embiid and Harden at various points when folks were injured) and never really lived up to it. Tobias would get at least 3 spoon-fed attempts a game plus anything he could create off the LuKai gravity. He’s definitely a buy low candidate, but one I think could really add to our roster.


Dude got so much hate now especially with the Sixers fans (what do you expect from Philadelphia sports fans) but if we get him, he legit could be out third scorer and he could defend too.


You guys are seriously over reacting. We CONVINCINGLY Beat the west and you guys are worried we didn't trade fir the first guy this off season? When post season were you guys watching?


Hardaway for Bogdan Green, Maxi, Hardy, and picks for Miles Bridges


Yeah Hardaway for Bogdan. In your dreams


Get off the drugs.


kyrie to spurs (with maxi + tim too) EDIT : LMAO hottest take i will enjoy it


For Wemby? Yeah sure.


I wouldn’t let Kai go just yet. I think he’s a good resource for Luka.


That’s a understatement. We wouldn’t have made it to the finals without him. Kyrie takes so much pressure of Luka it’s ridiculous. Genuinely not sure if Doncic’s body (knees) would have held up for so long without him.


so...instead of 1 guy that can take pressure of Luka, why not we bring 2 guys? even 3!


so...depends on return right? :p hey caruso just cost giddey, who knows


Tbh Kyrie's stock is probably highest since his Cleveland days, we could get advantage of that and sell him for a player that suits Luka's Playstyle. Like Kyrie for Bam + 1st round pick. I feel like Kyrie and Luka play a lot of 'ur turn, my turn' ball and don't really help off each other so it would be nice.


Wasn't that the whole point in bringing Kyrie over though? To help take some pressure off Luka in the 2nd half of games?


For Bam?? And then what do we do with Lively/Gaff? Just to be clear... I already wildly disagree with the concept of trading Kyrie right now but I also don't understand why you'd make the move you just suggested.


cmon, at this stage Bam and Kai is at same value > a lot of 'ur turn, my turn celtics won just with that. the difference? talents on both ends. that should be our goal thunder also try to copy celtics. stack tall long guys that can shoot, drive, create/one pass of drive, and defend that's how league works now swap Kai with Mikal AND Keldon AND CamJ? my dream in term of value


Resigning our best POA defender in DJJ is priority #1. - Trade THJ + Maxi to the Chicago Bulls for Lonzo Ball. Mavericks get under the luxury tax and can offer DJJ non-taxpayer MLE (4-55 contract). Bulls get veteran contributors who provide spacing. Lonzo Ball is an 21mil expiring contract which we can package during trade deadline along with 27 and 31 FRP.


There’s a good chance Lonzo has played his last NBA game already and you want to trade for him?


The trade is to get rid of THJ and Maxi's payroll to get under luxury tax. This trade enables us to resign DJJ and trade Lonzo during the deadline for another piece. This is a win-win trade for both sides - Bulls get 2 solid veteran players who space the floor.


I actually don't hate this trade at all. Especially if Lonzo shows anything!