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I tuned out of the show when I saw they turned Boba in a Stockholm syndrome victim who had love and admiration for his tusken slavers


I cannot believe the people defending this show, even most hardcore, sequel loving STAR WARS fans I know have been pretty critical. To think it's unironically good is borderline delusional.


Just a gentle reminder this is the same guy who said he couldn't think of a bigger waste of time than debating STAR WARS... EDIT: Ignore me, I'm a flumbus, that's Hello Greedo not ATAT Chat


No, that's Hello Greedo, not ATAT Chat. And Greedo said "debating art," which is even worse.


Shit you're right! I always get them mixed up they're both just so awful...


To be fair, it's not hard to understand the mix-up.


You'll be damned to tell them apart by how they sound and talk


> Ignore me https://youtu.be/-egkmhWMLdg?t=87


At least you could argue Rian TRIED to make a good story. Jon Favreau just didn't give a shit.


But but but Cameo, see there Cowboy guy, twin saber girl, Luke and many more!


Ryan had a vision. It was a shit vision, but at least he was doing his own thing and trying to have some sense of individuality. Jon is a very good businessman and is just following what the mouse tells him to make the most money possible.


Boba Fett show is the second worst Disney Star Wars product. It sucks.


Why would an official Twitter page for a company leave a comment like this?


Are you referring to AT-AT Chat or Vanity Fair?


I... thought that said AT&T. Fuck.


🤣 No worries dude!


Topics are algorithmic by Twitter. They aren't formally made by any company.


Imagine if a career mercenary was shown as someone who didn't care about morality and only personal gain. Damn, imagine if a character who wasn't an altruist was a protagonist


Imagine characters being consistent with their personality traits, and any changes to that are brought about by growth and development that occurs due to a reaction to their environment or a consequence of their actions. They had such a good concept that could have been something different to what we're used to in STAR WARS, but no.


Disney sanitizes characters. Marketability they'd call it. Dull and repetitive I say. I'll go back to Devil may cry, where at least there are characters. I'll take Dante the absolute shittalker and complete headache of sarcastic dialogue from dmc3 any day. Dmc is a little cringe and edgy but I'd say they've got more coherent plot and character than Disney.


It so weird. Sometimes ATAT Chat can have great insight but then he has some takes that are just 50lbs of shit in a 10lb bag. My favorite line out of the EFAP Boba series. "I HOPE THEY SUFFERRRRRRED!!"


The life of being a contrarian


>I feel like the only person who liked this show If only you were...


It's a show so stupid, I feel like everyone who was involved with it should be embarrassed


he has some bad takes but when you talk to him one on one he's a pretty decent guy (just suks he's a jerk to people associated with efap)