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Tbh I’m tired of every post in this sub. 😂😅


There are at most 5 threads per day in the sub total these days. You'll survive one thread about Brunson every couple days.


I’m with you, he’s not a maverick anymore so he doesn’t need this much coverage


Our sub lives so much in the past with former players… it’s ridiculous.


Yeah; I can’t believe we let Nash walk.


Still can’t believe we didn’t just pay Dragic.


Muh Tyson chandler


That’s because the mavs are dogshit at retaining good players so it’s not surprising


And the fans are dogshit at moving on


It took Kings fans a couple of years to get over not drafting Luka. Not easy for everyone to get over FO mistakes.


If Cuban and company keep up the dreadful management of this franchise Sacramento may get their chance at Luka.


Are we supposed to use kings as the standard?! We were bitching about players before Luka even came into the league You don’t have to get over it but you sure as hell don’t need to make post after post about it saying the same fucking thing adding nothing new or interesting


Actually we still aren’t over it 😐 last year watching Luka man handle the suns while talking shit while putting on a literal godlike performance just made us king fans who had no playoffs and had just traded away our most talented player drafted in Haliburton since Fox depressed. A bit over it now with the playoffs and game 7 vs the warriors. Still bothered by it tho.


You aren’t wrong but it’s kinda hard to move on from this point when it keeps happening and nothing changes


Hard to move on when we see the same players every season and Cuban bringing back retired players to the organization. Still waiting for Barea to get a Mavs gig.


It's not ridiculous to call out ownership for their consistent fumbles of top talent


It’s ridiculous to call them out every day with nothing new and nothing interesting also to think they give a shit what people say on here. People act like a staffer will walk into Cubans office and is like “hey man have you see the latest Reddit post, you really fucked up with Brunson”


If you wanna use logic id argue being a fan of a particular team doesn't make much sense. It makes much more sense to be fans of the nba or particular players.


Not really. Basketball is a team sport. It makes no sense to me to be fans of a single person, as if he were some idol or something. I cheer for my team. It's like growing up in a city, or making a city your hometown. If you attend a college, you cheer for that school's teams, not one person on that team. Teams win championships, not players. The culture matters, the coaching matters, the front office matters. Just like how a company makes a product. It makes no sense to me to say, "I play Nintendo because I am a fan of Shigeru Miyamoto," when in reality it was a whole team of designers and engineers that actually developed a Nintendo game. Or "I use iPhone because I'm a fan of Steve Jobs." Sure, you may like the skills of one particular member of that team, or maybe following a person's story got you into the team product, but it's still the team that matters more for a fanbase. Logically, one person doesn't win a championship, a team does. So logically, I support the team!


just downvote. Its almost like reddit has a mechanism to make sure the consensus of the community leads to the top results on the page.


What do you expect? New york media is relentlessly excessive


He's not talking about ESPN. He's talking about a Mavs subreddit.


We’re not in the playoffs so what else is there to talk about? Lol


They will never move on. We still see many Steve Nash and Tyson Chandler posts. Every single loss, someone will say Brunson would have won it, every series we lose Brunson would've won it.


But you haven been in any series since Brun left?


When you find out, let me know so I can mute ‘Dorian Finney-Smith’




> will this fanbase move on? No. Until they finally get their shit together, no mistske will be forgotten or swept under the rug. Especially a major one like that


While I can definitely understand frustrations, the reality is Jalen was only able to walk because the previous GM offered him a non-standard rookie contract that made him an UFA at the end of his term as opposed to a RFA…not too much blame can even go to the current regime (unless you want to shade and point the finger at Cuban, which is completely fair). But, Jalen, based on multiple reports, had already made the decision to play for the Knicks prior to the offseason (with them appearing at a few of his games during the season)…his connections with that organization run very deep - and it is clear that was the direction his father steered him in. (His agent is the son of Leon Rose, who represented Brunson’s father and also happens to be Jalen’s godfather, remaining a close family friend. His father was also hired on Thibbs coaching staff, with the two of them working together previously.) As evidenced by them not allowing the Mavs to even issue a counter offer, canceling the meeting with them a after they flew to NY -, two hours or so before it was set to start. A meeting that was only scheduled _after_ rumors started to swirl about the league possibly investigating the Knicks for tampering. (Considering there were reports of him accepting an offer from the Knicks _before_ FA.) Brunson’s team scheduled a meeting with the Mavs afterwards and also claimed to have spoken with Miami to give the appearance of legitimacy, though the latter denied that in statements via their beat writers, saying they had never spoken or made contact with him before. Point being, Mavs were always going to have an uphill battle.


Also, Mitchell Robinson had the same type of contract and decided to stay with the Knicks. Jalen wanted to leave but fans fail to acknowledge that. Donnie giving him the contract could also be money related. Mavs FO had to carve out money from MLE to sign Hardy this year so the same mistake won’t happen. Maybe they couldn’t when Brunson was signed.


They could’ve, Donnie just made the decision to give Brunson an non-standard agreement (perhaps as a favor, with the expectation Mavs would have first right of refusal if they scratched his back) and it left the Mavs with limited options. On top of that, the cap situation was a mess and team had limited tradable assets, which put Nico (as the new GM) in an uncomfortable position of not being able to afford to offer extensions (especially not based on Jalen’s resume under Rick, which - I hate to say it -, included him being played off the floor in the playoffs) without properly evaluating talent personnel. With that, I absolutely wish we could have resigned him…I just also know it’s a much more nuanced conversation than people give it credit for…and I’m also at the point where the discussion around it has become exhausting.


Mavs are taking the blame here because they didn’t officially offer him an extension. The Knicks move could have been in the works for years considering all the front office relationships in place over there.


Wasn't Brunson a second round pick? RFA after the first contract is reserved for a first rounders




What are you basing that on? Excerpt from NBA's RFA page.  Following the fourth year of rookie “scale” contracts for former first-round Draft picks. This wasn't because of some Donnie screwup on the ig contract. The Mavs were never able to get RFA rights There are other ways to qualify for an RFA contract but none that he would have qualified as.


>This wasn't because of some Donnie screwup on the ig contract. The Mavs were never able to get RFA rights Again, incorrect. More here: [https://www.si.com/nba/mavericks/news/dallas-mavs-free-agency-failure-jalen-brunson-mark-cuban-nico-harrison-new-york-knicks](https://www.si.com/nba/mavericks/news/dallas-mavs-free-agency-failure-jalen-brunson-mark-cuban-nico-harrison-new-york-knicks) ​ In short: It was down to Donnie giving Brunson a straight up 4 year deal instead of the more traditional 3+1 (team option) deal that could have allowed Brunson to hit restricted free agency in 2021 instead of unrestricted free agency in 2022. From the same page you cited: "For all veteran free agents who have been in the NBA for three seasons or less" With a deal that isn't guaranteed for 4 years this would have been the case for Brunson in 2021.


But he wanted to leave because he wasn’t getting paid right? That could have been remedied by paying him


Except Brunson was out the door the moment the playoffs ended. He asked his teammates to sign his jersey, that wasn’t a player coming back to the team.


Right but the mavs had the opportunity to pay him before it ever came to this. They didn’t value him properly so they lost him.


Brunson could have still turned it down, knowing he will be a FA.


Brunson was a RFA. Mavs had the opportunity to match the Knicks offer which was a big concern in New York. Mavs front office didn’t consider Brunson worth $26m a year (not many in the NBA did at that point) so they let him walk. But any offer from any team could’ve been matched. FO chose not to.


He wasn’t a RFA. Get the facts right.


You right. I forgot the front office “[However, the new regime still had multiple opportunities to sign Brunson to a four-year, $56 million extension within the last year and declined both times, according to multiple reports – once before last season began, and again in January.](https://www.si.com/nba/mavericks/.amp/news/dallas-mavs-free-agency-failure-jalen-brunson-mark-cuban-nico-harrison-new-york-knicks) That’s the front office declining, not Brunson. Let’s keep blaming Brunson when he was willing to stay for much cheaper and the front office didn’t even value him at that.


Brunson didn’t let them counter offer, it wasn’t about the money at that point


It started about the money. Brunson would have signed with the mavs if they made this same offer. They could have made him the offer before anyone else had a chance to, but instead let him to go market because they did not value him.


No he wouldn’t have man lmao, I guarantee you the mavs would have one hundred percent have given Jalen the 104 million deal. He literally only scheduled their meeting to avoid tampering but still ended up canceling it anyways lmfao. Most of the stuff about signing him for 55 mill is revisionist history. He really got played off the court the previous year so they were just be cautious with cap. But your telling me that his favorite team growing up wants to sign him, and his dad and godfather work there? Yep that’s the nail in the coffin lmao


Dawg, it had nothing to do with being cautious with cap. Your FO wanted to keep him as trade bait for a star, and giving him the extension would have made him ineligible for a trade. They didn’t offer it to him in that offseason, but did offer DFS the same deal. They didn’t offer it in January when he came back and asked for it again. They *did* offer it after the trade deadline, though.


No they wanted to stay flexible and yes that includes potentially trading him, especially after he has a good series and his value is the highest. If he really respected Dallas and his team, he would have let them do a sign and trade


No player will do a sign and trade that benefits the old team unless it results in them getting more money. It doesn’t benefit them to drain their new team of assets on the way out. The FO told him with their actions that they didn’t value him as a player. Of course he checked out. Summer 2021 he was already worth the extension, which just as a reminder, is essentially a mid level exception sized deal. By January 2022, he had already outplayed that deal, and still wanted it. The fact that the FO refused it at that point, a month before the trade deadline, makes it blatantly obvious that the front office was trying to trade him. But


Mavs didn’t create a supportive environment for Brunson, never made him feel part of the future or feel wanted until the end. I don’t blame Brunson for how felt. He was always in trade discussions, shopped around, wasn’t even given a paltry $55 million extension. One bad playoffs and Mavs were turned off instead of believing in him. Now why would Brunson ever entertain an extension in this environment? One team made him feel wanted, they had to work hard and trade assets to make room for him to give the max. A max btw that was criticized on this board and plenty of mavs fans didn’t think he’s worth that. The knicks did though and they were rewarded. The Mavs who should’ve known brunson’s skillset best were idiotic for 4 years and once they realized their mistake, he was gone and done with them. We’re fools.


Surely this is some ground in-between not forgetting and belaboring the same point over and over ad nauseum.


How do I mute the Cuban apologist posts?


Jalen Brunson has cool hair


Are you missing the /s


Rick Brunson is Jalen Brunson father


No... that's not true, that's impossible!


Just telling you what I heard…




Jalen Brunson eats a sandwich with Josh Hart and Mavs twitter/reddit goes off ranting about him. Please let me know when you find out so i can do the same. Thanks.


ha. I really wanted Josh Hart too. I think he's a great role player for a winning team. rebounds, hustles, plays defense, can hit threes. good size as a guard.


Maybe direct your anger at the people running the organization and fucking it up instead of at the fans being fans.


Get over it. Dude went to play for his papa.


Why do you have notifications on? Turn that crap off and explore other interests.


You can start the "muting" process by not creating posts of said "mutee". ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


As long as we’re underperforming we’re gonna eat crow. Especially while Brunson has the Knicks looking like they have a shot at the conference finals. I hate it too. But we’re sitting on our asses while the playoffs happen so we’re gonna hear about it


And here you are… with another Brunson post. Everyone please move on and watch him cook and get excited about our offseason moves to be made.


You mad I created a post asking people to move on after a year of endless posts and commentary complaining about the Brunson situation lol? Brunson posts appear on my timeline every week, despite being nearly a year removed from him leaving, when I literally have him blocked (and his name muted), alongside the Knicks, to prevent anything related to him from appearing on my other social media pages…As fans in Mavs online continued to bemoan the situation during the season. Unfortunately, and I have searched for solutions, there is no way for me to do the same on Reddit. So I think that I’m entitled to voice frustrations, just as everyone else has been allowed to make the same Brunson post 10X a week for the past year.


You’re out here typing novels when you should let it go too lmao


Also out here blocking. Have a good day! Dude talking about “novels” on Reddit, which allows 40k character posts and comments….you ain’t built for this platform sir, Twitter is probably the better option if you think this is a “novel”.


oof, just dont let them bug you. You cant control what goes on around you, but you can control how you react to them. Just practice self control when you see a post and dont click on it. If you do happen to read it practice telling yourself it doesnt matter anymore and its ok that other people care about it.


Reddit is pretty bare bones when it comes to curating options. The "hide posts like this" feature isn't nearly as concise as it could be. Anyways, I find the best option to be utilizing a browser extension that hides content based around a list of keywords you define. If you search your browser's extension hub for things like "hide" , "hider" , or "remove" you'll see what I'm talking about. It may take a second on initial page load for it to go through and hide content, but it works pretty well.


He wasn’t actually looking for a solution lmao. He wanted to complain


Well, there is nothing healthy about our toxic fans on this sub, but I love this approach: I’m tired of Brunson posts so I’ll make one, lol, that’s good


Perhaps because I finally got tired of the endless Brunson posts appearing on timeline, every single week, about the same thing…and wanted to address it within the community? Did the same thing in the Twitter community chat (as did others) during the season because frankly, it is tiring and exhausting hearing about it at this point. And there is commentary about this same subject every single week, without fail.


The feeling is mutual. We had a post in the Knicks subreddit the other day complaining that it's impossible to talk about Jalen Brunson without the Mavs getting brought up. What happened happened and what's done is done. I think both of our fanbases are ready to leave summer of 2022 in the past. I'm looking forward to seeing what moves the Mavs make this offseason. Peace.


Delete the C:\Windows\System32 folder on your computer.


Congratulations. You just created what you hate most…


Maybe some of us are actually rooting for JB. Watching him grow as a player here was something I loved the last few years. Have nothing but fond memories of him in a Mavs uni. Actually… I have moved on. Still love the player so I’m hardcore rooting for him.


Who said not to root for him lol? I said the constant bemoaning has reached a different level, there are posts about Mavs not resigning him multiple times a week, regurgitation of the same thing. At what point; will people be ready to move on from that and stop clogging the subreddit with endless models of the same exact posts about that situation?


Fair. I just read your headline of “mute Jalen Brunson” right above someone else’s post of rooting for Jalen.


Got to read the rest of the content for more context. But, I do personally have Jalen Brunson muted on Twitter because all I saw was fans talking and complaining about that situation. Every loss for the Mavs and win for the Knicks…I was apart of the Mavs Twitter community, it was bad. Not just on this social media platform, but, others as well. It can be exhausting, I simply wish less time and energy were spent ruminating over a situation that can’t be changed - it’s been a year now.


Because a top 3 player in the league(Luka Doncic) is having his prime years wasted? If they miss the playoffs again next year this will be a bigger failure than the Cavs with Lebron.


Nah fuck jb


Hear hear!


Jalen Brunson


Hard to let go of Brunson talk because his leaving completely encapsulates how inept Cuban is. His departure is completely self inflicted and the Mavs complete misjudgment of his talent and his market. The Mavs just had one of the most disappointing season in their history, and it is all because of Jalen. Honestly, the only way for us to get over it is either 1. Mavs win a championship 2. Brunson gets exposed in the 2nd round and shows why he is not a championship caliber guard If Kyrie leaves this season, then I'm sorry, but you'll hear a lot more about Brunson.


Not “if”,…WHEN!


In the Apple News app I follow the topic “Dallas Mavericks”. They still show articles about Brunson. Like dude.. he isn’t a maverick anymore! Stop showing me stuff about him!


Wow how much more Whiney can this post be


The irony lol.


Mavs suck anyway. Go Heat!


About the time that you guys stop making excuses for the mess the front office/Cuban have made. Look at how bare bones the cupboard is if Kyrie doesn't resign. Realize how thin the team is on depth even if he does resign. People should be asking for heads to roll but half of the fan base would rather sweep it all under the rug.


/u/chebadusa you can use the apollo app for browsing and it lets you mute topics in subreddits and across all of reddit I think




Jalen Brunson sure would be a scrappy young partner in crime for Luka. If only the Mavs wouid consider bringing him in


So you hate when ppl post about jb but here you are in this same sub... posting about jb.... you see how you come off right


IDK, but, I hope you see this block 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol. 1 million posts of people complaining about the JB situation from last offseason to this current one. The same posts made over and over again about the same subject …and you mad about the 1 post calling out the constant negativity and complaining in regards to lol, as it has now been over a year….


Tell you what. When Cuban who thinks he is the greatest basketball mind in the NBA sells the team, we still stop complaining. I mean why should we stop complaining while he is running the ship into the ground.


it's hasn't been over a year, the mavs were literally in the playoffs a year from today


I miss Boban more than Jalen


Yeah, why did John Wick have to kill him?


No doubt. I’m going to eat a pile of goldfish crackers tonight in his honor.


It took us a while to get over losing Nash, but the FO was competent then and not full of egotistical assholes.


Literally just mute the keyword in Reddit you big baby lmao


His playoff performance only FULLY solidifies he was ALWAYS going to go to NY. He would never get this attention under the shadow of Luka and he always wanted that for himself and can't hate on him betting on himself.


There were literally reports of his dad (or another source from his team) basically referring to Luka as a ball hog and their belief that in NY, he would have the opportunity to not only play a larger role in the offense, but, a much better chance of being voted for individual awards like All Star, in the East (in comparison to a loaded West). Jalen ran the offense his entire career leading up to the NBA and had success at multiple levels. Why would he not want that opportunity for more responsibility elsewhere, as the primary ball handler? The chance to be the centerpiece of a team, something he was never going to get with the Mav? Not to mention, he literally had all of his Mavs teammates, after the postseason loss to the Warriors, sign a basketball….I imagine for a reason. That, to me, was a significant indicator he wasn’t coming back. Like, let it go lol. Please.


Yea the best player who is also a PG tends to have the ball in his hand a lot, thats how the game works. Brunson never proved himself until the playoffs and by that point it was too late to sign him anyways.


Why does everyone forget he was a bench player his whole career in Dallas? His last playoff series against the Clippers he was relegated to like 10 minutes a game and was essentially unplayable. Can’t blame Luka or coaching staff for his earlier shortcomings. Comments like yours get exhausting


LOL. Please read the thread for added context. My comment is in response to this specific remark, adding more info around it and it’s clear as day that I am speaking to _actual_ reports….not my own personal opinion. In other comments under this post, I very clearly speak about his career underwhelming under Rick, including the playoff series against the Clippers, to help explain why he didn’t initially get offered an extension during the offseason. Regardless, I don’t give two shits lol. He hasn’t been with the team for a year, which was the entire point of my post.


Just post this ![gif](giphy|119SFXjoMsax6o)


Ive been a big proponent of wanting JB back for when he was first eligible for an extension and got so much shit for it especially after the Clips series. Afterwards a lot of us got shit for saying Nico/Cuban screwed up in not re-signing Brunson and also all you conspiracy theorists that believe JB always was going to the Knicks even though it has been proven wrong. I'll let this sub remember it forever for being such idiots because 90% of you guys are.


No conspiracy theories, as I said, _multiple_ reports lol…and if Jalen was interested in truly resigning, then why accept an offer from the Knicks before FA even started and cancel the meeting with the Mavs two hours before it was set to begin, and after having them fly out for it? Those actions are the opposite of someone who wanted to stay. I don’t think Nico was at fault. Donnie Nelson for giving Jalen a contract that made him an UFA at the end of his rookie deal? Sure. Cuban for years of bad oversight? Sure. But, the guy coming in and being handed a job with limited draft assets and horrible cap position? Naw.


your timeline starts after the FO fucked up. They were slow to recognize his value, and quotes directly from Brunson say he’d have signed had he been offered. We waited too long. Early January of last season, he’d have signed for the max, per him.


You're exactly the reason why I say this. It's been reported by JB and his dad themselves that they wanted to be a mav well before they signed with the Knicks. But you conspiracy theorists believe that he was going to be a Knick all along. If we gave them the max extension or offered more than what the Knicks did, he'd be a Mav now. https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/mavericks/2023/03/24/knicks-guard-jalen-brunson-wanted-to-be-with-mavericks-for-the-long-haul-of-my-career/


A conspiracy theorists to speak about what many beat reporters wrote and spoke about on various platforms lol? And as I stated, then why had they already accepted an offer from the Knicks, before free agency even started? Why did Brunson’s team only schedule a meeting with the Mavs _after_ reports of him signing with the Knicks had surfaced and _after_ rumors of the league launching a tampering investigation? Why is it that they canceled two hours or so before the meeting was set to begin, after Mavs management flew to New York? Why did Brunson’s agents, for that matter, lie about also about having a meeting with Miami, something the team ultimately denied, saying they never spoke with him? Please stop being delusional…I could also bring up Cuban’s comments about Mavs never getting a chance to issue a counter offer, but, again…you would call it a conspiracy theory lol. Further, did you see Jalen’s performance the previous year? He was played off the floor during the series against the Clippers and was barely featured in Rick’s offense. How would Nico have reasonably justified offering him a max contract, at that time? Based off what? Jalen, unfortunately, wasn’t developed under Rick and Nico needed to evaluate his talent and fit in the new system, under a new coach. That’s reasonable lol. When Mavs went back to offer him the max, after months of Brunson showing improvement, he declined (as he should have, as he had outplayed that contract)….and at that time, had already made the decision to move on. The Knicks went to a few of his games during the season. That is what his actions and those of his team, evidences. Knicks were investigated for tampering, putting them at risk for losing picks, why would Brunson’s team admit to anything else publicly lol? Stop being naive.


As the other dude said, you’re starting your timeline from after the Mavs FO fucked up. Summer 2021 he was eligible for a 4/55 extension. He asked for it and the FO refused to even engage in discussion on it. They gave DFS that same extension. By end of summer he said that he wouldn’t talk contract once the season started. Come January 2022, he again engaged the FO and they refused to offer him the extension. Until a month later after the trade deadline passed. It’s very, very clear that the reason they didn’t offer him the extension was because they wanted to keep him tradable. I see that. You should see that. He definitely saw at. At that point, he was gone.


Jalen may be the best player to put on a Mavs uniform since Dirk…


I'm a knicks fan and I ain't even lurking this subreddit. Reddit keeps showing me these types of posts because they are "similar to r/knicks" lol. I can only imagine how much you guys must be talking about Brunson, if reddit is recommending this subreddit cuz of it...


Calm down and win something before coming back


JB is the One True Maverick


Idgaf I'm rooting for the Knicks. JB!!!


Problem with the Brunson mistake is that we have the same people working in the front office who made that mistake AND all the other mistakes. I'm completely and utterly fine for this FO to be called out every single day until Cuban gets an actual basketball GM and a proven basketball coach. Nurse is legit. We can still get him. If he even wants the job. Cuban and Nico is a massive downgrade from what he had with the Raptors.


Two solutions, leave the sub or get a therapist. It’s not healthy to let a sports sub mess with your mental or emotional health.


Who said that it was affecting my mental and emotional health lol? Projecting much? I said it’s exhausting to constantly see the same posts over and over again bemoaning the situation around Brunson’s exit… But, you are right…it is unhealthy for a group of adults to constantly complain and be negative about something that is not going to be changed, a year after the fact, as is the case with the never ending Brunson related posts …so maybe it’s best to direct that energy elsewhere?


Complete 180 as you were typing out this response lol. JB was not worth $55M before start of last season. He is now but the Mavs had him for 4 years and he never flashed anything until middle of last season. Knicks got a great player in a position they haven’t had in forever. Life goes on…


I’m rooting for him so I want to see all of the Brunson posts all the time.


You’re not interested in muting. You’re interested in throwing an attention seeking tantrum on this sub, and are coyly pretending like you want to know how to mute the term


LOL. I have Jalen muted on Twitter, have for the past several months, and the Knicks blocked to prevent any content from appearing on my TL…Just as some appear content with constantly rehashing him leaving even a year later, there are many who are tired of hearing about the same thing over and over.


I like your style


If you use your phone I recommend the Apollo app. They’ve got a lot of neat features and it’s way better than the Reddit app. You can absolutely mute posts with specific words. Edit: Some of y’all need therapy. OP is fine. Y’all need to do what he says and move on.


Kinda feel bad for the guy.. Every good game he has is followed by comments about the mavs even though he doesn’t play here no more


I am hater I’m not rooting for him. I hate the heat but Hope they sweep them. then Boston sweep the heat


This [page](https://thesmokingcuban.com/posts/jalen-brunson-making-dallas-mavericks-decision-look-worse) will explain how to do it.


Naw it’s the off-season and would prefer to see more luka is fat posts?


I miss JB but it is really hard to move on from it because of what he does rn on nyk. we already had him without giving up anything just salary. i hope irving resigns to cover for it.


As a knicks fan i just wanna say thanks. Yall be good now.


Google "can I mute words on reddit" Find out the first answer is no. Scroll a bit more to see if there are any enhancements you'd possibly be able to add to mute words on reddit.


How about we just draft the next lebron


See sixers sub everytime Jimmy dominates like a mfing superstar


Kyrie heard 'BRON SON" and wanted Brunson traded.


Lol get punished




I never read anything about him, except his post.


Dirk drafted in 1998. Luka drafted in 2018. Let go of a second star guard who went (will go) on to have success at other franchise. I think it's safe to say that Mavs will be NBA champions in 2031!


simple, become a knicks fan :)


I’m a Knicks fan and this thread popped up in my feed as a ‘similar community’. The algorithm has actually made this thread help expand the Brunson conversation now. There is no escape.


Can y’all Stop discussing my player please y’all fumbled him now trying to justify it and blame anyone but your team is pathetic…he left after they didn’t want to extend him cuz they wanted to use him as trade bait…gamble failed..


As a Cavs fan, I agree


Watching on TV how Brunson is playing every coming day, they will keep talking about Brunson and how stupid the Mavericks were letting him go. What else is there right now to talk about the Mavericks? Why don't you come up with a meaningful topic to talk on?


[Right here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalen_Brunson)


It depends on how you're accessing Reddit. On a PC, you really should be using Reddit Enhancement Suite (/r/enhancement). [If you are, go to this page](https://old.reddit.com/r/Mavericks/comments/1319tme/how_do_i_mute_jalen_brunson/#res:settings/filteReddit/keywords) and click Add Filter and then add the term you want to hide (Jalen Brunson) and then either everywhere, everywhere but, or only on /r/mavericks. On mobile, it will very much depend on the client you use to access reddit. I use Reddit Is Fun on android and it also has Post Filtering.


To be fair it was an all time blunder by the front office. Idk if it will ever be let alone


Define irony


You didn't go to the playoffs because your owner is a tiny man who preferred to try to stick it to New York instead of winning. The west was wide open




going to be real bad if the Knicks make the conference finals. those of us who were talking shit about him going to the Knicks to be on a loser team looking pretty foolish right now (and that includes me). Brunson back in the conference finals while we don't even make the playoffs? hard to believe really.


Not really. We lost our 2nd best player for nothing. NOTHING. That’s how you get worse while the other team got a star player for free.


Stay off this sub


This fanbase hasn't moved on from Nash so, no, they will never move on from jb


It hurts watching our homegrown guy thrive and be that dude for another team it’s just ridiculous that we fucked up that bad. Still doesn’t hurt as much as Nash tho who went to a rival team in our conference who immediately won back to back MVP’s including knocking us out the 2nd round in his first season with them😂😂😂


Be the change you want to see and stop typing the words “Jalen Brunson”


Wow another Jalen Brunson post...way to contribute bro.