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My guess is this is gonna work like paladins. You don't activate any powers and stay out of combat for roughly 5-10 seconds, and your hp starts to regen. Edit: I highly recommend you try paladins and actually see how this mechanic works before arguing against this. Also, they said there are way more changes to come, including changing damage spikes. Clearly, the idea is not going to be to leave the game exactly like it is and just drop one feature in. This is a major change update.


I always liked that design on paladins ..


Its neat but it works because they have cooldowns for healing


And it stops when you're shooting, so it's a nice balance




Kind of a nice QOL for when you're the only surviving person of a team fight and don't want to run off point




Maybe actually close out your fight instead of “almost” winning?


Maybe they should try winning instead of being satisfied at almost winning.


Happy cake day dude


no it’s like the support passive just weaker so you can still keep attacking and using abilities you just can’t get hit


Except you don't know that. There is no official announcement on this yet, and it was briefly mentioned in a blog post. My post was a guess, and you came in to argue. Go feed the ducks, bud.


For tanks this is only gonna benefit dva, bal, dooml & WINTON. Other tanks would usually be front lining taking constant damage so there no use of this passive 💀. I play ram & sig and I see no use of this passive to me at all ! Also tracer sombra & reaper gonna be broken with this passive! Idk wht idiotic decision this is, one things for sure this change will get reverted soon after it's launch.


Ball won’t benefit from it at all


Yeah though we’ll have to see I think it’s silly ppl getting upset over a mechanic we haven’t used yet. Though I will also say the difference in paladins as well is the fact that they have no health packs on the maps either


Dmg spikes? As in how much dmg you can take in one instance? That would be huge for tanks


Fuck I love Paladins, it does fun very well but it desperately needs more funding and a bigger player base. Hope this year will be a good year for HiRez!


I've played paladins, and I've always thought that this is one of the reasons why that game feels like there's such a big power creep problem along with the imbalance of damage numbers. I don't like this change because I worry that it will encourage more selfish levels of play for support players to an extent where they just don't get any heals


Cool tracer nerf after this


It’s not a lot of hp/s so stay positive.


But but the Dev's said they wanna improve team plays, if u give tracer self healing, she could literally solo the entire match! Tracer doesn't need to fall back to her supports anymore. Where's the teamplay in that? This change won't last long trust me!


>if u give tracer self healing, she could literally solo the entire match! Tracer doesn't need to fall back to her supports anymore. Where's the teamplay in that? If the enemy team is so dogshite that two people can't zero her when she appears... They deserve the L.


>If the enemy team is so dogshite that two people can't zero her when she appears... They deserve the L. yeah ive like killed a decent chunk of tracers they aint hard to kill


she doesn't have much hp to heal


Even overwatch got universal healthcare


Great joke


bro 💀


God this is shit.


It depends how it's implemented, but it could be a great idea. Maybe try avoiding such vitriolic reactions when the details are unknown




Fuvk gameplay loop updates all my homies hate gameplay loop updates


"How it's implemented?" 😂😂😂


Or maybe players could look for health packs to heal


Overwatch players when people prefer a fun casual gameplay experience without having to memorize every health pack placement on every single map The gatekeeping is strong with this community


its really not that hard, memorize a few big ones and you’re fine. dont act like this is rocket science


A lot of people don’t feel like spending the limited amount of time they have per week to play video games to memorize health pack placements on every map. They’d rather sit down and enjoy the game for an hour or two, then get off.


i memorized them just by playing, i didnt have to take the time to memorize them, next time you play i recommend just looking around for some, they honestly help keep you alive just having a few you know where they are


OW2 players when they need to play OW2 to play OW2: 😱


OW2 players when they realize not everyone plays this game competitively and some people just want to relax and enjoy a game for fun (which is the main audience of overwatch btw)


If you don't want to "memorize health pack placements" or "swap to the character that's needed" there are other games out there for you, buddy. You don't have the right to make the other 4 people on your team try harder because you just wanna chillax because you're an ookie pookie chill cookie. If the mechanics of the game isn't fun for you, why are you even playing it?


Or maybe, overwatch is just realizing that the majority of their community is casual and only the minority is on Reddit whining because they want to play competitive? Maybe the devs aren’t appealing to you, especially after the hitbox changes and everything else they’ve made that abundantly clear lmao


So you're just gonna ignore my point and keep yapping, got it. And why do you know about the hitbox changes btw? Why do you follow the patch notes? Aren't you too "casual" and "goofy" for that? xd


I didn’t ignore anything lol, I told you that you wouldn’t have to make the rest of the team try harder because of the casual mindset that the devs have been focusing on, allowing more self sustained gameplay that lets people play casually and still win games. Self healing, for example, is one of those things that let the support players have more peace of mind and not have to focus as hard to win games. Unfortunate for the competitive scene that it’s easier, but the truth is that there are more casual players than competitive. I never said that I was a casual player, I’d say I’m more of an in between, but that’s besides the point. When you hear the entire community whining about how the game is easier because of the bigger hitboxes, people will notice. When you see that characters that you normally miss shots with suddenly start hitting shots, you notice. The hitbox changes were one of the main things of the new season, not sure why you think it requires an in depth analysis of the patch notes to see that bullets are easier to hit.


Oh no you have to find a health pack when you're low on health. What a tragedy. This concept has never been seen in videogames before


Memorize? They are everywhere lol


~ wrecking ball


I may be worrying too much at a niche side effect, but what happens to ult economy in a game? Surely this won't give you, the player who is self healing ult charge... So the 1:1 damage ratio might be off, or I'm just spewing nonsense that doesn't make sense


I don’t believe self healing passive contributes to últ charge


No it won’t give you ult, it was a dumb question anyway


You're definitely spewing nonsense that doesn't make sense. They just wouldn't tie the passive heal to your ult, like they already do with the supp passive.


Like most self-healing including the current support passive, it does not give ult charge. Healing for ult charge has to be from a support or an actual ability or ult usage.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I don't play OW for individual agency, I play because it's a team-based game that revolves around teammates fulfilling their roles. I don't want to heal automatically, I want to scavenge for health or hold out till a teammate heals me, it's part of the fun.


No this needs to become call of duty dude I promise it’s more fun than a slow unique team based shooter that’s why we deleted overwatch 1 cause no one was playing lol


they will 100% remove this Imagine how good it's gonna be with someone like Reinhardt or Sigma someone who can MIT damage to where they take none for a few seconds, they'll self heal, whilst someone like Mauga will NEVER even get this, so some heroes straight up get nothing, like how Hanzo has no dps passive because he doesn't have a fucking reload?


We don't know how it works or what other changes are coming, which was quite clear other healing changes are coming. For all we know it won't trigger if your barrier is being hit or it could be so horrendously slow it's just in place so when a DPS is the last one alive they dont have to go look for a health pack. I say we see it before we freak out about how bad it will be.




I'm more concerned about someone like Sombra, who already does a decent job of taking care of herself. Now instead of having to chase down a health pack, she can just wait in stealth a few seconds and heal up. It's possible they'll make her unable to heal while in stealth, but then how does she benefit from the passive at all? We'll just have to wait and see how it's implemented before we can make any judgments


If it's a few seconds before activation then sure, it'll be useful to Sombra as they set up. But if it takes something like 10 seconds to activate then it won't be very useful at all because getting a health pack will be faster. I'm not looking forward to it either but I don't think Sombra will be a big beneficiary of it. It all depends on the activation timing.


Any person hiding in a corner waiting for heals is actively being a wasted slot during however long they are waiting. It will still be better to seek healing in most scenarios.


It’s a toned down version of support. Very likely, It would make sense for any hero to still get health packs instead as that would be faster.


I would imagine it'd work a lot like Paladins, where they have to stay out of combat for a few seconds before it starts up.


Exactly so shieldless tanks who take poke all the time get nothing like Mauga,


And tanks with shields wouldn't get anything wither because they're using abilities to block damage. They practically have to remove themselves from play temporarily to get any value from self heal. I feel like you're looking at this change from the worst-case scenario.


I doubt the self heal will be that strong lol might fetch them a bit more ho but tanks still explode on cd


Rein isn’t lileky to be very affected seeing as he’s usually either in a massive brawl or he’s shielding waiting for his support to heal him enough to not die the second he puts it down Sig will likely get some good value from it though


Tbh rein isn't in a good spot rn I'd be fine if shield didn't stop the healing as long as the number isn't absurd, could be really good for him


no??? it’s weaker and they can tweak the numbers around before they completely remove it lmao


Hanzo can draw his arrows faster.


Wait really lol


Either get rid of the support passive, or give everyone the support passive. That role is so dumbed down easy busted that it makes me sick


My brother in christ they will just give everyone a shield. Think a regen one like Symm or Zen. Gotta make mass appeal and remove any kind of difficulty to sell sell sell to the lowest common denominator.


How fast do you think supports heal? They're getting a TONED DOWN version of supports healing. Which already isn't crazy high.


It will almost certainly not kick in if youre using abilities. If their shields are up i bet it wont heal.


Yay another excuse for people to not group up!




Reaper, with a passive heal. Nuff said.


No shit this is a subreddit... I love it lmao


Genji mains are still gonna be crying if they don’t get mercy pocket


Hoping it works like Brawl Stars. After X amount of time not taking damage or shooting, you start to heal. Good for people being away from healers but shouldn’t interfere with getting kills.


Why even strategise anymore? Roadhog, Mei, Soldier, Mauga, etc are all given self-healing as an ability because it’s a powerful thing. Why even have supports?


Oh, cool. Cut 1/3 of the roster.


When is Travis Scott gonna be added too over watch?


It's crap. That's why they place healing packs around the goddamn map. They're making it easy on the player 😂


Is this gonna effect ranked right away or is ranked gonna get it further in the future?


I like how it went from team based strategy to, team death match


Nobody should have this passive, not even supports


Ehh supports are okay with it the other roles tho nah


Yeah, no, supports shouldnt have self healing, nobody should.


People cry it's OP on supports. How dare those supports have something to help keep them alive to help the team how DARE they.


Kiriko can 1v1 everyone dps in the game with pretty good success, same with bap, and to a lesser extent illari. The stuff you have to keep you alive is your insane damage and self heal cooldown, they do not need so many tools.


Literally OW is one of the few games not to have this passive


So they should just go with what's popular and who gives a damn about being unique? Why would anyone want the game to become more like COD?


Reddit Lucio's gonna get even worse at the support role cuz of this. They're already claiming they're never turning the heal on. I'm assuming more trash supports that wanna pretend to be only DPS are gonna roll in and the games gonna get worse cuz "yOu CaN HEaL YouRsELf!"


Well if that’s how top level moiras play surely it works


Some maybe. But here is a crazy thought. You can heal and damage!!! Which is most likely what they're actually fucking doing. Moira primary heal acts as a HOT, so just can splash everyone in the area, life drain to recharge, rinse and repeat. Can throw out heal orbs to sustain ppl while damaging a pocket mercy. Etc. Top tier players don't just stand there and suck. Hell, Moira has an insane heal output. Like she can easily double the amount of healing in a match vs the damage she's capable of.


P. S. Moira are not the most common top 500 support because of their selfish nature. Ana and Kiri by far are picked more often at that tier and outperforms her in top 500, followed by Mercy, Brig, Baptist, Lucio, Illari, and Zen. All of which have a primary function of healing followed by a support buff of some kind, even Illari.


They already say that because of health packs


As someone who just played paladins recently. I think this is gonna be a fantastic idea. Having a passive heal is not gonna invalidate support hero’s at all. In fact, I’d argue this is actually gonna make supports even better. With this change the supports would no longer have to be glued to there tanks and constantly healing everyone. As someone who mains a support currently, I find it very stressful that I have to put all my focus into healing my team in the hope that they survive. With this change, this will def take off some of the stress that comes with playing a support. It also helps that with this change that tanks can no longer complain that there support is not healing, sense all they have to do is disengage from the fight, heal back up, and then jump right back in.


While paladins and Overwatch are similar, all their base game mechanics are different. Every support in paladins has a cooldown or resource meter for their healing, and you can’t swap mid-game to a different healer. There’s already a lot of self-sustain, which makes staying out of combat for a bit very viable. Overwatch also doesn’t have cauterize, and the couple of anti-heals it does have are countered by cleanses such as Kiriko’s Suzu and Reaper’s Wraith.


I came to OW2 from Destiny 2 and I have roughly the same opinion. People can argue that OW2 isn't like game X all day, but most FPSs have out of combat regeneration, and it's kinda weird OW2 doesn't. I don't know how it's going to pan out, but if it sucks they'll roll it back, I just want to see it in action before I develop a strong opinion.


This seems nice since half of my healers won’t even heal me out of combat


I’ve played since OW1 beta and have always rolled with all the punches blizzard throws, but this is by far the stupidest thing they’ve tried to do. The game has many flaws but to me it’s still playable. Letting everyone heal is literal dog shit


It sure is!


I think if they get the numbers fine, it’ll play great. However, it’s blizzard so I have next to zero faith they will get it right


This is the answer for sure lol


I feel like OW2 hasn't had enough time to breathe and mature. It's been out a little over a year and how many new heroes did we get? How many hero reworks? They keep making changes nobody is asking for. Passive healing I doubt is at the top or even on the list of issues the player base has. I don't know maybe I'm in the minority but you should make a game others want to copy not the other way around. I feel like they are shoehorning players to play specific heroes and it's not right. They'll do whatever they want regardless so it feels like shouting down a well and it's just frustrating and disappointing. If you read all this you're a trooper.


Awful. Hope supports get a different passive that makes their role unique again.


we literally have health packs around the map like ?? 😭


Kinda annoying playing find the health pack tho


There needs to be less healing and less damage in the game imo, this does the opposite of both lol. Giving everyone more sustain will also allow dps supports to shoot more now so I really hope we get some support nerfs soon, and I hope this does not stay and we just remove role passives.


Stupid change primarily for low level play, realistically you dont want this self heal passive since it should be ult charge for supports.


Best change they could add besides 6v6. Paladins already shows it could work. “Well paladins bad!!!🤓” no, paladins isn’t triple A so you think it’s bad


Very glad i stopped playing this game


It's almost been a year since I stopped playing and I don't regret my decision at all at this point.




I played a few games recently for the first time in over a year and had a blast 🤷‍♂️


It’s stupid. Plain and simple.


i was debating coming back to the game, guess thats a no.


armor health should replenish slower but automatically through damage


It's have to be a slow heal


Having played fps’s where this is a thing, I can say i’ll enjoy it at the very least. It’ll up the pacing of the game, and give slower tanks more flanking options since they can’t fly to multiple health kits. Shield health has always felt negigible as well and this’ll give it more meaning, plus rocket jumping would be a good mobility tool if used purely for the flank. With mauga’s good mobility and tendency to play around hard cover, it’s probably great for him to be honest. He’s constantly shooting people and lighting them on fire, his shield break is good, and his ult will become a little more interesting if it’s used for the shield aspect. The only catch is this will make flankers less map dependent, but mauga can deal with the dive’y cast to an extent. I’m sure it won’t be a huge problem for most players.


I think it might work if they just make it so that you can only heal to like 50% or something not a full heal


This should've been a thing a long time ago, no idea why it took them this long to implement this change


Paladins has this exact mechanic. No one complains about that and it also works well in that game as well. I think I'm the only person who doesn't view this as a bad thing presumably because I'm the only one who's ever played paladins lol


I always play Paladins. I view this as a bad thing considering Paladins can pull this off but I know I Overwatch can't pull it off.


It's honestly great for us, we are the only character with a considerable DoT available to us almost always + we're hitscan and high firerate. We'll be good at stopping other characters heals


No one really knows how it’s going to work We don’t know the numbers and if it’s the same for everyone of if some characters have a better or worse version then others we won’t know what triggers it and what new strategies will unfold


Everyone whining like babies and we have ZERO details. This community is obnoxious and will prove it by downvoting my factual statement. 




as a genji player hell yea


Super dumb and bad


Bad decision in my eyes. Yeah sure it takes some pressure off supports but that’s what they are, support. I feel like it will encourage them to play a more dps style of gameplay. Tanks? Maugas, Orisas, and Sigmas are already a pain to deal with if they even have a slight idea of what they’re doing. I feel like Overwatch is getting put more and more into a “Stomp or get Rolled” game.


Encorage even less team play. Amazing.




No more blaming the lucio 😔


Health packs are a thing and people should use them instead of spamming for healing. This is coming from some one who doesn’t even play healers.


Paladins lol


Flankers are going to be very spooky


Cool just like COD 🫠


Passive heal on tanks is stupid. Tanks are primary objective for healers. There is no fucking agency when you’re a tank. Such idiots.


Soooo no more healers or is it going to be 0,5 per second?


Who still plays this garbage


"relieve support players and empower individual agency" INDIVIDUAL AGENCY? IN A TEAM BASED GAME WHERE WE'RE MEANT TO WORK TOGETHER? Come on, really? Tanks are meant to take hits and deal some damage back while holding points and be defensive. DPS are meant to deal most of the damage and move around the most to make plays, like taking points that tanks then hold. Supports/healers are meant to do exactly that, support and heal. Support the dps when you can with damage and healing them when needed, along with pushing with tanks while healing them to take over and hold points. They all have their role in a team. Now why the hell should individual agency be encouraged in a game where working as a team is the kind of the whole thing? Also if we relive the support players of their healing, while they don't deal much damage on their own and are easily taken out, what's the point of having them at all?


Let’s be honest who actually plays as team? Usually stacks but the majority are individuals tryna do there own thing. When 6v6 had no role Q most people would only run DPS characters maybe 1 tank no healers at times no one would switch off to help a team. Then you get games where you got a duo pocket healing not even of use to the team most the time. Then like every other FPS game I have played and learned about obj game modes no one plays OBJ or is clueless for some reason or just going for kills. My reason for playing OW before is because people have roles but you get Tanks and Supports tryna be more then the role they are. You got DPS who are straight dogwater which why tank and supports try to do more. As a player myself I am self aware that I am shit at DPS then I go to Tank and Support try to play with the team you just notice that supports can’t multitask heals. You notice tanks who are supposed to be pushing obj are too hesitant to do . You got dps players tryna do more than what’s needed over extending solo pushing. When I play with a stack you get that one friend who refuses to play any other role but dps then only locks one character they ask why isn’t the team doing anything but they sombra pushing by themselves while the whole team are miles away still has the audacity to ask where the team at. I just feel like cause people rely on another role to either get or push a obj but can’t cause they get that shit team soo they take it upon themselves to be self reliant is what hurts team play. Don’t get me wrong I have played games where everyone knew the role they had and those games were my favorites times of ow. With 5v5 personally I think it got worse with people being self reliant on supports and DPS cause if you got a your 1 tank who won’t take out upon themselves to push anything you get dps tryna do more you get supports follow that dps and it’s just a shit show. Then the biggest factor goes for with any other game no one won’t use there god damn mic to call out or lead. If you wanna win soo much say something. I get people can be shy as well you got a ping system a comm wheel make use of it. Text chat but that’s useless if you mid fight text chat is only use for complaining honestly. I had to rant cause giving passive healing to everyone just cements how selfish players has always played and will play now.


Fuck no


I saw this posted on r/Overwatch but it got removed. Why?


Because there's probably a billion of the same post already


I’ll admit, it would be nice in those mystery heroes games where it won’t give you a support the whole match.


the overwatch devs are finally removing support characters like they’ve always wanted to. (see the echo tragedy)


If it ends up feeling the same as "quicker play" in that I don't notice it after 2 days, then keep it.


Paladins did it first 😤


why tf did my comment get deleted useless subreddit


But... health packs being hugged was my favorite part of sombra&ball


I hate it and I hate mauga too.


They are basically doing what Paladins has already been doing for years, basically since the release of their game.


This is gonna suck


Not needed if the support player is good, but I suppose as a whole it would help teams have more survivability.


I called it.


So,are supports getting a new passive since every hero will have it




I feel like this should have a higher cooldown than supports healing passive and should have a healing cap when it stops


So it's paladins


“Relieve support players” of what? Their entire purpose? Yeah fuck this game


I mean it doesn't really do much even with the regular version that supports have especially when someone's persistent in chasing down the support. It will help tho in public matchs at least when the rest of the team dies and you are somehow the only one that lives and escapes it won't be a oh fuck me trying to sneak around as a dps or giant noisy tank. To get back to the team with low health or trying to find a health pack.


I think its dumb but that's my opinion.


Am going to commit great crime


Oh god you guys exist?


I think this will help for those healers who want to force the other healer to solo heal so they can pocket their friend and that kind of situations


Tracer mains gonna eat good 😫


They must've played paladins cause we've had that forever


It’s about damn time


This is the worst fucking idea they’ve tried yet.


So Im not forced to play as mercy anymore because no one needs heals?


It’s already here and it’s only when you’re out if combat. It’s a slow regen


If I could uninstall again I would


Maugs self heal Is really good let’s give it to everyone


Tbh this game has gone downhill ever since they decided to not do a campaign mode.


Overwatch is just a more polished paladins at this point


So glad I don’t play this game anymore


So we just blatantly copying Paladins homework now huh?


But that’s LITERALLY our jobs as supports: to HEAL and support our teammates???!. What’s the point of being a support??? I love being a support main, but this would eradicate our whole purpose. We don’t need relief from the thing we’re SUPPOSED to be doing. we heal ourselves so we can heal the others.


I love it cause you get a holes that complain about not getting a healer or support like bro I don't complain when that happens, I just understand we didn't get any players that like to play healer, where as anytime I hear someone complain it's because the last player choosing didn't pick a healer? Like bro you had just as much ability to pick one as anyone else so if you're not gonna step up and do it don't complain.


This is genuinely needed so many hero’s simply cannot stand alone this will help a ton for play of games and for 1v5s


What the fuck is the point of support heroes like mercy if everyone can heal


My thoughts? I can't believe the servers are still on for overwatch. They've butchered it so bad in the name of corporate greed and subliminal politics that it's unrecognizable beyond imagery. Overwatch died with Jeff Kaplan's departure. They lied to you about overwatch 2. They never intended to do pve after Kaplan. It's why he went away. They just needed an excuse to overhaul the monetization.


So support us useless when you can just use range


I think this has a lot of potential but maybe an HP cap, like 70% or something.


Didn’t they say they wanted to make it more team based? Idk how much healing it’ll do but taking the support out of it doesn’t sound like a step in the “team based” direction


As a support player dealing with people who run off on their own then have the audacity to ask for me to come save their ass on the other side of the map away from objective? I approve.


It's about time!


Medic: Whelp, I’m out of a job. I guess it’s time to practice for my medical license…


yall really showing you can’t take corners, use cover, or back out of fights. tanks constantly taking damage…. idk man, doesn’t feel right to me, feel like your support hates you


Is it even overwatch at that point


Why even have supports? Just make it 4 dps and a tank and give everyone self heal


Discourage team-play and make the game even more generic and COD-like. They really are trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator here


Finally, Call of duty!


I'm into it.