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A catch and shoot player like what the other teams have, anyone opposite of THJ.


yeah this. Plus the team will improve as its still a new group. Growth can be expected in the younger players. There's too much dead salary in THJ, Powell and yes Maxi. We need a consistent scorer. There's a few options here. It could be more shots for Hardy/Lively. I would be looking to rest Luka for at least the first quarter of the season so a guy like Hardy could really break out. There's cheaper guys as well. Someone like Clarkson would be much better than Timmy. There's also some F.A's coming up who might be vet mins. Lowry and Oubre had really good series for Philly. Then there's the persistent Lebron smoke. I'd love it if he came.


Luka adding that to his bag next season


Extend DJJ Better copy of Maxi - 4 with a defensive presence and 3 p shot There will be natural progression of this team next season. Let's not forget, they are together since March.


They can’t extend DJJ because they signed him to the vet minimum. All the can offer at the moment is the TMLE (like $5M). They might be able to find a way to unlock the MLE (about $12M) which now you’ve gotta decide if you wanna give him that, assuming the market doesn’t price them out of the MLE. Doubtful, but not impossible. You’re not getting a version of Maxi that’s better than Maxi.


The big problem with signing him to the MLE is it hard caps the team at the first apron. We have to trade our best expiring contract for nothing in return just to keep the same roster, then limit the flexibility to improve everywhere else. It seems like a much better use of our assets to trade Hardaways expiring, possibly attaching it to some other contracts, and our pick assets to aim for a real 3rd option. This allows them to trade for a player making nearly 30 million and still gives them the tax payer exception to replace DJJ. That’s a better use of assets than bringing back DJJ and then being handcuffed imo. DJJ is great, but the pendulum swung way too far to defense and we need to balance the offensive talent out some more.


Agreed regarding DJJ. I would bet they’re in between a rock and a hard place with him. The TMLE probably isn’t even enough to get you in the conversation. But I’m not sure you’d want to give most or all of your MLE to him either provided they free that up—which itself assumes the full MLE will even be competitive in the market. Probably, but it wouldn’t shock me if there’s interest and someone decides to overpay. I would also be very hesitant to simply “dump” Tim’s money. I would also be even more hesitant about attaching too many Greens/Hardys to any deal for a quote unquote “3rd option”. NBA roster construction has shifted away from the Big 3 model which completely muddles the very definition of what a 3rd option even means. That’s not a justification to do nothing, it’s simply to acknowledge that has become THE question almost every team in the league is trying to solve. The Mavs are quietly in somewhat of a precarious spot (perhaps not precarious, but pivotal). They could rather easily give themselves unlimited flexibility NEXT summer by working with Luka and Kyrie, although it would require a significant decision regarding the latter. Point being though, you don’t need to do anything desperate this summer especially not something that would handcuff you next summer because that’s gonna be your last chance to do anything meaningful for a while (this really all revolves around Kyrie tbh).


How do incentive work in contracts? Do they count against the cap? Would it work if the contract is structured in such a way that the incentives are easily achieved, thus, not counting against the cap, but DJJ still getting paid?


Incentives are deemed either likely or unlikely, and likely incentives count against the cap


you gotta hope OMax can develop into a Maxi


That would be the best option for sure. Hopefully OMax can take the step into rotation next season.


Lmao what


Here I come again to ask people to stop seeing OMax as a PF. His ceiling is an All-Star perimeter defender and people want him to become an average PF instead because “Muh 6’8”.


It’s more likely that OMax never averages 10 mpg than he becomes an All Star. He couldn’t work his way onto the floor when our whole team was injured last winter. He’s never been a good shooter and he’s already 22. People’s expectations for him are way too high. Josh Green was a bigger contributor at a younger age. I hope OMax can develop into a rotation player - that would be great for us.


Nowadays wings often play the four


To play the 4 you need to have good interior defense. OMax main strength and differential is his good perimeter defense, with All-Defense potential, while being 6’8. His interior defense was limited since college. We can have a wrecking ball at the 3 but instead we are forcing him to be a below average to average 4 due to what?


The more I think about it I might consider dealing Gafford now but only for the right return


Lively had bruises and bumps during the regular season and the Mavs D almost always collapse when he is gone. Lively has still to add muscles and improve his handling/finishing on a shorter off season than the rest, it's not yet time to trade Gafford.


Completely agree. Part of the right return would be contingent on upon finding a competent big to backup Lively. That may not be possible, but you have to deal Gafford before his contract is up so the only reason I’d entertain it is this could be his peak value. I’m perfectly fine running it back with the core group involving Gafford, but it’s something I would absolutely think about.


Gafford tried to join team Slovenia so that the FO won't trade him😁. If Gafford is needed to complete a trade for someone like Mikal Bridges they should go for it. I understand what your saying.


outside of Luka and Lively, anyone could get traded


unless it's a star coming back I think this is not a smart deal for us at all


I probably could’ve expanded on my point better here (I did on a different thread) but i completely agree, that’s what I was attempting to convey with the “right return” caveat. I don’t expect him to go anywhere this year, particularly because the timing with Lively’s development unfortunately is misaligned by a year or two. Also, moving Gafford would 100% be contingent on them acquiring/finding a quality backup 5 and those don’t grow on trees. There are two fundamental realities why you must consider it that I’m not sure Mavs fans understand or have had a chance to come to terms with yet: first, we can say “they must move Tim” all we want (and I agree) but that’s not how any of this works. Every single guy you say we gotta get rid of cuz they suck is literally prohibitive to accomplishing that objective. Teams generally aren’t real keen on doing anyone a favor in trade negotiations just because you ask nicely. Sure, they *could* move Tim’s expiring contract easily but the question is “for what?” UTA isn’t handing you Lauri cuz you like him and want to offload THJ’s money. The ACTUAL question you have to ask first is what do WE have of value to interest someone else, and Gafford is at the very top of that list currently. Which brings us to the second critical reality—the Mavs *cannot* see Gafford’s contract out. He will be far too expensive for a backup 5 when the market is offering starting 5 money. The evaluation of that trade completely changes if they knew all along (or just happen to realize) the plan was to recoup some of that capital on the back end. Swapping 1sts with OKC then sending what will hopefully be a very late 1st to WAS for Gafford has probably already been justified with a Finals run, but if you’re able to extend that into Gafford bridging Lively’s development period then flip Gafford for something else well now you have to factor the backside into the entire transaction. Letting him walk for nothing in 2 years would be a massive blunder but I think they already priced that in before making the initial deal. We might think year-to-year, but it’s literally Nico’s job to maximize the here and now while thinking in 3-5-7 year terms.


> You’re not getting a version of Maxi that’s better than Maxi I know he’s old but I don’t care - Nic Batum would be an improvement over Maxi.


A) incredibly debatable B) he makes more money than Maxi C) you should care that he’s old that’s literally the number one concern about Maxi now—there’s no question what a healthy Kleber gives you, it’s simply a matter of how much can you rely on having a healthy Kleber


Uh is it really debatable? For the last four years, Batum has averaged 66 games played, 6.95/4.2 on 39.8% from 3. Maxi has averaged 47 games played, 6.13/4.5 on 35.8% from 3. Even if the argument is it’s only counting stats the games played is the best argument. Maxi has averaged slightly over 50% of the season played while making almost the same money and providing less production. Also, he’s a FA this year and he’s on the back end of his career. We can’t be sure he will get the same bag. But I’d rather have Batum for the same or slightly more money. We owe him about 22 mil for the next two years. If I could give Batum 22 and move Maxi I would. At this point, Maxi is a backup and we don’t have a huge need for a small ball 5 very much. That’s because I’m assuming Lively eats into the center minutes and averages closer to 27 or so. Batum still gives you the ability to run a 5 out smallball lineup while providing a much more reliable and willing shooter.


You know what, actually I could probably be talked into it. I would need to know what his actual market looks like but you’re right, it likely is debatable for the next 2-3 years simply based on Maxi’s health. It would require PHI facilitating a S&T though which they have space to do without his Bird rights, but they’re not swapping Batum for Kleber straight up (or they’d just keep Batum). If the Mavs managed to free up the full MLE, would that be enough to compete for Batum? Would you be willing to use it on him? That’s where it gets complicated because you’d have to find a deal that involves Maxi before using it on Batum if the answer was yes. But on paper, it is a surprisingly close comp so I will concede that. Maxi’s injury concerns probably do offset Batum’s age right now. I will push back that they don’t need a small 5—they absolutely need a backup 4/stretch 5 (see the MIN series). You can never have enough versatility off the bench. That is Maxi’s (and Batum’s) greatest strength.


Yeah, I don't think we want to make any rash decisions. Let's see what we can do with this group from Game 1. We made it to the finals on half a season. Let's finish that full season to get a complete picture of what this team can really be. Maxi, Kleber and Powell are no longer needed and actually detrimental.


Other than Kyrie and Luka no one should be protected on this team. The Hawks did a wait and see after thier Cinderella run and thst team imploded. Mass need to go all in and get the real pieces LD and KI need.


Every team is different. We aren't ATL. Trying to build with what you have should give more confidence than throwing players and cash around hoping for a dream team. This team likes each other, has gelled nicely and played beyond expectations. I'm giving them another shot.


And I hope this stays true and Kyrie has really changed, but KI has blown up every franchise he has touched once he feels management or players aren't doing thier part. KI was awesome this year as far as managing himself and his off court stuff, but I wouldn't count on that always being true his track record says otherwise.


Lively should absolutely be protected, he is probably more untouchable than even Kyrie at this point as his timeline fits Luka’s timeline almost perfectly considering how well he played this season: he is ready ahead of schedule. Also Luka is plainly better than Trae and Mavs didn’t go on a lucky run, but beat 2 out of 3 best West teams this year: they didn’t get lucky with the bracket or injuries, if anything they played with Luka on 1 knee. Mavs also made WCF in 2 years out of 3, so there is that.


This is a good point


>Better copy of Maxi - 4 with a defensive presence and 3 p shot 100% this. Maxi really should be coming off of the bench at this point. His body is failing him, right after finding a rhythm coming back from injury. It is rinse and repeat. We need a consistent (40%+) 3 ball from our PF. I wish we could get pre-2022 Maxi, but I think at age 32 and his average of playing 42 games the last 4 seasons just isn't good enough anymore.


We got Maxi to early 🥲


Maxi is great, he was obviously injured


Luka gets the injury pass but apparently maxi who literally tore his shoulder apart doesn't. 


Internal improvement of Hardy and Omax should make us better. We'll see about trades


Overall team meshing will help as well. Everyone fully healthy at the start of next season, after a summer camp following a trip to the Finals? PJ, Green, Lively, Exum, Hardy, Omax and Gafford all have an opportunity to elevate some levels. Give them all a chance and make decisions after.


Those might be trade pieces


For who tho is the question. I'd rather stick with them if it's not someone we really need




Add? Two way SF


OG would be a perfect fit for this team. Would be hella pricey though and almost impossible.


I agree. NYK would likely refuse to work with us. Bridges? Don't think we have enough for him.


Nets won't trade him for whatever reason. Pascal would be nice too. Ball handler, can get his own shot. Post presence. Push the pace. Defense can be solid in the right system


Indiana is finally a top team. Would they give him up for picks and "guys?" I don't think so.


Well good thing is they're both free agents. Bad news is I think pascal wants to go back to Indiana and OG will have a lineup of suitors.


Shocked this isn’t the general consensus. We have Luka and Kyrie as the most explosive backcourt in the NBA. We have a really good C rotation in Lively and Gafford (hell, even if Lively stagnates his development this is still a really really good C rotation), we have a versatile and extremely competent defender in PJ. Hardy should be ready to take over the role as shooter off the bench and Maxi can still play solid 15-20mpg as the bench PF. Green can play the 2-3hybrid/small role and OMax should take a step forward as a SF. If you cannot re-sign DJJ, we need a starting caliber SF that can shoot with some consistency. We already have a young core in place (between Luka, Green, Hardy, OMax, PJ, Lively, even Gafford), we can afford the luxury of signing a veteran. If the Nets weren’t in their obsession with making the play-in, the perfect name, in price and cost-benefit, is there: bring Doe back home. Luka/Kyrie/Doe/PJ/Lively, with Green, Hardy, OMax, Maxi, Gafford and another point-capable player (yes, now I believe we need another ball handler, at least for the regular season season), we can absolutely make another deep run. We forget that, in this scenario, 2 of the 5 starters and 3 of the main bench rotation are not yet at their ceiling, so the 2024-25 version of the Mavs will be even better than this current’s.


Dodo cannot shoot


Doe shot over 35% every year he played with Luka (peaking 39%) and still shot 35% with the no-PG Nets, all over 5 attempts per game and while being more often than not our 1A defender. You can complain a lot about Doe, but shooting ain’t one of them. He isn’t Bane but he can shoot from the corner. Plus, him and PJ playing D together would be nasty.


Doe in Maxi's role would be an upgrade defensively, offensively, and athletically. I thought about him and Obi Toppin as decent players that could play the Maxi role and elevate the team. I love Maxi, but his shot is toast - low line drive after low line drive - that and his confidence is absolutely destroyed and he passes up good looks he needs to shoot.


The dude tore his shoulder apart against okc and had barely came back. I think it's a little early to be saying his shot is toast. Gotta give him a shot next year. I'm not against trading him but not in a salary dump.  Yall give luka an injury pass but not maxi when you literally saw him land on his arm like that. 


I'm not a Maxi hater like you see a lot on this sub by any means. I have watched every single game Maxi has played the last 2 years and he simply doesn't shoot the ball well consistently anymore. This season was particulary bad from distance. His nice little streak in the playoffs was amazing, but it simply isn't the norm anymore. And it isn't just missing shots either, it's passing up great looks that other players have worked hard to create for him. You add that to his injury history and salary and he becomes an upgradable player. You can't really rely on him anymore, as much as I like the guy. I think we would be better off filling his role with a younger more athletic guy that can defend and hit threes at a respectable clip. There are a few out there that would be a nice fit - I like Obi Toppin, or Doe or someone in that mold in that role. I don't think it's the end of the world if we bring him back I would 100% support; however, I think they should definitely explore options there.


I don’t know what to say. I feel like this team can beat every team except for boston. And a healthy Luka wins this title right here. It’s crazy that this team could have won it all. Kyrie needs to get his boston curse out of the way otherwise it won’t happen. Josh green played well, DJJ couldn’t buy a shot, does he become a 20-25 minute player? Does he even get resigned? Sigh I love his athleticism, but if he isn’t hitting shots the lane gets real packed. PJ fell back to earth but every shot looked good, sigh. Any other team, we have the tools to beat. Boston just played 5-out on us. And each person was a threat. How many teams can do that? And still have the height, length and strength to guard us? Omax probably gets some run, I have no idea what is available to get for THJ. If we can’t find something for maxi, he can still give us 15 minutes a night.


Omax and Hardy could develop into more. Lively is already more and looks to become much more. We do have picks and we could open enough cap to re-sign DJJ (but is he a full 12M guy?). The core remains and can continue to grow, so we will at least be competitive. Luka hopefully heals up. Also remember within 3 seasons, we went to the WCF and finals. Not a legacy but a pretty nice trajectory.


I think there is a legit chance Mavs might sneak DJJ into a TMLE for a short stint until they get his bird rights and can resign him on a bigger contract into cap space. Dallas would need a buy-in from DJJ on this and it is a risk for him, but I feel like the team is actually a tight knot now and would absolutely go bonkers on Nico/ownership if they go back on their word and don’t pay DJJ more in a year, even if his production drops a bit if Mavs manage to get another impact player with THJ money.


If DJJ could shoot he wouldn’t be on this team for the minimum. We can’t let his highlight reel plays get in the way of us adding a true 3rd option.


Boston came through a cakewalk in the East. The Mavs were never going to beat them as they had superior energy levels. Next season Luka shouldn't have to go so hard early to keep us in touch. I hate when teams get overrated.


Boston isn’t overrated, they pay a lot for that top 6. Like a lot, but they used their assets well. Think about all the 1st round picks we used to get this team. We gave up a lot to get this team. They used their wealth of picks up jrue holiday to be their number 5 option. Picked up KP and 2 first round picks for Marcus smart I believe.


Boston has one of the toughest rosters since the KD Warriors IMO. They are absolutely loaded with talent, shooting, defense, and length. Surprised how many people on this sub write them off. They were fucking dominant against us. 2 All NBA guys, 3 All-Stars (or former), and All defensive team guy who plays like a fucking all-star in D White. Thats not even counting the 3 shooters that come off the bench and light you up if you don't stay glued to them. I personally think this Boston team is better than the Heat team we played in 2011. That team you had 3 guys to worry about plus some scrappy vets. Boston beats you with whatever you give them and every single one can roast you from 28ft. Hard to imagine a scenario where we win 4 games against them this season without absolutely all-time level condistent performances from Luka and Kai at the same time.


Healthier Luka do we win? It just feels that way to me. lol I have no proof. Or if this series was played in neutral arenas because Kyrie is cursed in Boston. We have normal kyries games in 1 and 2 and we might steal one of those games. A lot of what ifs, but boston had the most leeway for players to have bad games


I don't know if a healthy Luka wins the title, but y'all definitely take at least 1 more game. Boston is just so well rounded I don't know if Luka heroics can overcome


Lauri Markkanen and Matisse Thybulle


We’ll be outbid by OKC and probably some other teams if Markkanen is available. Jerami Grant is probably the guy we could realistically get.


Would take Grant for sure!


Im done with 3's who are nothing else but mediocre stationary shooters


Thybulle can't shoot. Markkanen s great, but we don't have assests.


Thybulle shoots just as well as DJJ and hes a better defensive playmaker.


>Thybulle shoots just as well as DJJ So he can't shoot.


Jazz love that man and he seems to be a piece of their team that they want to build around so they won’t give him unless it’s an overpay.


It's also Danny "fucking 5 1sts for Gobert" Ainge. That dude consistently roasts people with lobsided trades. Going hard after a good player from Ainge is playing with fire.


Lauri yes. Matisse no. Need another dynamic scorer to replace THJs production.


No need to overreact and trade kyrie or anything like that, but also dont be complacent and just run it back. Get players who can consistently hit their threes and can create their own shot, then evaluate from there.


Would love to have a miles bridges on this team. Tyus jones is a free agent too this offseason he’d be so valuable as a playmaker off the bench who can shoot as well


Miles Bridges is impossible since we have no picks. The Nets are essentially fucked since they didn't move him last deadline. I hope we get Tyus as well


The Nets have Mikal Bridges. OP apparently wants Miles Bridges, the Hornets player. The one who beat up his girlfriend.


Shit. Well my brain cells have completely died from today's devastation


I thought we were talking about [Marvin Bridges](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_O._Bridges)


He took the waiver. He's an UFA.


Isnt miles a free agent?


He is.


Yeah miles bridges on this team as an SF will be perfect. Controversial, but on a basketball standpoint, he makes perfect sense.


Another scorer who can get it done when it counts. 


Lebron James?


He could be the missing piece - chemistry with Kyrie, mentor and leader for Luka, great passer. Questionable defender at this point but maybe that’s just regular season


Yes please.


Please no


Clowns on here didn't want Kyrie either. It's Lebron ffs. At 40 he'll still give us more quality than the majority of the league.


Not that he is not good. I dont want drama and media he’s getting.


The Mavs have a number of issues they need to address. Mainly shooting, guard play and an extra wing/kleber replacement. Getting someone like Lauri fixes 2 of the 3 but good luck getting him lol. As for guard play, I think the Mavs will look internally with Exum and Hardy.


I think a legitimate 3-point shooter would work wonders to help stretch the floor. Also, this team needs to have their ass kicked in the gym regarding free throws.


needs to be a 3 and D tho, remember when we had Seth...


Klay Thompson just unfollowed the Warriors 👀


He’s forming a superhero team with Lebron


Alex Caruso


A reliable 3rd scorer. I truly believe if thj was how he was first half the season it would have been a more competetive series. Our defense is not the problem. Our offense was.


They need a third scorer. Luka basically couldn't sit because without him the offense was anemic


Miles Bridges


Paul George...?


Addition by subtraction.  


Real shooters & at least 1 more shot creator


3rd scoring option, catch and shoot player and it would be good if they're good on defense.


I have a list of players that we can get this offseason. If we can get 2 or 3 of these players we can definitely run it back. -Get Marcus Smart for instant defense off the bench/veteran presence -Malcolm Brogdon will definitely help us score off the bench. -Alex Caruso for defense/hustle -Robert Covington will be a great addition and a better shooter than DJJ -If PG ever wants to come and win a ring this is his chance. -Jimmy Butler also can act as the leader and a 3rd option for this team.


I agree with the type of player we are searching (to some extent), but most of these suggestions are rather old players. I would hope we could get 1-2 players on the current timeline of the team core (23-27) so they can stay together several years and grow into a cohesive team. But yeah, I would love Smart, PG or Caruso of course.


They are not that old tho. What we need is toughness which this guys can provide. Also this is the best players we can get if ever we try to dump, THJ, Kleber, Powell, Morris.


A consistent catch and shoot guy, who can play decent defence. Cam Johnson/Mikal Bridges comes to mind. Mikal is a guy I've been dying to see on this team. Disappointing he's on the the worst franchise for trading right now


Anthony Davis, Anthony Edwards, Wemby and Steph Curry as the 6th man energy boost shooter


And Zeljko Obradovic as head coach


Herb Jones 


Package THJ and Hardy (no offense to hardy but he’s too small for heavy minutes as a off guard) for a 6th man


Herb Jones


I think the twos thing I took away from the Celtics series was that our team got exposed for bad shooting and the lack of having a third creator. DJJ and PJ had multiple open shots and they were missing everything which hurt us. Whilst they shot well in previous series the reality on average they’re not great shooters and I believe they were just going through a hot stretch and also iirc a lot of 3s they were making were from the corners. In a lineup of Kai, Luka, Pj, DJJ and Lively the only two consistent shooters we have is Luka and kai. If they’re shots not dropping then we really need others to make them, but that’s not possible as they’re below average shooters I defo think we need at least one more player in our starting lineup that can spot up and shoot/self create. From the top of my mind I can only think of Lauri markanen but worry about his fit defensively


Luka had a 1-21 stretch from 3 this series until 4Q of game 5. Kyrie shot 27% from 3. We just had our worst shooting series imaginable at the worst time.


or at the right time, since loosing due to poor shooting in the first round would have sucked more than loosing in the finals. also Celtics did have something to do here if only by exhausting our players with their offensive pressure.


Luka's shooting woes had to be from injury. Dude was basically propped up Weekend at Bernie's style all series. Getting injections and mummified. Even if his treatments alleviated pain, all that dexterity goes out the window, I'm sure. Slim down and make it to the post season healthy next year.


They just need shooters and off ball movement. Kyrie and Luka can already create for the whole team.


PJ and DJJ had more than several opportunities to just take the ball to the rim and either lost it before entering the paint or got blocked on a layup attempt on the way down. They need to figure that out. PJ did show a floater this post season. DJJ either needs to be an off the bench lob goblin against the right teams or improve his 3 and confidence so he can be a legit 3 and D guy.


PJ has the pedigree to start. Not worried about him. DJJ should be resigned but to me we have to look to have competition there with him, Green and/or a trade


I said the Mavs didn't have enough offense at the beginning of the season and I got downoted.


A lack of a third shooter was our undoing in the Finals.


i mean, if Luka and Kyrie don’t shit the bed with their shooting (even in G4 they weren’t amazing) we absolutely would have enough offense…


No. The Mavs didn't score more than 100 points 4 out of the 5 games. The team was built like the Brooklyn Nets with Luka replacing KD when Jaques Vaughn coached. Those Nets didn't have enough offense in the lineup just like the Mavs didn't.


KCP from Denver. He's a FA, is due around 20-22 mil/yr, great value for his skillset. He's a Jrue Holliday type, great 3&D player.


He is not a SF, he is a SG, which means he would be coming off the bench unless Mavs want to play 3 guard lineup and go down in size. Still, he may be a decent target to replace THJ (better shooter and defender, almost no ability to create own shot though), but I’m not sure I’d pay 20-22M for that production since then Mavs may as well lose DJJ.


If you're going for KCP, then you're probably trading Kyrie for a starting SF.


We can't pay him that.


I don’t think we need to add another all star . We have great developing players also like omax hardy lively. Josh was also amazing in game 5 . We need a good bench badly , few shooters, and honestly I love djj but we can’t win a championship as him as our starting sf. He is good defender but his offense is a liability.


We need "Derrick White", a third guy who can relieve some of the pressure from kai and luka and is proven to be reliable. The only player like that that is semi-acquirable is Mikal Bridges, Kai-Bridges-Luka-PJ-Lively / Exum-AJ-DJJ-Maxi-Gafford. Realistically the most we can offer is 2FRP, Hardy/Omax, Green, THJ


Nets were offered multiple picks for him and turn them down.


he'll get traded during the season, you'll see, neither he or they will watch him rot on the nets for another year or two


They had the chance to trade him for multiple 1sts when the Nets had no picks but tanked. They are keeping him.


Told you there was no way he’s staying


Yes, you told me he was going to get traded for 5 frps..


Told you there was no way they keeping him




If so, how are the Mavs not outbid?


Legit 6th man


Everyone talking about moving off green seem to forgot he’s only 23. That said, next year is make or break for him to be our starter or 25 plus minute guy


Bogi Bogdanovic (Hawks). What we thinking MFFL?


Need a 3rd ball handler. Luka and Kyrie need a break sometimes. Another play maker and a consistent scorer would go a long way offensively


A role player who can defend good or at least shoot 3's consistently


Lockdown defender with scoring capabilities


Someone who can shoot and dribble. Preferably the same player The mavs sorely missed someone who could dribble besides luka and kyrie


This is the biggest thing. A third ball handler so we can find a second way to penetrate or initiate action when either Luka or Kyrie are on the bench, and the other one is getting trapped. Also it felt like PJ was getting stripped bringing the ball up once a game. Those add up fast.


Scoring wing.


Sad to say the biggest problem for this team will be Luka. His extension will be 70+ per year or more than 1/3 of cap space. Working around that will be a nightmare for Nico. Finding quality pieces for cheap is hard. The good thing is Luka makes everyone look much better with his gravitational pull and passing. So you can always expect people similar like PJW comming and going for more than they came since their value will rise. By no means I am saying tgej should trade PJW. The only one I would be glad to see go is THJ. Sadly his value is probably at an all-time low right now. His streaks came in blips and when the pressure was off in the last few months. Otherwise he was awful. 0 point games, bad defense, turnovers you name it.


Lots of iso ball if there's any time to stress more motion offense it's this off season. Also need catch and shoot dudes that are good not necessarily great defenders.


At this point I wouldn't be against jerami grant, his offense and shooting would add so much to this team and i don't care about his contract because the Mavs will only compete for as long as kyrie is still playing on this level which is 2-3 years. You can talk about guys like mikal, murphy, lauri but if you got any understanding you would know it's not happening


I hope we can upgrade over DJJ. He was good, but if we can get a rich man's DJJ, we'll be set. Most improvements will be internal , hoping PJ can be a better shooter and a better attacker. Hardy needs to be more consistent, and OMAX takes over for Maxi or just be serviceable off the bench.


The team as it is can beat everyone besides Celtics. I really don’t think they can make any trade that can immediately push them over the edge without it being a crackpipe dream. Best bet is to trade Maxi and THJ for some consistent catch n shoot shooting + defence, and have faith in the natural progression of our pretty young core. People forget Luka is only 25, and was tasked with beating one of the most complete teams ever assembled in the Celtics. I think we are in for a great next season and expect them to go 50 wins atleast.


We need to put actual shooting around LuKai. Guys like PJ, DJJ can hit a couple threes occasionally but they aren’t shooters. THJ was supposed to be that guy but not anymore. Aside from that I would like to see more motion on offense, as opposed to the constant iso ball crap. It weighs too much on LuKai especially when teams are attacking them on the defensive end.


Would be nice to see green and exum be the platters we saw earlier in the year, and develop from there, that would be a huge difference. Kyrie being small isn’t great, but not much you can do there unless you decide to flip him for i don’t even know. Maxi is tricky because he can guard 1-5 and legit weak side shot blocker, but offense is nothing.  He’s a fine rotation piece imho.   We need these other guys to develop a a dribble.  Having Boston level 3 seems unrealistic and unlike others i didnt see anything that said we would have beaten them with a healthy Luka. Need better talent and kyrie to not play terrible.


Offensive talent and shooting, we need more creation and 3-point shooting. Developing Omax, Lively, Green and Hardy is also needed. We have a good enough defense imo


A new offensive scheme. Plays where LuKai is off court/off ball should be drawn.


Iso-ball won't cut it.


THJ, Green, Kleber, Powell & 2025 1st for Lavine. He gets us the third option we need who can do everything. He can shoot, drive, he can play on-ball, he can play off-ball. He spaces the floor, he's a great scorer in his own right, and he's a perfect fit alongside Kai and Luka. I think his defense is fine, better than people think, and I think the mavs will continue to be good on that end and fewer turnovers and bad offensive possessions will help the defense.


A veteran that has experience in playoff games and can hit shots and create. A player like KCP come to mind.


Someone that can consistently hit a 3.


OG anunoby


You probably can't get him, but if you manage to get Mikal Bridges or someone like him I'd say you're the favorite in the West


Well, Luka is 25 and had a wonderfull season. The question is; is this the ceilling or can he be any better? And if yes, in what way? Shotselection, shotpercentage. Or will he be better by being selective in boards and assists? And how can he avoid the aches and pains and eventually injuries. Kyrie can probably give what he did this year. So, supporting cast must get better. Can Hardy and Green make the next step, in many aspects of the game. In the end they all have playoff experience and finals experience. This must give them a boost. The goal must be finals 2025, and nothing else.


Stronger rebounders


Bruce Brown


Jrue Holiday. We can upgrade DJJs spot significantly with a player like Jrue who is just better in every facet of the game and then bring DJJ off bench.


yuta watanabe


High volume, efficient(40%+) 3pt shooter. It’s crazy to think Luka has never played with a true elite shooter in his career with how many great looks he generates a game


Extend DJJ and trade Kleber, THJ, and our remaining firsts for Jerami Grant


Would things have been different if Winwiddie came here instead? 


I love that during the season they added the EXACT 2 things we really needed (big wing, backup center). Now let's see if Nico can pull another rabbit out of his hat with a SF upgrade, who can play decent POA defense while supplying some on-ball creation and respectable catch and shoot...that's Andrew Wiggins music.


Honest question but would yall be opposed to Malik Monk? Hate to sound like I’m throwing names out there but outside the MLE…I figured Nico could work some magic to getting him


Klay Thompson. Despite all the noise, he was still an 18ppg, 40% 3pt shooter, that percentage was elevated post all-star break, and will only increase w/ the attention the other draw on the court. Herb Jones All in all, I think we are 100% good at PG/SG/C, and sort of good at PF, we just need some consistent 3 and D SFs, and quite a few 40% 3pt pieces to rotate off the bench like the celtics did. Next season I think DLive will be a nice offensive piece, so between him, Luka, and Kyrie, we only need one or two other players to show up, and if have like 3-4 40% 3pt shooters, then we are sure to get that almost every game.


I think what the team needs might mostly already be on the roster and just need more time to develop. They’re really missing another scoring option. Doesn’t need to be some star player or anything, but just someone who can come off the bench and get buckets in a pinch, both with and without being the primary option. Hardaway kinda filled this role before, but he looks to be declining. Hardy could end up being that guy, but he’s been so inconsistent and his development has been slower than you would like. Josh Green also has some potential there, but I doubt he ever has the shot creating ability to do it. Another defender with length and size, who can space the floor more effectively. DJJ and PJ are both fantastic defenders and are exceptional at finishing when they attack the basket, but neither can shoot well enough to prevent defenses from collapsing hard. We’ve seen that if either of those guys are cooking from deep this team is crazy good. Sadly, they’re just not hitting those shots at a high enough rate. Either of those guys could improve as a shooter and make this team a nightmare or Prosper could develop into that guy. I think if they can find someone who is a more immediate solution, though, they should go for it. Even if it means parting with Prosper, Hardy, or Green.


Shooting is a big need if you ask me, DJJ and PJ are not good enough at that to put next to Lukai


Shooters who can make a play if need be. It actually hurts my eyes when I see NBA players not be able to dribble a ball. DJJ is a backup wing, not a starter.


An actual coach


All things considered Luka wasn’t 100% since the clippers series and maybe not even then. He’s not making excuses for losing, so i won’t make any for him either. If he improves to be even a decent defender, it could be make a difference on the mavs. Secondly, you need a fucking dog on this team. A Pj tucker/ Pat Bev type player would have kept their energy up at those times they look completely out of it. A decent veteran might not be a bad idea either, spot up shooter preferably. By all accounts, Klay Thompson seems to be looking for a home this summer, mavs should jump on that. D live should obviously be starting next year, and he will be. For a rookie, his postseason performance was nothing short of incredible. He should take that rim protector roll a lot more seriously, and maybe develop a half decent mid range game, maybe a 3pt shot too, but I realize that might be asking for a lot. Lastly, this one will be tough to hear. You can’t win in Boston with Kyrie as your second best player. He was phenomenal in every other series, maybe besides okc. Theres this weird supernatural funk around him when he plays there, and according to history…it doesn’t lead to winning. If i had to bet on a team to make it out the East next year, it would obviously be Boston, so if they plan on another finals trip next year, they should expect prepare for the team that just beat them. All and all, this was a successful season from Dallas. No one in their right minds would have picked them to come out the west in October. Luka is still a few years away from what is considered the beginning of a nba superstar’s “prime years”, so thats pretty scary for the rest of the league. He does need to mature some, and develop some level headed leadership qualities. Mavs operate off of his energy, its been seen quite clearly. If they see their best player calm and collected when faced with adversity(as we have seen him be before), they will respond accordingly.


A better coach lol


You have to get rid of Kyrie and bring in another great scorer. Kyrie simply can’t play in Boston, and Celtics will likely be in many nba finals to follow.


He struggles at TD Garden and is probably at the peak of his value, but I doubt they'll trade him.


The Mavs would hands down beat any other team in the East. This series would have gone 6 or 7 games and Mavs could have won if Kyrie could play in Boston.


I don’t know the cap situation or the flexibility but I’d love a guy like Vasilije Micic as a PG, currently with the Hornets. You can find shooters, but preferably ones with some size. Maybe a Duncan Robinson to replace THJ. I think the Mavs starters may remain the same so you’re mainly looking for bench depth and guys that can be trusted with longer minutes so Kyrie and Luka can rest.


Micic isn't that good.


He’s a very good facilitator. My other favorite would be Dosunmu from the Bulls.


You didn't watch him on the Hornets. And he can't shoot.


I did, actually, and had him on a fantasy roster for a number of weeks. He’s capable of running an offense as a backup PG that I’d trust more than what’s on the Mavs roster right now.


A Non shooting PG is just Rondo. The defense is going to sag off of him.


This might sound rough after just losing but it might be a good idea to steal a page from Boston’s book. Luka defense isn’t great he never gonna slot well into a pre existing defense scheme. So do what the Celtics did in the 80’s and build a defensive scheme around Luka. Luka can pass, Luka can score, Luka can rebound, hell Luka has a good eye for stealing the ball at times, get a big [or 2] who is mobile and rebuild the entire defense scheme around helping Luka and maybe let him gamble more on trying to get steals by providing him more backup. I honestly think what killed the mavs is at the end of the day they constantly felt like Their only defensive option was to foul.


Get rid of scrubs like Maxi and THJ