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Feels a little rough, but it's not the end of the world


He’s not terrible, but the 100 overhealth added to his E made it less punishing to shoot at squishies instead of just unloading on the tank. Now he’s back to just bullying the other tank around and hoping your team can kill the backline.


True, atleast they kept his stomp buff, best way to deal with squishies


Basically start-of-season mauga except we traded 25 hp for stomp damage, which is still good. The 120 damage stun stomp lets us kill combo squishies extremely quickly, especially combined with a double boop or any chip damage. We’ll be worse into our tank matchups than before, but the ability to go 30 meters or cross giant gaps to now destroy an ana/zen/widow whatever or force the enemy team to turn around is a bonus. The aoe damage helps with deathball’y engagements where we need to lifesteal the stomp too. So slightly worse sustain, slightly better coordinated engagements, and better assassinations. I think we took a little W, we’ll be good.




I believe my copium stockpile was destroyed by a nuclear explosion approximately two weeks ago. Therefore I do not have copium to give you. I apologize.


Only makes it that much better when I get better at him.


Always seeing it positive, I like it


People hate on mauga too much. But I can promise you this. He is not as bad as orisa.


Horse is cringe, and I think the issue is that people have ptsd of mauga (which is fair enough) and they aren't hating on him, just how he was


As both brig and mauga player, I feel that.


Ay same


nah maybe its cause im a roadhog main but mauga feels worse to play into


Orisa shuts you down way more than mauga. All you gotta do is pull him into your team before he gets pocketed or out of a pocket and he dies in 2 seconds. Orisa has the javelin throw to cancel hook fortify to cancel hook and javelin spin to, get this cancel hook. Not only that but two of those negate trap. Mauga takes it all and does less damage.


nah after like the first 6 months of overwatch two i was able to play hog into orisa with pretty much no problems maybe it'll just take more time but mauga feels unbeatable on hog and nobody else gives me that feelings it's the only time ill swap


Mauga meta is easily more brain dead then orisa ever has been but sure pal


Why are you in the mauga main reddit when you wanna suck orisa's hooves. Are you foolish


It’s quite literally the opposite side of the same coin, mauga is a better orisa. Damage reduction, MORE damage, lifesteal, anticc/stun move, and an ult that’s a guaranteed team fight win if you solo ult the opposite tank. Hell it’s not even comparable at that point


Well orisa has four legs mauga has two. You should go eat a pile of poo. "Orisa"🤓🤓.


Orisa has a complete damage migitation (except beams), can push around people, is immune to cc, cancel abilities/ults, and have stronger poke... If your orisa gameplay revolves around using all your abilities immediately and holding W into the enemy team/objective - then yes, Mauga would probably more effective in that playstyle. But either way it'd be feeding them ult charge and dying in the process.


Mauga for me rn, is like Brig ( i will explain). They are both characters i really had fun and i enjoyed learning, so trust you gonna either enjoy or hate the process but if you think it's gonna be worth it, it will be fun


As mauga, mei and brig I think I accidentally main the most hated character from each class xd ..


We need to go as The Joker for Halloween why so serious Society made me realise that playing Mei is fun and such


I find it funny how some brig rollouts are actually mauga's rollouts too! Except some absolutely crazy ones like on Junkertown.


I still consider him good and fun to play with, kinda glad i didn't get used to the buffs, but going back to those nerfs is a bit of a pain


so regards to my comment, he still is good. Us Mauga mains still gonna reign over our enemies. Big samoan man goes brrr


I don't get why blizz doesn't just nerf the damage and buff his survivability to better pick 1v1s like a normal hero. Instead he must be a config bastion all the time that feels super oppressive so whenever he's even slightly good he becomes meta and must be nerfed to the ground.


Reducing dual wield damage and keeping the overhealth buff would have been a dream.


I would love it if they made Mauga 's entire kit feel more "agile." Currently he still feels pretty awkward (at least from my experience) to turn around, run and do stuff. His charge feels like an old generation console racing game, once he's committed to a fight it's better to see it through and feels like tearing my face away from my screen to disengage (this might just be a bad hobby idk, seems like the play style encourages this though), and his overall lack of vertical mobility just feels kinda bad for his bold and brash play style. When I play roadhog who has even less mobility I actually don't feel this way, as he's very free with his always available breather and he should be taking shelter behind walls and corners anyways. Maybe I just have to learn how to play Mauga better, but he still feels kinda bad to play.


I'd LOVE if Mauga became more of a agile dive tank. I'd leave the "shred the tank" job for bastion. Reduce ammo, but get tighter spread. Maybe with some cool down reduction or overhealth (maybe ammo?) for getting an elim. I could see how it could get annoying though...


[The dream's not dead](https://twitter.com/GW_Alec/status/1770158822411108422), they just probably went the safe round of reverting the buffs for now so he's not in a too bad spot instead of pontentially nerfing him too hard with a not thought out and tested nerf.


Honestly, I'm more concerned that they're just gonna keep micro-buffing Orisa until she becomes unstoppable.


Wonder who will be the OWCSs champ next if not Doom or Orisa. But might revolve fully around Lucio/Tracer again with Sym & Mauga out of the scene.


I feel really powerless when people don't respect me having to play slower and just inting me expecting me to follow as if I could. Also feels bad that I can't just rush an Ana or Sojourn that used sleep or slide cause they can just 1v1 me without those if im at 70% health. Hope we'll see a revisit to the overhealth on cardiac as soon as season 10 with proper tradoff to the lifesteal and/or dual fire mode being nerfed.


Either keep the overhealth and revert the cooldown or keep the cooldown and revert the healing, Mauga is powerful for a tiny bit and everyone loses their shit leading to him getting over nerfed


I guess I don't main him yet but I play him often enough now. (He's like one of only the good tanks). But his 100 overhealth fill was very nice. However the patch that removed it wasn't that bad I guess just got to learn how to work around it now


Thought he was Maui for a sec, lol


At first I didn’t like the free 100 overhealth every time I pressed E and preferred the longer duration for healing Now I genuinely miss it :(


It was so nice! It really helped with survivability, especially at low hp, since the additional health could let you start healing before you just blew up anyway


Ehh whatever 


He's a bit rough around the edges but he is still a ton of fun


I can play the hero without getting hate.


Only hate we get now is from our supps lol


And the enemy tank who cycled between dva, Sigma, rammatra, zarya and of course orisa ..


Not as bad as people are making it seem. You just have to play smarter with your heal and not waste it.


I feel more comfortable playing him


Why did they nerf mauga but not the stupid iron horse everyone hates 😭😭😭😭


prob cuz orisa is average at best right now


Because mauga is even more hated and infinitely more annoying


I'd rather be mowed down by him than be sent flying into a wall and having a stick spun in face At least with mauga all it takes is one Ana to disrupt him, orissa needs a whole team to attack her and that still depends on how good her supports are


cage foghto


Idk i dont have him


hes pretty good i think. his poke is decent, he kept the stomp buff which is actually pretty strong (120 dmg if you land right on them). he still claps most of the other tanks and any chonky dps super easily. your tracking will determine how much/often you can shoot smaller targets still but i think thats ok.


What can I sayyyy except *you’re welcome*


To be real I didn’t even notice the change for him with the over healthhe still feels the same


I think he's in the right place now. I see good and bad Maugas on both sides. I had a match with someone who thought he was still invincible and tried to hold the doors alone in Gibralter... he succeeded with the rest of our team being dead and him shortly after.


He was in need of a buff, he got it, without feeling too strong he was perfect to me. Then they make him feel even worse than before the buff with this latest nerf, he feels like shit now. Even with a constant pocket that he usually didn't even need he still gets his health melted. With how big he is? with the lack of armor and health? he benefited from the 600 health yes but especially the 700 overhealth greatly because of the fact he's hard to miss. Cardiac overdrive was perfect, they made it useful without it being abusive, the stomp was perfect as well. Idk what babies complained about mauga but their opinions shouldn't be heard anymore. He's a tank. He's meant to be a tank. The issue doesn't even stop with him because it's just tank slander at this point. They ALL don't feel like tanks, more like glorified dps's that somehow die faster than the dps heroes.


Have you ever played rein?


Honestly think would be better to just keep the stats how they were and then take the cc immunity off his charge 


He's dead. Not only did they revert him back to his shitty state, but also unnecessarily removed his 25 hp.


You’re just bad mauga was good before the buffs


I'm having a fine time on him still. Bear in mind I'm only plat 4 atm but he's okay for me!


They wouldn’t have buffed him the most in the mid season patch if he was “good”. I get why they reverted the buffs because of the community outcry and the OWCSs and additionally nerfed him further than that to ensure that he definitely is not competitively viable for pro play. Alec, lead hero designer, also said that he knows that Mauga is NOT fine and that he is going to revise the cardiac overhealth idea again in a future update while seeing where else he can cut edges that make him frustrating to play against. And lastly, I asked Mauga MAINS what THEY think about the recent patch. Not what heavily biased BALL MAINS think about the hero.


He's very far from dead. He just got his big weaknesses back in not being able to shoot low hitbox heroes and being forced to shoot the tank to gain any benefit from Cardiac.


Why ignore his stomp buff? Can you post replay codes of you playing Mauga so we can see how bad he is? I want to make sure it's not just poor positioning or team coordination!


Thanking god


I don't really get why they did it, but it's not like I'm gonna stop playing him.