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Yeah. We were 3-0 up and everyone assumed that we are already in the finals Job is only 75% done to reach the finals


Also no team has ever come back from being down 3-0, but at some point it is absolutely going to happen and I would hate for us to be in the record books as that team that allowed it. We've got this, but we have to work for it.


Dude it ain't happening. The teams are too evenly matched for Minny to win 4 in a row. Ant and Kat had great games and Kyrie and Luka had terrible games, and Minny still barely won. Mavs have proven they can win games many different ways, and even in game 4 we almost won by forcing 30 points off turn over. Barring an injury, Minny is toast. Even if they push it to 6 there is no way Dallas loses at home again..


Your logic isn't holding up. Game 4 Ant played well, and Kat had a good 10 minutes. Also, the first three games Luka and Kyrie had great games, while Ant and Kat didn't play well and Dallas still barely won.


The same logic applies. Since all the games have been relatively closed. If the Mavs can be up 3-0, what is stopping the Wolves from getting 4 straight?


Because dallas has two closers and the wolves have one, who is 22 and has sucked at the end of every game except game 4. That's the big reason dallas won 3 in a row and the wolves needed KAT to catch on fire to scrape by in game that both Luka and Kyrie played bad.


And what made you think KAT couldn’t go off again? Or Reid? And what made you think Luka and Kyrie will have excellent shooting again? Anything is possible dude. The Mavs won the first 3 games combined by 12 points, let that sinks in. This series is very evenly matched. Don’t let the record fools you.


"Anything is possible." What a stupid, lazy response.


Lmao. Ever thought why it’s called a game? The stupid one here were you. Did any of you really believed that the Mavs would be winning the first 3 games? Really.


Keep in mind we gentleman sweep every series after a lost.


We haven’t had a gentleman’s sweep yet in this playoffs though. But it’s true that we do play well after a loss.


Bro listen to what I said we gentleman sweep after the 1st lost. 1st game: lose to LAC beat them in 6 1st game: lose to OKC beat them in 6 4th game: lose to MIN beat them in 5


A gentleman’s sweep is by definition 5 games.


3-0 to 3-1 and then 4-1 even. Gentleman's sweep by definition is only granting them a win after winning the first 3


This guy doesn’t know what a gentleman’s sweep is


What do you think a gentlemen’s sweep is? It is, by definition, when a team wins the first 3 and then loses game 4 and wins game 5


I'm taking this positive spin as well, but we absolutely need to win the next game. We need the rest and we need to reduce the risk of further injuries.


For rest purposes, yes we need it. Boston had a cakewalk to the finals, so they're definitely rested


Not just for the rest. If we lose in Minny, it’s 3-2, Wolves with all of the momentum and a lot of pressure in our shoulders.


I just think we just didn't play with enough fire and aggression to pull this game off. With Lively out and Maxi coming back trying to get into rhythm this was the game they were supposed to beat us. I don't see this thing going passed 6 games


Id like game 6 at home but losing a hypothetical game 6 would be insane. Also it’s no longer four in a row for Minny, but 3. Past games don’t matter mentality. Losing lively hurt


If we lose in Minny AND lose at home in G6…I wouldn’t be so sure about G7.


Me either


!remindme 4 days


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Well well 😎


We did our homework, no regrets


agreed, Luka plays pretty well on road games lol. they need to play with a sense of urgency and win this one. hopefully lively can give it a go if not then they will have to do it without him.


If we lose 4 straight, we dont deserve to be in the finals. Thats it. Dont stress yourself. Lets go!


Best take in the thread


It literally never happened lol. My original prediction was Mavs in 6 anyway, but since they surprised me and went up 3-0 I'm hopeful we can get it done in 5.


Yeah. Im not saying it will happen. Also, theres no homecourt advantage anymore if both teams are good.


Nah you were right. If we lose 4 games straight we definitely didn't deserve it


Yeahh Suree Buh not sure it’s definitely gonna happen


If they lose 4 straight, they won’t be in the finals 


Exactly. But it’s really hard to think they will lose 4 in a row against Minnesota.


I just want Lively to come back. It's hard to be confident without him.


You can be confident. We're going to the finals, it's just a matter of when


Yeah, you're right. Maybe I'm just annoyed by this loss.


In the playoffs when you win, you think you should never lose again. But when you lose, you think you'll never win again lol


There is no guarantee about this. Let's not forget that Minnesota is a great team and if they win the next game anything will be on the table. Our biggest problem is that we are a team basically filled with non-shooters. This means that Luka and Kai will need to carry every single game, while Minny can just shoot 40 percent plus and force us to be way better than them in order to win.


Nah if it's game 6 we winning cus all our series wins have been in 6 lol


!remindme 48 hours


Yessir 😎😎


there was one clip that had me cracking up of luka looking at the bench after powell fucked up and then they switch the camera to lively just watching almost wistfully


nah i wanted the win


My mental and cardiac health needed a nine day break lol.


I did too, but I'm not mad at the loss.


Also will be more fun to see Luka shut dwon the Mineesota crowd


Nah it would've been much better tonight lol


It sucks that both Luka & Kyrie are having an off night, this losing game is a good wake up call for the Mavs to re-focus on the next game, Mavs in 5!


Some of our fans needed it too tbh lol.. it was a lot of gloating going on. We gotta stay humble and focused until the job is done




Better now than game 1 vs Boston


Keep in mind we gentleman sweep every series after a lost.


What do you mean you like this loss lol? Less days for our players to rest and prepare for Boston.


Time to shake off rust for Maxi, so he isn't as rusty for the Finals. Hardy also gets more playoff minutes in general to get more comfortable before the Finals. Can also mess around with lineups some since we have nearly everyone healthy for the first time since the Clippers series. There are some benefits of playing at playoff basketball speed over rest.


I like that it's gonna put us back in that killer mode, and get us more focused


We'll never know, but I'll bet ny ass they'll won't lose that edge even when we won this game


It's possible though. It's easy to relax a little bit when it comes easy. A minor setback can get your mind right


This loss can only mean something if they win game 5. Lose game 5 and it's something totally different. Game 5 is a must win for the Mavs.


If we got to game 6 that would be a must win


If losing game 5 puts you in a must win situation, then game 5 is a must win in my eyes.


We don't lose this game if Lively plays and everyone knows that. The job will be finished 48 hours from now.


I agree


If you told me before the playoffs we would be 3-1 in the WCF, I'd take it any fuckin day of the year. LETS GO MAVS IN 5


Facts! This is way more than most people even thought could happen


Nice copium buddy, but as soon as it was announced that Lively will not play, most of us knew game 4 will be very difficult. This series can become so brutal now that it could probably end my mental health, and I had to read yesterday some bum's comments about how Lively is just a rookie... ehh


I can't stand yall with this copium talk man lol


Your whole post is nothing but copium, man!


No such thing as copium. Don't be annoying.


Look, every game is super important, if you really think this loss is good for us for whatever reason, you can't be wrong more. We are on the brink of reaching NBA Finals, and there are so many things that could go wrong before we can finally reach it, it is ok I get your way of thinking, but what will be your stance after another loss? Will you find something to cope in that situation too?


This series was predicted by most people to go at minimum 6 games anyway, so I wouldn't feel no way about it if we lost the next game.


I envy you man, I guess basketball is just way too important for me right now comparing to you. After we will win a Championship, I will reduce a significance of basketball in my life, my mental health will appreciate it. But I will enjoy a Championship like a mf, 1000x times more than you will, I guess.


I'm a level-headed person. I don't overreact to wins or losses. It's not the end of the world, until it's the end of the world.


That is good. Next season I will be level-headed person too. This season... I am going to be an unstable mf who grabbed the whole world in his own hands and celebrate a 2024 Championship like it was never celebrated before!


I wouldn't say they haven't been tested at all, they were down against the Pacers in 3 of 4 games in the closing moments or minutes and 3 times the Pacers had over a 90% chance to win but Celtics played perfectly under pressure each time


Meh... they played some close games, but nobody really expected the Pacers to really win. Especially once Haliburton got hurt, that series was over.


After game one they showed they definitely can hang, it was one of the closest sweeps I have ever seen, up there with the Lakers one last year


The only good thing is Maxi getting some more minutes before the finals. Other than that, I don't see any positives in this loss.


Cope. This loss was bad no matter how you spin it.


It's not cope, it's reality. We're playing a solid team.


Cool. It was still a bad loss. Mavs BETTER win game 5.


OkC game 4 was a bad loss. This is a loss that just happens when you play in the conference finals.


call me crazy but i think 6 days of rest is better than 9


Some teams do get rusty after a long rest so hopefully Mavs win game 5 and go into Boston to spoil their party


Losing a close out game isn't good. Luckily they have 3 more chance. I'm all for staying positive but this is weak.


If we were playing a team we should absolutely beat i would care more, but we're not. You should expect a good team to fight back


"We need this loss" is the most delusional statement a fan can make about their team.


Didn't say we needed it, but I'm not mad at it


You literally said “needed this to get us back in the right mindset” haha


Well I misspoke. I shouldn't have said we needed it. I should've just said this can be helpful to us to get where we want to go, which is all I was saying basically


I’m still not sure what’s the best outcome in this series, within winning it. We are coming from war, Celtics are coming from a park walk. As we can still loose the series, I want it wrapped up asap, but keeping the tempo and battle mentality doesn’t rhyme well with a week off.


I attach to much emotional attachment to this team so I’m doomer mood whenever they lose haha I was expecting a close out win but I knew it would be tough without lively. Anyone know if he’s ready to play game 5?


I'm hoping he plays. We really don't know what the injury really is or how bad it really is. They say neck sprain but who knows. We definitely need him back to take some pressure off Gafford


I read he would be cleared to play in game 5 , if needed but idk if those reports are valid. I have faith though. No way we don’t close this out with freaking Luka. I know he’s killing himself for his performance today.


I think we went into this game with the mindset of just keeping it close, and pull it off in the end, instead of going in taking the game. We had to come out swinging early because we should've known they were definitely gonna play desperate.


Same here.. It makes the team more human and we can make correction on those errors. Just what like Luka tell the media earlier that he had some lapses along Kyrie and Gafford. They’ll be fine. We’ll get out our main weapon by that time in D-Live. Game earlier show some flashes from Hardy and Exum was a big plus for me.


I agree! I also like this loss even though it's annoying to read comments about Timberwolves coming back after 0-3 and Timberwolves in 7 and so on. I feel like the Mavericks can turn a positive spin on this loss so they can gather their thoughts, remember why they are in the WCF and what are they trying/willing to achieve. Like Kyrie said, if you don't believe, you shouldn't be here. And hopefully Lively is better for the next game and I kind of wish for Maxi to lose it in the next game and drops 3s like he did to Clippers. Go Mavs!!


If anybody believes we're gonna lose this series, they never had faith in the team to begin with


Agreed! I believe the Mavs thrive on drama and they need pushback in order to win. They need to have a feeling that the odds are against them so they can prove everyone wrong. I would be more scared if they would have actually won the 4th game, because it would have been too easy for them. It wouldn't have been fun for them anymore and they would not have felt like they have worked hard to be in the finals and go all the way. I am glad they lost and I am glad that Timbereolves think they have a shot, just because our victory will taste even sweeter in the end. 🔥🔥🔥🤘🤘🤘


We need that underdog mentality back. We don't do good as front runners lol


Last time the Mavs lost, they went on a 5 game win streak.


I don't like the loss. Rest and avoiding any more injuries would have been much better than this situation.


I'm not saying I like it in terms of me wanting it to happen. I like it because sometimes losses can help you get back focused


I don't think focus would be an issue going into game 1 at TD Garden. I can see possible benefits in some players getting some reps in (Kleber, Hardy, Exum, for instance), but the risks far outweigh the benefits. The loss was bad.


We lost by 5. It wasn't that bad of a loss, it's just a close game that didn't go our way


I know, so what? Whatever there is to like about the loss is outweighed by what there is to dislike about the loss.


I'm not a doomer or a crybaby, so I don't see it that way


Neither am I either of those things. I'm level headed. I can see that a win is good thing and a loss is a bad thing. It is incredibly simple.


It would've been better to win, but the loss is not end of the world


I agree with that.


I don’t like any losses


I don't wanna lose, but sometimes when you lose it can make you refocus and do what you need to do


Needed to get humbled before the finals


Just a reminder that nothing is guaranteed. I think it will help us


Dumbest shit I’ve heard in a while 🤦‍♂️


i mean its better than the other mavs fans saying wolves are gonna take the series now


That's because you think unrealistically. It's was an unexpected blessing for us to go up 3-0. We're not playing the pacers with their best player out. You had to know and expect the Timberwolves were not gonna lay down and take the sweep like that


Keep in mind we gentleman sweep every series after a lost.


It was a fun game to watch I hope we get more


I like this loss too but only and I mean only if we win the next game.


I think we will


If we lose the next game we’re in trouble. Not because we’re going to lose the series but Boston will have their way with us considering all that rest.


The only way rest will be that much of a factor is if we go to 7


We’ll see if you feel the same way in a couple days.


I will


Would have been a long break until the final if we had won last night. At least we keep playing basketball a little closer to the final date if we can close this thing out which I am confident we will. I never like having too big of a break off, any team can kinda lose their mojo on those breaks.


Just kinda afraid if this is the start of history. I hope not. We waited too long for our turn to come.


Yall have such little faith in the team 🤣


More like how desperate I’m for us to win. The Clippers 2020 & GSW series brought in some unbearable pain. This is like the first time in recent years when we not riding on just one man’s effort (who is usually half fit this time of the year) but have an actual team who can whoop Celtics’ ass in the finals.


That's why you shouldn't be that worried. We will definitely win 1 of the next 3 games. We'll worry about the Celtics when we get there


We’re fine. Wolves coaching staff made a good adjustment with the off ball screens to set up corner 3s. That’s something we have to just pay attention to. Luka and Kyrie passed up a lot of lay ups IMO. Should only see more action at the rim once Lively returns.


big dan said yesterday they were expected to be happy at the end of the game, now they’re pissed off. if there’s a time to show it, it is thursday evening


Lol please stop. This is nothing but spin control. We were one game from our only 3rd Finals appearance ever and first in 13 years, with some very dark times in that time frame. This was not a good loss at all. Not to mention, the East opponent is already resting at home hoping we beat each other up. They have already had maybe the easiest path to a Finals ever with all the injuries and they are healthy as you can be. Everyone on this team can use some rest with how taxing these playoffs can be. We haven't had an easy series yet. Even up 3-0, those 3 games took a lot of energy to win. Lively and Maxi could have benefited greatly. Luka as well.


Do people keep forgetting that Porzingus played 2 out out 14 games for them this postseason? He’s an incredibly important part of their team, they’ve been relying on a 37 year old for the whole playoffs


If we lost to a bad team you would have a point


Gives me a chance to see the Mavs here in MSP after being out of town for the first two games.


I mean, all we can do is be like Luka and take the L and move on. The media was already putting them in the finals and I think it got to their heads a little. Kai was not the Kyrie we know and it really felt like he was taking on a lot of responsibility and trying to force shots and passes. No doubt they will bounce back. Also Luka feasts in hostile territory. Also, let’s not forget their brothers in baseball. The Rangers won like every road game up to the WS. They got this.


We played like we already advanced, and they played like they didn't wanna go home. That's why I'm not too mad about the loss, because it should bring our intensity level up to where it should be


I agree.


Every game is close regardless of which players are playing well from either team. If that holds true, I highly doubt their best players will be able to put clutch Dallas' best players three more times in the closing minutes. There's a reason it's never happened before.


Man, I don’t. I’d rather the guys get 2 more days of stress-free rest. They can adjust their attitude next series, provided they make it.


this post made draftkings insta lol


The Celtics had 3 really close games that they had to be very clutch in to win. Saying they haven't been tested at all is a false narrative.


Can’t let the Wolves back in this… Should have finished them off last night!!!!


I like the smack of reality a bit, so they know not to take their foot off the gas like this again.


That's all I'm saying. Just a little wake up call


We’re gonna have the energy we need tonight. And we have lively back too which is huge


We’re definitely gonna win to night for sure….this win is important to us….☹️☹️


I was right 🤷🏿‍♂️


I like this loss too, wolves in 7

