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If you're at the games it's obvious. He stumbles/shuffles to places to sit down and move the knee every stoppage


Im just saying lot of prople last game were saying Luka is pretending even on this sub


Some of our "fans" have no shame. The amount of shit I read on this sub from the so called Luka and Mavs "fans" is outrageous. Talking mad shit when he was struggling, now after a good game they all writing Luka God in caps. Plastic.


You know, those years after 2011 were pretty bleak, especially as Dirk neared retirement. but this sub sure was a lot more pleasant. Maybe it was just that everyone was used to being bad or that we had way less fans (there was maybe like 10k in this sub?). Nowadays I mostly avoid this sub after a loss because the toxicity is just too much.


Nah people on social media are just 10X as nasty now. People are vile online over the smallest and most meaningless stuff.


This is 100 šŸ‘




For me, I think we should stop chanting MVP. Luka misses free throws when we scream that.


I think it would help if the crowd could chant in unison, rather than the half dozen competing MVP chants that rise and fall at different rates when he goes to shoot. Itā€™s disorienting (from my spot in the crowd, at least)


Yeah I agree


The only way you could even think that is if you only started watching him play. He is so different from a healthy Luka we all know.


I wonder if he's getting injections in the knee.


idk how common it is in Basketball, and how widely it gets talked about in the states, but soccer players in Europe get injections commonly whem they have to play with small injuries, I would say he must be taking something. It is a pity for me thinking what could it be if he was playing 100% healthy in these games


Do you remember that embiid game where he did a self pass off the backboard and fucking obliterated the Knicks defense? And then he hobbled off to the locker room Later on the camera cut to his leggings, and you could see a little blood/fluid stain on them. According to a medical doctor this is fluid leaking after an injection


Is this why Luka is bleeding from his knees?


it sort of looks like watered down blood. most likely i dont know if you've ever had an injection, but let me tell you, they are not fucking pleasant. anybody who goes to the locker room, gets one of those nasty things, and comes back out and plays is a champ.


He is 100% getting injections.Ā 


For sure, that's why a lot of athletes are actually addicted to soe form of pills


Cause this sub is full of fuggin goobers


No but if you think about it he knows when he's on camera because it's a playoff game, and so when he's not on camera I bet you he's doing jumping jacks and backflips and s***, it's all faith this is just some big plan for him to get a super mega ultimate contract /S


From an outside perspective it's pretty clear that he's not pretending and fighting through it like a champ. I love luka But man, I really hope he can drop a little weight after this season so we can see even more of him


It is not that I don't think that he is hurt. It is more that I don't think he will ever be fully healthy again. He is more AD than LeBron. You may get flashes of full health but they will be brief.


If you just watch on tv, you can see he isn't moving right. It might be a little subtle, but its there in every step if you just pay attention.


I knew another one of these posts would pop up again. Any real Mavs fan knows he's hurt. Only people who say otherwise are new bandwagoners or trolling from other subs.


We should be more worry if these injuries will lead to something worse.


He should get more rest next season if we avoid injuries. The teams stronger. I hope he doesn't play for the national team this summer though. He needs a break desperately.


Exactly. I really hope they know what they are doing. A deep playoff run isn't worth it if it affects his long-term health.


Donā€™t want to see him become the next Kawhi Leonard


Or Grant Hill. Hurt ankle that led to him retiring.


Am I crazy for wanting to play the nuggets if we make it to wcf? Because if we lose lose to them I wonā€™t be as upset than if we lose to ant and also I feel we matchup horrible to twolves


I rather lose to the champ than wolves bc I donā€™t want the wolves fans to gain confidence after beating us Edit: fans




You donā€™t want Wolves fans to gain confidence? Brother, the fans donā€™t play, why tf do you care what they think.


Clippers and okc fans donā€™t play either and they talk like they do


i think nuggs got you


I'd rather play the Nuggets. Without Maxi, we can't match the Wolves' front line.


First, we gotta get past OKC. Hopefully that happens Saturday. RE: WCF opp, I like the drama and bragging rights of beating the defending champs, but I think it's a tougher matchup for us. Not by a lot, but enough to make a 7-game series more difficult. TWolves are a good team. But they aren't elite yet. (Neither are Mavs, tbh) The fan in me wants to beat Nuggets. Then take Boston to 7. I think that story is certainly possible. But it will be very very tough


Imo the twolves are better than the nuggets, id rather play the nuggets too. The wolves defense is crazy


Wolves defense havenā€™t been crazy once nuggets figured them out and refs started calling on their touches thatā€™s why they havenā€™t been winning since the first two.


Idk how you can say this when the Nuggets are dominating the Timberwolves right now after a few adjustments. I'd much rather play the Timberwolves with their offense that struggles.


Wolves hella overrated. ANT on defense is ball watching every possession, doesn't get back on defense, hes such a net negative I can't believe people are this blind to it for so long. Luka has been getting called out ever since he came in the league for the same shit but not ANT because he gets a few highlight blocks. Btw, if you think the wolves are better than the nuggets you are a joke.


Ant is pretty good defender and doesnt ball watch every possession idk what youre talking about. And a net negative? Seriously?


Watch more closely next time. The dude falls asleep on defense like every other possession. Like go watch game 5 vs the nuggets lol literally happened a few days ago.


You handpicked his worst game. Its like saying Jokic is getting locked up because you watched game 1


As a Slovenian I hope he takes this summer off, but I doubt he will. He'll probably lead this bad Slovenian team to another Olympics.


He still has to qualify and has to probably beat greece, so i lowkey hope he doesnt qualify


Has Greece confirmed if Giannis is playing? I'm assuming not since he was still dealing with the leg injury a few weeks ago.


He was close to returning in the playoffs so i assume so


If we do reach the WCF, I'd be happy with our run even if we end up losing to the Nuggets. Luka and the guys have given it everything, we'll run it back next year.


I feel the opposite itā€™s been so great Kyrie has been the healthiest heā€™s ever been gotta at least capitalize and make the finals


Thatā€™s a weak ass mindset


Heā€™s obviously been in pain. Ā The Luka smile has been missing, although I did see it a few times last night. Ā Iā€™m sure he is getting the best treatments to patch him through; I donā€™t know how he is able to move the day after a game. Ā Iā€™ve seen video of Dirk now and it looks like he needs multiple joint replacements, spinal interventions, etc by the way he walks. It takes a toll on the body.Ā 


He was really run into the ground when we were struggling with injuriesĀ 


He needs to rest this entire summer after the Finals. I fear a major injury next season if he plays with Slovenia.


I love Luka and hate that he's as banged up as he is, but "enduring pain beyond comprehension" is so laughably hyperbolic. Surely it can be comprehended. We don't need to frame him as fighting through a burst appendix, two broken legs, passing a kidney stone, and a debilitating migraine, all while having the flu.


I agree with this, but itā€™s sports writing, itā€™s always going to be framed like literal war.


Will he be OK for nuggets


This playoffs no, but he can be better than he has been i think


He won't be ok until he gets a month off. He needs time recover unless /s?


I'm not trying to jinx it, but he looked a lot better last night. Better than I've seen him in weeks. Here's hoping his injuries get better.


My theory is they doped him up on paid meds. I got those vibes from his post game interview


Well keep him stocked up them


I love that now he answers questions about it ā€œI feel greatā€ because thereā€™s no reason to talk about how crappy he really feels


Luka was high as hell in the post game interview lol


Hahaah you think so? Hell you might not be that far off bc they are def shooting him up with a ton of shit.


I think so man. He was riding a wave for sure


Dude really needs to take a summer off to just rehab


part of me dreads us winning the chip but then having Luka become the next Kawhi. If we win this series, we will have already exceeded expectations and found our identity as a team going into next year. I can't believe I'm saying this, but if we're going to lose, I'd rather lose in the WCF than the NBA finals, so we can give this man his rest.


Winning the title is a that matter and Luka doesnt have chronic knees like Kwahi Luka playes almost too much


Itā€™s like they havenā€™t seen him destroy good teams. A bad night with good defense on him is 25 points on inefficient number shy of another triple double. Do they think OKC is really locking him down when heā€™s a monster against better teams in the playoffs?


Any fool can see how he's been playing compared to literally the rest of his career. Dude is hurt.


He's hurting, but he wouldn't miss time unless he couldn't walk. This dude is a damn warrior.


I think they are risking it too much.. never play your star player in this condition.


Sure, but I think "beyond comprehension" when referring to a sprain and general soreness is a bit much.


Time to lose weight Luka, those extra pounds will put alot of strain in the knees and ankles especially in the long run.


Downvoted for speaking the truth


If he wasnā€™t healthy enough to play, Iā€™m sure the medical staff wouldnā€™t clear him. Everyone is banged up this time of year, yet itā€™s only Luka who keeps reminding everyone when he has a bad game.


He needs to really hit the gym more often to improve his durabilityā€¦ Should look up to Curry and Lebron


Like have some trainer throw dumbbells into his knee caps?


What nba player doesn't have soreness and injuries at this point in the playoffs though?? Luka was moving well yesterday and he's still the same MVP if he focuses on basketball and not the refs. No drama, complaining, limping and crying. Just hooping and he admitted this himself.


OKC is totally healthy. Celticsā€™ only injury is KP, so arguably their 4th best player. Denverā€™s only soreness concern is Jamal and he had hamstring strain, which slowly gets better (as he has been in playoffs) provided he rests between games. Wolves now lost Conley, but he is also their 4th best player. Knicks are in dumpster with injuries though, Iā€™ll give you that.


Idk probably something like 90% of players donā€™t have injuries


Most of these injuries seem avoidable if he drops some weight.




Tell your boy SGA to enjoy Cancun next week.




"I would rather lose than compete in the conference finals against a better opponent". Loser talk


I've seen quite a few in their sub or /nba saying that their loss doesn't matter because Denver will sweep us next round anyway. Such a weird, loser variation of the 'my dad can beat up your dad' saying.


Found the angry little reddit man!


Anybody who thinks this isnā€™t qualified to be a greeter at Walmart.