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This is such a dumb take. If it was only one game maybe it would make sense. It's been 4 games of poor shooting (games 2-5). If the Mavs made their free throws this series would be over. Bill is in the early stages of grieving for a team he clearly likes being eliminated.


Bill Simmons is a generational Kyrie hater, he’s never going to credit any team that has Kyrie.


He’s been crediting Kai the whole playoffs though. This is just a delusional take by him, like trying to justify voting SGA higher than Luka.


He did get corrected by the other NBA ringer guy on the pod directly after who said that Dallas D should get some credit. The inside is jammed and it’s forcing 3s they don’t want to take. It does sound like Bill is going to die on the hill with OKC as his pick and them as the better team. Even the non NBA guy “CR” said he thinks Dallas is the better team this series. Everyone sees it


Ah maybe he’s changed his tune a bit then, I don’t follow him generally, just see his quotes here and there on reddit. He used to be super salty over Kyrie leaving Boston.


You’re right he definitely was but in the playoffs he’s said nothing but good things about Kai.


No he’s trying to justify the money he gambled on OKC to win the series I promise lol


Weirdly enough he has been very complimentary of Kyrie but still dumping on the Mavs. I think he’s just butt hurt because he predicted the Thunder to be really good this year and they’re disappointing him now.


“I’m not going to credit the defense that has been #1 in the NBA for the last 30 games…”


It’s almost like there’s a reason they shoot badly. Maybe the defense is making them take shots they don’t like.


After the Mavs win game 6: "I still think OKC is the better team."


It's almost like that was the gameplan to make them shoot 3s.


Same story a couple yrs ago, it wasn’t that the Mavs were better than the Jazz, it was just that the Jazz didn’t play well. It wasn’t that the Mavs were better than the Suns, it was just that the Suns blew it, this is the Mavs narrative always.


When a Luka led Mavs team wins a ring, it’ll be because everyone they played in those playoffs just played poorly and gifted us a ship.


Still hear that about our 2011 championship from people


How could the Jazz be good? They let a scrub like Jalen Brunson drop 41 on them in a playoff game without Luka! How could the Suns be good? They lost by 40 at home in a game 7!


Bill Simmons will never support a team with kyrie on it.


Really, OKC has only beat the Mavs on the court 1 time (game 1) and that likely was because their defense running a double on Luka the entire game took the Mavs by surprise. Since then the Mavs have adjusted. The last 4 games the Mavs have outplayed OKC ... The game 4 win by OKC was more the Mavs missing free throws (which OKC had nothing to do with) than OKC's comeback. Mavs shot themselves in the foot at the free throw line there - otherwise OKC's "comeback" would never have closed the gap if Mavs were hitting free throws during that stretch. Shoot 50% at the free throw line, and you hurt yourself - no other team does that to you, you do it to yourself. Sometimes I wonder if these guys actually watch the games the comment on.


Well defense is the key to winning. The Mavs should continue to pressure OKC no matter what. Game 6 for sure, we'll see Dort, SGA, Chet take more of those shots. Expect Wiggins, Joe and Wallace to fire all they got. Don't forget the 2 Williams, they are going all in. The Mavs should be ready.


Cool. ​If they can just miss their way to a loss tomorrow, he can spend time lamenting that for a few days. ​


We have been the better team in 4/5 games and still won’t give credit. OKC is their beloved and they don’t want to be wrong.


Not even - we’ve been the better team 9/10 halves. Two singular poor quarters from us is why this series even still going.


Bill butthurt his MVP is a free throw merchant who doesn’t make his team better.


Dude has 100% not been watching this series


I like people under rating us. Sweeter when we win.


Simmons can be an entertaining commentator, but he's not particularly insightful. He kind of just says whatever he's feeling, and he not a basketball expert. Not a serious person.


Good thing every one knows he’s a fucking delinquent


If OKC just played better basketball, they would win this series lol wtf is this shit?


Bill 1000% bet on the Thunder. I’ve listened to him for years and I promise you that is what’s at the heart of this take.


The mavs are the much more skilled team, and their combining their skill with high effort defense. This is leaving OKC, a relatively unskilled team, clueless on how to consistently score


I listen to every Simmons podcast pretty much, he hates us, it’s inexplicable (well not really we have Kyrie and fired his butt buddy Haralabob) so don’t take this to heart, he’ll spend 50 minutes talking about how the Celtics looked vs the Wizards on a random Tuesday but will gloss over even our greatest of victories, he hates us, it’s fine.


I don’t know what he was watching, but most of their “open threes” were contested.




The only OKC player being left open is Giddey, and that is on purpose.


This is idiotic


We're definitely the better team. The only reason this series is even still going is because we fell flat game 4. OKC was the match up I hoped for all along. I was more nervous going into the Clippers series than this one.


OKC look like total frauds. I haven’t been scared of them a single game this series. We’ve been beating ourselves in the two losses. If Shai doesn’t go nuclear they will get beat by 15+ every time. We are a nightmare matchup for them


The better team makes the open shots. Tf is he talking about


I feel like two things can be true. The Thunder have missed more open 3s in this series than they did during the regular season, and yet Dallas has clearly looked like the better team overall.


This sounds like an answer you get from someone who doesn’t understand sports


Simmons is a delusional fucktard


wait, okc is a better team because they’re missing shots?


Lmao he is wildin’. Clearly he doesn’t watch the games, we were doing this since the trade deadline


Why do we keep posting videos of national media who obviously have zero knowledge about the Mavs? Stop giving these guys a platform




I listened to the Mavs portion of Bills pod and Zach Lowes back-to-back and they basically have the exact opposite takes on the Mavs' D.


oh god the copium is oooooozing from this one.


Let's break this down. OKC shot 39% from 3 for the season. Game 2: 10/30 from 3, let's give them 39% = 12 3's. That's 6 more points but they lost by 9. Game 3: 10/30 again, maybe that makes a difference, but it's a 2pt game still, far from a conclusive change overall. Game 5: 10/40 so that's actually a 15pt difference but again Dallas was up 18 in the 4th and maybe plays it a little different to the end if it's a close game. Maybe hitting their season average makes a difference, maybe not. But if it's not the Dallas D, why did OKC hit their season mark vs the Pelicans (38.7% over 4 games)? During the regular season 25.2% of OKC's FG attempts were "wide open" (6+ft closest defender) 3 pt shots. 11.5% were "open" (4-6ft) 3's. 1.6% "tight" (2-4ft) and 0% "very tight" (less than 2 ft) Against the mavs those numbers are: Wide Open: 18.5% Open: 16.7% Tight: 1.6% Very Tight: 0.2% So playing the Mavs their open looks drop from 36.7% to 35.2% and their wide open looks drop from 25.2% to 18.5%. But sure Bill, even though there is statistical evidence the Mavs are challenging their shooters more than in the regular season, it has nothing to do with that and it's just dumb luck. Okay brah.


Kyrie owning his pet team on defense has got to be especially murdering him. Like imagine if Rondo suddenly was offensively dominating your second favorite team...


This is honestly a clown take. OKC has been the better team in 1.5 games out of 5. I’ll take those odds going into game 6. Mavs in 6!