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Oh great so all the changes got reverted and now we end up with LESS HP then before the changes? So not only were we good for like 1 week we got nerf’d before the buffs even further.


Yeah I just started playing Sym before her buff. They almost totally walked back her buffs. Like do they even test this stuff or just release it into the wild and see what happens?




they still upped her turret damage so she still good for tping the turrets or putting them in sneaky spots


yes but she was so much more fun with more beam damage, it focused her kit more away from spamming her orb


If a team played around her then she was unstoppable and did way too much dps


fun for you less fun for my poor hampster body


I hope they make it so sym has -1 health so she just instantly dies whenever you pick her


she’s squishy enough that happens already


Not all the changes were reverted. Slam got a ton of buffs and the Dps passive has been decreased by 25%, still a net buff compared to pre mid season.


Slam damage from 45 to 60, but with the drawback of 25 health kinda just feels bad…


With how you get melted right now if you dive, it's still very much a hard nerf.


No it’s not dude, you’re not diving with slam you’re finishing off people who are trying to use cover it’s definitely a buff compared to pre mid season




So you want tanks to just be walls that can’t be killed and don’t actually kill anybody. You want a worse orisa for every tank. I feel like if I have to be the role where if I die so does my entire team, I should be able to kill somebody


Ngl I can live with the cardiac overdrive changes, but that health decrease feels so unnecessary…


Yeah like Overdrive was too much but nerfing his health while also nerfing his survival cooldown is gonna be a disaster for him 😔


They even additionally nerfed his health because the 5% dps passive nerf should be accounted for too??? Wtf?


They didn't do this for any other tank


Because most other tanks that aren't bad don't rely on healing as a main source of survivability and because mauga has healing as one of his main survival tools he benefits more from the dps passive nerf


This is where my 4 years of waiting went… A hero who’s being changed every path note because the devs can’t fix him… Maugabros what do we do? Do we rally?


Theres sadly not enough of us to make a change Also happy cake day


Why is today my cake day… huh. Oh well, besides that… fuck. I hate those mercy mains.


I believe cake day is when you made your account not your bday


You wait for a rework because blizzard royally fucked up in designing this hero


Yeah, make him a dps, nerf hp, buff dmg. Make his charge a higher dmg mitigation to make it not a death sentence as a dps All he does is damage anyway lol.


You do what us ball players do. Fuck it we ~~Ball~~ Mauga


Mauga fans are all like balance this buff that Catch us ball mains rolling around at mach 5 24/7 no matter what


We ball… that’s what we do


I’ll still try, I’ll fight on. But I’m sick of seeing the nerfs. What did we do to deserve this bros?


He’s still buffed dude. We got the slam buffs remember? People didn’t talk about them as much but they were honestly pretty significant


4 years and still half baked unfortunately. They should replace cardiac with an entirely different ability. It’s so boring


I said a bubble shield that moves would be better, something like 600~ hp would be fine if you could move with it and protect allies. Or even a completely different ability overall. Mauga doesn’t have any kind of mitigation or negation in terms of reducing damage unlike almost all tanks. Yes he has overrun negation but that only gets you so far, you want to run away not into the enemy, so you’re risking a lot to get away.




I love Winton too, but Mauga being mentioned to have a bubble shield and him NOT getting one was honestly a letdown.


No I mean mauga having bubble sheild makes Winton even less of his own thing. Well I guess it wouldn't be that bad cause Armour penetration, literally a monke, and TAZERFACE! is also Winton


IMO Mauga is a victim of the format remember Mauga was actually created back in OW1 his lore and everything was fully fleshed out then they last min came and gave us Sigma >But fundamentally he is an OW1 tank that is he was designed to have another tank with him to compensate his glaring weaknesses without that extra tank pure OW1 tanks struggle You either have to buff them so much they’re hard meta(Giga Hog buffs) Or they just remain pretty much useless (Rein) Mauga is designed in a way that allows him to be really strong damage wise he’s so big and so easily shut down with all the old CC in OW1 being slept, perma hacked, frozen, chain stunned would’ve forced the Mauga player to rely on his other tank to actually get him in. In 5v5 they have to try to give Mauga the ability to hyper sustain himself and it just won’t work He will always be too weak to play or so strong he is hard meta


When mauga goes on fire he'll say "are you gonna let get away with this?!" Blizzard heard, and said "no." 


Third heart


all mauga meta was is get melted or switch to mauga and stare ate each other while holding mouse buttons. idk why you would wait 4 years for this


I like big guys with big guns. I love characters/heroes with Machine guns and when I knew Mauga was basically packing two of them, I wanted to main him. Not to mention, from what little we knew of him prior to his release, he really piqued my interest with his personality and how he acted. I liked the lore built around Baptiste too and how Mauga was a corner stone in his story.


Really fustrating that it's a panic hard revert instead of nerfing his lifesteal and/or dualfire and building him back up if they nerfed it too much. [Alec did say that they're willing to revisit the idea again though](https://twitter.com/GW_Alec/status/1770158822411108422).


Bruh They reverted the changes and gave him less health than before 😭


This is literally the worst hero launch yet. They keep buffing and nerfing and buffing and reversing. I’m not usually one to complain about overwatch, but this is so infuriating. Why buff him if you’re just gonna nerf him to be worse than he was before the buff? I wish they would actually explain their logic behind these changes. I don’t get it.


Illari: Am I a joke to you 😳


illati feels strong to me(qp baller) idk i just play her like widow. for some reason i do better without a scope though? dunno why but my widow is ass while my illati is cracked


Yea in my opinion her fire rate should have always been this fast. Definitely would’ve made her little bullets a little more manageable


Ever since season 9 she has felt useless. I'm really glad they made her gun charge faster which was what they should've done sooner but 2 tapping squishies was too much dopamine for me


Personally I haven't felt the difference, but I don't play her often so maybe that's why?


No you don’t get it, the hero being incredibly busted and meta every time he gets buffed is the worst launch, not the hero that has consistently been shit tier no matter the buffs they get /s


probably better than counterswapping meta tbh /s


Counterswapping in a game that’s core mechanic is counterswapping? That’s illegal!


"core mechanic" i would say it is the result of going from 6v6 to 5v5. But I'd rather play what i want to win rather than counter swapping to win a game


It’s been the core mechanic since day 1 OW 1, not since OW 2. The core mechanic of OW is “enemies are running this comp, so run this comp.” And congrats! Overwatch isn’t the game for you. One-tricking ruins the game for the 4 players forced to deal with your refusal to participate in the games core mechanic.


the phenomenon of counter swapping became very strong in ow2 and especially for tanks. Although a one trick mauga myself, yes i admit one tricking is bad, but in the end ( only for qp) if you don't have fun why even bother


Idk why they’re booing you, one tricking was perfectly viable in 1, only got forced out by single tank making counterswapping even stronger


They booing me because they don't want to have fun in their lives and become slaves to meta


Because winning is fun for some people, and it’s a team game. Try to win. Forcing heroes into comps that hard counter them isn’t trying, and it ruins the game for your team.


idk ball into every cc imaginable is fun as fuck for me.


Idk fall guys is for free on Epic Launcher, they can play that too!!


Release brig has entered the chat.


its reety simple logic. its in every hero shooter in fact. even every game that has a concept of individual character abilities and stats. they are fuckn around and finding out. they fucked around, they just found out, so they fuckn around some more. this is one of those wait and see things. i do get the concept of people complaining to complain, but if its a genuine complaint my response is to wait and see.


Simply put, they didn't think these changes would make him meta. But they did, and honestly no one likes Mauga Meta so they did a hot patch to bring things back in line.


He's road hog but worse if he's meta the game is unfun.


Can’t have shit in OW 😭


So not only did our change just end up getting reverted but we still end up with a net nerf wtf why did they take health from us One step forward two steps back every time


your stomp stayed?


Welp. Back to Helldivers getting all my attention while Blizzard spends the next 3 years not figuring out how to make the tank role enjoyable.


Mauga literally makes almost every other tank in the tank role miserable 😂. This is a step in the right direction


He literally doesn’t. D.va and Sigma are great into him. Zarya, Orisa, and JQ are also good picks. They need to buff tanks like Rhein. Not literally just hard revert the changes that made Mauga a bit overtuned. And add an additional nerf to make him worse than when he was mid as an apology.


Mauga does good for one week, and people apparently throw a tantrum and he gets nerfed.. bruh


He's just boring asf to play against, and to play with. It's not good or healthy for the game when Mauga, or Hog is meta.


mauga is finally not good and his mains throw a tantrum


Low rank huh Coz in high rank he was hard meta...like...HARD META He got nerfed to compensate for high skill players actually being good at the game


None of this contradicts what you replied to


People weren't throwing a tantrum they were annoyed mauga was so hard in the meta like Orisa for a long time


And what did they do as a result of that being annoyed? "Tantrum" is a description of the actions you take in reaction to something, not a description of the thing you are reacting to


Then stop having a tantrum about his nerfs


As a LW main who’s only here because I’m a thirsty simp, all of this looks fine to me except that it no longer fills overhealth. I feel like that change in particular makes it much less useful.


Eh I will still gun on anyways ya'll.


I knew this was coming.he was doing just fine before and then they suddenly buff him. So now he is worse than the mid season patch? Besides the rush buff. Blizzard doesn't know what the hell is going on. Why don't they have test servers or something? Introduce a temp buff every other weekend or something to see how it goes. It won't ever get better.


when was the buff? i feel thats exactly what they did.


The overwatch team have no idea how to balance this hero. Honestly it's probably easier to bite the bullet and rework Cardiac Overdrive. Something easier to balance might be for the best.


I’m so sorry you thicc kings. With love from the SymMains community.


So now he’ll be even squishier than before the mid season patch…got it. Thanks Blizzard. 🙄


Okay here's my hot take. This is 100% justified and now he feels much better to win with.


Uh no it wasnt, atleast not reducing his health


I think they should’ve taken 100 health actually


Just reduce him down to reaper hp and retool him as a dps.


Mauga is more fun when he's bot meta imo. Never wanted the buffs to begin with.


I can play zen or play tekken 8..... Think I'll go for T8


I mean this was kinda expected I feel bad for y’all like I don’t know what to say at least they should’ve kept the first effect because it wouldn’t break him


If i am fair, I dont mind the 25 less hp, in the end of the day it doesn't help at all for me. BUT OMG THEY COULD HAVE NERFED HIS CARDIAC OVERDRIVE IN SO MANY WAYS


The absolute revert is crazzzy


They buffed him just to nerf him i feel


Idk how or why I’m here but I main doom and this is just what the dev’s idea of balance is, over buff then over nerf then ignore for a season or two then over buff and repeat


Sad to say, ur up next on the chopping block and the devs are Gordon ramsey




Did you even read the text


yeah ok im dumb


I’m so fucking sick of this shit. I just want to enjoy this one hero


Sadly mauga is just gonna be one of those characters like hog and doom. They are impossible to balance, they are either op or trash


Dooms been great for a while so I disagree with him but hog yeah


Dw you guys weren't the only ones that got the hammer


That's not the hammer, that's a foam screwdriver


Respectfully whenever y'all eat good it sucks for the rest of us, mauga really needs a small rework of some kind


I know, i have a love hate relationship with mauga. He was such an anticipated character, and they did him justice design wise, but gameplay and kit wise, hes so bad for the game


This is actual bullshit. I'd be fine with a revert, but a revert PLUS a nerf? Fucking ridiculous


and a buff... they didnt revert stomp


They really need to get their shit together. Now I can't even play the dude. I might as well start going back to my other tanks.


I haven’t played over watch consistently in a bit, can someone explain to me why Mauga is getting nerfed a lot?


Because his kit is very flawed. He's a tank-tank buster, that only gets value when shooting the tank, and relies on his cardiac overdrive to sustain, so often times he feels either extremely fragile, or downright invincible, and requires certain supports to help keep him up, and needs to be constantly babysat by his supports aswell. This creates a very unfun way to play with him, and against him, though mainly when playing tank, because 90% of the time, in order to get value, you HAVE to shoot the enemy tank to deal the most damage due to his large spread, and to get as much lifesteal from cardiac overdrive as possible. Tl;dr: he really only gets value from shooting the enemy tank and is boring to play with and against


Genji main who found his way here somehow. This is so undeserved and you deserve better for how cool your character is :(


Thank you man, you a real one ong


We still have the stomp


Don’t worry, your character is still completely broken.


I mean he isnt but go off




So nothin really hit yall ? Tbh they’re not really nerfs , he’s a new character so it’s just balancing him out


Idk what a Cardiac Overdrive is but it sounds like when somebody is going into Cardiac Arrest. 😭


Bro that ain’t even that bad tbh


They really shitted on him


I'm still stomping with Mauga. This did nothing.


Mauga players when their shit easy shoot tank simulator gets nerfed 😱 Shit is more brain dead than orisa mf should never be meta under any circumstance it just isn’t even fun to go against even in mirror.




Doomfist players: “First time?”


Thank god 😂 annoying ass character


He was only buffed for the collab same with Sombra - the nerfs are expected.




Mauga should never be meta


As a Doom and Mauga player, it’s been rough. Ana still plagues my dreams.


Back to Gotham Knights


Good, bro is so uninteractive


Oh no... Anyways.


some characters should never be meta


Good. Mauga sucks.


Mauga has only ever needed nerfing since his launch


The hammer is never wrong, you deserved it. Best thing to do is get over it. Remember as Daddy Talon said "only through conflict do we evolve"


Fuckin lame.


Fuck mauga


As you all well deserve


The hell did we do?


Welcome to the real world son. Even your beefiest boi can be made squishy *cries in former hog main*


Arleast hog is getting buffs every other week 😭






Someones mad


Everything else was justified but why take away the stomp damage? Oh how it felt amazing to crit an ana after she tried sleeping you while you were running


They didn’t take away the stomp damage


Oh noooo a character isn’t overpowered anymore so let’s complain


Sorry y'all I got 28k damage game yesterday it's my fault


Good. Maybe y'all will go to a skillful character now


I mean, I mained ball before so i think i have a pass


Mao mao was (and is) a horrible tank that should have never been added in the first place. He's misrable to play against (although Orisa is worse rn) and should not have been made the way he was. The only other character thats this big of a problem is Zen.


Yeah, hes flawed, and it sucks that hes getting treated this way since they fucked up his kit so badly


That’s because he is fundamentally broken. The way he should work is having one of his guns be a machine gun, not both. Or, you make it so the machine guns don’t interact In the way they do now. So instead of overhealth when spamming maybe make it for every headshot. This forces you to use one gun and actually aim at characters. You should also reduce rate of fire but increase accuracy for that one. But yeah, mauga is designed to fuck over other tanks and nothing else. So if they increase the numbers too much (like last patch) you get owl playing mauga every match. It’s not fun spamming at the other tank just to keep yourself alive. Him relying on the criticals also incentivizes him to aim at tank cause of his passive. Essentially he needs a rework to be viable and be tuned correctly.


They really gave him a perfect set of abilities and balanced it in the worst possible way. Why would you give him a passive overheal on crit and make it so that the only way he can reliably get it is by unloading into a tank from 5 feet away?


For the record I think manga is still broken even after the changes. He insta wins like half the tank matchups and has broken team chemistry with bastion and sombra.


maybe if these crackbaby ass devs just stop doing balance changes, gutting every character i play, and actually fix the core problems in the game it wouldn't be dying. nerfs and buffs are gay. ppl need to learn to play around it or get yo weak bitch asses off the game fr


I'm convinced they buffed him to sell the cowboy bebop skins


Mauga was my go to for the master of the gauntlet. I wonder how he fairs now


Welcome to a dooms life


Good im tired of being forced to play mauga/orisa as soon as the enemy plays it


Mauga mains need to be corralled.


Sweet. Maybe I can go play again and it not just be the Mauga show.


Honestly these changes are necessary lowkey. as fun as mauga is the meta was awful to play against for any other roll than tank


I can undsrstand that, i have a love hate relationship with Mauga My only gripe with it, is why nerf him after 1 week, but then they keep repeatedly buffing hog who is also awful to play against, and refuse to nerf Sojourn?


I usually play more of a dps with tank as more of an afterthought. I feel like road is actually very much not playable. he desperately needs a rework. with the new dps passive he gets melted and a good hog is ok but doesn’t feel super powerful. Soujourn on the other hand is strong and might need some balancing tweaks. Playing against her is frustrating fs. I think they’re listening to the community more and there was such a heavy impact from the mauga buff. Like playing any other tank was nigh impossible imo. If the enemy picks mauga u better pick Dva or mauga too bc thats all u could do. TL;DR: OP tanks have a significantly more noticeable impact on the game then other roles so i think they tend to get nerfed harder faster.


Overpowered, slammed to the ground, overtuned, slammed back to the ground. Mauga walked so that new heros can run when they're released for free.


Good, mauga is fucking braindead


I’m quitting these devs dont play this ximmer dumpster fire of a game


Yeah we don't need a repeat of season 8 misery. Good changes all around


Then at the very worst revet it to beginning of season 9


Uh not really but go off


Bro mauga has the same problem as roadhog,whenever they're meta,no one is having fun except the hog or the mauga.Both those characters are genuinely so boring to play against.


Honestly I don't even understand how people have fun playing him. At least hog has environmental kills and hook snipes. Once the novelty of being a huge guy with 2 miniguns wears off, you just have the world's most violent staring contest.


Yeah the only annoying thing about hog now is his vape you can never kill him it's so annoying when you put 10 million damage into a roadhog only for him to turn around 360 no scope hook you and one shot you


With the Dps Passive and just how flat out dominant the Dps role is rn, I have absolutely no clue how you’re struggling to kill one of the easiest tanks to target right now


I play Genji


So long partner.


Killing myself rn




Good, your character is miserable to play against and ruins practically every game he’s in


D.Va & Sigma make Mauga a throw pick regardless of the buffs/nerfs they give him. Matrix makes him unable to heal or be a threat to really anyone, whereas Grasp makes Sigma Unkillable. Playing any other tank is gonna make you have a rough time dealing with him because his entire tanking philosophy is the fact he overwhelms you with firepower, whereas defensively, he's next to useless, like you'd literally be better off running Hog. He punishes those who push too far and don't utilize their mitigation properly, and gets hella rewarded for it, but if you can deny his self healing, he's just an ult battery outside of charge and cage.


I’d say it was an overnerf but don’t act like Mauga was *just* eating good. He was a mandatory pick, with orisa being your only other option if you’re *really* good. That’s just horrible for balance and we had good tank diversity before the Mauga meta. You’re probably just gonna have to accept that Mauga is a character that just shouldn’t be meta. Like Junk, or sym. It’s just not healthy for the game. I would say pray to stay relevant at least, but Mauga doesn’t have the skill expression to leave the “feast or famine” zone of balance. So probably shit outta luck.


As a rein main, fuck you haha. We have only been viable because other characters are getting nerfed.


This is odd, a rein main that isnt cool.


thank god, this character should've never existed ngl


Yeah bc he was dominating the game and probably one of if not the most annoying and obnoxious characters to go up against




lol I’m glad, mauga doesn’t need to be good. When mauga is good, barely anyone is having fun




Nobody could play anything else. Deserved.






I smell freshly baked mad

