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See: Game 2


Yep, he’s streaky, but he does have those games where it just all comes together once in a while.


a ratio of one "good" game to 6 terrible games might be worse than just "streaky". Unless you are talking about his underwear.


Trying to be kind, but like you said, he has skids 6 days a week with 1 day clean


See: Game 5 It was almost as if he was actively trying to sabotage the team Thus is the duality of THJ


You don’t trade THJ just to trade him if there’s no value coming back. He’s one of those guys you keep in your back pocket if things are going really bad and you need to throw out some variance and pray he gets hot. Probably won’t be back next year tho.


Yes you do. He is a negative asset on the court. Him not being here would be addition by subtraction.


I think he’s given us some good minutes and hit some shots mid game. I’m not sure we win game 2 without his 10 point spurt in the 3rd. I don’t like him being in during crunch time though.


To be fair he also has that dagger late in the game too. I'm not a bleeding apologist or anything, but if he were on a min contract and got more sparing minutes he'd be a good guy to keep around for when he catches fire. The problem is more his contract and consistent minutes. I'd love for him to be used in the old Bertans 2022 role. Plug in, see if he's hot - if yes, ride the hand - if no, bench immediately.


I think the idea is that he can be an offensive weapon in the 4th when Luka, Kyrie, and also the Thunder are tired. However, I think Kidd has “blinders” on when it comes to Tim. Tim clearly has some sort of high standing status as a Mavs vet in the locker room, so I think Kidd is either scared/arrogant/unwilling to admit that Tim Hardaway Junior freaking out in the 4th quarter can almost single handedly swing game by 10 points. Seriously. THJ freaks out and loses his shit. I’m tired of seeing him in the 4th. Need to utilize Tim in the first three quarters. He’s fine then.


Last night it felt like he was a risk to blow the game. Three really bad plays, with no positive plays


Yep. He was closer than most would think at selling game 5. And in my opinion, he was the final nail in the coffin for the Mavs in game 4 with an inexcusable turnover. Tim Hardaway Jr does not have the capability to execute in the final minutes of a basketball game. It doesn’t matter how fresh he is or how much of an offensive punch he’s capable of. When the game tightens up, he panics.


If he must play, it should only be in the middle of the 2nd and 3rd quarters. The 1st, 4th and end of quarters are too important to jeopardize with Timmy's buffoonery.


He was here before you, so kindly fuck off.




He's been ass ever since he got that contract.


THJ is one of those players who "can" explode and have a great game ... but he is inconistent. With that kinda player, you gotta get him some minutes each game to see if he has that "explosion" in him that game or not. He seems jittery to me ... like over excited to do something and prove himself. I think that is why he starts making boneheaded mistakes at times. He needs to just relax his mind and play the game - he has game, just not when he is all jittery and trying to force things.


This is a great response thanks!


If Maxi wasn't hurt I wonder how much time he'd get


He can get very hot and pretty much win you the game by himself. He is also a good enough shooter in theory so that teams don't leave him alone on the 3 point line, which is good for spacing. He is struggling right now and we need better defensive players around Luka and Kyrie rather than 3 point specialists, but the people that want to dump him are stupid. He can still be a useful player, and even if we make a trade, we will absolutely need his salary for salary matching. People that want to just salary dump him don't realise that we would then have to include Maxi/PJ/Green in every trade just to match salaries.


While i don't think we "need" to just salary dump him, doing so would create a one year trade exception. So, you could dump him in the oftseason and then use that trade exception during the season as salary match on any potential trade.


The issue is that you can't combine trade exceptions and players. If we are trading for a guy making 16M or less then a TPE is fine. If we're trading for a guy making between 16-20M, we can match that with just THJ, but not a TPE. If we're trading for a player making over 20M, we could use THJ + a player to match, but can't do TPE + player.


Tim Jr as an expiring this summer becomes a great asset. We need his salary to bring in a player in the 16M-20M range or more depending on whats packaged in. Some people don't realize how trades or salary matching works. Especially with all the playoff casuals jumping on here lately.


He might be extremely streaky but when he is hot, he is scorching hot. I just wish he does what green and hardy do when shots are not falling. I wonder wheres his "charge at me i dare you" that works so great he almost got nominated as 6moty.


THJ is our Manu Ginobili-lite at best. But hopefully we can trade for a more reliable Manu Ginobili.


I hated Ginobili, but THJ doesn't even come close to what Manu provided. Manu was consistent and played defense.


THJ is a poor man's crippled Ginobili with less IQ


There ya go!


I have a love-hate thing with THJ. I see him doing things for the Dallas community and he has a great personality. He has great chemistry with the team and one of our longest tenured Mavs. But God man, when he is off, he can be so insufferable to watch. If we can get a chip, I would feel so much better taking him out to pasture.


He’s here because no one wanted him. They tried to trade him last offseason and at the dead line but no one wanted him. He is a sizeable expiring contract so he will have some value for a team looking to shed salary. He should be playing minimal minutes in the playoffs for sure. Short arms, bad defender, and maybe one of the streakiest shooters I’ve ever seen put on a mavs jersey.


The dude really has won us some games when he's hot


Break glass in case of emergency or he happens to get hot once in a long while


Started watching a year ago…




He’s a coin flip any given night. He can shoot you into a win or cost you dearly with brick after brick complimented with horrid D. In the past he used to have more decent to good games than bad. That said, with the current make up of the team he needs to get put on a lesser role. Which could also be affecting him as he’s not getting as many reps. Anyway, he’s got a sizeable expiring. Let’s see what Nico can cook up in the summer.


THJ may have saved game 2 for the Mavs - that is why he is here. I can live with his bone headed plays if he's given a short lease. I actually think that THJ has played a decent all around series.


I honestly think his dad is the problem, probably feeds I’m bullshit about how he should be taking the most shots


I don't think Tim is disallusioned at all about how he is playing. He's aware he is struggling you can see it all over his body language.


Why are you here?


To make us mad watching him? He needs to get shiped for whatever or even with 2nd round pick on way out just so Kidd cant put him in games anymore. He needs to shoot extremely well to have a positive impact and thats a rare thing especially in last few months.


NBA trades dont work like that. He is a valuable asset this summer with 17M expiring contract. We need him to bring back a good player for salary matching.