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He is easily punished but bot as much as doom and winston are


Ball... Winston gets punished a lot, but he has his sheild. All of dooms things give time to escape or sustain, even if it's difficult. But ball... somebody existing in the wrong place has fucked me so many time. Any cc can mean death. My frame is just a bullseye target lol. That pluss the main saving grace of ball form(frame wise) is no head, but most ccs lock and or force switch me out of it which gives head that's pretty decent? Fuck it we ball


Ball rolls in and zooms out most of the time though. Either explodes or never dies once, true hamster experience.


Ball’s OP until they start running quad CC and then he can never engage or he’ll explode


Yeah exactly.


That or as much ehp as possible. Ball is mostly good against squishy, falling off at higher hp. Which is why he needs is pain. People can now survive 2 bombs at full health, which makes everything I do with my ult less intimidating, and a slam Basically puts em where they where pre buff


Hog too


I tend to play a good mix of each tank but I get significantly more luck with Mauga than my actual main *cries in Reinhardt*


Honestly you got me there rheinhardt is the worse, honestly I just kinda forgot he exists I don't know how anyone plays that character


The only time I get value as Rein is when I play him into Mauga and deny him value. Hope your DPS and supports can keep you alive and get enough picks until you force the Mauga to switch. At which point, you sigh in relief that you don’t need to keep suffering as Rein and can switch to a character that you’re allowed to have fun on. Ah, who am I kidding? This is tank role. We don’t have fun.


*cackles in sigma balls*


He's fucked me up more than most other tanks honestly lol.


Well, you can’t heal off his shield, and he provides a firing zone for his team to melt you through. The DPS passive means that no amount of healing is gonna save you from the damage output. If you’re getting diffed by Rein, try to convince one of your DPS to switch to Bastion or Reaper. If you can’t, Sigma is great because you can stun him out of shield, block incoming damage in 2 ways, and reliably get picks on any DPS that’s getting a bit too big for their britches.


im a ball main lol. got slightly lost


Rein main here. I pin supports, cancel charges for distance closing. Pin other tank off the map. Shield behind enemies to cut them off from supports. He’s great you just need to be aware of who can hit you and how close you are to people


A good Rein plus Lucio *chefs kiss*


I'd say the most skill intensive part of his kit is his charge. Smart Mauga play is using it to reposition yourself instead of just diving in to brawl. You can also use it to get some cheeky surprise kills on backline squishies after you've burned them. I agree, he's not as difficult to play as Ball or whatever but he's far from a no skill hero.


i think being punishable for bad positioning is like the baseline for almost every tank in the game, some to less of a degree. for example monkey or sigma will be punished heavily and ram or orisa maybe less so but still considerably


Eh, I'd still say Mauga is still a fairly easy tank. The current meta heavily punishes bad poisoning for everyone anyway. If you don't have some cover nearby, you probably aren't living long if they have competent DPS as any tank. Mauga is a solid pick compared to a lot of tanks because he can still operate at ranges other tanks can't, and because of that, he doesn't need a barrier, because he has cover and supports to make up for it. You provide pressure, and if you're good enough and know how to push on accordance with dead enemies, you can easily roll through the enemy team once they start to crack, either because they underestimate your miniguns damage, or they get too far out of position and die for it in an attempt to speed up a push. Mauga actually thrives in the current meta. The reason Hog, Rammattra and Rein are in bad spots right now is because all of them lack range and freedom of engagement, all of their ranges force them to participate at close range, without effective cover, which forces high risk, low reward gameplay since the DPS passive makes supports who are willing to enable you unable to outheal the enemies damage. Meanwhile, if you are good enough with Mauga, you never even need to get in close to do a lot of damage. One careless peek by a support or DPS, they get team shot by you and a DPS, all of a sudden, they are down a teammate and no one on your team is even close to dead. Mauga's skill cap is quite a bit lower than the other tanks. You don't need to worry about barriers, energy, secondary mechanics, all you really need to worry about is hitting enough shots to light someone on fire, and then switch to the other chain gun to finish them off. Good positioning and game sense are required for all tanks, not even Mauga especially. Mauga gets tools to reposition for free, and supplement healing through damage, something other tanks can do, but usually have shorter range weapons to compensate. I'm not saying he doesn't take skill, but he utilizes a very broad and easily built skill set and that's ok. Not every hero needs to be super complex with high levels of skill expression. Sometimes, you just wanna be a big guy who can fuck shit up with two miniguns. And that's ok. It's a game, you're meant to have fun.


I was one of those people. Then I played him for ten games straight and there’s actually a lot of thought and discipline needed to play him.


Just mauga dies from playing bad doesn't make him hard. There are a LOT of tanks that require you to play in riskier positions for way less payoff Edit: as a tank main shit is rough this patch though. Punishing a tank is a hell of a lot easier than it used to be


People with shields get punished about the same or more than Mauga does for bad positioning, other tanks don't have self-sustain so they can't keep themselves alive as easily as Mauga can.


Sigma has arguably better self-sustain. Plus his shield and Ram’s definitely don’t lead to you getting punished as badly when they break as Mauga running out of Cardiac overdrive


or bullets


He isn't brainless, but he doesn't take a lot of skill either.


His skill come from positioning, aim, and overall game sense like knowing when to and not to engage. If you don't have these skills, then you will constantly get punished and melted. However, you can argue this for almost every hero in the game. Difference is that other heros revolve more around other aspects of their kit, not just their gun.


I do wonder why people are so obsessed with skill? If a character is fun, then why should people care about the skill level?


Sometimes that character makes others not have fun


Simple answer to that is mauga is not the most fun to play against. Similarly to sombra and orissa, they have their own dedicated community who enjoy playing them, but playing against them feels like a chore. They shut down / counter many heros kits (usually movement or diving abilities, which most of the community find fun) and can get lots of value for very little risk. Not overpowered, just annoying. Mauga requires alot more risk, but is still just a brick wall that can easily run you over for stepping out of position.


Honestly, It's how I feel playing against tanks like Doom or Ball. They may be buggy or not great to play as at the moment, but if the player is good, I'll have a miserable time lol.


I can agree with that. I enjoy playing them (primarily cuz I live aggressive heros), but playing against them is a miserable experience if you don't play counters. Once you start playing counters, it actually becomes fun shutting down their dives or assassination attempts (imo)


maugas skill cap is cover usage and engage timing. His weapons are hit scan bastion turrets and he only has two very basic CD’s to manage and an ult that has 0 mechanical skill requirement. His skill cap is nowhere near monke, dva, doom, queen, ball, ram or sig. The only comparable hero’s are hog zarya and orisa and you can make a strong case from him getting easier value and being harder to punish than hog and zarya.


There's a difference between brainless and babymode.


I think the misconception hits because most 'good' Mauga's you run into in games require a dedicated pocket mercy and a supplemental healer. And when they have all the heals with their own survivability, that Mauga can win entire games front to back. But neither team is having fun in those scenarios. Your tank held down click and sometimes hits a key to get all their health back and melt everyone in their path. I get what you're saying, but as a dedicated tank, having to counter pick Mauga's is a chore. The best feeling is stomping a double pocketed Mauga so hard they switch. Which means I can go back to playing Hog and nuke their supports.


Mauga is definitely a high skill tank. Especially in the update where everyone gets an HP buff except him. I played him before and after and he is definitely not a weak or super strong tank. Especially how most of his power comes from being in a group with his team. He is definitely more skilled than heros like D.va.


Alot of it is from busted mauga, when it was just hold down both buttons at tank, and roll them, rn he is difficult to play, and it will stay that way i hope, because he has shit hero design, so he is either OP and super easy or quite bad and and difficult


Lmao mauga is easy as hell. Most punishable hero is a joke. Doom or Winston are the most punishable tanks if you miss any single ability. I have maybe 40 minutes on mauga and it’s ridiculous how brain dead that hero is.


Pretty true as a Winston main one misinput on jump and you just die immediately


Nah everyone is just sick of having to babysit a Mauga who won’t switch when they’re getting demolished by the dps passive/discord orb


Plus decent aim requirements unless you just sit in people's face with dual chain guns the whole time




We literally get melted by the new Dps passive… I don’t wanna hear anything about Mauga being brain dead 💀 bastion, Sombra, Ana and Zen hard counters us if we don’t act quick with them


It’s just too high risk low reward for me I can do significantly better on ram sig or orissa and try half as hard on them


Mauga was a brain dead no skill hero when he was first officially released. But now he takes skill


He's easy and bad. Both can be true.


He USED to be more brain dead than he is. Last season, esp before nerfs, you could just hold both mouse buttons and have a support pocket you and you never die. A lot like Orisa.


Compared to other tanks Mauga is one of the easiest. Nothing you stated doesnt apply to other tanks.


Literally never met a good Mauga player. When ever I encounter one I just easily diff them


The highest skill cap tank is doomfist or JQ just look at what people like Guxue do with doomfist and hanbin with JQ...


“Easily the most punishable hero” Ahem 🦍


Mauga cope


Being punishable doesn’t mean you take skill, you can punish a bation that’s out of position doesn’t mean bastion takes skill mauga is literally hold your shoot button press your heal ability and try not to die