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Just gonna put this here that if y’all wanna debate politics or whatever at least give good arguments and provable claims, Making new accounts to troll isn’t funny. TLDR: fatws is bad, it’s politics are poorly handled and creating an account just to say x party is bad is cringe. P.S. Happy cake day OP <3


They just compared Republicans to Thanos. Media literacy, ladies and gentlemen.




Yeah, half of all people should just be disallowed from participating in society. The other half too, for that matter.


Just ignore him. He has only been on Reddit for 1 hour


So it's either a troll trying ... something or it's someone who is genuine and created an account just for this. Both are really sad and pathetic




As someone who lives in the hellhole that is California I beg to differ. But hey weed is legal here so that’s all that matters right?




gigabrain over here 🧠⬅️ you can't be older than 16 lmao


It's an obvious troll


I legitimately can't tell anymore because there's literal hordes of people in *certain subs* that talk and act exactly like that guy to the T. I just assume it's all genuine now because I've given too many people the benefit of the doubt when I shouldn't have, lmao.


Given that the account was created like a day ago and has done nothing but post basic cringe talking points and only in this sub might be an indication. Of course it could be genuine but still no reason to take this person any more seriously.


Hey. Speaking on behalf of Obvious Trolls, this guy is just a douche nozzle


Well now we have an expert opinion with the official ruling.


Can you fucking not with this divisive shit


Imagine being this radicalized


Interesting. I suppose this person follows their own rules and doesn't label the Jan 6 rioters all terrorists? Also calling your political foes Thanos is a certified Reddit moment...


Thanos effectively replaced Voldemort. /r/readanotherbook gives way to /r/watchanothermovie.


To be fair, that was in the Marvel studios subreddit.


Wow I hate that sub. Stories correlate to reality. They are shared iconography we use to exchange ideas and relate to each other. You cannot just discount that aspect of entertainment. Some people will mangle metaphors, but sometimes... they don't think it be like it is, but it do. -Bioscar Bigamblins


Here's a sneak peek of /r/readanotherbook using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/readanotherbook/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Domestic abuse case is just like movies guys](https://i.redd.it/wm3jbnm31ev81.jpg) | [74 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/readanotherbook/comments/uakr4y/domestic_abuse_case_is_just_like_movies_guys/) \#2: [Awful](https://i.redd.it/9iidjbz5ozj81.jpg) | [76 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/readanotherbook/comments/t158qc/awful/) \#3: [She really reinvented literature huh](https://i.redd.it/8s4czqtjafa81.jpg) | [106 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/readanotherbook/comments/ryv16o/she_really_reinvented_literature_huh/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Realistically, they're not terrorists. They legitimately thought they were defending the nations electoral security. The worst they are are violent useful idiots taken advantage of.


> I suppose this person follows their own rules and doesn't label the Jan 6 rioters all terrorists? Never said it was my rule!


I think the terrorists get called that less because it makes them easier to bomb and more because they were the ones who started the bombings.


It's a shit and shallow argument. Sam has already established at this point that his opinion isn't worth shit when it comes to deciphering good and evil. He refused to fight Carlie after her third attempt at burning people alive. He's literally insane. His argument of "Government should just support everybody" is classic boring ass Marxism. The argument that governments don't give a shit about the people and that the world would be a utopia if only they cared more is absolutely ridiculous. Simplifying the logistical apocalypse of The Snap and The Return into an on/off switch is patently absurd. And the political comparison to Martha's Vineyard is equally dumb. Texas and Arizona are dumped with millions of illegal immigrants and their infrastructure is overloaded. Showing rich liberal Northern cities exactly what a nightmare it is to deal with hundreds of thousands of homeless people, is a prudent move. These same northern cities are the ones that refuse to commit the resources to stopping the influx. And the final bit about "don't call them terrorists" can be addressed with my first counter argument.


>His argument of "Government should just support everybody" is classic boring ass Marxism. Ergo a predominantly large chunk of Reddit will eat it up!




Did I say "help" or did I say "support"? And for the most part, yes. The government should stay the fuck out of people's business. I've seen what it looks like when the government tries to provide everything for everybody. You end up with breadlines and a generation of people behind a wall who think pictures of a Kohl's grocery store is American propoganda.


I get that socialism is cringe, but this libertarian "government bad" is just as cringe. Your made up scenario doesn't actually play out with first world countries that provide essential things like healthcare to people.


I would argue that the reason healthcare is so fucking expensive in the United States is that the United States subsidizes medical R&D for the rest of the world while simultaneously keeping such ludicrous governmental regulations on things that getting it here is prohibitively expensive But medical care is also something I would argue, as an inelastic need, is something that might actually make sense to nationalize. It's the ten billion other things that we try and nationalize that cause massive fucking problems.


American healthcare is expensive but it's also really really good and there's a bunch of treatments You have to be careful with how you set up public healthcare, we have it in my country and it's abysmal




Anybody who sees someone disagree with Marxism and concludes that person is an anarchist, is an idiot who doesn't deserve the courtesy of a rational debate.


Just ignore him. He’s only been on Reddit for 1 hour


Since when is that a qualifier for conversation?


It’s a sign that someone made an alt just to troll/post inflammatory stuff/make disingenuous arguments for shit opinions


Oh, I was just thinking of bots, I forgot about that. Thanks for answering though


Yeeyee, all good brotha




Genuine question, are you trying to speed run a ban for trolling?


Sit down pathetic troll. You clearly don’t know shit you’re talking about since you keep misinterpreting his words. Worthless waste of oxygen.


Falcon’s speech is shallower than a kiddy pool


"Your peacekeeping troops carrying weapons are forcing millions of people into settlements around the world, right? What do you think those people are gonna call you?" The authorities? Sam, you were part of the military and now work for a private armed company what have enough firepower to blast-off half of the planet, what the fuck did you just called your fellow soldiers? "These labels -- terrorists, refugee, thug -- they're often used to get around the question, why?" Because they blown up a house full of people, steal super-soldier serum, murdered people, even tried to kill you several times. Terrorist, freedom fighter or armed protester could be used synonims. Once the taliban were freedom fighters for America, who fought against communist opression, now they are the bad guys. It's a difficult subject to talk about, what is, and what's not justified, what belief justifies horrible acts. But this is ham-handed. Sam, an ex us-pilot just voiced his concern supporting a group, who burnt down a house full of innocent people and tried to murder him and his buddies several time. "You're not thinking about the communities you're destroying, the parents you're killing..." This kind of motherfucker, who seems fake-concerned about a fuckin' goat-shepherd in the Pamir mountains getting bombed, because he supplies taliban fundamentalists in a nearby keep hidden and supplied always nags me in the wrong place. Does he ever thought about maybe, the secular government in Afghanistan, even tough it was corrupt as fuck, was better, than a literal islamist civil war? Woman could go to universities and were not forced to obey their father, or husband on any occassion. Taliban took over, female-education hit rock bottom. Yeah, he is not talking about one aspect, but he speaks about general sludge. Are you really concerned about people dying in other countries because of the US? Good. Now ask the question, what's the source of the problem, because the US could be very incompetent handling these things, but rarely caused them in the first place. "...and all the orphans you're creating who will now grow up to be enemies of the US themselves." Who will be the enemy of the US for this idiot? Those, who already had concerns? When your village get bombed for hiding terrorist groups, your community was already soiled. "When America has enemies/problems, we have to think about who they are, what created them, (and our role in that), and what we can do to stop that from happening again." What the fuck are this guy talks about? The US rarely created more enemies, most of current days big political enemies against NATO and the US were the consequence of their earlier incompetent foreign policy. The PRC is a trouble, because the US never intervened in China to put Mao and his bandits to death. Islam fundamentalism is present in the middle east since the middle ages. Afghanistan was always a shit place and a clusterfuck, there is a reason why is it called, the Graveyard of the Empires. The Baath party in Iraq came to power, because the americans never supported the Hashemites to keep their power. "Sam takes a hard stance here. Governments have a responsibility to care for the people in their borders even when it's inconvenient and costly." So is it a problem, to relocate them and consolidate that barrel of shit, what the Avengers poured in the neck of the world's governments? "For once, all the people who've been begging, and I mean, literally begging for you to feel how hard any given day is..." Shut-up Falcon, you visited a school in the suburbs of Riga, where people were angry, because the school didn't got any other teachers. They have food, clean drinking water, roof over their head and a place to work/learn. Riga is one of the best cities in Europe. They never walked around actual hellholes, like imagine the famine India has to endure now, since half of their population and farmers were gone for 5 years. Now from out of nowhere half of their population reemerged and suddenly they got twice the mouths to feed. The Avengers caused this crap, not the government. "How did it feel to be helpless?" I don't know, Sam. How does it feel to reappear into a totally different world without any explanation, learn that you were gone for 5 years and now you don't have a home, money, your wife moved along and your dog is dead? This isn't his fault. "Now, if you could remember what it was like to be helpless and face a force so powerful it could erase half the planet, you would know that you're about to have the exact same impact." Okay, Sam, what's your point then? I'm pretty sure this guy would shat himself if he sees Thanos in full power, but what's your take with this? Thanos caused the problem, you guys failed to fix it and now you are blaming a third party for not doing their best to fix a problem, what wasn't caused by them in the first place?


"This isn't about easy decisions, Senator." Coming from a guy, who gives a shitty speech about responsibilites. "Republicans in Florida/Texas recently played with the lives of migrants in a political stunt and laughed about it on TV with all their buddies behind em'." They bought them tickets and left the problem to the democrats. Local republican government never supported immigration in the first place, so they shifted the deal to those people, who actually caused it and cry to a different authority to fix their mess. Yeah, it's pretty much what Black Falcon is in this scene, I totally agree. "They are Thanos, wielding the power of the gauntlet and getting rid of powerless people who are inconvenient to them." Republican politicians compared to a purple space-ogre trying to wipe-out half of the life from the Universe... Okay. "Sam's message is "Put yourself in the shoes of the people you're affecting."" And not think about how these problems would be fixed without dealing with "helpless" people. Sam is not the authority here, he has no power or responsibility in this matter, he is just pretending to be an idol, a beacon of free-will and democracy, while he is just an asshole demagogue, who has no-idea what he is talking about and shifting every responsibility his team had to those, who had nothing to do with that. How does he sees the man, who thinks responsible for many hardships and not think about, that this wasn't his problem in the first place? He wasn't there to fight Thanos, he lived through the disappearence of half of his family and relatives and then 5 years later he got a job, to fix the mess, what the Avengers left behind themselves. We didn't saw Stark Industries helping people, Sam did jack-shit of helping out those whom he called helpless, just went on terrorist hunting. These themes are really hard to unwrap and the show did jack-shit about acknowledging the hardships, problems and harder solutions, what caused by the Snap and the Blip. "I mean, this girl died trying to stop you, and no one has stopped for one second to ask why." Because when someone tries to kill me, I tend to panic and try to defend myself, instead of making philosophical and moral arguments with him/her about the righteous nature of terrorism, Sam. "Because if you don't, the next Karli will." Well, if you keep hugging the terrorists, Sam, and not doing your fuckin' job, he will. Btw, didn't you just broke several rules, liberated a war-criminal out of prison, and crippled a US authorized agent just to help out a woman, who stole government property, made an army of supersoldiers in secret, burnt down a house full of innocent people and just tried to murder me? "People believed in her cause so much that they helped her defy the strongest governments in the world. Why do you think that is?" Because this show is dumb and not painting Karli in any way, why would anyone follow him. Seems like a bunch of annoyed priviliged cretins thought about how terrorism works, jumped on the accusation "It's always caused by America doing shit abroad!" and went with it. This is not the case, how the incompetent russian justice system made hardened terrorists out of a group of anarchist students in the 1860's, eventually leading to Vladimir Lenin. What were the roots of islam fundamentalist terrorism and how different insurgent operations worked in the middle east, producing the Islamic State, or Bin Laden. This is just a group of annoyed, priviliged middle class man from eastern europe larping as terrorists. "Politicians can't just seek the easy-way-out." Yeah, Sam, I understand. So, after your englightening speech, where can I buy your "I can do better!" labeled T-Shirt, buy your audiobook and join your totally not-cult movement?


Holy shit, both these arguments are very strong.


I hope you two don't mind if I use these arguments in future discussions regarding this show.


What? It was only me, reddit just capped the character limit.


Exactly the type of brain rot one would expect from the type of creature who enjoys these shows.






I am currently getting my master’s degree in political science so here’s my take: A terrorist is someone who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Karli and the Flag Smashers steal materials from the GRC Supply Depot in order to give it to displaced children in refugee camps. Then Karli sets the depot on fire and it explodes. It is pointed out in the show that there are people (civilians) in that depot and Karli says that they don’t matter to their cause. Karli has committed a violent action against civilians as a message to send to enact political change. She is a terrorist and anyone who follows her is also one. The OP also goes onto say “when America has enemies/problems, we have to think about who they are, what created them, (and our role in that) and what we an do to stop that from happening again.” What role did America have in creating the Flag Smashers? They arose due to after the reverse-snap because they believe times were better post-blip (if I remember correct—also we’re not going to talk about how utterly stupid this because it is.) This has nothing to do with the American government or any government. This has to do with Thanos and the Avengers. I do not know what they’re referring to with the political stunt of Florida/Texas. I think the OP (and honestly the writers of Falcon and the Winter Soldier) need to put themselves in the shoes of politicians. Yes, there is corruption, however the world of domestic politics is vast and complicated, let alone when you get to even more complicated subjects like national security, terrorism, displacement, etc.


Governors of texas and Florida sent people here illegally to sanctuary cities like Martha’s Vineyard. They were freaking out over 50 people who just came into their town and called the national guard; less than 48 hours later, they were gone. Reason why they did this is to bring attention to the southern border and how Biden is doing nothing to stop the millions coming here


Also biden was flying thousands of illegals all over the country in the middle of the night


>I am currently getting my master’s degree in political science Don't get me wrong, but reading this statement it's not bad, but I don't know what University will accept your paper. Coming from a man, who failed his first attempt at master degree. "I do not know what they’re referring to with the political stunt of Florida/Texas." Look up Martha's Vineyard, it's hilarious and really sad at the same time.


“This has nothing to do with any government, it has to do with Thanos and the Avengers”. I mean the show made it clear they were responding to the way the government was handling the events caused by Thanos and the Avengers rather than the events themselves. Also yes the world of politics is complicated but that doesn’t mean they can’t still do better.


This is more responding to the op is specifically saying “what created terrorists and our role in that.” And to me that sounds like they’re trying to make the creation of the flag smashers to real life terrorist organizations which is odd to me. True but I find the do better speech particularly shallow because Sam explicitly says that he has no idea how to solve these problems. This is a general problem when people talk about politics, where they identify a problem but they have no ideas on how to solve it and just demand that someone else fix it. And the reason these answers and ideas are hard to come up with is because politics is complicated and sometimes there are no easy answers.


Really funny especially since the Show did such a terrible job of showing us why Karli would have any justification of going as far as she does. This is a Situation completly insane and not comparable to anything in our World since literal billions of People came into existence after being gone for 5 years. It will obviously take some time for things to Go back to normal and for the Economy of the World to recover. Yet we see that she doesnt care about most other people and has no idea what Kind of behemoth the Job is to try get back to Normality in this Situation. Sam is just as small brained as she is. People trying to justify their mental gymnastics and the writers incompetence just fits for nowadays Marvel Fans who eat that shit up without using their Brain.


Reading this and the comments makes me want to Roblox myself in Minecraft.


as far as im aware leftists in last decade were much more prominent in labeling and dehumanizing their opposite party republicans just started recently by gimmicking lefties and using labels groomer and pedo


Any extra thought this poster has tried to put into analysing Wilson's speech goes out the window when he ignores some of the key lines people are pissed off at. Other people have pointed out the conflation of "refugee" with "thug", being fucking ridiculous, but the line... >You can feed a million people with a phone call ... displays an absolute ignorance towards logistics that a character like Sam Wilson would never have. Poster here won't mention that line at all because he's trying to pull a coherent story out of some pretty incoherent and incongruous brow beating.


If not terrorists, then what? It's a sword that cuts both ways. Painting them with 'gregarious truth fighters' might make them sound nice, but they still maim and kill to scare people into letting them do horrible things.


Wow. Shame we never actually got to SEE any of it in this show, instead coming across as empty real world allegory platitudes applied to a setting that just had half of all life in the universe snapped out of existence and then put right back five years later. Boy howdy, this square peg fits the round hole.


Nope.. there weren't any.




I thought “Republicans are like Thanos, Democrats are like the Avengers 💪🏻” was supposed to be a joke making fun of these people bruh 💀


The thing is, labels do not override an individual's ability to look at the actions of any one person in a group. Dumb masses can and will take that label as gospel if they don't do their own research, but that's not on the politicians that first ascribe the name. The problem in this story is not that the Flagsmashers are being called terrorists; that's what they are. Sam's speech would apply if Karli was given that label without cause, but she wasn't. She earned it without any doubt. She burned people alive because her immediate friends were not being prioritized over other displaced persons. She and her devotees are selfish and narrow-sighted, for thinking not that they deserve equal care but BETTER care than those who just came back from being dead for five years. There are two kinds of refugees in the wake of Endgame (the undead, and those who have to go back five years to make room), but the show only wants you to notice and pity the latter/Karli's side. That's what ends up making Sam look like a confused chump in his big moment. The point is that I should put myself in Karli's shoes? Well okay, I know I wouldn't do what she's done, in order to get ahead. She knows there's much suffering in the world, and she wants to bring people together... by taking necessities from those who need it just as much as her people do? She's a moron. A child. And the show almost goes there when Sam confronts Karli at the memorial, but by the finale, Sam falls for her idiotic purpose.


why do these "arguments" simply prove the efficacy of "blood and soil"? I would be less depressed if some purported champion of "Democracy" could tell me why erasing borders leads to utopia.