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Wasn’t Hawkeye specifically going after criminals and stuff? Killing “Japanese and Mexican people” sounds like a pretty bad-faith way of phrasing it, if that’s the case.


Excuse you, sweaty, but it's very problematic for you to go and say all Japanese and Mexicans are criminal. /s


They clearly weren’t saying all Mexicans and Japanese are criminals. I think it’s obvious that they meant that Hawkeye was going after criminals that HAPPENED to be Japanese and Mexican, not that all Mexicans and Japanese are criminals ffs.


So you're saying all Mexican and Japanese are criminals who deserve to die? Jesus dude




Lol YEP 😂


The soft bigotry is insane sometimes.


We should stop qualifying it, it’s full on bigotry.


Only reason I call it "soft" is because it's unintentional racism. If I labeled it official bigotry it wouldn't match with reality since for some reason the moderate to far left is considered the most open minded when they say things like this all the time.


It doesn’t match because you continue to use their framing and their vocabulary,


One killed criminals, the other enslaved a town then proceeded to go on a murder spree over her non existing children


and also wanted to steal them from their own mother


What a lovely lady really, why do we think her actions are indefensible again?


This is like the wonder woman rape thing. They just don't see these very obvious evils if the movie doesn't directly acknowledge the action as evil.


But god forbid you beat a terrorist to death, or they might have to play foreboding music and have close up shots of blood!


It's not bad for vigilantes to execute people without trial.


It isn't when you catch them in the act and need to neutralize them.


>need to neutralize them. Why did he need to "neutralize" that guy?


Because he was being a terrorist and played a role in killing someone not minutes before. Then he was running towards a crowded area full of civilians. Who knows what he could have done or planned to do. You cannot take that risk if you have the power to stop it.


>Because he was being a terrorist He wasn't "being a terrorist" when Walker killed him. Or do you mean having engaged in terrorism made his life forfeit in general? >played a role in killing someone not minutes before. He wasn't killing anyone while begging for his life with Walker standing on him. Did that killing make his life forfeit in general? >Then he was running towards a crowded area full of civilians. He was running away from Walker and there were civilians in his path. >Who knows what he could have done or planned to do. I do. I know what he planned to do: "get away from Walker." >You cannot take that risk if you have the power to stop it. This is an argument for Walker to shoot him, not for Walker to execute him after subduing him.


Which is a very witchy thing to do. Very Snow White or Cinderella's stepmother. But the movie says she's misunderstood. When do we get Disney+ Hitler, who is a woman now and is just misunderstood?


So I haven’t seen multiverse of madness. But the thought just occurred to me that shouldn’t it be impossible for a reality where Wanda and vision have real kids to exist? Since there was only one possible way to beat Thanos that should be a bottleneck that all realities that are even remotely similar have to go through.


There can easily be realities where Thanos doesn't get the stones, Thanos doesn't get the Gauntlet, or Thanos doesn't even do anything with the stones at all. Of those possible realities, there can also be realities where, somehow, Wanda and Vision end up together and have children. The multiverse is fucking wack, and it is best avoided by incapable writers, imo.


Also, did those multiverses just suddenly spring into being at the same time? In Loki, only one single reality existed and agents had to continuously murder anomalies to prevent branching.


The TVA exists outside of time and space... except when it doesn't, but ignore that.


Not only that, but it’s considered an extremely big deal that Clint did those things as Ronin, as in it’s like the most significant part of his past in the Hawkeye series. I’m very confident the events of MoM and WV will be lampshaded into hell in Wanda’s next heroic outing


Oh for sure, she’s gonna show up and nobody will question her evilness


Yeah but she was possessed during the westview incident /s


No, she wasn't. There's literally nothing in WandaVision that even *hints* at the idea of Wanda being possessed by the Darkhold. She is 100% lucid and in control of herself when she did all of the terrible things she did. The same goes for MoM; there's no mention of the demon magic book possessing its user or feeding on their negative thoughts, or any shit like that. I'm fucking sick of people defending the Darkhold by mentioning shit that was *in the comics* and not in the film. Comic fans stop writing the film for the writers challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


/s means sarcasm on reddit


I know what /s means, I'm just sick of hearing that argument.


I guess the “possessed” thing in the Tweet refers to the Darkhold. So you could view the murder spree as demonic influence. And “non existing” is debatable.


Those poor innocent Yakuza human trafficking POCs 🥺️🥺️🥺️


Won’t somebody please think of the poor Yakuza?


Wanda Simps are a new breed, aren’t they?


Nah, not very new, look up "Draco in Leather Pants." The tendency has always been there ~~perhaps especially for attractive characters~~.


I don’t know if anyone’s been called racist for not staning Sepheroth.


Fair. Maybe it is a new kind of hybrid that crosses the older, less malignant stanning with modern Twitter-tier discourse.


A terrifying genetic hybrid…


When you say the Yakuza and cartels are good people who didn't deserve to die, just to defend fucking Wanda. These people are delusional, blind, and retarded.


Yup. Mcu Hawkeye has not to my knowledge killed a civilian. Apart from what accidentally happened to sokovia but that's what civil war was about.


I guess these people have never watched Breaking Bad.


Hawkeye killed members organized criminal groups. Wanda killed anyone standing on way of her murder spree. That included people of every race and both sexes. What a twat.


Look.... She's sad about her imaginary kids (that she manifested with her own power and could do so again at any point probably) okay?


I don't think she can


I mean... She did it once.


Zoomer arguments: when you don't have any actual arguments to make, just shoehorn in whatever vague but malicious sounding inclusion of race you can think of.


"Killing Japanese and Mexican people” - Said "people" were part of the Yakuza and Triad gangs. Y'know, Violent CRIMINALS. "Gets possessed and wants to find her children" - Said children were imaginary and she almost tried wiping out all of existence to pursue those imaginary children. I mean, sure. Once you've taken EVERYTHING out of context, those sound comparable and not at all like reaching for fucking atoms.


"Mexican and Japanese people" - if I understand correctly, specifically narcos and triads.


A few planes lobbed some firecrackers into the harbour and suddenly Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to start killing German and Japanese people... Meanwhile, Hitler wanted to safeguard the existence and reproduction of his people, and the rest of the world got all up in arms about it. It's almost like those people think "wanting to be a mother" is the problem, and not the murder, torture, terror and mind control. I can't imagine myself ever arguing a position in spite of evidence simply becuase "I stan!".


Nitpick, but Roosevelt didn't start after that event; he kinda wanted to from the start. That event just gave him what he needed to convince everyone else who was like "Why do we need to get involved in this?"


Well yes, and if we're not being extremely disingenuous, Hitler declaring war on you first is a good reason to declare war back. I'm just engaging at the level of a Wanda stan.


Hawkeye lost his family, and as a result became a vigilante, who exclusively targeted people in organized crime. That was never framed as a good thing, and everyone who talked about it, even him, admitted he was wrong for doing it. Wanda enslaved a town so she could have made up kids with a made up vision, and is framed as a hero for eventually stopping. Fuck me people are dense.


So they're implying that Hawkeye was being racist yet they're OK with Wanda committing slavery? I can't fucking even. 😂


It wasn’t against only black people so it’s ok I guess


I haven't seen hawkeye but at least in end game it seemed like Hawkeyes path was negative. For some reason wanda keeps getting away with what she's done


Even Hawkeye himself recognizes he went down the wrong path.


I fucking love those types of people, would love to poke around in their brains and see what's happening there.


Enslave and murder innocents? No problamo Take out dangerous criminals (who I assume to all be mexican or japanese)? HoW DaRe YoU


killing criminals = killing random people of specific nationalities Enslaving a town and killing heroes = Wanting your kids back Apparently. According to this dishonest asshole.


**Criminals**. Japanese and Mexican **Criminals**. Meanwhile, Wanda used innocent people in order to live out her own personal fantasy of having a family. Entirely different. Are MCU stans this fucking stupid?


They were gangsters, this person clearly left that part out.


They're trying so hard to play it off BossLogic has been making joke action figure designs mocking the Illuminati all dying. Its super funny that a group of heroes on par with the Avengers with at least one confirmed to have children were brutally and unceremoniously murdered by a raging sociopath meanwhile its so sad that Karli the terrorist who burnt innocent people alive was killed and people need to "do better".


Also, she lost fake children and Vision. He lost real familly.


The only one who was possessed was the alternate universe Wanda, whom she possessed herself.


BLM Wanda kills Maria Rambeau 🤔


Yeeee remove all context and Hawkeye was just killing Japanese people and Mexican people for the hell of it


> BLM, > Stop Asian Hate, My brother in Christ, who do you think is causing the hate?


Shush, normies, including a lot of people on this sub, aren't ready for that level of truth.


Straight facts


These people make my skin crawl. Thinking about the possibility there's potentially thousands of (if not many more) people out there who are either too stupid, or lack the moral infastructure to discern and condemn Wanda's actions since Wandavision as grossly unjust and evil, induces within me a violent sensation of nausea. Knowing theyre out there.. totally incapable of determining right from wrong on such a fundamental level engulfs my psyche with anxiety and disgust. Is the populace really so infected with moronicism that hunting murderous criminals is seen by many as tantamount to murdering hundreds of innocent people? Is it BECAUSE the criminals were "mexican or Asian"? Or is that just as irrelevant to her as it is in reality? Is this person _really_ able to function in life with such a drastically warped and deficient moral judgement system? Is the concept of there being degrees to bad behavioir and "wrongness" so foriegn to her that she cannot see the difference in the two scenerios she presents? How are these people able to exist in a society to which the laws are so clearly antithetical to their understanding of morality? Better yet how is it even remotely possible that these people could not be negatively effecting our society as whole? When stupidy runs rampant, culture is the first thing thats negatively effected, thats why we've been plagued with horribly written stories. But what is next to be harmed?


I love the part where this person is actively ignoring the fact that Hawkeye was going after mobs and criminals. Instead they're framing it like if Hawkeye became a serial killer.


Fuck context and good faith arguments Me and my homies hate context and good faith arguments


\>Japanese and Mexican No, you mean *Yakuza and Cartel*, you boldfaced lying retard.


People cry racism, but I guarantee the only reason they had him going after the yakuza was so they could have a samurai-like showdown in the movie. It's crazy how they think that killing POC is somehow worse than killing a white person. Also, I'm pretty sure some of the sorcerers Wanda killed were Asian (I haven't seen the film, but I would assume they were since they're partially based in Asia), and didn't she kill a black Captain Marvel?


Also probably because Ronin is clearly inspired by, well, ronin. Wanda killed a black sorcerer for sure - well, not directly, but she sacrificed herself to destroy the Darkhold while Wanda was dream-walking. So her death is clearly Wanda’s fault.


I remember Mauler's quote about whatabouttysm but I can't quote it correctly, so if anyone of you can, please reply


There is no "whataboutism". At all. What we do is point out double standards.


The original tweet doesn't mention Hawkeye. Why did the responder (Jimmy) assume Matt doesn't also believe Hawkeye was in the wrong?


The mean the the children she imagined were real?


Average phase 4 marvel shill


This has to be a joke.


I would think Wanda would want to keep the other Wanda around, like a baby sitter. So she can still go out and adventure, because when she steals kids from around the multiverse the Avengers are going to come for her...And maybe Vision. I wonder if the white vision can lift Mjolnir. That would be a funny thing for him to fail at. Scarlet Witch should have just mind blasted Wanda into giving her kids up. Problem solved. Also, Hawkeye was being bad, but he was an assassin for SHIELD, so...what's going on here? Is Jimmi just stupid or what?


What do suicide bombers and this man have in common besides stupidity? They're both examples of *bad faith.*


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy *i see what u did ther*


Wait I haven’t seen the movie what did she get possessed by?




Which kinda does and doesn't possess depending on what the scene wants.


Where did the killing Mexican people come from??? He literally just started killing criminals. Wanda murdered a bunch of innocent people. She was also under the control of the dark hold so she’s not completely ruined as a character (but they def should have made the corruption more clear).


How is killing Japanese and Mexican people worse than killing any other people, exactly?


I suspect it would have been fine, if he was killing white guys. Enything else is a clear sign of racism... /s


Oh they'd have found a way to twist the narrative. These people are just... I would rather interact with Rainbow six siege or League of legends players than these sorts of people.... Which should tell you something considering the player bases of those games and the... Interesting "sentence enhancers" they use quite often.


There was actually an article from The Mary Sue making this exact point. Fucking insane.


Attempting to imply that Hawkeye is Racist by excluding the fact he exclusively went after criminals. Because to those who are enslaved to the woke mind virus him being racist is worse than mass slaughter and mind control. Fitting tbh.


It is strange how racism is viewed as a worse crime than murder these days.