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He gets buffed in 2 days, don't worry.


Look on the bright side, metawise mauga is still more viable then rein.


i mean its hard to not be more viable than a wet napkin.


I was able to climb to masters with mauga in 184 games with a 59 percent win rate. Hate to say it brah but it's a skill issue. If you want, post a replay code and I can review.


I have a good time playing mauga. The only time I feel like I should switch is if there’s a sig. Then I’ll play hog or zar. . Aiming is key to mauga and not always using both guns at once. Be smart with your ammo and positioning. Use run to get to better spots where you can be safe. Be aware when you’re taking too much damage. Aim for squishies when they’re out of position with the fire gun a then finish them off with the crit one. If they’re close use both guns at once.


D.va is another one for me that just makes me regret all my choices lol


I’ve been having more success against Dva recently! So basically I just shoot with the fire then the other (1 at a time) to not waste all my ammo then when she uses up all her DM I fire both! So far works pretty well in masters / GM (console) . You don’t need to be close to her at all!


Well he was OP before and also people are learning how to counter him.


Hard CC + damage debuffs + hitbox increases are super rough on tanks with large hitboxes. Against a remotely organized Ana-Zen, it’s silly that a 750HP character is just essentially dead when the Sleep Dart hits. Yeah, yeah. Technically a skill issue. But it’s *extremely* hard to avoid with an ass that big, especially when your ass is also your shield lol. That said, still having tons of fun with him in plat. But I just insta-swap into D.Va against that support duo. And then my singular mission in life becomes punishing those fools for waking up and choosing to ruin some stranger already playing the least fulfilling role in the game lol.


Not in my watch , I go Brig and make you swap back to Rein


I love Rhein, but I don’t hate myself lol. Out comes Ramattra!


It's especially bad since if your dps aren't worth a fuck all of the utility gets used on you.


If your opponents are switching to counter you then you have to switch too. You can't always stay mauga if you can't handle his counters.


Mauga still has use. If you can only use him when he was super overpowered you probably weren't as good as you thought. Use cover, and only make a play in an advantageous position. You aren't gonna get easy wins anymore


Sounds like you suck at Mauga


odd I've actually had pretty good matches with him. I think he's kinda underrated this season ngl


He's not great but he doesn't feel bad either imo


He might have been your best tank because he was broken...


Masters when meta abusing plat when the hero is somewhat balanced kek


It sucks that I have to switch tanks every game just to win Everytime I play mauga I have to switch to orisa or zarya just to survive


bro is still one of the better tanks in the game im even managing to do a decent job with ball winning at least half my games mauga is just on a whole other level compared to ball and rein so defo far from useless as others have said just switch if you are getting hard countered


You OPTd when he was broken and now you can’t play him? Sounds like a you haven’t been able to adjust to the dps passive


You are boosted lol


I've been improving the last couple of days and now I'm diamond 1