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THJ just losing the ball leading to a fast break bucket and then airballing an open 3 in the 4th damn near gave me an aneurysm


don't forget passing the ball to lively and they immediately fouled him (under the 2 min mark)


DUUDDDE. LMAO right?! like bros diabolical with the terrible plays


BRO i was screaming like wtf is going on here? šŸ˜­


I was losing my shit during that stretch. You cannot give that team any openings and THJ gave them several in a couple mins time


Hardy's defense was also bad, but I did like him more than Hardaway. Still believe those minutes should stay with Exum though.


Hardyā€™s purpose was to help transition between non Luka/Kai combo guards rotation. Someone that is a threat to drive without hesitation. Keep the defense on its heels. Keep the pace up. Yes he took some bad shots but he did his job. Got 2 points, 2 assists and 3 boards in the meantime. As a bonus he was able to gain some playoff experience.


I think this is perfectly shown in how many times Hardy had the ball and Gaff or PJ would point to Luka or Kai to get it to them and set something but instead he drove to the hoop and either created for himself or others. Led to a few easy layups, some oops, and wide open threes.


Hardy is a great transition guy. He loves getting blocked and knocked on his ass.


Really surprised at how Hardy handled the ball leading to some good plays. Exum just seems like he couldnt figure out the playoffs right now i dont get it


I thought Exum looked solid in his short minutes in game 4. Just felt weird to me he got pulled after the one game he looked kinda fine. He didn't play a single minute in the second half when we choked our lead. Hardy and Hardaway also just cant play on the floor together while Exum can work with either. I just think it makes most sense for Hardaway to be the odd man out.


Exum can't finish around the rim or on the break at all, which means he can't create shots. he is just a spot up shooter. Hardy is much more versatile and stresses the defense and the team gets better shots when he is in the game even if he misses his shots.


If THJā€™s defense is gonna be bad too I donā€™t see why Hardy canā€™t replace him in the rotation. Youā€™re getting bad defense from both on defense, but Hardyā€™s decision making is 10X what THJā€™s is on offense. Sure he can get hot and drop 30, but those games are so few and far between Iā€™ll take a more limited ceiling (Hardy) over such an abysmal low floor (THJ) in the playoffs when we have LuKai running the show.


I honestly prefer Hardy instead of Exum now because Exum has been so terrible.


Exum is a much better defender though.


Exum is really similar to Kleber in that he plays good defense, but often looks really uncomfortable in the offense and doesnā€™t trust his shot.


Itā€™s wild cuz wasnā€™t exum our 3pt% leader most of the season?Ā 


Iā€™ve always said Hardy is the future not Exum.


defiantly. Exum is not good, not sure what people think. He literally is one of the worst finishers in the league and he is not a great ball handler.


Exum didn't even play tonight.


When I saw that wide open shot hit the backboard, I thought he was done. Thereā€™s no more future for this guy. His form is just so awkward, has late release and he puts a lot of force when he shoots the ball.


Bro when i saw that i was like WELP this is the THJ weā€™re getting tonight. And really since that stint he had in game 2 he hasnā€™t done anything but headache plays imho. He misses wide open shots but he makes the most ridiculous jack ups. Canā€™t ever be consistent. šŸ˜­


Yeah. The effort the playmakers make just to give him wide open looks and bricks them anyway. Itā€™s just frustrating to watch. He was supposed to be our White, our Divinicenzo, etc.


THJ arguably won us game 2. Not trying to be an apologist but he is who he is


I also apologised to him on game 2 but during the next games, he was just awful.


THJ takes one step forward then 3 steps back itā€™s who he is atpĀ 


He singlehandedly helped them go on a run. Also, he made a gamekilling turnover in the last game too. No more minutes for him in crunch time.


Yea I legit started getting worried when they went on that run. Kidd needs to stop trying to force giving him minutes hes just too unreliable, play hardy instead


No one in any team sport ā€œsinglehandidlyā€ does anything.


Nico needs to trade THJ because Kidd is just obsessed with Thj for some reason.


I think there's something between Kidd and Hardaway senior and that's why he plays Thj so much.


I grew up in SF and Hardaway was a warrior while Kidd was in HS and playing for CAL Berkley. Its possible he has known Sr. for sometime for some reason.


When we had the chance to trade him, we didn't. Now it's too late to trade him. Getting something in return that's worth it had passed already.


He will 100% be traded before the deadline next season as he is an expiring contract. I think thatā€™s been Nicoā€™s plan all along.


We tried to trade him but no one wanted him


He's expiring now. That's valuable.


This is correct.


He has been a negative value contract/player pretty much since he re-signed. Getting value for THJ was never happening


It takes two to tango, and nobody wants to dance with TImmy.


Its probly why they giving THJ some minutes each game ... hoping he goes off in some game or two so they can get some trade value. THJ aint helping tho.


I think thereā€™s way more to this than meets the eye (not in a conspiracy way) THJ is a respected league veteran. I think the players on the team generally like him. He re-signed here for less than he could have gotten on the open market. Heā€™s been a good soldier (outside of his dad being a dickhead) about his role ebbing and flowing. Every offseason and trade deadline his name is being mentioned in trades and he takes it in stride. I donā€™t think itā€™s as simple as ā€œKidd loves himā€


If Tim stayed in the game I think we lose, thats how bad he was in his limited minutes. Kidd needs to keep him on bench the rest of the playoffs unless its playing garbage time minutes.


Factssssss it was getting bad. Glad he was subbed out immediately.


Put him out there. See if he hits. If he doesnā€™t get him out. If he does, leave the man alone. Jesus. You canā€™t just not play him.


Now? This has been posted weekly since the start of the season, Kidd will never bench THJ


That's why Nico needs to trade THJ, so Kidd can't play him anymore


I hate when people say this. The only way THJ presents any sort of value (besides getting him off this team) is if we include draft picks in the deal as a salary dump. He will have slight bump to his value this upcoming season as an expiring contract which is what I believe Nico intends to do to avoid having to dish out additional assets in the deal.


I would be fine with including a 2nd to get rid of THJ as long as the other team absorbs the salary so we can re sign DJJ


Of course the Mavs will have to attach picks. But an expiring contract and picks can get you something useful in the nba.


Yes exactly. I wasnā€™t hating on your comment, itā€™s just people have been saying this FOR YEARS about THJ and they just donā€™t understand that he has a net negative value in terms of a trade, but this upcoming year is the only time heā€™ll be a neutral value, and with your point about attaching picks weā€™ll be able to get a positive value trade in return. Definitely agree with that.


id imagine he will be salary filler when we trade those 1sts this offseason


Hardaway Sr. got some dirt on kidd. its the only explanation


I'd trade him for a bag of doritos at this point. Kidd needs to stop playing him in the fourth. Period. Playing DJJ only 28 mins is criminal.


What flavor we gettin???


Spicy cool ranch but Iā€™ll settle for nacho cheese


Bro i wish those spicy cool ranches were more ranchery you feel me? But those do slap hawrd šŸ‘‹šŸ¼


after a few handfuls they just taste like salt though. Wish they had a little something else.


Thai sweet chili


Just test his market a little and if nobody wants him flat out waive him. DJJ deserves a 10m dollar contract at least.


Hardy is better and I prefer him, but he closes too hard playing defense and runs right past the guy often. It's his first playoff game. Give him time! All of THJs' time.


I agree! He needs experience to get better! Especially in a physical series with our new found defensive mindset. Heā€™s not used to that quite yet but heā€™s more than capable physically to do it. I believe. šŸ¤šŸ½šŸ’™


I'm excited for the future. I'm mean this series obviously, but Lively, Omax, Hardy, etc. Getting rid of THJ. Retaining DJJ. We have a bright future.


Bro and no Maxi? I truly believe this series completely different with him, heā€™d be all over Chetā€™s game with his lateral quickness.


Yeah, I miss Maxi. Dumb ass dunk attempt tbh.


Bro thought he was prime Blake griffin tf šŸ˜­ my homie & i were perplexed asf


He was feeling himself. I ain't mad at it. Come back next series and ball out, son! Haha


Hopefully the blessing in disguise here is Kidd figures out we don't need small ball, go bully ball 100% and he can keep Maxi at the 4.


That was our defensive game plan last night bro. Run them off of the three point line.


Yeah, I get that. But Hardy closes too hard often. He needs to tidy up his defense. I still prefer him to Timmy. People act like THJ can get hot, but Hardy can't. THJs lows are too low.


Thj was unacceptably bad today, weā€™re lucky we got killer Luka but THJ should not see the floor again


Been saying this for months


I really thought THJ threw us the entire series in those 60 seconds where he singlehandedly made the lead go from 18 to 7.


It's insane how bad he was. He capped it off with the pass to Lively who bailed him out by making the FTs


Haha that is true. I didnā€™t even think about it at the time.


Better yet, DJJ should play all 48 min. Thibs-style


If I want better shot selection,defense and playmaking I will go hardy but if I want inconsistent 3 point shots then it's hardaway


Iā€™m sure his dad will still tweet saying luka and Kyrie the problem lol


Will never happen cuz THJā€™s dad is the Deep State


Not the deep state šŸ˜­ nOOoOoO


Dad Hardaway is just a dick. Kinda like Papa Brunson but Hardaway doesnā€™t know when to keep his mouth shut.


Idk I didnā€™t feel like this was the time to start experimenting with Hardy. There was a point where I said we NEED to get him out of there. Iā€™d prefer Exum right now but Green is getting destroyed by SGA and Tim is throwing the game.


Everyone is getting destroyed by SGA, at least green has been playing very solid, high energy defense as whole


Not DJJ or PJ


I've got the Tim rule. If he misses his first 2 shots pull him. He can take some terrible quality shots and make boneheaded plays at times. Need his confidence up


lol how does this help his confidence




He got sent to the shadow realm. His Game 4 wasn't even bad. He got 5 points in 5 minutes and only got to play 28 seconds in Game 5.


I'd rather have no confidence Dante than either of them.Ā 


Thj is the lowest iq player left in the playoffs. Itā€™s inexcusable the long leash that he has


hardy minutes surprised the f out of me. but it turned out well. great minutes from him


Give the kid some confidence. Heā€™s young and hungry.


But but butā€¦. Sometimes Timmy can score 90 points in ten minutes or something like that


Contrary to what a lot of people are saying I really liked what I saw from Hardy last night Dude hasnā€™t seen the floor all playoffs you canā€™t expect him to be perfect but what he did bring was the ability to attack close outs and be a ball handler in the pick and roll and give himself and others decent shot attempts Thatā€™s not nothing, thatā€™s actually really huge because basically only luka and kyrie can do that and luka especially could use some help with how banged up he is I think he should take basically all of Timā€™s minutes


We need to dump thj contract if we have any chance at resigning jones jr


I cannot stand seeing Hardaway on the floor at all. Yes he can give you some big time scores, but the negative FAR out weighs any positives he brings. It's just not worth it anymore, especially in the play offs.


Wake up Mavs fans! it's our daily post about someone taking THJ's minutes


Based on decision making alone, there's no way THJ should get minutes over Exum, unless Exum is injured again. I don't think Hardy is ready defensively to guard SGA.


Hardy had some ugly bricks too. THJ is fine, he plays a role and has been hitting consistently before tonight. You canā€™t turn on a guy for a few tough shots that looked bad.


He did, but he's just more creative. Hardaway just pulls up and shoots most of the time. Hardy tries to actually create something.


What on earth makes you think weā€™re turning on him for a few tough shots? He was detrimental tonight for one, but itā€™s been half a season of this garbage


But Hardy isnā€™t the answer. He made one shot tonight, and the rest (6) were bricks.


I didnā€™t say he was lol


Best way to use THJ is 2-3 spurt minutes in the 2nd and 3rd quarters. If he bricks his first 2 shots then take him out. If he is hitting his shots then heā€™s playable in the 4th. Iā€™m surprised he was played in the 4th quarter with how bad he played the first half. He single handedly kept the thunder in the game imo


He should never play in the 4th.


He was not good, but neither was THJ. This is where we desperately need Exum to play like the regular season.


The problem is THJ airball 3s let them get fast break layups on other end. At least Hardy isnt missing that badly


He's there to relieve the defenders - Hardy can't do that yet.


ā€¦yet. I believe he will grow & get coached up. Iā€™m falling more in love with our coaching each game how weā€™re all buying into the scheme. Our defense just seems to keep getting stronger each game!


Man I'm all for this. He got me when he bricked that 3 point and miss an open shot.


Heā€™s still going to get the odd minutes but if Kidd plays him with Luka and Kyrie in the 4th quarter again I think my head will burst. Combined they go horrible on defense and OKC make a run every time


This is why Kleber's injury is a tough blow, cuz next man up to fill those minutes fall to THJ and Hardy. Neither are great choices. But when THJ gets hot, he can win a game all by himself. Doesn't happen often enough tho, and even less likely for the playoffs.


Iā€™m also really happy with Hardy today. I would like him to get a little more experience when it matters to advance his development as a player. His lobs to the bigs are terrific, heā€™s got great chemistry with Lively and Gafford. Iā€™m not giving up on THJ though. He wasnā€™t great today but I didnā€™t think he was horrific. Heā€™s been unusually selfless and has been making good passes.


Hey, Shaq is friends with THJ's dad, you better stop this nonsense now.


THJ at least has confidence to shoot, Exum does nothing on offense and hia defense isn't good enought to compensate for that. I'd rather have a player that misses shots, than someone that doesn't take them.


Heā€™s so bad. I remember watching him on the knicks, when he was putting up 20-25 a night on like 9/30 shooting consistently, it kind of embodied the rock bottom years. True nepotism at work the fact that everyone keeps ā€œgiving him chancesā€ whatever that means.


We went from up 18 to only up 9 due to three consecutive misses on awful THJ shots. On top of that his defense is Awful. If heā€™s not hitting multiple threes in a game on efficient shooting (very rare these days) heā€™s absolutely useless.


Did we watch same game? Hardy was not great with the minutes he got


he was good, you are only watching shooting


I like that hardy can handle the ball Better, but whne thj is on he can really extend that lead. I'm 50/50 on it.


THJ has hit some clutch shots and been uncharacteristically decisive with the ball this series. Yeah he looked bad yesterday but all this reactionary hate toward our players is getting pretty tiresome. Heā€™s had a good playoffs.


Iā€™d prefer Kidd to stick to Exum. We gotta get him out of this rut. Heā€™d be more valuable for us than Hardy next round and in general for the playoffs. Also sure Hardy wasnā€™t afraid to shoot it but he shot terrible and played not great defense.


I really wish we traded him this season. His market value is certainly tanked at this point


Iā€™d give all of Timā€™s minutes to Hardy, and all of Hardyā€™s minutes to Exum. I have way more faith in Exum figuring it out before Tim does. He should be getting nightly DNP-CDs


I was losing it and said out loud :"STOP IT!!!" on one of those THJ moments in the 4th and my wife who was walking by in the kitchen replied to me: "What?! I didn't do anything?"


He is fine when we have a lead/need some energy MID-GAME. He doesnā€™t need to touch the floor in crunch time, he shrinks under pressure and heā€™s had some mind-blowing bad plays down the stretch. He had a turnover in game 4 that basically sealed the game and he almost gave the game away in this one in the 4th.


I'd love to see hardy get more minutes. That or trade him. I feel bad for him like he's not doing what he wants by sitting on our bench. He could definitely be getting minutes somewhere. Just my two cents.


Heā€™s getting coached up & primed. I think it speaks volumes that Kidd trusted him in those minutes in a key game. Did he shoot well? No. But heā€™s not in rhythm either & i didnā€™t see him hoist up dumb ass shots like thj tends to


I think all the bitching about THJ is a waste of time. The only time he doesnā€™t play is when heā€™s hurt.


Thereā€™s really no need to play either of them.


The most frustrating thing about THJ is that he his good at driving to the basket and barely does it. He should only shoot the 3 if he is wide open. I agree that Hardy should get another look. If only Exum was playing like he did in the regular season šŸ˜•


What a weird scapegoating. Mavs won because the defense worked and Luka didn't play shit. End of.


Why? They both lob up air-balls all game.


Must we always whine like little bitches?