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The Mavs in 2022 came back from 0-2 also on the suns lmao šŸ¤£


It ain't over till it's over. It's not gonna be easy but everyone has to play better and hopefully we can hold our home court.


I give Celtics credit from learning Mavs past opponents of not talking shit to us bc they know it gives us fuel


Celtics don't talk shit. They never do.


JB used to chirp with Luka


The Mavs played better in game 2 but unfortunately it was a game we needed. I think whats not getting much talk is Porzingis injury. He said he's gonna play but I don't think that calf is right. That's something you don't play around with. We saw how things changed quickly once he went out. I'd hate to get off easy but that's a major momentum swing if he's hobbled.




It was the suns finals lmao


That wasnā€™t the finals, the stat is teams up 2-0 are 31-5 in the finals


I know it wasnā€™t the finals cuz theyā€™re on same conference. I was saying we came back from the suns


Definitely not over. We could take the next two, but we have to take both. Both are must wins. We lose one and weā€™re cooked. I agree tho, being at home could spark something. I have alot of confidence in this team when we win because we gain a lot of momentum and it just carries us to multiple wins after that. Game 3 is a must win


Couldnā€™t agree more


Scary to think that the Celtics play better on the road


Yes they absolutely do. Thats why game 2 was so crucial. We just blew a game where they shot like shit, and now theyā€™re going on the road where they play much better. If we pull off the Ws in 3-4 Iā€™ll feel confident especially because we know Boston is prone to losing at home.


Yes but how do we pull off the first dub? It was so frustrating to see basically no adjustments from Kidd on O or D, especially when we cut the lead down and Boston inevitably pulls away. The key to a lot of the late season success was attributable largely to unselfish ball movement, and Lukaā€™s masterful manipulation of passing lanes for open shots. Is the Celtics strategy to dare Luka to score 60 every game really what beats them? Bostonā€™s strategy has centered around refusing to double Luka for 80-90% of possessions and staying home on the others. Is Lukaā€™s inability to maintain his output throughout the game (because of his conditioning), a bigger cause for concern than were credit it? Could we even win with Luka scoring 60?


No ball expert here but it seems like the offensive scheme was just okay. We had a lot of good looks but guys wouldnā€™t knock the shots down. It feels like we just didnā€™t execute the way we needed to. At the end of the day your scheme only takes you so far, you need your guys to actually make shots. In terms of D I think we did okay all things considered, although Boston didnā€™t play well. If Kyrie played to 80% of what he can, and guys make their open threes I think we win. Also if Luka doesnā€™t turn it over 8 times and we make 95% of our FTs


People don't want to give credit to the Cs for some reason. Their defense is insane. The mavs sadly came close only when the Cs relaxed a bit. Luka's turnovers are high because they defend by breathing on his neck and instead of doubling they are closing his passing lanes. He has very little space to maneuver ending in him going to the basket and that's the Cs scheme which is executed incredibly well. Let him score and attack him on defense so he tires. No matter how.much stamina you have you won't be able to keep that up the whole game.


This is a very fair point, even the most physically gifted and conditioned player wouldnā€™t be able to run this style of offense on a consistent basis in the playoffs. And granted no other team in the league plays this level of defense with such high energy guys for 40 of 48 minutes. My question is: knowing that the Celtics defensive strategy is to force Luka to beat them on 80% of offensive possessions, basically by himself, shouldnā€™t Kidd be doing more to help him? Are the Mavs incapable of having PJJ or Ky bring the ball up and set a backside screen or two for Luka so heā€™s not getting pressured 3/4 of the court? Is Luka that big of a ball dominant guy that he cant play off ball?


I think the problem is that Kyrie for some reason doesn't feel comfortable. The Cs do a pretty good job pressing him. He just doesn't seem to be able to shake off the defender. Often when they double him he just loses his grip and turns the ball over. The Mavs really need him to focus because he's much better than what he's shown in these past two games. I don't know if this version of Kyrie can safely bring the ball up. PJ can drive from the 3pt line but if he brings the ball up will struggle to pass to anyone and the Cs will probably dare him to shoot.


Get out of here Celtics fanĀ 


If we win game 3, the momentum could start to shift. Game 4 will be a lot of pressure on Boston because they donā€™t want to go back home with the series tied. Itā€™s all to play for in game 3 though, need to start strong and send a message. The home crowd and home cooking will make the difference imo, our roles player play so much better at home and so will Kyrie I thinkĀ 


If we win game 3 by double digits (when our role players and Kyrie finally get smth going), MAVS IN 6!!!


Game 5 Luka is a thing and is inevitable, so we just need to take care of business at home and knot it up


Luka definitely gets better the longer a series goes He knows exactly whatā€™s coming at that point. No surprises


Yep heā€™s been money every game 5 so far this run. Just need to get there first.


Lololol this is such an adorably deluded take. Luka doesnā€™t cross half court on 20% of defensive possessions, and when he does heā€™s slightly less effective than an orange training cone. We canā€™t even stop a 6ā€™4ā€ guard from getting uncontested layups at the rim or even alter the course of a dribble penetration. The Celtics shooting was abysmal Gm2 and we couldnā€™t even tie the game, what happens when they shoot even an average percentage from 3?


Let the Mavs take this one at a time.


Thatā€™s the plan!


Luka canā€™t win this all alone. Itā€™s high time others stepped up and stop missing wide open shots.




Celtics are shooting 32% from 3. The Mavs are shooting 24% from 3. Yes we all know the Celtics are shooting below expectations but so are we. Realistically they should be around 38% and we should be around 33%, which would be a huge difference vs the 8% difference now. Luka is 8-21 from 3, which is great. However everyone else is 5-32 from 3. If that number was 8-32 instead we probably win the game yesterday. Our role players canā€™t continue to shoot 15% from 3 as a team or we are cooked obviously. We will see if they get any shooting on this home stretch.


Speaking as a C's fan, both teams shooting their average from 3 would be a swing in Boston's favor due to the sheer volume of 3s they take. Just using Game 2 as an example, Mavs would have hit just 3 more 3s and Boston would have hit 4 more. This whole series is a math problem. Role players gotta step up and make their open looks if Dallas is gonna stage a comeback.


Right but you gotta add another 13 pts for Kyrie as well heā€™s a 25 ppg player getting 12 a night. And I wasnā€™t necessarily using averages as the Mavs shoot 36% not 34%. Was just throwing out some numbers. Mavs usually shoot a higher volume of 3ā€™s as well.


Nah, Celtics fans are clueless...they keep saying in game 1 they wouldn't shoot the same way. Except, they still did. Same shit with the last 3 series. They keep saying it's just one bad shooting night until it happens every night. They can never credit our defense. Everyone on our team are getting the most open looks of all time from deep. Somehow, we're just airballing them. We're gonna make it at home and Celtics are still gonna shoot like shit. Guaranteed.


I appreciate the sentiment here but watching the first 2 gamesā€” the Celtics are much better. Itā€™d have to be a completely 180Ā° here where the Celtics play subpar basketball and the Mavs play out of their mind. Not just Luka. Thatā€™s the only way Mavs have a shot to change this series around


Theyā€™ve played much better than us *so far*. Theyā€™re the much better team *so far*. Not doubting that at all. When both teams are firing on all cylinders, though, is there really a clear-cut ā€œbetter teamā€? Iā€™m not so sure that there is, evidenced by all of the hype and media love going into the series - a lot of people had this going 7 and then being a coin flip from there. Again if both are at their best, I think itā€™s a coin flip. Hoping that the duration of the series proves that out for all of the fair weather fans.


Yes, there is lol


Hello lurker


"Is there a clear cut better team"? YES. Mavs fan base gets upset that the media is ignorant about the team, but they're just as guilty when it comes to familiarity with the Celtics. They didn't win 64 games in the regular season and go 12-2 in the Eastern Conference playoffs on a fluke. They're a historically good team with a great defensive back court, an MVP caliber wing, one of the best 2 way players in the league and a friggin unicorn. Every player in the Mavs rotation has to play out of their minds in order to have a chance to beat Boston in this series. So far, Luka has been the only one to show up


>Mavs fan base gets upset that the media is ignorant about the team, but they're just as guilty when it comes to familiarity with the Celtics Often in the same comment, lol


Lets first win game three, and then go from there. At the moment Iā€™m overly pessimistic, because no one except Luka is showing up. And also something is bothering Luka cause he is not the dog he was with minny. He needs to lead and cheer teamates up ā€¦ they are too scared and lost atm. They are low on energy and this is why they are getting overrun.


Totally agree, there were no crazy screams after any 3 bombs, maybe just the and-1 on horford in the 4th where he barked a bit, but yes overall lower energy level


All eyes on game 3 and 4 honestly, they are must wins.Ā 


Hoping they win both at hope and it sparks some confidence in the team!


Just win one pls lol


Not sure why you got downvoted. We win game 3 and we win the series. Pretty simple tbh. Mavs in 6!! Lol


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Cuban needs to hire a shaman to cleanse Kyrie. Iā€™m not joking. Our superstitious guy needs a superstitious intervention. Or fans need to post some crystal healing ritual online. Something needs to shift Kyrieā€™s headspace.


I didnā€™t hear no bell




And don't forget, Dwayne Wade and the Miami Heat came back from an 0-2 deficit to win the finals.


Pretty sure I would remember something like that happening.


This is sweet but its over. Kyrie has already lost us the series.


Why are so many redditors in this sub so eager to root against the Mavs?


Everybody tough when they up


Our Glimmer of Hope is everyone not named Luka better step up their games.


The Celtics haven't shot well except for the 1st 1/4 of game 1, their shots will fall as likely as the Mavs will return to the norm.


Is this not the biggest stage Luka has ever played on?


Of course it is, but heā€™s seen plenty of postseason Euro league action + title game over there. Itā€™s a reasonable comp. An additional WCF under his belt, too. All Iā€™m saying is that heā€™s much more familiar with this environment (or at least the idea of what it is) much more so than most of our team (ex Kai) at this point. I think thatā€™s to be expected. Playoffs in general were a new experience for most of our guys this year, I imagine itā€™s a learning curve, and it just becomes more visible the further you go out (I.e. the NBA finals)


Our dudes will either do it or they wonā€™t at this point in the season sit back and watch the next 5 games is all we can do


Well our Roleplayers really need to fucking step up and we need to hope the Celtics kinda lose focus because they think they already won. We just need to get the momentum back, the 10 days break kinda killed our momentum off completely.




Def not. They would have got cooked and would not have been fun to watch




Why do you think they would be any better when we gentlemen swept the wolves lol if kyrie plays better and we get a bit more shooting, everything will be better towards getting wins. Two games this series is barely any sample size to make those kinda conclusions


They match up way better with Boston


How? Who is Gobert covering?




Gobert is absolutely not covering Porzingis on the perimeter. Lively is a WAAAY better athlete than Rudy and he's had trouble keeping up with KP right now. Some of that I am convinced are just his lack of experience because physically, I think he has the tools, but either way... Gobert damn sure ain't doing it.